ROLLING NEWSROOM-Tha new newspaper technology is on view by appointment for journalism professors, high school journalism advisors and selected advanced journalism classes. The Mobile Technology Laboratory, sponsored by the Gannett Foundation, will be on campus from Wednesday to Friday. ISUndial photo bsMWf* Holicker) Nava criticizes board for choice by Russ Britt Los Angelee School Board President Howard Millo- has betrayed the Mexican-Americans in the recent strugfi^ by the board to replace Diane Watson, Dr. Julian Nava said Tuesday. Nava, a member of the school board and a CSUN history professor, called Miller's switch from his original vote for a Mexican-American candidate to a black candidate an action to further his own political career rather than pursue what is in the beet intereet fm- the school board. Nava, who will not run for re- dectitni in June, ia now the only Mexican-American school board member. Since a Mexican- JuKan Nava American is not replacing Wataon, it ia unUkdy Mexican- Boler Jr. to the vacated poet. IRAN/AN POUTICS-Studenta discuss the set up by Iranian students outside Sienra Hall. Americans will be rcpreaented Bolsr, a member and otBeat oi the situation in Iran in front of an information table (DaHy Sundial photo) after the elections on the school NAACP, is rector of the board, Nava aud. Episcopal Church of the Advent Miller switched hia vote after in Loe Angelee. mote than 26 previoua votea for Nava says regardleea of the Sabbatical change rejected Mexiean-American repreaan- outcome oi the June election, he tative Rev. Valiac Mardinwian wiU step down from his aeat on by Cindy Shannon sabbatical leaves received four yea aad 63 no by voting for Rita Walters, a the achool board and poraue a anawers. black candidate. Nava aaid it ia writing career—but he haa ap­ Department chain and persoimel committeea Dr. Albert Baca, chairman of the Personnel imperative ^ that Mexican- plied for the job of praaidwt at have overwhelminf^ly rejected changee which Pluming and Review Committee, exidained that Americans be represented on the Cal %ate Los Angeles, wfaidi will would have subetituted competition baaed on merit Title 6 of the Education Code calla for aabbatical board becauae, hi his opinion, be vacated in Ju^ by tha currant for the current criteria of length of aervica and leaves after aevpi years <rf teaching to be gnintid they are too great a population to praaidant. John A. Grsanlss. chronological age in granting aabbatical leavaa. in rank. .,. ba ignored. Whan asked to avahiats his The changee, recommended laat month by the "The piocsdure has been to submit sn ap- But Nava, Millar and tha rest chances of beooming presidant of Deans' Coundl, were diatributed in the form of plication desaibing the puipoee of the sabbatical," of the achool board all came to a Cal State LA. Nava aaki. "I can't questionnairea. The queetion of whether merit decision Monday by appointing talk about it at all I don't think ahould be uaed to determine the granting of Please tum to paga 11 Uack Ei^soopal priest Louia P. it'a pro|Mr." Q> Have atwlaata been tuned away obvious. impacted programa, aoch as Cleary: Slash from CSUN or have programs One poaition ia the equivalent busineaa, engineering, health bean cot becaaae ei InMiget cntsT of twelve unita, so you ocnild have sdenoe and aome of our adanca four instructors each teaching programa. K* Not yet. It's under study right one three-credit course. So you It's raaUy too bad becauae wa budget or cut now. take that 18 and you muhqi^ it had the atudanta in hand. Thay For example, laat fall we were by four and you're talking about wera lined up. trying to gat into really in a Catch-22 aituation. In the kMa roughly oi 60 inatructora sections and ao on and we had to enrollment? order to meat the Prop. 18- ^fo meet the demands oi those doee the aectiona. TUa ia the asoond hi a aariee of mandated forced aalaiy aavings educational programa that are bitarviewa Opiahm Editor Jhn requirement, Vice-President impacted. Thoae inatructora What OberaiaB conducted with. Benaon had to pull back 18 fuH could have manned about 85 toalofthlBr Presidant Jamee W. Cleary. Ths time faculty poaitkma which wen text af the intarviaw haa scheduled to be used to provkls So the inunediate hiqiaet of Wall, thia ia ot oooiaa a popolar edited only far part-time instructors in araaa that one Prop. 13 mandate has darltjr. idiere the atudent damand is meant tha kiss of 86 ssctkMis in tum to 11 iliislde today• An Iranian jiiacuaaea Everybody ia a atar CSUN bo*er*a the volatile aituation when the cameraa •tate crown in hia country, roll at CSUN. on tlie line, aee page 3^ aeW^age^S aee page 7 2 wednaaday. Jan. 31,1979 the daily aundial It's lights, camera^ action as CSUN goes Hollywood by Roxanne Lew Studenta curiously milled JjjtfS^r \^ around the Oviatt Library as it was bathed in faring bhie lighte. rji With the aid (rf some bixaire prope, the building was being transformed into a Cylon guard poat far filming of "Battleatar Galactica" in December. This show is just one of many television and movie productions to have uaed campus sitae for filming, according to Dee Ukh, facilities management officer. V 1* Prations of "Fast Break/' "Sister George," "Wonder Woman," "The Bionic Woman," "Medical Center," "The Runaways," "Harris & Co..'' LAKKH "Chariie's Angds" and "Quincy" have also been filmed ushig canqms fadlitiee. 1 J? » ENonn nanvica Facilities used by major atudios such aa Universal. Warner Brothers, Fox and Regal London prices foiling down Productiona include the gym, lodcer rooma, shower rooms, football field, Oviatt Library, ^^ Administratkm building, OTange - r 1 - ^ grove and quad south of the library. i0"^^"' • "The bulk of the requeste seems to fit the PE area," Ukh aakl. "Even though one might know Cablas, matars and lights ara aat for tha orvcampus filiTHng of '22a whkh of our facilities is being H.O.T.S. Abova laft. K.C. Winklar is mada up for har appaaranca in used, it is hard to klentify it in a H.O.T.S. scana. (Sundial photo by Scott Garrity) DQil^direct flights LA. to London the prcgram," Ukh sakl. "They nunorana oi saais ayaiiapia cut out surrounding things that IHxiduoerB will use whsn sditing percent self-supporting Nr MsHsd bradwFar Infotmalion wrltr Laktr nAirways cali . (213Ltd., ) •48-960U 0 you recognise." the seriee, he said. operation," Ukh said. H185^1 WU«p-io-1h»4M>ut Inatrial IttglnMyr aaa. LMl avaUaliilltAngrin. CA 9004y ca5 n (213^ ) •46-96S0 When filming, only (me of For exanqik, in "Battketar Thus, all personnel snd every 12 feet of film shot ia ac­ Galactka," three cameraa were equipment—lighting, sound tually used. AIRWAYS used to shoot the film, making it crews, stars, cast, props, extrss, Laker "In two days, only 16 minutes •Swvtc* Mak •• Ular kinmtt LMM Dimn CM. Moltr Ctafft.VISA. AMikM6ei«M difficult to know which an^ and portebk feeders, restrooms and worth of the total fflm shot was surrounding scenery the dreaeing rooms—sre transported actually uaed in the 'Battketar to the filming location. The fihn Galactica' program," the crew k a whde cmnmunity facilities management officer within itaelf. TRYING TO FIND A WAY TO GET Occasionally, though, extras "Feat Break," a baaketbaU movk starring Gabe Kaplan, waa will be sought on location, INVOIVED-TRY • — filmed in the gym kst July. Due depending upon the wardrobe. to be rekased next month, the "Battleatar GaUctica" used movk was fitaned st CSUN rsther many extras dressed in coetumee, than at a major basketball arena but because of the dress TUTORIAL PROJECT like UCLA's Pauky Pavilion for requirements, the production two reaaons, according to Robb unit brought ite own extras. Cranny, a cast member. If extras dreesed in street WOIK WITH UNDERPRIVILEGED YOUNGSTERS "First, we could never make dothes are needed, studento such s krge arena look full, and could qualify. .However, the IN PROBATION CAMPS AND PUBLIC SCHOOLS aeccmd. the floor waa being strong extraa union, which rsfinkhed at Pauley," Crsnny requiree the prevailing wage to be WED. JAN 31 or THURS FEB 1 7 p.m. aakL paid at aO timee, would probably CSUN waa selected becauae it object to student partidpation, in A113-STUDENT CENTER waa condudve to the setting; it Ukh said. created the neceeaary gym-type "Fast Break" encountered thk OR atmoephere and only a portion of problem. the gym needed to be filled in Even though tha extras were JUST DROP BY OUR HOUSE order to create a capadty-looldng paid 126 phis s meal for four crowd, he said. houra of work, the union even­ 18302 PLUMMER tually interfered, prohibiting non- In moet instenoes, extrss sre members from posing aa extras. S8S-2484 (PLUMMER A ETIWANDA) 885-2580 brought by the film company. "They dklp't fit tha union "The production unit k a 100 donands," Ukh said. ~ir- "" FRIDAY mTE SPEQAL GLOBE TJRE CO Traditional Sabbath bancpiet The Tire Specialists'' every Friday evening - 5:00 MoM National Brands! Preceded by an exciting half-hour ^Chaeidic ^ Brake ^ Front End Service •ervice with son! music alld dancing and Shock Ahaorbers! followed by a "^ump The Rabbi'' gession. 8602 Lindley Ave. (For Conservative, Reform and Non-Affiliates) Northridge 886-5020 7735 Sepulveda Blvd. CHABAD HOUSE Van Nuys 786-8686 741 Gayley - Westwood • Special Discount^ FREE • To Students & Faculty «vadnaaday,jan.31,1979 thadaHyaundW 3> opinion Iranian shares views on country's troubles by Michad Sariolghakm that k a dedskm of the Irsnian peofda.
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