Pavement of Goat Walla Irrigationchannel, Thana Bandajat." 333,780

Pavement of Goat Walla Irrigationchannel, Thana Bandajat." 333,780

District. Project Description BE 2016-17 MALAKAND MD15D00286-"Pavement of Goat Walla IrrigationChannel, Thana Bandajat." 333,780 MALAKAND MD15D00287-Clearance of silts at Thana Bandajat. 333,780 MALAKAND MD15D00288-"Construction of GI wire, D/wall C/OAriq ur Rehman, Shawi Bund, U/C 278,150 Dheri Julagram." MALAKAND MD15D00291-Pavement of Street at Sultan Khat SaidraJeward U/C GU Khel 222,520 MALAKAND MD15D00292-"Protection wall to agriculture lands atV/C Anar Tangey, U/C GU 222,520 Khel." MALAKAND MD15D00293-Construction of R/Wall VC Palonow U/CHero Shah 111,260 MALAKAND MD15D00294-"Construction of Water channels atTotai, U/C Selai Patay." 166,890 MALAKAND MD15D00295-Construction of R/Wall at Quresh KalayU/C Badraga 139,070 MALAKAND MD15D00296-Construction of R/Wall at Abbas KallayU/C Badraga 166,890 MALAKAND MD15D00297-Construction of Irrigation Channel atQadar Kallai Union Council 111,260 Badraga MALAKAND MD15D00298-Construction of Irrigation Channel atGulo Shah Union Council Koper 278,150 MALAKAND MD15D00299-Construction of R/Wall at U/C SakhakotKhass. 144,630 MALAKAND MD15D00300-"Construction of D/Wall, Slab at JabanBala, near Power House, U/C 166,890 Dargai." MALAKAND MD15D00301-Construction of D/Wall at Saman Abad U/CLower Batkhela District 400,000 Malakand. MALAKAND MD15D00302-"Construction of D/Wall in U/C UpperBatkhela, PK-99, Malakand" 273,000 MALAKAND MD15D00303-Construction of PCC Irrigation ChannelN/H/O Ehsan Ullah U/C Dheri 222,520 Julagram. MALAKAND MD15D00304-Construction of PCC Irrigation channelChena-I U/C Dheri Julagram 222,520 MALAKAND MD15D00305-Construction of PCC Irrigation channelChena-II U/C Dheri Julagram 222,520 MALAKAND MD15D00306-Construction of PCC Irrigation channelJrando U/C Dheri Julagram 222,520 MALAKAND MD15D00307-Construction of PCC Irrigation ChannelBar Khan U/C Dheri Julagram 222,520 MALAKAND MD15D00308-Construction of Drain, Pavement of Street at Sulaiman Khel, U/C Khar 222,520 MALAKAND MD15D00309-Construction of R/Wall and Culverts at Sakhakot Jadeed 333,780 MALAKAND MD15D00310-"Clearance, Culverts, Repair andmaintenance of Irrigation channel at 278,150 Totakan. " MALAKAND MD15D00311-Construction of D/Wall C/O Said Muhammadin U/C Khar District 300,000 Malakand MALAKAND MD15D00312-Installation of Hand Pump at Nek DaraPlandara Landai Shah Surbat & 445,040 Wartair Khass Union Council Wartair MALAKAND MD15D00313-Installation of Hand Pumps at near Shopof Abdul Salam Kot Adda 278,150 Dargai Bazar Mousa Maina Janazgah Qadar KhanWartair Javed S/O Bazmir Qadam khela Fazal Rahman Serai Makhnawala MALAKAND MD15D00314-"Installation of Hand Pump at GharibAbad, Pattak Jaban Kamangara 445,040 Sperai Gate Sro Kamaro Malang Abad, MuslimAbad, Rahmat Abad, Gharib Abad and Pitawo U/C Dargai" MALAKAND MD15D00315-Installation of Hand Pumps at GHS BarhU/C Kot 55,630 MALAKAND MD15D00316-Installation of Hand Pump at U/C GU Khel 445,040 MALAKAND MD15D00317-"Installation of Hand pump, Pavement ofstreet, culvert and 445,040 Construction of D/Wall at Ghari Usmani Khel." MALAKAND MD15D00318-Installation of 2 Nos. Hand pumps atGharai. 111,260 MALAKAND MD15D00319-Installation of Hand Pumps in DheriJUlagram Moh: Kasinat & Shah 650,000 Dheri PK-99 District Malakand. MALAKAND MD15D00320-Installation of Hand Pumps in PoliceBanda Bahramand Korona PK-99 150,000 District Malakand. MALAKAND MD15D00321-Installation of Pressure Pumps in AliMuhammad Korona PK-99 District 200,000 Malakand. MALAKAND MD15D00322-Installation of Hand Pumps in U/CMalakand PK-99 District Malakand 900,000 MALAKAND MD15D00323-Installation of 2 Nos. Hand pumps at U/CTotakan. 300,000 MALAKAND MD15D00327-Installation of Solar street lights atU/C Middle Batkhela. 850,000 MALAKAND MD15D00329-Construction of Janazgah shed at U/CAlladhand. 890,080 MALAKAND MD15D00330-Repair and maintenance of TotakanMubarak Khel Janazgah. 333,780 MALAKAND MD15D00331-Construction of Janazgah & Repair ofChristian Graveyard at Rangmala 556,300 U/C Malakand. MALAKAND MD15D00332-Construction of R/Wall of Janazgah U/CPir Khel. 166,890 MALAKAND MD15D00333-"Gril alongwith Batkhela Khwar, U/CMiddle Batkhela." 27,810 MALAKAND MD15D00334-Improvement of Janazgah at Bakhta U/CThana Bandajat. 945,710 MALAKAND MD15D00335-Filling of Haji Baba Graveyard U/C Khar 300,000 MALAKAND MD15D00337-"Construction of Drain Pavement ofStreet at Damazai, Dobandai 476,190 Muhammad Raziq House and Near Masjid QadamKhela Zahid House Sorana U/C Wartair" MALAKAND MD15D00338-"Construction of Drain, Pavement ofStreet and Culverts at Qaldara 945,710 Kharkai Dargai Bazar Kharkai BandaKharkai Kalai and Salgaro Banda U/C Kharkai" MALAKAND MD15D00339-"Construction of Drain, Pavement ofStreet N/H/O Munawar Gul at 166,890 Anar Tangai U/C GU Khel and R/Wall at IslamShah Kotona V/C Haryan Kot Dargai" MALAKAND MD15D00340-"Construction of Drain, Pavement ofStreet Culverts R/Wall at Gharib 500,670 Abad Pitawo, Jaban, Sobat Khan KallaiGul Muqam, Kamanagara Spregate Malang Abad Muslim Abad Rahmat Abad U/C MALAKAND MD15D00341-"Construction of Drain, Pavement ofStreet & Culverts at Shla Hajyano 556,300 Mohallah, Iftkhar Khan House & NaeemHouse U/C Sakhakot Bandajat" MALAKAND MD15D00342-"Construction of Drain, Pavement ofStreet at Almadina Colony Shla 556,300 VC Ghundo union Council SakhakotBandajat" MALAKAND MD15D00343-"Construction of Drain, Pavement ofStreet R/Wall at Mongai Barh, 539,610 Maiana U/C Kot" MALAKAND MD15D00344-"Construction of Drain, Pavement ofStreet at Meherdai Sharif Abad, 945,710 Wazir Abad Naik Zarif Korona U/CMeherdai" MALAKAND MD15D00345-"Construction of Drain, Pavement ofStreet at Ghani Dherai U/C 482,860 Koper" MALAKAND MD15D00346-"Pavement of Street, D/Wall at DamanoKhat, Barakat Kalai, Khado 1,112,600 Kalai, Kharki Dherai, Bara Kanda, PrangaiBala, Mayar, Zangal, Pattai Sarkai & Alifai Kalai U/C Sakhakot Jadeed" MALAKAND MD15D00347-Pavement of Street Culverts at SaidraJewad Hasan Abad Ghundai U/C 500,670 GU Khel MALAKAND MD15D00348-"Pavement of Street Culverts at KhanGhari, Mousa Baba & Faqir Abad 500,670 U/C Sakhakot Khass" MALAKAND MD15D00349-Pavement of Street at VC Palonow VCHaryan Kot & VC Naro ubo U/C 556,300 Hero Shah MALAKAND MD15D00350-Pavement of Street at VC Haryan Kot & VCNaro ubo U/C Hero Shah 754,340 MALAKAND MD15D00351-Construction of PCC Street D/Wall WaterChannel and Stone Pitching 500,670 at VC Totai Area Dara Aspure U/C SellaiPattay MALAKAND MD15D00352-Construction of PCC Street D/Wall KachaRoad and Culverts at VC 278,150 Khanorai Union Council Sellai Pattay MALAKAND MD15D00353-"Construction of Drain, Pavement ofStreet & Culverts and Banda 556,300 School and Mirwash Colony U/C Badraga" MALAKAND MD15D00354-Construction of Kacha road from LoyaBanda to Jismas. 400,000 MALAKAND MD15D00355-PCC Road/Street Near/H/O Khaista Gulab &Saeed Gul in U/C Agra PK- 300,000 99 District Malakand. MALAKAND MD15D00356-PCC Roads/Streets at Near H/O Abdullah &Khaista Rehman in U/C 632,000 Agra District Malakand. MALAKAND MD15D00357-Pavement of Street at V/C in Saman AbadU/C Lower Batkhela District 400,000 Malakand. MALAKAND MD15D00358-"Street & Culvet N/H Gul Muhad, SherMuhad & Habib Said, Trai 300,000 Scheme in U/C Dheri Julagram PK-99 DistrictMalakand." MALAKAND MD15D00359-PCC Street Pavement N/H/O Raham Zeb PumpBazra in U/C Dheri 200,000 Julagram District Malakand MALAKAND MD15D00360-PCC Street Pavement N/H/O Ziarat Gul andSaid Rahman Piran Banda 300,000 in U/C Dheri Julagram District Malakand MALAKAND MD15D00361-PCC Street Pavement N/H/O Ali Rahman andDarwesh khel in U/C 100,000 Dheri Julagram District Malakand MALAKAND MD15D00362-PCC Streets pavement at Near H/O AlimgirAkhtar Abad in U/C Khar 100,000 District Malakand. MALAKAND MD15D00363-PCC Street pavement Khalid Korona inGhono Kandawo U/C Malakand 100,000 PK-99 District Malakand. MALAKAND MD15D00364-PCC Street pavement Razwan Ullah Koronain Jalal Kot U/C Malakand 500,000 PK-99 District Malakand. MALAKAND MD15D00365-PCC Streets Pavement Shahzada Kandaro inPiran U/C Malakand PK-99 150,000 District Malakand. MALAKAND MD15D00366-"Construction of Banjo Road U/CMalakand, PK-99 District Malakand" 150,000 MALAKAND MD15D00367-Pavement of Street at U/C Palai DistrictMalakand. 600,000 MALAKAND MD15D00368-PCC Road/Street Near/H/O Ajmal Khan inU/C Upper Batkhela District 200,000 Malakand. MALAKAND MD15D00369-PCC Roads/Streets at Near H/O MulanaJaveed in U/C Upper Batkhela 800,000 District Malakand. MALAKAND MD15D00370-PCC Streets pavement in V/C Mekhband PirKhel & Qualangai in U/C 900,000 Pir Khel District Malakand MALAKAND MD15D00371-PCC Streets pavement in V/C MekhbandLink Bridge in U/C Pir Khel 500,000 District Malakand MALAKAND MD15D00372-PCC Streets Pavement from Hujra GulAkbar to Upper Abadies (300 333,000 Feet) in U/C Malakand District Malakand MALAKAND MD15D00373-"PCC Street Pavement, Culvert & R/wallHayat Kandako in District 300,000 Malakand" MALAKAND MD15D00374-Construction of PCC Street U/C ThanaJadeed District Malakand. 1,000,000 MALAKAND MD15D00375-PCC Street at HaibatGram and BypassAmjad Shaheed colony Thana in 900,000 U/C Thana Jadeed District Malakand MALAKAND MD15D00376-PCC Street Pavement Near Sharja Masjidin U/C Thana Khass PK-99 600,000 District Malakand. MALAKAND MD15D00377-"PCC Street pavement of Street MohallaShahidan U/C Thana Khass, 300,000 PK-99 District Malakand." MALAKAND MD15D00378-"Street Pavement in V/C Toakan, DistrictMalakand." 300,000 MALAKAND MD15D00379-PCC Roads/Streets at Dhanda/Hira Colonyin U/C Thana Khass District 1,000,000 Malakand. MALAKAND MD15D00380-"Pavement of Street and Drain at Moh:Gumbat, U/C Upper Batkhela."

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