Serving the State ~ The Weather University of Iowa Cloud, tocla, and a little .. wlrmer. Snow or freet. Campus and ID, rain Thunda,. H~rh Iowa City locIa)', 31; low ZI. Hlrh al owan TueNay, 3%; low, 1'7. Est. 1BSB - AP Lemsed Wile - Five Cents Iowa City. Iowa, Wednesday. Jan. 21. 1953 - VoL 97. No. Bl eace' e's 400 Convicts Give · UpS~ate * ' G;~up l C~ndidates for Town Men's Queen Sets 'No Appeasement' . •• • Delays Hearing Policy in Inaugural Talk WASHlNGTON (IP) - Dwillht D. Eisenhower became President of the United States Tuesday and, with a prayer on his lips, set for his new administration a goal of peace with honor. But RIotIng ContlnueSFor Wilson It must be a peace based on strength and unity In the tree world he said, and there must be no appeasement, because: ' WASHINGTON (IP) - A delay in the formation of President Ei­ "A soldier's pack Is not so heavy a burden as a prisoner's chain~." ~ Guards Still Held senhower's cabinet developed In a mO\'ing, digni!ied ritual as old as the nalion itself, the 16 Initiated into Phi Beta Ka small. town boy from Kansas took the oath that made him America's Tuesday nlght with an announce- ~ 34th chief executive. ment that the senate armed ser- ~ Prison Mutineers Makel Brief Acldrell vices committee has postponed W k I' f bundredBELLEFONTE or the 800, Pa .rioting (IP) - Fourcon- Wednesday's hearin"~ for Charles ea e's 0 Then, in a brlet Inaugural ad- vicUi at Rockview State peniten- E. WlIson. secretary of defense- dress trom a platform beneath the lilT}' ended their mutiny Tue~day designate. dI , I great grey dome of the Capitol, ni&ht 'but six guards remained ' A few hours earlier, Sen. Wayne ro Ie WI ns Ejsenhower laid down for "free captives In another cell block. Morse of Oregon, who .has bolted ' men everywhere" a challenge to Th! surrender came two hours the Republican party, succeeded C join together against the world lIter two shots haq sounded In In blocking plans of GOP leaders es lin oma menace of cOmmunism. etll block A where the guards tor swift senate confirmation ot • For America, the new President • 11m being held. There was still all Eisenhower's cabinet choices accepted a role of leadership in 110 word from that cell block. except Wilson. CHICAGO (IP}-Roger Lee Bro- this mJ~ty effort to ~aln a.bldlng Nearly four hUlldred convicts in Set for Friday lD.n, I ..., .,. nolo by Job .. J .....) die one of the Siamese twins Who peace, to produce thiS umty, to block A still continued to defy an Sen. Saltonstall (R. Mass.), ONE OF THE E SIX WOMEN wm be named ~ueen 0' tbe Town we~e separated In a surgical op- meet the challen,e 01 our time." ulUmatum by Pennsylvania's Gov. chairman ot the armed services Men ai the Town Men-Town Women Snow Bin on Feb. za. The eration Dec. 17 died Mondav Bareheaded under a warm sun John S. Fine that the prisoners committee, announced Tuesday men voted on the candidates at a Tuesday nl.lIi banquet. The can. night at 10:45 p.~. CST. flghtln, through a haze, Eisen- md their 24-hour demonstration night that Wilson would not be dldate. are: (front row, left to rlcht) Deluna Kahler, At, OJdord; Roger Lee, larger ot the twins, hower sl~wlY repeated alter Chief or face additional ~enten6es. heard until Friday. The former EmUy Penninrroth, A4, St. Petersbur., Fla.; Rotema" Cano, Al, was deprived of their single su- Justice Vmson ot the Supreme (Jell B Wlllln, president of General Motors had Iowa City. (back row, Idt to rla-ht) Carol)'D Cro..-, AI, lowl CIty; perior sagittal sinus, a large blood Officials said tile men in_ cell been scheduled to make II second Marlin Riel, AS. lo,,'a City. and Larene Stock~n, AI. Iowa City. vessel which drains about 80 pel' Complete te~ of Ellenbower block B shouted out their willing- "" appearance before the committee cent of the blood from the brain Inaurural addr_ II on ~~ z. Wall1 Iowa .. Pbolo b1 Jobn J'41U) to the heart. t d th i f omafter 0they en had ereceived r part 0assurances the- riot pm6 BETA KAPPA, national SCholastic honorary society, initiated Wednesday. To Open at 7 A.M. _ He had been in a coma sln'!:e Court the oath that brought to an the 1 be 1 students and rraduates ot SUI In 0 It. membershiP Tuesday Wilson's name was not among end a 20-year era of Democratic ~~i~:~n~:lr~:~:~~~~s~{:~! ~~~e:t o~ ~:~~U~It~~I:h:!t:; ~~;: :!~~:::~n~nI::-th:':D~~:' ~~f: ~~b~ftt:~:~~~n:e~~~fO~; Danforth Chapel RegulalllOnS the oper~r Survive. f~l~,:~~t ~~:s~:e~~ the GOP on authorities. The men In cell block was one of those initiated. DeweY B. Stult. dean of the collere of Eisenhower Tuesday. Saltonsiall His brother, Rodney Dee, who 81. Parade FolloWII C followed suit a short time later. liberal arts and presIdent of the Iowa chapter of the socle&Y, pre- said this was one reason why this li d b P II G received the .erltical vein, sur- The GOP followed through with UI~~~~~~ a~~~ ::n g~r:;:;~; sided over the ceremony. -.- ~~~~~~e~h~:.d o:el:::toi:S :::e- Announce y. 0 ICY roup ~~~~'w~~: I~w~~~t~r~d ~:~; ' F~?~ :d~~m~~f: i~f~~i\e~iC~(w~:~ s turned down by the rioters, a shot :-valls of yeLliI\i. happy humanity, , IOUIIded from within one of the 16 Ph I B'e a Kappa 'Inl .,1 la Ies voiced objections to Wilson. ,s The newly dedicated Danforth Roger Lee passed away qUietly. It rolled along 1?ennsylvania Ave- ffilbloeks where nearly 8.00 prls- heading, the d~fense departmentl chapel will be open from 7 a.m. use of the chapel in the Neuro.psychlat~ic .hospital nue from the Capitol to the White aners are holding six guards hos- H III P f ' S h while still retaining $2 Ii mlilion until the closing time of the Iowa La i hI' r of the University of IllinOIS where House. , tare . of stock in General Motors, the Memorial Union the policy form 'tt mpe h~ ~ : r~~n 0 ~~ c~i the twins underwent the separa- In the forefront rode the Presi· ear ro essor s peec l 0 There was no immedJate expla-' biggest defense contractor in the Ing committee 'announced Tues: w c \ nC u h • I r tlon operation. dent and his tirst lady, Mamie. ~I ~e r d t or es~0 nation of ttie gunshot The lights nation. day u' I arped, th ree h 1 f t ·e owa He had never aroused from th'l Behind them came the new vice· . .. S I Ba ..... M' n on an e sc 00 0 fIne arts; de' hi h h h d id tRiM . In the cell block went out with "Creative sharmg" was pre-l- e 0 .. uT one The Iowa Union closes at 10'30 L D 1 F d f t d t. e p coma In w c e a re- pres en, chard . Nixon and !be shot and an ominous quiet scribed 10 scholars Tuesday even- Booth, A4, Clinton. Thj! first cabinet setback Tues· f!very night except Friday a'nd G'eor~: L.a~nO~e'er ea~~ :r~h~c~: mained sln~~ the operation. !tis wIfe, Pat. Tributes of applause sttUed over the scene. ing at SUI ~s a means of finding Harold Ladwag, Denison; Rob- day occur.red when ~orse execut- SSturday and at midnight on those Prof. frederiC: P. Bar ebuM of" His condition ~~d been listed as welled up from sidewalks jammed LIP*' Go Oa, Then Otf seU realization and freedom in a ert Ojemann, M2, [owa City; Clair ed . a parliamentary maneuver nights. tile school of rell Ion " the Rev very precarious trom the sep- with hundreds of spectators gath· TIne mInutes later, the lights world of the "Big Change." Lpwls, A4, Osage: Betty Thomas, ~h~ch ,Preventt;,d ~I?e "en~te . from The committee also approved Robert J. Welch !t the school oi aratlon until h!:" ?ea.th._ ered trom all over America. went 011 again, there was another The prescrlptlo"; wa~ com- A4, Sioux City; Raymond FulU~ , vohng on the eight noltllnalions. the follOWing regulations concern. religion, and Carl DocUh Me Amazed And "a1\ that was only a llrelude ~t and the lights were ex Un- pounded by. A. Cralg Baird, pro- Weldon; Ruth Rummells, West The staee .had bee.n set tor sen~te ing use of the chapel: A4 , Waterloo, president pro- Attendln, physIcians expressed for somethIng more Tuesday tu~ a second time. fes.sor ~menlus of speech at the Branch; Mrs. Mike Walker, M2, 9ctlon Wh~ch ~vOUld have permlt- For edllatJ a d b of the Student Christian council. amazement that he bad remaIned ni~ht : a pair of inaugural balls PrISOn officials expressed two university, during a banquet Iowa City ted swearlJlg m most members of . dl I m on n prayer y alive for the relativelY long period brmgm, to an end a three-day lbtorIes over thIs latest flurry: honoring 16 new members of the Donald 'Spaan, M2, Iowa City;t~isenhower's official family on ~he~ cluals; no denominational o,~ h Ab cI eel of just over a month after the spree ot celebrating by the Re- I. It's just a bluff.
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