-L- -I AUCTION SALES. AUCTION SALES. AUCTION SALES. RAILROADS. RAILROADS. LOAN COMPANIES. 20. ACTIVITY OF WOBKERS 4 Mm. lt.Oe. 4 line*, tt. «Or. St. fl 20 1 wk .. 12.52. 1 mo., f7 FtTl'BE PAYS. FPTtHB PATg. Schedule of ^Excursion Trains St. $1.10. 1 ftk .fS.BS. 1 mo.. rr«LJ this afternoofT C. G SUXLN * CO., AUCTIONEERS, 1407 O 8T. Baltimore and Ohio R. R. AiiAM A. WESCHLEK. AUCTIONEER. Brown & Toison, LEAVE STATION. Raw Jersey mudOiL to add nam PLANS FOB YOUNG PEO¬ (SucceMor to James W. Ratcllffe) Executrix aale of Household Furniture. Tool* BOYAL BLOCUHI COLORED Use Our Money for a Auctioneers H St. and Chest, Diamond Stud. Watch and other per¬ ^tebyothkh HODB ON THE ODD houb- TRrSTF.n-S SALK OF VALUABLR IMPROVED I4og N.W., son*. property belonging to the estate of the late TO PHILADELPHIA AND NEW TOKJC. PLE'S CONGRESS. KKAL ESTATE KNOWN AS SOS. 713 AND ^ Jo.ln W. Poet, at Sloan's. 1407 G at.. SATURDAY. nbw terminal, ssd st., new yobs. CHESAPEAKE mm 717 THIRD STREET NORTHWEST. TO¬ D. C. JULY SEVENTH. 1906. AT TEN A M. *7.00 a.m. Diner. Pullman Parlor. Washington, a.m. VACATION GETHER WITH TWO FRAMES IN REAR Appraisers, J Terras cash. NELLIE POST. Executrix. BaElei Parlor. 8 Hr. Ttmta. a.ss. Dinar aad Paltman Parlor Effective 26, 1906. Ton can pay It back wb« return In By virtue of thr*>e deed* of trust recorded, re¬ PAUL E. JOHNSON. Attorney. Jy8.5.6 .(.¦« Oat. May The near of the lime for the .malt m-'titblr 700 in Liber No 1594. folio 104. Lll»er No. Central Storage Rooms. 4}-5S «*«- Diner and Pnllmaa Parlor Car. Safcjtct to duit witfcoot doUm. approach pajntenta Tou can ha»e . spectively, and No. folio 135* et New, well lighted I Most reasonable *».« P-">- Diner and Pnllaan Parlor Oar. of the National Colored Young year's time If nereeaary ABKOLI'TKLY NO t«. Lifter rl54, UNITED STATES MARSHAL'S .*-00 mi... meeting ONR will knew of seq.. f the land records for the District of Co- and ventilated. J rates in the city. P-m. "Boyal Limited." All WEEK DATS. Christian It If yon hare a loan now of the M-00 p.m. Coaches to People's and Educational Con¬ we will pay It (4 and adranre BV'PC money. 2umbla. and at the request party secured SALE Philadelphia. District Lin* We loan on tberebjr. the tmdmlXBfd surviving trustee, under Appraisements and Inventories OF LUNCH ROOM FTRNIT.'RE. COFFEE URNS. .S.OO p.m. Diner and Pullman Parlor. Going.Lcare Station. 8:15, 11 gress In Convention Hall, this city, which fnrntturr, nlanoa, team*, a: raf. tw.e three aforesaid <Teed« of trusts. will offer for MAKE FOH '? 00 p.m. Coaches to Philadelphia. t:80. 6:40. 7:46. #:« p.a. receipt., ate.. AT THE L0WSCT RaTKS In CASH REGISTERS. ELECTRIC FANS. DISH¬ .U.30 will be held July 31 to August 5. has stirred tbe rltT. If a sale at awhile tlCtloa In front of the premises ES. TABLE p.m. Beepers. Beach. «:S5 joo want TKIVATK loan 811 Administra¬ GLASSWARE. SILVERWARE, .2.37 a.m. R»tur*ln«-Lnn Chesapeake the local ar¬ out tbla blank, mall It to ua oar .j TI ESDAV. THE THIRD DAY OF JULY. A D Attorneys, Guardians, aeepen. 12:40. a, 10 committee In charge of the and I|vat LINEN. ETC. ATLANTIC CITY, .».S7, 4:15. 8. p.m. will call at once. Main 4STJ. llXW. AT FOCR THIRTY O'CLOCK P.M.. the tors, Trustees Ity virtue of a writ of fieri faclaa. Issued out of .T.OO, .»«>. tll.00 rangements to great activity. There was Telephone described real estate situate In the Executors, Assignees, ?.m., '1.00, *3.00, t6.00 p.m. BCNPAYB AND HOLIDAYS. following city tbe clerk's office of the Supreme Court of the Dls- "BVEBY hour ON THE HOCB" an enthusiastic Joint meeting of committees Name of .Vashington. In the District of Columbia, and and others. Regular sales every trlct of Columbia, and to me directed. I will sell, known and as sublot numbered fifteen Going.UtTt District Use BUtloo. ttS, 11 LB. at 1633 lith street local distinguished at 10 a.m. at public aale, fur canli. on the premUea, 814 and TO BALT1M j-ao. 9:45 northwest, the (lf>» In square nnrnhered Are hundred and sixty- Tuesday Nl« F afreet n.w.. at TEN O'CLOCK A.M. ON OKB^'w7:TH*lpU^LMA£~m£bVICE 5, 4, T:4B, p.m. Rev. L>r. Addreas four <r»C4). together with all of the Improve¬ See us for special rate*. tf TUESDAY. JULY SEVENTEENTH. 190IS. the para- 0 s0' T0°- .. 8.00. 8.30. Lnn headquarters, yesterday evening. 8.00. <1.30.$yi£2J-10.00. 11.00°i.ea.m.. 1100 noon. 1868. Retaining. Cbntptikt Bench. -7 O. J. W. ments thereon WALTER B. WILLIAMS * AUCTIONEERS. I bernalla of a large dining and lunch room, consist¬ 12:45, *IlO, «. S, ». 10 p.m. Scott, president, called the meet¬ Anwmnt wanted, f. "»errns >f sale: One-third of the purchase money CO., ing of table*, chairs, counters, racks, show cas<*. I.00, 2.00. 3.00, 4.00, 4.48, 6.00, 8.03. 8.30. 6.00. to order at Id cash and the balance In two Installments, ca«h ?.30, 7.00. 8.00, 10.00. 10.35. 11.30. 11.38 D.m. ing 5 o'clock. Dr. J. I. L<ovlng equnl TRUSTEES SALE OF FRAME DWELLING NO. registers, signs, celling electric fans, kitchen 2.U my»-«f-»0 PAUL X. WATERS. Pen. Maaa«f ¦ payable In >ne and two years from the day of 1536 utensils, ranges, electric fixtures, desk, household 8aadays. 7.00, 7.M, b.80, 8.90, 10.00. 11.06 served as secretary and Rev. Dr. A. C. Gar¬ DISTRICT LOAN CO, sale, with Interest at the rate of six per centum HURON STREET, MERIDIAN HILL seized ?.m.. 1.00. 1.18. 8.00. IA0. 8 00, 0.80. 6 80. 8 00, «38 F st. n.w. Prlrate ..ffloea. By virtue of a certain deed of trust, recorded In furniture, glassware, silverware, dishes, etc.. 10.00. ner offered prayer. per annum, payable semi annually, and the de¬ snd levied upon as tbe of the 10.35, 11.30. 11.38 p.m. & Ohio ferred t«- be secured deed of trust Liber No. 2369, at folio 337 et seq., one of the property defendants. WESTWARD Chesapeake Ry. A number of letters X. payments by land records of the District of 1 Imoeene Edgerton and L. Jeff MUhourne. and sold SCHEDULE IN EFFECT JULY 1. 1906. from Garland t'ie property sold, or all cash, at the option Columbia, shall to satisfy execution No. 48ti28 at law In favor of CHICAGO * NOBTHWEST,*11.00 a.m.,*8.80 p.m 2:00 P.M..OLD DOMINION EXPRESS. Penn, the Cor. 7tlh<& FSts. upon of two hundred dol- sell, in front of the premises, on THURSDAY, CINCINNATI. ST LOUIS and d«llr.- national corresponding secretary; of the purchaser. A deposit THE FIFTH DAY OF John It. Sutton et al. LODISTILLB Stopi at principal points In Virginia and Wwt JelT-tf iar» ill l»e required of The purchaser at the time JULY. A. D. 19.Hi. AT AULICK PALMER. II. S. Marehal. .10.08 a.m.. *4.08 p.m., *12.48 night. Virginia. Vestibule standard coaches; other members of the national organisation of the of the bid. If the terms of sale FIVE O'CLOCK P.M., part of lots 12 and 13, block PTT8BCRO, *11.00 a.m.. *0.10 p.m.. *12.40 at. train; acceptance 17, of the Hall and EHvan's subdlvlson of Meridian ADAM A. WESC1ILER. Auctioneer. *».10 parlor car* to Virginia Hot Springs and Htn- and from prominent colored men and wom¬ ar. m>t complied with In flfteen'days from the day E. H. THOMAS, Attorney. CLEVELAND. p.m. COLUMBUS. .8.80 p.m. ton. Pullman sleep'ra Hlnton to Louisville, en In S,de entrance on »th nt. Prleate oOccs. of *ale the trustee reserves the right to resell the Hill, beginning at the northeast corner of lot 13 WHKELINQ. *10.08 a.m.. *5.80 n.fc different cities and towns in the sev¬ and west Huron street Jy3.10A16 Cincinnati. Indianapolis, St. Louis and Chicago; eral states projH-rty. at the risk and cost of the defaulting running along 25 feet, and WINCHESTER. 8.88 a.m.. t4.06, tb.00 p.m. dining cars, a la carte service. relative to the congress were purchaser, after tire days' advertisement of sued then with that width running hack to a depth of THOS. J. OWEN & SOX. AUCTIONEERS. ANNAPOLIS, week days, 7.20 a.m., 12.08 noon, 4:80 pTm.-NEW C. A O. LIMITED, dally.-Fa«t read. From the Information In hand Dr. re**le In some newspaper printed and published In one hundred feet. ?.00 p.m. Sundays. 8.80 a.m. and 8.30 p.m new vestibule at Uonlons- stated the Indications are the for of re- Terms of sale: v/ne-third balance in one TRUSTEES' SALE OF UNIMPROVED LOT ON LURAY and ELK *4.06 car. train; stop* only Scq^t that 3%> ti.» District Columbia. All conveyancing; cash, TON. p.m.. parlor TlUe, Charlottesville, Staunton. Clifton second Money. notary fees, etc at cost. and two years, with interest at six per cent per 12T1I ST.
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