MONDAY, JUKE 28,1»4T Tht Weather FAUE SntTEEIf Manciftetsr lEtiPtttng Ifwalb Arenigc Daily Circulation Foreeuat of L. 8. W’eulher Bureau For the Meath of May, IS47 Balu and gulte root tealghti i Mra. Oval J. Smith and daugh-l The lAdia* Aid Society o f the 9,307 Wedtieeduy rnnaideruhle eloadlneas congregational church in Vernon with ahewrir* and aUghtty higher ter*. Beverley. Barbara and Marie i Member of tha Audit About Town I of 12b Main etreef. have returnf<r Center will serve a slawbeiry sup­ HALE'S SELF SERVE temperature*. ' after a week s vUlt with relatives per tomorrow evening at 6:.10. , Bureau of CIrculutteuB consisting of cold cut*, baked ' The Original In New England! In Brooklyn. N. Y. Another Shipment! Manche,»ter— A City of lAUage Charm Th* rri«i<Uy a r c l» held lU an- beans, salads, bread sticks, pickle*,' ■ual picnic >-»»terday at the cot- coffee and strawberry ahorteake. Andemon-She* A>ixl1iarv will PRICE FOUR CEN'FB tacc o f Mr. and Mm. Hcnr>- Miryla meet tomorrow at eiphl oeUxk h AND HEALTH MARKET VOL. LXVI., NO. 224 ASrernelug uu Puge IS) MANCHESTER. CONN„ TUESDAY, JUNE 24, 1947 (TWELVE PAGES) 5 Columbia Uilte. with « P ^ ^ n t In the V. K. W, Toat room* at Man- Kev. .lann-n M Cage, who will ■ ■ m iiKludinir famillca and frienda of rhe.ater Oreeii. The hiiame.-.a will In­ l)e aupci visor of the Vacation f f m ^ t» i / I ■ ! the members. Saimmlnp en- ch ide the election of ilelecalea to arhool of the North .Main street —1 ^ jir 1'^ - 1 A «d and jtatnra played. Mrs^ chiinhe.-i. has r ailed a meeting of the natloniil convention. 1M ’¥J TU ESDAY SPECIALS! Srrt Tedford and Mra Marjtarct tlie joint rommit^re from iKdli A New Crests Tornado Wrecks Filling Station IfcMunen were In charne of rr- churcliea for thi.s evening at 7:.'lo * ^ ^ Green Stam|» Given With Caah Saleat Memorial Temple. Pythian Sia- at the Second -Congrtigatlonal (rahmenU. The next meetins will ; ter*, will hold lU final me-tlnR Funds toTelp Outbueak of Strikes church. whe|-e the s< lio<d will open ha held In September. of the neaaon tomorrow evening 1 W j9 4 Maxwell Hea** Force Many in Odd Kellown hall. After the .Monday. June .30. t<>r the Iwrnly- buainc.aa a aoclal time with re- lirSt crmsecutlye year. ' freahmenta will he enjoyed, with Coffee 1 Lb. Bag 41c To Evacuate DID YOU the standing WK-Ial coniiiidtce in Mary ('. Keeney Tent. No M EiifoiteLaw JVIauks Birth of New Iraiighters of I’nlon Veteriina r>i Send Your Boy 5tcout Check Charite All menrtrera who have Him MbM tickets on the automobile to he the Civil War. pre.senterl a flag Destruction Heaped on Spiiatr RepiiblicunA to To raffled off by the Knigbta of ye.'-leiday afternoon at the opening Pythlaa. are urged to make re- (if the new fin I Scout camp. .Mer- 15 Os. Pkg. Provltle More Money ■ rie-WiMwl, Mra. tlraec Aiiies-prc- Seedless 23c Some Sections of Mid* JOSEPH MONAHAN tiima tomorrow evening. To Help A(liiiiiiii«ter S5 Janris Drive I aented the flag and .Mrs Kmnni west for Thiril Time Taft-Hartley Statute Swanson anri Mrs. Arella Hampton I Ml*a Jennv and Mia.' Wanda S. S. Pierce Diabetic Fruits New Union ('urlis l-awr i AuRuate of Ptaffor.l Springs spent aerved as color he.arers. Tlye flag In Month; Gear Debris was raised hv Uv« Ctirl .Scout;. RHfP=E thP viNitinR frlpn<Ui In Wavr of Wildcat Walk­ Bolton and Msmtiester While In While the iiiidienee \png. “AiniTieii Of All Kinds. No. 2 Cans Omaha. June 24 — (Ah — New Bulletin! The New l.nhor I<aw RADIO REPAIRS town thev via.ted Mi.v lloaemary the Heniitifiir' 'nils is the seventh f1oodu:rcaU rolled down mldweat- W sahlagton, Jane 24.—(iT'— flag that the tent ha* presented to outs Begins Sweeping Carr and Home and Mias l»ulse I’alller of M cm atreama today, forcing large President Truman called In jyi Mabaa! AH MndeUl Middle Turnpike, we.al. Scout troops within/a year. Mlvev Laae mrmhem nf the Nntinnal las- Through Coal Fields nek-np and Delivery •cale ex-acuatlon o f low lying hor'Kelntlona hoard today to Millions of Workers I arena and heaping destruction on dtsena* adnilalalratlon of the Soon After Senate Telephone 7977 Members of the i^ion Ijiitheran Dill Pickles church, and of the Chiirrh of the aome aectiona for the third time Tart-Hartley Ubor control Overrides Tmnum’ o r . BAREOW Redeemer, lybanon. both of which in a month. law. enacted om c hla veto. Affected by Action are served by the Rev. Paul O. Behind the flood waters, resi­ Veto of Labor' Bill; Prokopy. will have a special meet- icpr. , dents of Nebraska, Iowa and Mis- Washington, June 'J4 (A*) Sen­ Prunes souri repaired damage and cleared Ing this evening at 7:no al^Zlon ate Republicans tcxlay planned a (Fdllor'a Note: This is the Shipbuilding and Pack­ church here. away dehrta. while ahead of the big boost in National l>abor Rels- THRfC PATTERNS All-Sw r^ floods others moved to higher nr»l of six nturles explaining Lalior Bitter ing Houses Affected The ground. tiona board funds to help admin- ^ Die new labor law. It tell* Mlaa- (.lertrude Herrmann wjll later the new union curb l^iw C on -' the Mghllghta of uho’a al- present her pupils in their closing Kensington— Oleomargarine Still Peeking Four Bodies gress put on the hooks over Presi­ Dy The Associated Press piano recital thi* evening in Ht. feeled and how.) On New Union Dewey-Richman White, Blue or Green Background At Oambridge, in southwest Ne­ dent Trumsn's veto. --------- At), outbreak of strikes in­ ' Mary’s pariah house. Because of braska. where 13 persons were 22S MAIN ST. The flenstc, following the lesd Wsshington. June 24 \IV) Am- volving coal mining, ship- ■ the extreme youth of some of the P ll M V w ill o M ------ drowned In Sunday's flash flood, of the House, smseked down the ,.rica's new labor law, one of the Co* children, the program will begin MANCHISTIR White Only, 1 Lb. Pkg. the search continued for four veto yesterday by a vote of 66 to I most gigantic and complex evsr Control Law huilding, and livestock hisiV at *even o'clock. Pure Lard bodies. Nine already have been re­ dling today marked ths birth OCULIST 25. six more than the required two-1 will a{»ply to millions of Trclli*— covered. Two dfownings near Mil­ thirds majority. I ^-orkers. of the new Taft-Hartley labor Captain W'llllam Dickson of ler, Neb., and a tornado death The House three days esrller | n,, workers In Indus- Aetnal Mine Shutdowns Company A, ha* directed all mem­ White, Blue and Green Background, law. A wave of wildcat PRESCRIPTIONS PILLED Idle. Pkg. near Oxford. Neb., left Nebraska rolled up a cntshlng 331 to 83 msr- tries and business which. In one ber* of hla company to be present Dreft NEW FRAMES Our improved Funeral Bring In Toar Conpon* — W« ReSeem Them. with a week-end toll of 16. I gin to override Mr. Triimsn's dis­ way or another, are engaged in And ( a iIIs for Prt>< strikes liegan sweeping at drill tonight at 7:30 at the Home with it* com­ a 54l-ln rli«N WIdlei O v e ra ll From Alma. Neb., farther east approval of the Taft-Hartley meas­ Interstate commerce or affect in­ through the coal fields soon l e n s d u p l i c a t e d state armory. No one w.111 be ex- on the Republican river, came a ure-'^ow law. test Strikes Mark Western Nehmska, hamyed by repeated flood*, aalfered additional dnornga terstate commerce. after the Senate overrods I cu»ed from thl| ar*alon. plete modern facililiea report that the Republican river from eaprlrloan nature Fnr-Renrhing Umllatlonh REPAIRS MADE * FaN 9V^ Yard LeaRili when n tornado »lruck the diM nround lAwmls. While the proprietor sat In the olflre, this (This new law does not Involve Reaction to Statute President Truman's veto of tha la­ bridge at the site of the Harlan ~ fllllng The set imposes far-reaching ia available to every Freshly Picked station lost a concrete block wall, hot none Inside the building n os Injured. (AP wlrephoto). eniplcfyes of railroads and ajrllnea. bor bill yesterday. county dam went out and dikes limitations on union activltica, family we nerve. II* They're covered by a previous, Washington, June 24 lAT- Ac­ Rome 123,000 coal miners wore Bring'a n e w mood to every broke, necessitating weeks of de­ mainly hy overhauling the Wagner a?psrste law, the Railway Labor idle in seven states closing Sever­ collective bargaining act. tual mine shutdowns and calls for u*te preserve* the pri- lay In construction of one of act.i <’ al hundred mines. STRAWBERRIES southwesUs Nebraska's principal Among other things, the new widespread protest strikes today J vary of the hereated'a room in* you r, hom e with Major Turning Point Hays nemoostrstlON Fretsst .] flood control structures. The Bevin to Urge I Efficient law: This new law la a major turn­ marked organised labor's swift and Production Seta up machinery designed to In IlUnola where the great OMf 1 own re.sidence. ^these attractive, sturdy paper bridge was completed only Friday. ing point in Jhe government'a *M ariche|t|^.
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