I' J Distance of antenna from neighboring houses (feet): /UO' Distance of antenna from power distribution line or equipmmt I I Made "---"- ------ .. ..*- . I I.. c .r qe * Page 1 of 2 +* - es Burtle ,: ,: Thursday, September 02,2004 258 PM James Burtle; Alan Scrim; Alan Stillwell; Bruce Franca; Karen Rackley iect Fw: BPL Interference complaint, new Ion-public: Fa M US^ OI@ *** Mginal Mesage- n: Doyle Hady [mailbo:dghardy@chw*net] i: Thursday, Septiember 02,2004 236 PM 4nh Wridt je.. BPL 1- le of complainant: Doyle.Hardy sign (if applicable): KSHTE ion location: 6521 Circleview Dr ,Ft Worth Tx, 76180 ling address (ifdifferen): 1, state, zip: Ft Worth TX, 76180 =phone: 817 -281-8670 Fm-d:[email protected] miption of Interference:- I was in contact with -K8NDS who at the time was opemting mobil station :ottonwood AZ. He was at Murphy’@ in Cottonwood. The interfence i hmthe local BPL jest made my signal unreadable. When the BPL was off I had a signal of S7 and very scription of station: My station is Kenwood TS-570D, running 100 ‘g of inwcrence: Dak Time Frequency Receive Interfering Description Mode signal 09/02/04 18OOGMT 14225 SSB 57 + was informedthat MHZ BPL totally made my signal unreadable. I I - :sage page 2 of 2 *' 8 I * es protect from harmful interference 's rules, Part 15 includes a definition of harmful interference. It can be found in S15.3 : "Harmful interference. Any emission, radiation or induction that endanger8 the functioning ). a radio navigation service or of other safety services or seriously degrades, obstructs, or eatedly interrupts a radiocommunication service operating in accordance with this chapter." < rules are very clear about the operation of Part 15 devices, too. fi15.5 details general ditions of operation, saying in part: Operation of an intentional, unintentional, or incidental radiator is subject to the .ditions that no harmful interference is caused and that interference must be accepted that ' be caused by the operation of an authorized radio station, by another intentional or ntentional radiator, by industrial, scientific, and medical (ISM) equipment, or by an :idental radiator. The operator of a radio frequency device shall be required to cease operating the device tn notification by an FCC representative that the device is causing harmful interference. !ration shall not resue until the condition causing the harmful interference has been :rected. :t 15 permits the operation of certain radio frequency devices without a license from the XC the need for frequency coordination (47 C.F.R. S 15.1). The technical standards contained in :t 15 ensure that unlicensed devices will not cause harmful interference to other users of , . 5 radio spectrum (47 C.F.R. S 15.5). Within the Part 15 Rules, intentional radiators (devices kt transmit a telecommunication signal) are permitted to operate under a set of limits. Part of the FCC Rules and Regulations has established Radio Frequency emission limits to provide interference-free radio frequency spectrum. Many electronic devices generate RF energy :idental to their intended function and are covered by these rules of harmful interference. FrOm: James Burtle sent: Tuesday,September 21 , 2004 4:15 PM To: '[email protected]' Subject RN: BPL Interference Reports JemebButtbFCC BPLIntsrlsrwlce ktbf Sept l... Reput Augse... Mr . Shpigler , Here is the complaint that I received from Mr. Vandiver. Jim Burtle *** Non-Public: For Internal Use Only *** -----Original Message----- From: vandivers [mailto:[email protected] Sent: Friday, September 17, 2004 1:38 PM To: James Burtle Subject: BPL Interference Reports Dear Mr. Burtle, Please find attached a copy of the hard copy letter and report I mailed to you. Respectfully, Norman W. Vandiver, N7VF 1862 Arena Del Loma Camp Verde, A2 86322 928-567-9881 September 15,2004 Federal Communications Commission Mr. James R, Burtle Chief, Experimental Licensing Branch R00m 74267 445 - 12* street S.W. Washington, D.C. 20024 Dear Mr. Burtle, Thank you for your response to my interference reports of June and August of this year. Electric Broadband (EBB) has not responded to those reports. I have continued to spot-check the amateur bands at the Cottonwood BPL sites. Electric Broadband has been making changes but they do not eliminate the intedkrence In the ham radio and CB bands. what they are doing is shifting from one segment ofthe HF spectrum to another, between the three sks. I do have an unsigned copy of a report to you from Electric Broadband. However, this report is invalid and misleading. Please refer to the ARfU analysk for the technical specifications. How can EBB deny the issue of BPL Interference? The daim to working with the ARfU is hollow because EBB has not worked with the local ham radio dub, Verde Valley Amateur Radio Associatiun. Other than phone calls of no substam, there has been no cooperation frwn EBB. Were BPL to be in my neighborhood, within 11% mile, my equipment would be neutralired and my license worthless. It would be unable to perform any type of emergency communications on the HF ham bands. BPL also eliminates mobile and portable operation for emergency communications. I know the importance of having emergency communications operabk.1 was in Anchorage, Alaska, in March of 1964 when they had the huge earthquake. After the major quake, I got my ham station up and on the air, spending the following days and nights relaying health and welfare messages to the lower 48. I KNOW what ham radio is for! Why aren't BPL and the FCC giving us guidelines about how to operate under Wr interfering conditions? If they're happy with these conditions, doesn't it seem reasonable they would tell us how to co-exist with the interkmce? How has it become possible for BPL promoters to steal the HF spectrum with amateur radio opentors who are left to discover what is really happening? And why are the trial BPL tests snuck in and Mdden, both technically and physically? If BPL is deployed, will the FCC perform their responsibilities as stated in both statute and law? I fear the worst because of the manner in which the FCC is handling BPL (continued page two) ' -- -- 1-1- --"I__- Letter to James Burtle, FCC September 15,2004 Page Two Ifind it interesting our radio dub cannot get a response from our own Senator John McCain regarding our concerns with this BPL interference issue. We have written Senator Main, offering him to come to Cottonwood to experience the actual interference, but to no avail. In conclusion, IwouM like an honest, straightforward reply to my questions raised in this letter. I thank you in advance for your real-life response. Norman W. Vandhrer, NNF 1862 Arena Del Loma Camp Verde, AZ 86322 928-567-9881 a:Anh Wride, FCC, Alan R. Stillwell, KC, Riley Holllngsworth, FCC, Wllllam 3. past Arizona Public Service, Senator John McCain, Verde Valley Amateur Radio Assodation End: Interference Measurement Reports for Cottonwood, AZ, BPL sites, Aug-Sept 2004 HARMFUL INTERFERENCE REPORT FROM BPL TRlAL cottonwood, A2 I 1 I 1 I I I Norman W. Vandiver, NNF 1862 Arena Del Lorna [email protected] 928-587-9881 Camp Verde, AZ 66322 HARMFUL INTERFERENCE REPORT FROM BPL TRlAL cottonwood, A2 0 1 I LW9 I s7 I ’ ““8 I 57 I 8 I s7 I 8 I s7 I I s7 I I v s7 I IChevrc 8 I S8 I 58 a I B I s7 I s7 I I S8 I I S8 I U 2 I S8 I I ! I S8 3 I s7 I I L I s7 2 I S8 I I S8 I I I I -0 A7r) I 58 I I I L S8 I S8 I I s8 a I sa I 2 I g8 I a 1.vd s8 I A Norman W. Vandiver, NNF: 1862 Arena Del Lorna [email protected] 928-567-9881 cN?lPverde,~86322 Verde Valley Amateur Radio Association BPL Committee Report on the Effectiveness of BPL Notching as of October 2,2004, at the Cottonwood, Arizona Trial Test Sites t '3 I To: Sheryl Wikerson, FCC October 5,2004 This Notching report is in re: Experimental Station WB9XVP; File No. 0136-EX-2004at Cottonwood (Yavapai County) Arizona; Broadband - Over Power Line System; Request for immediate cessation of Opera#ion and Revocation of Special Temporary Authorization From the time of the first harmful interf'ce reports from individuals in midoJune and the WARA filing of initial harrml interference on July 31, 2004, actual adjustments to the system by Electric broadband, LLC did not begin until mid August. Initial notching left quite a bit of interfkence. (See WARA filing dated September 11,2004 to Jim Burtle). Subsequent notching was marginally more effective. However, a problem continues to exist on the following Amateur bands; 17 meters, 15 meters, 10 meters and 20 meters. See appendix A for October 2,2004 measurements. These BPL sigrial readings were measured fiom an HF mobile station. In a fixed station setting the interference readings hma larger more efficient . antenna system will be much higher on the affected bands. Due to the geographically small size of the trial area, no fixed amateur station is currently located near the BPL equipment. Certainly, this will not be the case if BPL is deployed throughout the~community. As evidenced in these most recent measurements, mitigation has not included MARS fkquencies, shortwave broadcasts, prtiom of low VHF and Citizens bands. Technical Discussion BPL distributes data by imposing modulation on RF signals that are amplified to appropriate levels and sent over power lines. If unmodulakd signals are transmitted over power lines, the amount of radiation in a select 1 --- ---- portion of the electromagnetic spectrum could be easily reduced by simply excluding RF signals whose fbndamental fkequency am outside the seld band.
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