什麼是重力波? What Are Gravitational Waves?

什麼是重力波? What Are Gravitational Waves?

2016年度「邵逸夫獎」 The Shaw Prize 2016 「邵逸夫獎」為國際性獎項,得獎者應仍從事於有關的學術領域,在學術研究、科學 研究及應用上有傑出貢獻,或在近期獲得突破性的成果,或在其他領域有卓越之成 就。評選的原則主要考慮候選人之專業貢獻能推動社會進步,提高人類生活質素, 豐富人類精神文明。 「邵逸夫獎」設有三個獎項,分別為天文學獎、生命科學與醫學獎和數學科學獎, 每項獎金一百二十萬美元。除獎金外,各得獎者還獲頒獎章及證書一份。提名及評 審程序於每年九月開始,翌年夏季宣佈得獎人名單,並於同年秋季舉行頒獎典禮。 邵逸夫獎獎章 「邵逸夫獎」是按邵逸夫先生的意願而設,於2002年11月宣告成立,以表彰在學術及科學研 The Shaw Prize medal 獎章正面的肖像是此獎項的創立人邵逸夫 究或應用上獲得突破成果,和該成果對人類生活產生意義深遠影響的科學家,原則 先生,背面則刻上得獎年份、獎項類別、得獎 是不論得獎者的種族、國籍、性別和宗教信仰。 者的姓名及在右上方的「制天命而用之」的印 鑑。印鑑上是中國戰國時代思想家荀子(公元 前313至公元前238)的命題,意思是人類能 「邵逸夫獎」由邵逸夫獎基金會管理及執行。各獎項的評審委員會由國際知名科學 掌握及運用自然法則。 家組成,負責評審工作。 The front of the medal displays a portrait of Mr Run Run Shaw, the founder of this award. The Shaw Prize is an international award to honour individuals who are currently active in On the reverse, the medal shows the award category, the relevant year and the name of the their respective fields and who have recently achieved distinguished and significant laureate, and an imprint of a seal of the Chinese advances, who have made outstanding contributions in academic and scientific research phrase ”制天命而用之” on the upper right corner. It is quoted from Xun Zi – a thinker in the or applications, or who in other domains have achieved excellence. The award is Warring States period of Chinese history in 313 - 238 B.C.E., meaning “Grasp the law of nature dedicated to furthering societal progress, enhancing quality of life, and enriching and make use of it”. humanity’s spiritual civilisation. The Shaw Prize consists of three annual awards: the Prize in Astronomy, the Prize in Life Science and Medicine, and the Prize in Mathematical Sciences. Each prize carries a monetary award of one million two hundred thousand US dollars and each winner receives a medal and a certificate. The nomination process begins in September. The winners are announced in the summer and the prizes are presented in autumn in the following year. Established under the auspices of Mr Run Run Shaw in November 2002, the Prize honours individuals, regardless of race, nationality, gender and religious belief, who have achieved significant breakthroughs in academic and scientific research or applications and whose work has resulted in a positive and profound impact on mankind. The Shaw Prize is managed and administered by The Shaw Prize Foundation based in Hong Kong. The important role of adjudication of candidates for the prizes is undertaken by an international team of reputable scientists who serve on the Selection Committees. SHAW16-01-INTRO 2016年度邵逸夫天文學獎 The Shaw Prize in Astronomy 2016 2016年度「邵逸夫天文學獎」平均頒予羅奈爾特·德雷弗(Ronald W P Drever)、基普·索恩(Kip S Thorne)和 雷納·韋斯(Rainer Weiss),以表彰他們對「激光干涉儀重力波觀測站」LIGO的構思和設計。LIGO最近首次直接觀測 到重力波,為天文探索開創了一個新方法,而首先偵測到的非凡事例為兩個星級質量的黑洞合併。 The Shaw Prize in Astronomy 2016 is awarded in equal shares to Ronald W P Drever, Kip S Thorne and Rainer Weiss for conceiving and designing the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO), whose recent direct detection of gravitational waves opens a new window in astronomy, with the first remarkable discovery being the merger of a pair of stellar mass black holes. 得獎人簡介 Biographical Notes of Laureates 羅奈爾特.德雷弗 基普.索恩 雷納.韋斯 Ronald W P Drever Kip S Thorne Rainer Weiss 羅奈爾特.德雷弗(Ronald W P Drever) 基普.索恩(Kip S Thorne)1940年出生於美國 雷納.韋斯(Rainer Weiss)1932年出生於德國 1931年出生於英國格拉斯哥,為美國加州理工 猶他州洛根市,為美國加州理工學院費曼理論 柏林,現為美國麻省理工學院物理學榮休教 學院物理學榮休教授。1953年於英國格拉斯哥 物理學榮休教授。1962年於加州理工學院取 授。1955年和1962年分別於美國麻省理工學 大學取得理學士學位,並於1958年於該校取得 得物理學學士學位,並於1965年於美國普林 院取得物理學學士和物理學博士學位。他曾於 自然哲學博士學位。他在加州理工學院分別擔 斯頓大學取得物理學博士學位。1966年回到 美國塔夫茨大學分別擔任導師(1960–1961) 任客座硏究員(1977)、教授(1979–2002)和 加州理工學院,最初擔任研究員,1967年至 和物理學助理教授(1961–1962),之後於 榮休教授(2002–)。他是美國人文與科學院 1970年為副教授,1970年為理論物理學教 1962年至1964年期間在美國普林斯頓大學擔任 院士及愛丁堡皇家學會院士。 授,1981年至1991年為威廉.凱南講座教 物理學研究員。隨後,他加入美國麻省理工學 授,1991年至2009年為費曼理論物理學講座 院物理系任教,於1964年至1967年為助理教 Ronald W P Drever was born in 1931 in Bishopton, Glasgow, UK and is Professor of 教授,自2009年起為費曼理論物理學榮休講 授,1967年至1973年為副教授,1973年至2001 Physics, Emeritus, at the California Institute of 座教授。他是美國國家科學院院士及美國人文 年為教授,自2001年起為榮休教授。他是美國 Technology (Caltech), USA. He received his 與科學院院士。 國家科學院院士及美國人文與科學院院士。 Bachelor of Science in 1953 and his PhD in Kip S Thorne was born in 1940 in Logan, Utah, Rainer Weiss was born in 1932 in Berlin, Germany Natural Philosophy in 1958 from the University of USA and is the Feynman Professor of Theoretical and is currently Professor Emeritus in Physics at the Glasgow, UK. He served as a Visiting Associate in Physics, Emeritus, at the California Institute of Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA. 1977 and was successively Professor (1979–2002) Technology (Caltech), USA. He received his He received his Bachelor of Science in Physics in and Professor Emeritus (2002–) at Caltech. He is a Bachelor of Science in Physics from Caltech in 1962 1955 and his PhD in Physics in 1962 from MIT. He Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and and his PhD in Physics from Princeton University, was an Instructor and Assistant Professor of Physics Sciences and the Royal Society of Edinburgh. USA in 1965. He returned to Caltech, first as a at Tufts University, USA from 1960 to 1961 and Research Fellow (1966–1967), and then from 1961 to 1962 respectively. He served as successively as Associate Professor (1967–1970), Research Associate in Physics at Princeton Professor in Theoretical Physics in 1970, the University, USA from 1962 to 1964. He then joined William R Kenan, Jr. Professor (1981–1991), the MIT, where in the Department of Physics he was Feynman Professor of Theoretical Physics successively Assistant Professor (1964–1967), (1991–2009), and the Feynman Professor of Associate Professor (1967–1973), Professor Theoretical Physics, Emeritus (2009–). He is a (1973–2001) and Professor Emeritus (2001–). He member of the US National Academy of Sciences is a member of the US National Academy of Sciences and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. SHAW16-02-AST 突破性的發現 The Revolutionary Discovery 2015年9月14日,激光干涉儀重力波觀測站(LIGO)的兩個探測器同時觀測到一個重力波信號。該信號的波形,與 廣義相對論預測一對黑洞合併所產生的重力波形吻合。科學家估計合併前的黑洞質量分別約為太陽的29和36倍, 合併在13億年前發生。約三倍太陽質量的物質,在瞬間轉化成重力波。觀察結果表明與恆星質量相約的雙黑洞系 統確實存在,這亦是首次直接探測到重力波及首次觀察到雙黑洞合併。 羅奈爾特.德雷弗、基普.索恩及雷納.韋斯是負責構思和設計LIGO的核心人物。LIGO最近直接探測到重力波, 為物理學開創了一個新方法,去研究極強引力下的現象,當中巨大質量的天體以接近光速運動,在時空中產生非 線性波動。 LIGO的發現被譽為天文學上最重要的發現之一,其重要性可從多個角度說明。簡而言之,以往只能通過電磁輻射 或高能粒子觀察宇宙,現在LIGO卻提供了第三個方法。因此,LIGO創建了一個全新的天文學分支,在完全缺乏其 他天文信號的情況下,都能讓我們觀察和研究天文現象。這項新方法帶來革命性的影響,猶如射電天文學當年出 現,脈衝星和類星體才跟着被發現。 廣義相對論的一個基本預測是重力波的存在,而如今LIGO直接觀測到重力波,證明這種基於因果律的預測是正確 的。然而,LIGO的發現的重要性不在於證實時空會呈現微弱波動,因為通過雙星系統內脈衝星軌道所呈現的衰 減,這早已被間接地證實。其真正的意義在於:透過追蹤強大和隨時間變化的重力波來源,可揭示黑洞的特性。 On 14 September 2015, the two detectors of the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) simultaneously observed a gravitational-wave signal. The signal matches the waveform predicted by general relativity for the merger of a pair of black holes. Scientists estimate that the black holes for this event were about 29 and 36 times the mass of the Sun, and the 黑洞合併時所產生的時空漣漪 event took place 1.3 billion years ago. About three times the mass of the Sun was converted into gravitational waves in a (計算模擬)。 Ripples in spacetime created by merging fraction of a second. These observations demonstrate the existence of binary stellar-mass black hole systems. This is the first black holes (numerical simulation). direct detection of gravitational waves and the first observation of a binary black hole merger. Ronald Drever, Kip S Thorne and Rainer Weiss are the primary figures responsible for the conception and design of LIGO. LIGO’s recent direct detection of gravitational waves represents the first probe of physics in the limit of strong gravity, where massive objects moving at velocities close to that of light drive nonlinear waves in spacetime. LIGO’s discovery ranks among the most significant ever made in astronomy, and its importance can be viewed from a number of distinct perspectives. Most simply, LIGO has provided a third strand to the means by which we can observe the universe, in addition to electromagnetic radiation or energetic particles. LIGO has thus established an entirely new branch of astronomy, allowing us to study phenomena where signals from existing astronomical messengers are entirely lacking. The impact of this new tool seems likely to be as revolutionary as, for example, the opening up of radio Credit: R. Hurt/Caltech-JPL astronomy and the subsequent discovery of pulsars and quasars. The direct observation of gravitational radiation validates a basic prediction of general relativity, showing such fundamental expectations based on causality to be correct. However, LIGO’s results go much beyond the weak spacetime fluctuations already inferred from the orbital decay of pulsars in binary systems. By probing the region of strong and time-dependent gravitational fields from which the waves originate, they reveal remarkable properties of black holes. Credit: Caltech/MIT/LIGO Lab 激光干涉儀重力波觀測站(LIGO) 的L形探測器 The L-shaped detector of the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory SHAW16-03-AST 什麼是重力波? What Are Gravitational Waves? 1916年,愛因斯坦在廣義相對論中首次預測重力波 ─ 時空漣漪的存在。重力波以光速傳播。當巨大質量的天體 互相圍繞運行或碰撞時,它們會擾亂周圍的時空,就像石頭扔進一潭靜水般。通過研究這些波,天文學家希望了 解產生它們的天文現象,這些往往是由看不到的天體(如黑洞)所引致。重力波傳播到觀測站時,已經變得極為 微弱,所以極難探測。 In 1916, Albert Einstein in his general theory of relativity first predicted the existence of gravitational waves — ripples in the fabric of spacetime. Gravitational waves travel at the speed of light. When massive objects move around or collide with one another, they disturb the surrounding spacetime like a pebble

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