8ATUBD AT» FEBRUABY K 1948 'EiUE TWELVl Maiirl|fatfr 1Eiiftiitt0 Iffralb A m agt DuUj CfarculttlaB 9m tlw Mm HI «d ineuaty. 1MB long flnlabed for the night. The vary IBiely to be flooded befoi raqnasted at that,tlma that caas shame of It la that the two boxes this thaw bualnaas is over. EvaniskyPut against Chsstar b6 noUed. Judge A 5x7 FREE 9,452 About Town she threw were among her beat It looks aa If tht man with m Raymond R. Bowsra granted both' Heard Along Main Street" for the nlgliL pump Is foU if to get planty of rsfpissta at the tlma of thair laat ENLARGEMENT worii. Chamhara eaya. On Probation appearance in the local court on Bun of n w llUidiMtar avU Air Patroj High tempeimtnroB, Mgh at least Supportlag him was tho eondl- January 81. There was sobm heal- Otjf of VOhge C k a m •i racnilUiic n«w tncmbers. All And on Some o f MancheBter*$ Side StreeU, Too In comparlaon to what ws hava tlon Thuraday, when a aUght rise tatlen. when conalderation of __1___L.____________ *.... .—----* «».e*rvlce men end offlcen are been having. Mat Thursday pro­ in temperature sent the water Jidm’s caas was In,process. How­ ELITE STUDIO Sentence Suspended in MANCHESTER, CONN., 1I0^4DAY» FEBRUARY It, 1MB «B Pagfi It) PR IC E POUR Invited to attend weekly Passing a bakery dlspUy wind-* mother expected the Young Loch- duced the first real thaw of the flowing acroaa aldewalka and Into ever. when Attorney Leaener, rep­ VOL. LXVIL, NO. 119 (rOURTBKN PACK) mMitinre at Mancbeater T. M. C. winter. As a result water was in Main street baaementa. resenting the brothers, stated that €iw the other day we noted some- ; nlvar pouted: .... , RenMmber when everybody Case of Local Man A. ToMdavs at 7:M p. m. Boya thing that really took the curse off | "I had to take her brother alrnig avldence on the atreets, atdeawalks John had signed a writtan eon- ■ad gMa between the agea of 10 and gutters,. wanted a *VhiU Christmas T" ..4^ the snow, ice and aub-tero temper­ too, and.” pointing to a younger diarged With Theft foiMoh w h i^ waa In the handa of Y O U R C H ILD R E N ■ad 18 arc acMpted aa cadeta, ac- member of his own family, "he’s a Hie thaw produced water and They got i t And bow we all want FeMral Authoritlea and when he eordlBg to Captain Clayton W. atures. It made us realise how true mixed with the aand and refuse a thaw. But not too much and not PHOTOGRAPHED .-I Floe CgiuM flmdi flood is the asseitlon "If winter comes jerk. Just like him.” John P. Bvanisky, SO High saia that John would plead guilty Ammon, in charge of the Manches­ Such ia the way of young love in from the road. It resulted In dirty all at once. at the trlaL Judge Bowers alloared IN YOUR ROME Charges Russians ■w ter Squadron. can spring be far behind." water. As it rolled down the street, street, represented by Attorney More Money Will Be Manchester. the noils. At No Extra Coat! It chanced to be Ash Wednesday, one would have to stand only a Mancheater'a parking situation That, of course, means the begin­ George C. Lessner, appeared In ELITE STUDIO A local resident sent two parcels few minutes on any Main street is steadily growing more complex, Tomorrow la the flrat Sunday in ning of Lent and we all know that comer to see the .dollars of dam­ Miticulsrly on Thursday nights, United States District Court y t»- Telephone 8368 L«nt. It ia aleo Race Relations Lent brings Good Friday and Eas­ to Europe last summer. One he terday, pleading guilty to two sent In the ordinary way. That age done to clqthlng worn by pass- mere has been no more talk about Curb Distribution Sunday and mariu the beginning ter. And Ck)od Friday brings hot ersby—from care whose wheels parking nnetera. but there sftll U counts of Btaabng t « o 0 from In- « f Crime Prevention Week and cross buna. There in the bakery is, he packed it and mailed it him­ taratate comaierce. Judge J. i Alice C o fra ir Sought for Military^ aplaahed the mud and water sever­ much Main street interest in the National Cherry Week. window on Arh Wednesday—about self. For the other he sent the Joseph Smith suspended imposi­ money, through s nationally al feet In the air. Stockinga, aklrta measure. Any movee planned T f«ve weeks ahead of time—was a and aulta among the fMr aex and A. Non. tion of sentence and ordered that known organisation. Both the ' Readings Dtdly DRIVING SCHOOL The February meeting of the big pan of HOT CROSS BUNS! We pants and costa of the men took Evaniaky be placed on probation Of Printed News package and the money for the for ona irear. eomblned groups of the South realised the baker must know that food package were sent at the quite a beating. , 169 Chnreh 8L Hartford BOIAa aOLOMONSON Uathodlat W8C8 will take place hot cross buns aren't due until a Evaniaky was arreatad oa Tcicphono 6-2024 . l.eaanua oa Daol-Control Oars week or so before Good Friday, same time. Calla Takan at City Cab Oa. Help for Monday evening at 7:45 at the Now comes the flrat surprise. Do you know what Free means ? Third Lecture OdsMibrr 81 aloaf vltib Ida dayAflsertfl Action Vio­ church, with Mrs. Ross Urquhart but he probably was doing some Before you feel free to answer, b to S * Cheater Sag in Prices wishful thinking. Hot cross buna He received a letter from Europe lates FourwPower Ac­ prasidlng. The devotions will by the person receiving the self better check the Funk A Wsg- Here Monday Ugation of a complaint received TELEPHONE 5141 & led by Mrs. David Bennett. A can't come too soon for us. packed parcel months before he nsUs New College Standard Dic­ from the Stewart Carlson Truck­ 'I cords Pledging Free Tminan to Ask Con* total ot 38 women of the church even received word that hla money ing Co. Tha complaint stated that May Be Gain If you chanced to be at a motion tionary, Emphatype Edition, The third of a series of ten Icc- grem for AdcUtioMl will take part In the program en­ had been received by the big or­ which gives 18 deltaitions of the the two man had stolen twenty- INCOM E TA X «Exchange of Infor­ Thonuts Opposes titled ‘Information Please." Re­ picture show in town recently and ganisation. A bit disturbed, he turea given to the members of the four pounds of ooffaa from a truck found to complain of the cold— adjective alone. Pity the poor for­ F^imdflfor Greece and freshments will be served during wrote the organisation telling of eigner' who comes to a frae coun­ Manchester Fire Department In owned by that company. Sergeant SERVICE mation Thronghont For Aid Plan the social time by the Miipah don’t blame Manager Jack Sanson. his experience. Nothing happen­ Walter Casaeila made the arrest. British- Jack hlmseif is suffering from a try to And 18 different meetings connection with the State Board Four German Zones Turkey; Word Given group under the chairmanship of ed. Then one day near the end of for this one word frse—Including of Education, will start Monday Appeared ia Local Osort Thomas J. Shea 4 Further Probing Mrs. Bradford Rstey. real case of "la grippe" which ho last year he received word that The two brothers appeared In Lei^laUMre la Repovt no doubt picked up while on duty free speech, a free people, a free evening at 7:80. A lecture will be SODiviaioBSL Tel 2-1795 Fewer Demands to Cnt the organisation's package had ticket, a free translation, the free given in the Hose House at Main the local court and after several Americon Club Berlin, Feb. 16—(ff)— The T in the theater. Put the blame where been received. So he sat down continuances, Prosecutor Ray­ On Ufle of $400,000,* At a convocatoin of the student it belongs—on the owners of the end of a rope, and free from pain. and Hilliard atreet each Monday United States military gover­ Siae of Aid4o-Europte Doesn*t Want to Be and wrote a letter to the national night for the next ten weeks. mond A. Johnson requested that Nominated for SEC body of Bay Path Secretarial property. They have cut down on group stating that the food had nor for Germany chiurged to­ 000 Voted Last Year. school. L/mgmeadow, Moss., held This course will be attended not the case against John be nolled Program Seen lik ^ *Bothered* Any More the amount of fuel oil allotted to eventually arrived. Now Is the time when all of day the Russian zone peraista on February IS, Dean McCraray the theater. The owners probably those "first signs of Spring" stor­ only be members of the Manches­ inasmuch as the man had beer, ar- BINGO To Fight Communiflni Now comes the second aurprise. rjated by Federal Authorities and in hindering distribution of By Some Lawmakers About Private Ac­ announced the Dean's list for the arc toasting their shins in the Thursday night he receiv^ a ies begin to pour In. Robins are ter Fire Department but also by Modern Floral semester ending January 30. An j warm sunshine of San Pedro, seen, the sap rises U.
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