MR 383 Btry C

MR 383 Btry C

by Date MORNING REPORTS - 383d FA, Btry C March '44 thru July '45 Date S/N Last Name First Name MOS Rank Action 3/1/1944 36412122 Rodibaugh PVT Sk in qrs to dy, LD. 3/1/1944 36410192 Hillstrom PFC Dy to Sk Sta Hosp as of 22-Feb, LD und.. 3/2/1944 36545847 Carpenter PFC Abv 2 EM dy to sk in qrs, LD. 3/2/1944 36547924 Heck PFC Abv 2 EM dy to sk in qrs, LD. 3/2/1944 36410192 Hillstrom PFC Sk in Sta Hosp to dym, LD und, 1-Mar. 3/3/1944 36549183 Michalak PVT Fur to dy - abs 11 days. 3/3/1944 36545847 Carpenter PFC Sk in qrs to dy, LD. 3/3/1944 36715515 Havens PVT Dy to sk in qrs, LD. 3/4/1944 O1171638 Kushner 1LT Fr dy to RO to SD as Asst S-3, Hq. 3/4/1944 36715515 Havens PVT Abv 2 EM sk in qrs to dy, LD. 3/4/1944 36547924 Heck PFC Abv 2 EM sk in qrs to dy, LD. 3/4/1944 34464897 Mishue PVT Sk in Sta Hosp to dy, LD. 3/5/1944 O1165438 Quinlan 1LT Dy to Lv (15 days). 3/6/1944 No Chg Correct'n, 22-Feb - Should read: Asgd, not jd, fr 384th FA Bn, w/ prin dy of Ex O. Placed on SD w/ 3/7/1944 O416142 Allen Glen O. 1LT 384th FA Bn. 3/7/1944 31368245 Pevear PVT Dy to fur (13 days), 6-Mar. 3/7/1944 35606909 Hawkins PVT Dy to fur (12 days), 6-Mar. 3/7/1944 37402220 Cooper T/5 Fur to dy - abs 10 days, 6-Mar. 3/7/1944 33691035 Wingrove PVT Fur to dy - abs 12 days, 6-Mar. 3/7/1944 33389501 Tereszcuk PVT Dy to sk Sta Hosp. 3/8/1944 No Chg 3/9/1944 36552406 Elvert T/5 Fr fur to dy - abs 11 days). 3/9/1944 31365695 Tinkham PVT Abv 3 EM fr fur to dy - abs 12 days. 3/9/1944 31365297 Scali PVT Abv 3 EM fr fur to dy - abs 12 days. 3/9/1944 31388796 Deloge PVT Abv 3 EM fr fur to dy - abs 12 days. 3/9/1944 37246225 McGarigle T/5 Fur extended 7 days (emerg), 6-Mar. 3/9/1944 33389501 Tereszcuk Joseph PVT Fr sk Sta Hosp to abs sk Ashburn GH, McKenney, TX. 3/9/1944 O416142 Allen Glen O. 1LT Reld fr dy as Ex O & SD 384th FA Bn, & asgd to 526th FA Bn Hq & Hq Btry. 3/10/1944 34492970 Washam PFC Abv 2 EM fr dy to fur (13 days). 3/10/1944 34574604 Duncan T/5 Abv 2 EM fr dy to fur (13 days). 3/10/1944 36287805 Manning T/4 Fr dy to fur (12 days). 3/10/1944 36734904 Baker Walter L. PVT Abv 2 EM atchd unasgd for qrs & rats only, 9-Mar. 3/10/1944 15312793 Sterling Donald E. PVT Abv 2 EM atchd unasgd for qrs & rats only, 9-Mar. 3/11/1944 37447450 Wambeam PFC Abv 3 EM trfd to So Pers Reasgmt Cen, Ft Sam Houston, TX. 3/11/1944 36764004 Rudin PVT Abv 3 EM trfd to So Pers Reasgmt Cen, Ft Sam Houston, TX. 3/11/1944 37447507 Droe PVT Abv 3 EM trfd to So Pers Reasgmt Cen, Ft Sam Houston, TX. 3/11/1944 36553783 Hogue PFC Fr dy to DS Cp Stockade, 9-Mar. 3/11/1944 37265215 Herrmann PFC Fr dy to fur (12 days). 3/11/1944 17044747 Kenser PVT Fr sk Sta Hosp to dy, NLD EPTI. 3/11/1944 37403776 Cowin PVT Abv 2 EM trfd fr Hq Btry 383d FA Bn & asgd & jd Btry. 3/11/1944 32933870 Eschborn Earl W. PVT Abv 2 EM trfd fr Hq Btry 383d FA Bn & asgd & jd Btry. 1 by Date by Date MORNING REPORTS - 383d FA, Btry C March '44 thru July '45 Date S/N Last Name First Name MOS Rank Action 3/11/1944 12103116 Fink Myron PVT Trfd fr Hq 383d FA Bn & asgd & jd Btry. 3/11/1944 36734904 Baker PVT Atchd unasgd for qrs & rats to asgd & jd Btry. 3/12/1944 37246225 McGarigle T/5 Fur (emerg) to dy - abs 14 days. 3/12/1944 42001471 Patti PVT Fr DS Ft Sill, OK to fur (12 days). 3/13/1944 36716579 Borowy PFC Fur to dy - abs 10 days. 3/13/1944 34516144 Clary PFC Dy to sk in qrs, LD. 3/14/1944 34516144 Clary PFC Fr sk in qrs to dy, LD. 3/14/1944 37402353 Siroky PVT Fr dy to fur (11 days). 3/14/1944 18033856 Wozencraft PVT Dy to DS Prov Ord Amm Co, LA Manuever Area. 3/15/1944 20655375 Davenport SSGT Dy to sk Sta Hosp, LD. 3/16/1944 38371599 Reed Hugo M. PVT Abv 2 EM asgd & jd fr ASTU 3890, No TX St Teachers Col, Denton, TX. 3/16/1944 38395460 Lawrence Max H. PVT Abv 2 EM asgd & jd fr ASTU 3890, No TX St Teachers Col, Denton, TX. 3/17/1944 O516644 Pfenninger 1193 1LT Asgd, not jd (on Lv) & asgd to duty as Ex O. 3/17/1944 37246532 Turner PFC Abv 4 EM fr dy to trfd to So Pers Reasgmt Cen, Ft Sam Houston, TX. 3/17/1944 36549162 Mason PVT Abv 4 EM fr dy to trfd to So Pers Reasgmt Cen, Ft Sam Houston, TX. 3/17/1944 37287781 Hill PVT Abv 4 EM fr dy to trfd to So Pers Reasgmt Cen, Ft Sam Houston, TX. 3/17/1944 38011128 Alexander Wilbur D. PVT Abv 4 EM fr dy to trfd to So Pers Reasgmt Cen, Ft Sam Houston, TX. 3/18/1944 35606909 Hawkins PVT Fur to dy - abs 12 days. 3/18/1944 17044747 Kenser PVT Dy to fur (11 days). 3/19/1944 O1165438 Quinlan 1LT Lv to dy - abs 15 days. 3/19/1944 O516644 Pfenninger 1LT Lv to dy - abs 15 days. 3/19/1944 31368245 Pevear PVT Fur to dy - abs 13 days. 3/20/1944 31388796 Deloge PVT Fr dy to sk in qrs, LD. 3/20/1944 35548030 Darr PVT Atchd unasgd for qrs & rats only. Reld fr atchd unasgd & SD as Asst Ex "C" Btry & asgd to Serv Btry 383d FA Bn & duties as Wheel 3/21/1944 O1180969 Janis 2LT Vehicle Maint Off. 3/21/1944 31388796 Deloge PVT Fr sk in ars to dy, LD. 3/21/1944 35548030 Darr PVT Fr atchd unasgd for qrs & rats & asgd to Hq Btry 383d FA Bn. 3/21/1944 13093116 Eshleman Earl K. 645 PVT Abv 2 EM asgd & jd fr Hq ASTU 4810, NE Jr Col, Monroe, LA. 3/21/1944 38396831 Wilder Luther T. 776 PVT Abv 2 EM asgd & jd fr Hq ASTU 4810, NE Jr Col, Monroe, LA. 3/22/1944 O1181028 Manning 2LT Fr dy to Lv (15 days). 3/22/1944 20655375 Davenport SSGT Fr sk Sta Hosp to dy, LD. 3/22/1944 36287805 Manning T/4 Fr fur to dy - abs 12 days. 3/23/1944 34496231 Thornton PFC Dy to fur (10 days). 3/23/1944 36412122 Rodibaugh PVT Dy to fur (11 days). 3/23/1944 37541509 Schroeder PFC Dy to fur (12 days). 3/23/1944 38151663 Alsip PVT Dy to fur (13 days). 3/23/1944 37265215 Herrmann PFC Fur to dy - abs 12 days. 3/23/1944 36553783 Hogue PFC DS Cp Stockade to dy. 3/24/1944 34574604 Duncan T/5 Abv 2 EM fur to dy - abs 13 days, 23-Mar. 3/24/1944 34492970 Washam PFC Abv 2 EM fur to dy - abs 13 days, 23-Mar. 3/24/1944 42001471 Patti PVT Fur to dy - abs 12 days. 2 by Date by Date MORNING REPORTS - 383d FA, Btry C March '44 thru July '45 Date S/N Last Name First Name MOS Rank Action 3/24/1944 32267503 McKenney SSGT Dy to sk in qrs, LD. 3/25/1944 O1180969 Janis 2LT Atchd unasgd to btry fr Serv Btry & asgd spec duites of Asst Ex O. 3/25/1944 36714250 Hook PFC Dy to emerg fur (11 days). 3/25/1944 36545845 Niezgoda SGT Dy to fur (11 days). 3/26/1944 32267503 McKenney SSGT Sk in qrs to dy, LD, 25-Mar. 3/26/1944 37402353 Siroky PVT Fur to dy - abs 11 days, 25-Mar. 3/26/1944 36412743 Warner T/5 Dy to fur (11 days). 3/27/1944 O1165438 Quinlan 1LT Promoted CAPT per SO# 72, WE, Wash DC, eff 24-Mar. 3/28/1944 No Chg 3/29/1944 17044747 Kenser PVT Fr fur to dy - abs 11 days. 3/29/1944 34464897 Mishue PVT Fr dy to fur (13 days). 3/29/1944 35918854 McKinley Harold C. 531 PVT Asgd & jd fr Hq 383d FA Bn. 3/30/1944 No Chg 3/31/1944 O1171638 Kushner 1LT Dy to DS So Pers Reasgmt Cen, Ft Sam Houston, TX. 3/31/1944 36547193 Chatfield T/5 Abv 6 EM trfd to So Pers Reasgmt Cen, Ft Sam Houston, TX. 3/31/1944 31368245 Pevear PVT Abv 6 EM trfd to So Pers Reasgmt Cen, Ft Sam Houston, TX. 3/31/1944 37402353 Siroky PVT Abv 6 EM trfd to So Pers Reasgmt Cen, Ft Sam Houston, TX. 3/31/1944 37446235 Taft PVT Abv 6 EM trfd to So Pers Reasgmt Cen, Ft Sam Houston, TX. 3/31/1944 34492970 Washam James R.

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