Grand jury system indicted, U-NO Uno contemplates state reform Gdillon Uno. "'ho t'ol)lpleLtd "Grand jurors, assigned to churned up so m e big one! hi. wor k thr J9,n San PACIFI With :r,tud~' committees to specific while a juror Membtr~hlD rrantl,co County ,rand Jur'~ PUbl".1llon A"9.I.~ Bar h~ depat'tments, are nO\'lces at Lasl October. he was laken Sf La, C.\of 90012. 1213 MA 6,6936 "a. tnlfln It wed at Irn(lh £rne3\"1 l.ton ot 111, San f'r.,n· inve~tigatin~. to ta~k by fellow jurors for ebco t"amlnu on his opinion "The)' are lold b)' a dep.rI­ making a surprise inspection 0, R l'~JOND 010 about the 19'0 unll. Leon'/i .. TUctt In tht Sunda.)· Eumlntr rnent head that e\'el'sthing is of the Hall of Justice count) Nallonal J,\ CL Pre.ldent J&.b. Ir follo\\! elCic.ent in his department, jail and issu.ing his findingt:: VOL. 72 NO.4 FRIDAY. JANUARY 29, 1971 12 ~ If I can remain mentally it's running well, no problems. of "ftlth and disarray" 10 the San Francisco The jurors get a public rela­ news media without going alert. I have often told my Tbe 1970 grand jur)' was in­ wife. I don't care how old I tions snow job. Ihrough jury channels. dicted Saturda~' by its ma\" "AI the end of Ihe )·ear. get. After seeing the alertness erick member. Edison Uno. Protest Action of Katsuma Mukaeda and committee chah'men are un· I! should be a watchdog. he der pre.ssure o( a deadline to In November. be walked out FIRST NISEI IN Saburo Muraoka. both reci­ said, "but over the years the pients ot recognition [rom Ja­ get 0 u t their final reports. of lestimony in a kidnap-rape watchdog has been sleeping." Some of them haven't done case. Igno';ng the gag rule by pall for their contribution to He criticized the jusl-dis­ Japan - America goodwill. I their homework during the a municipal judge. Uno pub­ IN charged 1970 panel in San year. BID FOR SEAT High court to rule licI)' said he fell the investi· wouldn't mind old age ir I Francisco for what he called can be in as good n shape as "So too many yeal'·end re­ gation wasn't broad enough­ its "status quo Establishment" ports generaJl.,' al'C cursory. .1 1 have a strong feeling that either Mr. Mllkaeda or Mr. makeup, its "rubber-stamp" Muraoka innocuous, or complimentary, we have a double standard 01 CALIF • SENATE handling o[ criminal cases. its with very little contsructive justice, one for the wealthy l1:equelltly "cursory" review criticism. Some even are writ­ and influential and anothel' on all-white clubs Orange County 01 cil,y deparlments. len for lhe jurors by the de­ for lhe poor and oppressed Edwin Hiroto of In the first expose of grand partments." minorities of this dty." jury goiugs·on by an insider However, Uno sa id. some Some fellow jurors bristled L,A,-Silverlake The F riday evening lesti· here, Uno said reforms are I'eporls do show work by jUl" and demanded he )·e\.ract. He Announces Candidacy HARRISBURG. Pa., - T be prollUse. The lodge appealed. monial (in Los Angeles) for urgently needed. ors, as demonstraled by lhe stuck to his guns. Uno also StalA! Liquor Control Board and the judges stayed ex!!CU­ Mr. Mukaeda and MI'. Mura­ Uno. 41, a Japanese Amer· 1970 jur~ ~ 's adverse reports on revealed SatOl'day Ibal lhere mailed an annual lice.nse re­ tion of their order pendlnl oka at\.racted a sizeable crowd ican and assistant dean of stu­ the Muni railway. controller's were other cases in which he LOS ANGELES - Edwin C. newal this past week (J an. outcome of the appeal m the of admirers and well wishers. dents at University of Califor­ o[fice, health department and either abstained from voting f1Jroto, City View Hospilal IS) to Moose Lodge 107, highest court. It was my pleasure to repre· nia Medical Center. slressed City hall leaderShip. an indictment, or voted not to Bnd Keiro Kango Nursing across State Street [rom the The Supreme Court'. drCl­ sent the national organization he was not "attacking my Usually Filed- Forgotten indict. Home administrator, last week Capitol. sian is expected to set a pre­ in presenting OUY plaque hon­ fellow jurors ... this is need· While his feUow members announced his candidacy for But the renewal did not cedent affectinR more than oring M.r. Mukaeda [or his ed. constructive criticism:' "But such reports are mere­ would come to the meetings Ihe vacated 27th Slate Sena. come as routinely as usual 2.000 Moose lodges in the long and continuing support 01 the traditional g)'and ju· ly filed and forgollen. A grand in business suits. the long­ torial District seat. and mjght not come agajn. countr)·. clubs of the Frater­ o[ J ACL. Our gesture was 1'\' membership here: jury can plant a seed, but it's haired Uno consistently ap­ Hirota, 44, a resident of the Whether it does depends upon nal Order of Eagles and the well dcselved by Mr. Muka­ . "Instead of being represen­ not allowed to germina teo In· peared wearing a sports jack­ ~ iI \lerlake area, thus becomes the Uniled States Supreme Benevolent and Protective eda if not long o,'er due. Our tative of the community. the stead, it's raked over and et with a turtleneck sweatel' bne o[ the firsl Republican Court. Order of Elks. jury long has been a presti­ congratulations to him. bw·ied." as a shirt. candidates to enler the cam­ State Rep. K. Leroy Irvl. All three orgallizationB llm­ Matching names and races gious, elite club. Its emblem Uno said tbe jurol's, as ama· Relused IVacation' Trip pajgn. R.Z. Choudry, a High· of Pittsburgh, tbe House ma­ it membership to whites, is in interesting experience. ] is the gold juror's star. custer teul' investigators, should have land Park real eslate man. has jority leader, was refused though lhere is a separate have read in the vernacular mal;]Y carried pinned to a a staff to assist them - 'flaw He also "boycotted" the ju· also declared [or the Repub­ service at the lodge in 1968 Negro Elks order. news. the names of many pro­ billfold. students, Cora Fou.ndation in­ l'yJS annual tree-loading junk. Ucan Party nomination for because he is black. He sued. minent Japanese Americans. PrevloDs Rulin, Friendly to Judge terns. Ph. D. candidates in et to Hetch Helchy, lasling the seal.. A special three-judge Fed­ During tbe pasl s e " era I public administrallon," several days, to which the ci­ A special election is sched· The three-judge panel ruled months. 1 have had the en­ "Its members usually are el'al Court lasl fall ordered Uno said a grand jury ty public utilities commission uled to be called by Governor the board 10 revoke the lodges thaI Moose policy of re1usln. gaging task of matching tbe nonunated because ot crony­ should issue monthly reports invites aU 19 jurors and court Reagan to [ill the stale senate membership or service be­ ism with a judge. A judge is license for as long as it Ir(ol_ names with the faces. .ISO it can prod fol' action in attaches. These trips al'e an ortice vacated by George Dan­ cause of race violates the con­ This occasion was no differ­ likely to pick fra ternal bud­ lows a policy of racial dis­ stitutional guarantee of equal a city deparlmenl, instead o[ unnecessary cost to the tax· ielson, who was sworn in as crimination in its member­ ent. Justice John Aiso; Kenji dies, fellow church members, just waiting for the linal l'e· payers, Uno said. congressman (rom t b e 24th protection of the laws. lto, new Japanese Chamber social or political friends. ship or operating policies or Clarence J. Ruddy, general ports." A gentle-so It-spoken man District earlier this month. practices." of Com mer c e president; 1' 50 a grand jury consists of Also. he >8ld, there should whose militancy is that of an Danielson's term had two counsel for the International George Saiki. [rom 1IIayor a disproportionate represents· be continuity in a grand jury, avowed reformer, Hnot a revo­ more years to run. Compromise O!fered Loyal Order o[ Moose in Yo r t y . s office: Councilman tion [rom Ihe Establishmenl­ with perhaps some holdover lutionary," Uno's champion.. UPRE~ I E cour~ Mooseheart, ill.. said from his Lindsay; Sam 1shihara, a new- corporate officials. manage. Unless a single candidate COURT - Tnkeso Tbe set tbe week of office in nearby Aurora tbat members to work w ith a new ship lor justice and "to help receives one \lote more than Sbimoda, 63, former J apanese Jan. 11 as a deadline lor re­ 1.\' apPointed city commission­ ment t~·pes. bankers. insur jw'y. to implement a previous m,v fellow man" dates back to this was the first time the is­ er; Tats Kushida. !onner1:y ance men, real estate men. 50 per cent o[ the votes cast ambassador to the United vocation. Tbe lodge asked the sue of racial restrictions on jury's reports. World War II. in the primary election, a run· States, was named a justice judges to modify the order to JACL regional director: Jlb­ "Such jurors don't want to As a boy, he was interned Moo s e membership had tao Uwate.
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