TABLE OF CONTENTS VOLUME 1-JANUARY TO DECEMBER, 1962 Books: NINETY-THREE by Victor Hugo, reviewed by Ayn Rand. THE GIRL HUNTERS by Mickey Spillane, reviewed by Ayn Rand. January LA.D. Does man possess instincts?-by Nathaniel Branden. War and Peace-by Ayn Rand. Choose Your Issues-by Ayn Rand. "Through Your Most Grievous Fault" -by Ayn Rand. Books: PLANNED CHAOS by Ludwig von Mises, reviewed by Barbara Branden. November Intellectual Ammunition Department: Reason and Emotion - by Nathaniel Branden. Social Metaphysics-by Nathaniel Branden. The Crisis Over Berlin-by Alan Greenspan. Books: EAST MINUS WEST = ZERO by Werner Keller, reviewed by Edith Efron. February The Esthetic Vacuum of Our Age-by Ayn Rand. Women and the Industrial Revolution-by Robert Hessen. Antitrust: The Rule of Unreason-by Ayn Rand. Books: ECONOMICS IN ONE LESSON by Henry Hazlitt, reviewed by December Robert Hessen. LA.D. Ethical hedonism-by Leonard Peikoff. The Monument Builders-by Ayn Rand. LA.D. Individual rights versus society-by Nathaniel Branden. Books: THE ROOSEVELT MYTH by John T. Flynn, reviewed by LA.D. Property rights-by Nathaniel Branden. Barbara Branden. LA.D. The obligations of parents and children-by Nathaniel March Branden. "Have Gun, Wi/J Nudge"-by Ayn Rand. Books: PROSPERITY THROUGH FREEDOM by Lawrence Fertig, re­ VOLUME 2 -JANUARY TO DECEMBER, 1963 viewed by Edith Efron. LA.D. Capitalism and religion-by Barbara Branden. LA.D. The psychological meaning of man's "need" of approval­ January by Nathaniel Branden. Collectivized Ethics-by Ayn Rand. April "The Stolen Concept" -by Nathaniel Branden. LA.D. Capital punishment-by Nathaniel Branden. Counterfeit Individualism-by Nathaniel Branden. LA.D. Are certain things unknowable? -by Nathaniel Branden. Books: TEN THOUSAND COMMANDMENTS by Harold Fleming, re­ viewed by Ayn Rand. February Child Labor and the Industrial Revolution-by Robert Hessen. LA.D. Leading a rational life in an irrational society-by Ayn Rand. The Ethics of Emergencies-by Ayn Rand. May Books: REASON AND ANALYSIS by Brand Blanshard, reviewed by Nathaniel Branden. Who Will Protect Us from Our Protectors?-by Ayn Rand. March Books: THE ANTI-CAPITALISTIC MENTALITY by Ludwig von Mises, reviewed by Edith Efron. Mental Health versus Mysticism and Self-Sacrifice-by Nathaniel LA.D. The "first cause" argument-by Nathaniel Branden. Branden. June "How not to fight against Socialized Medicine" -by Ayn Rand. April "The National Interest, c'est mai"-by Ayn Rand. LA.D. Monopolies and laissez-fake capitalism-by Nathaniel Branden. Man's Rights-by Ayn Rand, LA.D. Agnosticism-by Nathaniel Branden. Doctors and the Police State-by leonard Peikoff (Special Sup­ plement). May July The Contradiction of Determinism-by Nathaniel Branden. Benevolence versus Altruism-by Nathaniel Branden. Books: ARISTOTLE by John Herman Randall, Jr., reviewed by Ayn Rand. Books: THE DECLINE OF AMERICAN LIBERALISM by Arthur A. Ekirch, Jr., reviewed by Robert Hessen. June LA.D. Doesn't life require compromise?-by Ayn Rand. "Account Overdrawn"-by Ayn Rand. Collectivized "Rights" -by Ayn Rand; August LA.D. Public education-by Nathaniel, Branden. I.A.D. Inherited wealth-by Nathaniel Branden. The "Conflicts" of Men's Interests-by Ayn Rand. LA.D. "Right-to-work" laws-by Barbara Branden. I.A.D. Depressions and laissez-faire capitalism-'by Nathaniel Branden. July Introducing Objectivism-by Ayn Rand. The New Enemies of "The Untouchables"-by Ayn Rand. Vast Quicksands-by Ayn Rand. Soptember Books: THE FEMININE MYSTIQUE by Betty Friedan, reviewed by Edith Efron. The Pull Peddlers-by Ayn Rand. LA.D. Demonstration and irrationality-by Nathaniel Branden. Books: PLANNING FOR FREEDOM by ludwig von Mises, reviewed by Nathaniel Branden. August I.A.D. Isn't everyone selfish?-by Nathaniel Branden. Ootober "The Divine Right of Stagnation" -by Nathaniel Branden. Books: THE LANGUAGE OF DISSENT by lowell B. Mason, reviewed by Ayn Rand. "To Young Scientists"-by Ayn Rand. The Assault on Integrity-by Alan Greenspan. September October be the first recipient of our handouts. When the statists set Racism-by Ayn Rand. Psycho-Epistemology-by Nathaniel Branden. up a "Peace Corps" to send young Americans into unpaid Books: HUMAN ACTION by Ludwig von Mises, reviewed by Books: THE GOD OF THE MACHINE by Isabel Paterson reviewed (though tax-supported) servitude to foreign nations-"con­ Nathaniel Branden. by Ayn Rand. ' THE servative" youth rush to propose an "effective Peace Corps." Book Report: DAY OF THE GUNS by Mickey Spillane, a commen­ When certain stat.ist groups, counting, apparently, on a total October tary by Ayn Rand. collap.se ,of AmerIcan. self-esteem, dare go so far as to urge Amenca s surrender mto slavery without a fight, under the The Goal of My Writing-by Ayn Rand. November slogan "Better Red Than Dead"-the "conservatives" rush to LA.D. The psychological appeal of altruism-by Nathaniel Branden. proc.laim that they prefer to be dead, thus helping to spread Introducti?n to THE VIRTUE OF SELFISHNESS-by Ayn Rand. OBJ ECTIVIST the Idea that our only alternative is communism or destruc­ November Psycho-Epistemology (Part Ill-by Nathaniel Branden. tion, forgetting that the only proper answer to an ultimatum of that kind is: "Better See The Reds Dead." The Goal of My Writing (Part Ill-by Ayn Rand. December While I?ublic attention is distracted by headlines about the Books: TA TA, TAN TAN by Valentin Chu, reviewed by Robert latest whim of Khrushchev or of some other tribal chief Hessen. "It Is Earlier Than You Think" -by Ayn Rand. A Report to our Readers-1964-by Nathaniel Branden. while the "co~servati~es" gallop obediently down any sidetrack LA.D. Labor unions and the standard of living-by Nathaniel set u~ by their enemies, t,:"o enormously dangerous issues are Branden. NEWSLETTER sneakmg up on us, undlscussed, unopposed and unfought. LA.D. Capitalism's practicality-by Nathaniel Branden. VOLUME 4-JANUARY TO DECEMBER, 1965 Edited and Published by AYN RAND and NATHANIEL BRANDEN They seem. to be a double move planned by the statists, one December to destroy mtellectual freedom, the other to destroy economic January VOL. 1 NO.1 JANUARY, 1962 freedom. The chief means to the first is the Federal Com­ The Nature of Government-by Ayn Rand. munications Commission, to the second-the Anti-Trust laws. A Report to Our Readers-by Nathaniel Branden. Bootleg Romanticism-by Ayn Rand. When a government official-Mr. Newton N. Minow, CHECK YOUR PREMISES Chairman of the !' .c.c.-cynically threatens "those fe\:1l.c_of February you who really believe that the public interest is merely what VOLUME 3 -JANUARY TO DECEMBER, 1964 By AYN RAND interests. the. public," the principle (and precedent) he seeks Rogues' Gallery-by Nathaniel Branden. ~o establish IS de.ar: that the public is not the judge of its own January I.A.D. Who is the final authority in ethics?-by Ayn Rand. mter~st, .b!lt he IS; tha~ the people's vote of approval, freely Choose Your Issues and mdlvldually cast m the form of preference for certain The Anatomy of Compromise-by Ayn Rand. March telev!s~on pr~grams, is to be superseded by his edict; that Books: ROOSEVELT'S ROAD TO RUSSIA by George N. Crocker, Objectivis~ is a philosophi~a~ movement; since politics is a televIsIOn statIOns are not to be guided by their viewers' wishes reviewed by Beatrice Hessen. Art and Moral Treason-by Ayn Rand. br~n~h of phI!o~ophy, Objectivism advocates certain political (he calls them "the nation's whims") nor by their own wishes LA.D. The Objectivist concept of free will versus the traditional Rogues' Gallery (Part Ill-by Nathaniel Branden. principles-specifically, those of laissez-faire capitalism-as but by his-under penalty of having their licenses revoked fo; concepts-by Nathaniel Branden. the consequence and the ultimate practical application of its unspe.cified and unspecifiable offenses (which action, some­ fundamental philosophical principles. It does not regard politics February April how, IS /lot to be regarded as a whim). as ~ separate or primary goal, that is: as a goal that can be . One can easily see what would happen to our entire com- The Psycho-Epistemology of Art-by Ayn Rand. achieved without a wider ideological context. munications industry (including the press) if such a precedent The Psychology of Pleasure-by Nathaniel Branden. Politics. is ba~ed on three other. philosophical disciplines: LA.D. Government financing in a free society-by Ayn Rand. A Message to our Readers-by Nathaniel Branden. were. accepted in one of its branches-and one would expect" metaphysIcs, epistemology and ethics-on a theory of man's the mtellectuals of a free country to raise their voices in March May nature and of man's relationship to existence. It is only on such such a protest that it would sweep Mr. Minow out of Wash­ a base that one can formulate a consistent political theory ington. Instead, most of the press congratulated him on his How to Judge a Political Candidate-by Ayn Rand. The New Fascism: Rule by Consensus-by Ayn Rand. and ~chieve ~t. in p;actice. When, however, men attempt to "courage"-the courage of an armed bureaucrat who threatens rush mto polItiCS without such a base, the result is that em­ Books: THE TYRANNY OF TESTING by Banesh Hoffman, reviewed Books: ECONOMICS AND THE PUBLIC WELFARE by Benjamin M. t~e .livelihood, property and professions of legally disarmed by Joan Blumenthal. Anderson, reviewed by Martin Anderson. barrassing co~gl.omerat~on o~ impotence, futility, inconsistency VIctims. ~nd supe~ficl~!lty .wh~c~ IS loosely designated today as April The Anti-Trust laws-an unenforceable, uncompliable June conservatism.
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