HAWAII HAWAII HAWAII HAWAII Bishop Larry Silva says Sisters of St. Joseph of Diocesan adult faith Survivors say they felt hurt that Catholic schools need Carondelet helped shape formation coordinator to by fellow Catholics’ lack of foundations ‘built on Christ’ the church in Hawaii join the Carondelets compassion Page 3 Page 8 Page 9 Page 19 HVOLUME 81,awaii NUMBER 17 CatholicFRIDAY, AUGUST 24, 2018 Herald$1 Built of ‘living stones’ 175th anniversary Mass unveils a major step in the cathedral basilica’s extensive renovation effort, pages 12-13 Saint Louis School student Kala‘i Carreira helps carry the cathedra, or bishop’s chair, to its place in the newly renovat- ed sanctuary of the Cathedral Basilica of Our Lady of Peace during its 175th anniversary Mass, Aug. 16. HCH photo | Dann Ebina 2 HAWAII HAWAII CATHOLIC HERALD • AUGUST 24, 2018 Hawaii Catholic Herald Newspaper of the Diocese of Honolulu Founded in 1936 Published every other Friday PUBLISHER Bishop Larry Silva (808) 585-3356 Bishop’s page [email protected] EDITOR Patrick Downes (808) 585-3317 [email protected] ASSOCIATE EDITOR Anna Weaver (808) 585-3320 [email protected] Bishop ADVERTISING Shaina Caporoz Larry Silva (808) 585-3328 WITNESS TO JESUS | TWENTIETH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME [email protected] CIRCULATION Donna Aquino (808) 585-3321 What Jesus doing? [email protected] is HAWAII CATHOLIC HERALD (ISSN-10453636) Periodical postage Here is the text of the Bishop Larry give it, saying “This is my Body;” and flowing through our veins. So we do paid at Honolulu, Hawaii. Published ev- Silva’s homily for the Twentieth Sunday wine, saying “This is my Blood.” He was not only speak of Jesus teaching about ery other week, 26 issues a year, by the of Ordinary Time, delivered Aug. 18 going to disappear from sight, but he God’s love way back when, but we actu- Roman Catholic Church in the State of Hawaii, 1184 Bishop Street, Honolulu, HI and 19 at St. Ann Church, Waihee, was going to remain forever with those ally become the voice of Jesus so that he 96813. where he administered the sacrament who believe in him. To eat the flesh can continue to teach that same lesson ONE YEAR SUBSCRIPTION RATES of confirmation, and at Christ the King and drink the blood of the Savior of the of love today. He reached out to the poor Hawaii: $28 Church, Kahului, where he administered world is an unbelievable blessing that back then, and he continues to reach Mainland: $32 confirmation to the Hispanic community. is available to us every Sunday, indeed out to the poor today through us, who Mainland 1st class: $50 Foreign: $35 every day! And just as good food and are members of his Body. He healed the ne of my least favorite reli- POSTMASTER healthy drinks give us life, so his Body sick back then, and he continues to heal Send address changes to: gious sayings is “What would and Blood give us life in an even greater the sick through our prayers, our loving Hawaii Catholic Herald, 1184 Bishop Jesus do?” We see WWJD em- way. He may be gone from our sight in care, and our devotion to them. Street, Honolulu, HI 96813. blazoned on bumper stickers his form as a human being, but he is not In olden days, Jesus cast out demons, OFFICE Oand wrist bands. My objection is not just long ago and far away, but right Hawaii Catholic Herald and he continues to cast out demons that we should let the teachings of Je- 1184 Bishop St. here with us physically. through us, the members of his Body, Honolulu, HI 96813 sus guide us in our moral decision. That Of course, it takes a certain wisdom the Church. In his name we can cast PHONE is clearly what we should do! But the and faith to understand this reality, and out the demons of loneliness by calling (808) 585-3300 question seems to imply, “What would others into our community; the demons FAX Jesus do, IF he were still here?” It seems (808) 585-3381 of violence as he strengthens us to love to put Jesus at a historical distance from WEBSITE To eat the flesh and drink our enemies and pray even for those us as a person of long ago and far away www.hawaiicatholicherald.com who persecute us. He casts out the de- from whose life and teachings we can the blood of the Savior of E-MAIL greatly benefit. But the fact of the mat- mons that lead us into all kinds of sin, [email protected] ter is that Jesus is still with us, not as the world is an unbelievable by commissioning us, with the power of NEWS DEADLINES Nine days before publication date. a heroic person from the history books, his Holy Spirit, to turn away from sin blessing that is available and believe in the Good News. ADVERTISING DEADLINES but as the living bread come down from Nine days before publication date. heaven. Jesus is as close to us today as to us every Sunday, indeed When one is given a lavish gift, it is important that the gift be used as it is ADVERTISING INFORMATION he was to his band of twelve Apostles For a rate card or other information, call 2,000 years ago. He is risen from the every day! meant to be used. So when Jesus gives Shaina Caporoz, 585-3328. A rate card is dead and has ascended into heaven, but us the gift of himself, we are called to also available at www.hawaiicatholicher- ald.com. Click on “Advertising.” in his own words, he is the “living bread so God gives us the gift of his Holy Spirit give of ourselves in service to others, so that we can become bread for them, “PASS IT ON” POLICY come down from heaven.” to give us the wisdom, understanding To share an issue of the Hawaii Catholic Jesus could not have thought of a and knowledge necessary to believe in and so that in the name of Jesus, we can Herald with a friend, write or call us and more ingenious way to continue to be such an unbelievable gift of love. This bring them the joy in the midst of suf- we will send him or her a free copy. Or intimately present with us through- is the Holy Spirit that will mark you as ferings that comes from his sacred wine. give them yours and we will send you another one while supplies last. out history than to humble himself to God’s own beloved sons and daughters, The question is not “What would LETTERS TO THE HERALD become food and drink, which we all so that your hearts and minds can be Jesus do?,” but rather “What is Jesus Letters are welcome. Letters should need. He shocked his first followers by open to “taste and see the goodness of doing?,” because he is alive and active. pertain to a story or issue in the Ha- informing them that they would eat his the Lord” given to us in the Eucharist. He makes himself intimately present to waii Catholic Herald, be courteous, and But there is still more amazing news us, and in this sacred banquet and by not exceed 250 words. Letters must flesh and drink his blood. Perhaps they be signed and include an address and took it literally and were disgusted by about the Eucharist! Jesus feeds us with the power of the Holy Spirit, he calls us phone number for verification. Letters the idea, thinking it cannibalistic. Yet his own Body and Blood so that we can to share in his mission of bringing light may be edited for length and clarity. we know that he would, at the Last become more and more members of wherever in the world there may be Send them to Letters to the Herald, 1184 Bishop Street, Honolulu, HI 96813 or to Supper, take bread, bless it, break it and his living Body, with his precious Blood darkness. [email protected]. MEMBER Catholic Press Association ADDRESS CORRECTIONS To make corrections to your Official notices subscription name or ad- dress, cut out the address Bishop’s calendar August 28, 9:00 am, Diocesan Fi- Vocations, Co-Cathedral of St. Theresa, label from the front page nance Council, Chancery, downtown Kalihi. (reverse side). Bishop’s Schedule [Events indicated Please correct my name. will be attended by Bishop’s delegate] Honolulu; 4:30 pm, Catholic Charities September 6, 10:00 am, Presbyteral Hawaii Board of Directors, Ching Cam- Council, Kamiano Center, downtown Please correct my ad- August 24, 10:00 am, Mass of the pus, Makiki. Honolulu; 1:00 pm, Clergy Personnel dress. Holy Spirit, Damien Memorial School, September 1, 10:00 am, Diocesan Re- Board, Kamiano Center; 2:00 pm, Vicars We are receiving two Kalihi. [Msgr. Gary Secor] view Board, Chancery; 5:00 pm, Mass Forane, Kamiano Center. copies. Please cancel this one. August 25, 8:00 am, Mass for the with Marriage Convalidation, St. John Oahu Catholic Men’s Conference, Cath- Announcements/Appointments Please cancel this sub- Apostle & Evangelist Parish, Mililani. scription. olic Charities Hawaii, Ching Campus, September 2, 5:00 pm, Mass for the Bishop Silva has appointed Reverend MAIL TO Makiki; 10:30 am, Mass for the 80th An- 50th Anniversary of Our Lady of Perpet- Ernesto Juarez as temporary Parochial Donna Aquino niversary Celebration of the Sisters of St. ual Help Parish, Ewa Beach. [Msgr. Gary Vicar of Our Lady of Perpetual Help Par- Hawaii Catholic Herald Joseph of Carondelet, Co-Cathedral of Secor] ish, Ewa Beach, effective immediately.
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