Fifties in America Table of Contents A Abstract expressionism, 1 Academy Awards, 4 Acheson, Dean, 11 Actors Studio, 12 Adams, Sherman, 14 Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet, The, 14 Adventures of Superman, The, 15 Advertising, 17 Affluence and the new consumerism, 24 Affluent Society, The, 27 AFL-CIO merger, 28 African Americans, 29 Agriculture in Canada, 34 Agriculture in the United States, 36 Ailey, Alvin, Jr., 40 Air pollution, 42 Aircraft design and development, 43 Alaska statehood, 45 American Bandstand, 47 American Dream, 49 Amos and Andy, 50 Andrea Doria sinking, 52 Antarctic Treaty of 1959, 53 Archaeology, 55 Architecture, 57 Armour, Richard, 62 Army-McCarthy hearings, 63 Around the World in Eighty Days, 65 Art movements, 66 Asian Americans, 68 Asian flu epidemic, 73 Astronomy, 74 Atlas Shrugged, 77 Atomic bomb, 78 Atomic Energy Act of 1954, 79 Atomic Energy of Canada, Ltd., 80 Automobiles and auto manufacturing, 81 Avro Arrow, 84 B B-52 bomber, 86 Baby boomers, 87 Banks, Ernie, 88 Barbie dolls, 89 Bardot, Brigitte, 90 Barkley, Alben W., 91 Baseball, 92 Baseball's exemption from antitrust laws, 97 Basketball, 97 Basketball point-shaving scandal, 100 Beat generation, 102 Belafonte, Harry, 105 Bellow, Saul, 106 Bell's swim across Lake Ontario, 107 Ben-Hur, 108 Bennington explosion, 109 Berle, Milton, 110 Bernstein, Leonard, 111 Berra, Yogi, 111 Berry, Chuck, 112 Betty Crocker cookbooks, 113 Birth control, 113 Blackboard Jungle, 116 Boeing 707, 117 Bolling v. Sharpe, 118 Bomb shelters, 118 Book publishing, 120 Boone, Pat, 123 Bowden, Don, 124 Bowles, Chester, 124 Bowling, 125 Bracero program, 126 Bradley, Omar, 127 Brando, Marlon, 128 Brinkmanship, 129 Brink's robbery, 130 British Empire Games, 130 Broadway musicals, 132 Brown, Jim, 133 Brown v. Board of Education, 134 Brubeck, Dave, 136 Bunche, Ralph, 137 Burroughs, William, 138 Business and the economy in Canada, 138 Business and the economy in the United States, 142 C Caesar, Sid, 150 California's Alien Land Laws, 151 Campanella, Roy, 152 Canada and Great Britain, 153 Canada and U.S. investments, 156 Canada as a middle power, 158 Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, 160 Canadian Labour Congress, 161 Canadian regionalism, 162 Cancer, 165 Capp, Al, 168 Captain Kangaroo, 169 Captain Video, 169 Carnegie, Dale, 170 Castro, Fidel, 171 Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, 172 Catcher in the Rye, The, 173 Celler-Kefauver Act of 1950, 174 Censorship, 175 Central Intelligence Agency, 180 Chamberlain, Wilt, 183 "Checkers" speech. See Nixon's "Checkers" speech Chevrolet Corvette, 184 Chiang Kai-shek, 185 China, 186 Chrysler autoworkers strike, 189 Cisco Kid, The, 190 Cities. See Urbanization Civil defense programs, 191 Civil Rights Act of 1957, 193 Civil Rights movement, 194 Cliburn, Van, 200 Clift, Montgomery, 201 Cold War, 201 Cole, Nat King, 208 Comic books, 209 Commission on Civil Rights, 214 Communications in Canada, 215 Communications in the United States, 217 Communist Party of the U.S.A., 221 Computers, 224 Confidential, 225 Conformity, culture of, 226 Congress, U.S., 230 Congress of Racial Equality, 235 Connolly, Maureen, 236 Connolly, Olga, 237 Conservatism in U.S. politics, 238 Continentalism, 241 Cooke, Sam, 242 Corso, Gregory, 243 Corvette. See Chevrolet Corvette Cousy, Bob, 243 Creature from the Black Lagoon, 244 Crocker, Betty. See Betty Crocker cookbooks Cuban Revolution, 245 Culture of conformity. See Conformity, culture of Cyclotron, 248 D Damn Yankees, 250 Dance, popular, 250 Davis, Benjamin O., Jr., 252 Davis, Sammy, Jr., 253 Davy Crockett, 254 Day, Doris, 255 Day the Earth Stood Still, The, 256 Dean, James, 257 De Kooning, Willem, 258 Demographics of Canada, 259 Demographics of the United States, 260 Dennis v. United States, 265 Destination Moon, 266 DEW Line, 267 Diamond synthesizing, 268 Diddley, Bo, 269 Diefenbaker, John G., 270 Diggs, Charles C., Jr., 271 DiMaggio, Joe, 272 Disarmament movement, 273 Disneyland, 274 DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid), 276 Dodgers and Giants relocation, 278 Domino, Fats, 280 Dragnet, 281 Drive-in theaters, 281 Dulles, John Foster, 283 DuMont network, 284 E Economic Stabilization Agency, 286 Edsel, 286 Education in Canada, 288 Education in the United States, 292 Einstein, Albert, 300 Eisenhower, Dwight D., 301 Eisenhower Doctrine, 303 Eisenhower's heart attack, 304 Elections in Canada, 305 Elections in the United States, midterm, 306 Elections in the United States, 1952, 308 Elections in the United States, 1956, 311 Eliot, T. S., 314 Elizabeth II's coronation, 315 Elizabeth II's visit to North America, 317 Emmy Awards, 318 ENIAC computer, 319 Espionage and Sabotage Act of 1954, 320 Explorer I, 321 F Fads, 323 Fahrenheit 451, 326 Famous Artists School, 327 Farm subsidies, 328 Fashions and clothing, 329 Fast-food restaurants, 333 Father Knows Best, 335 Faubus, Orval, 336 Faulk, John Henry, 336 Federal Aviation Administration, 337 Federal Bureau of Investigation, 338 Ferlinghetti, Lawrence, 341 Film in Canada, 342 Film in the United States, 344 Fitzgerald, Ella, 351 Flying saucers, 352 Food for Peace, 353 Football, 354 Forbidden Planet, 357 Ford, Edsel. See Edsel Ford Thunderbird, 358 Foreign policy of Canada, 359 Foreign policy of the United States, 363 Formosa Resolution, 366 FORTRAN, 367 Freberg, Stan, 367 Freed, Alan, 368 From Here to Eternity, 369 Fuller, Buckminister. See Geodesic dome G Gaines, William M., 370 Gallup polls, 370 General Motors, 371 Genetics, 373 Geneva Summit Conference, 374 Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, 376 Geodesic dome, 377 Germany's postwar occupation, 377 Getty, J. Paul, 379 G.I. Bill, 380 Giant, 381 Gibson, Althea, 382 Ginsberg, Allen, 383 Gobel, George, 385 God and Man at Yale, 385 God's Country and Mine, 386 Goldbergs, The, 387 Golden, Harry, 388 Golf, 389 Gonzáles, Pancho, 391 Goren, Charles, 391 Graham, Billy, 392 Grand Canyon airliner collision, 393 Great Books movement, 394 Greco, José, 396 Gross national product of Canada, 396 Gross national product of the United States, 398 Guatemala invasion, 400 Guggenheim Museum, 402 Gunsmoke, 403 Gunther, John, 405 H Hairstyles, 407 Haley, Bill, 408 Harlem Globetrotters, 410 Hawaii statehood, 411 Health care systems in Canada, 412 Health care systems in the United States, 414 Health, Education, and Welfare, Department of, 418 Hearing aids, 419 Hemingway, Ernest, 420 Herblock, 421 Hernández v. Texas, 422 Hersey, John, 423 Hispanics. See Latinos Hitchcock films, 423 Hockey, 425 Hoffa, Jimmy, 427 Hogan, Ben, 429 Holiday Inn, 429 Holly, Buddy, 430 Home appliances, 431 Home furnishings, 433 Homosexuality and gay rights, 436 Honeymooners, The, 438 Hoof-and-mouth epidemic, 440 Hoover, J. Edgar, 440 Hoover Commission, 442 Hope, Bob, 443 House Committee on Un-American Activities, 444 Housing in Canada, 446 Housing in the United States, 448 Howdy Doody Show, 453 Hudson, Rock, 454 Hula hoops, 454 Human growth hormone, 455 Hungarian revolt, 456 Hydrogen bomb, 458 I I Led Three Lives, 460 I Love Lucy, 461 Ice hockey. See Hockey Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952, 463 Immigration to Canada, 464 Immigration to the United States, 466 "In God We Trust" on U.S. currency, 470 Inco strike, 470 Income and wages in Canada, 471 Income and wages in the United States, 474 Indian Act of 1951, 478 Indians, American. See Native Americans Inflation in Canada, 479 Inflation in the United States, 480 Inherit the Wind, 481 Instant photography, 482 Institute of Pacific Relations, 484 Internal Security Act of 1950, 484 International Business Machines Corporation, 485 International Geophysical Year, 487 International trade of Canada, 488 International trade of the United States, 491 Interracial marriage laws, 494 Interstate highway system, 495 Invasion of the Body Snatchers, 497 Inventions, 498 Invisible Man, 501 Isolationism, 503 Israel, 504 I've Got a Secret, 506 J Japan, 507 Jazz, 509 Jewish Americans, 512 John Birch Society, 515 Johns, Jasper, 516 Jorgensen, Christine, 517 K Kazan, Elia, 519 Kefauver, Estes, 520 Kefauver Committee, 522 Kelly, Grace, 523 Kennan, George F., 524 Kennedy, John F., 525 Kerouac, Jack, 527 Khrushchev's visit to the United States, 528 King, Martin Luther, Jr., 529 Kingston Trio, 531 Kinsey Report, 532 Kline, Franz, 532 Kon-Tiki, 533 Kono, Tommy, 534 Korean War, 535 Kovacs, Ernie, 544 Kramer, Jack, 545 Kroc, Ray, 545 Ku Klux Klan, 546 Kukla, Fran and Ollie, 547 L Lady Chatterley's Lover, 548 LaLanne, Jack, 549 Landrum-Griffin Act of 1959, 549 Larsen's perfect game, 550 Lassie, 551 Latin America, 552 Latinos, 555 Leave It to Beaver, 559 Lebanon occupation, 560 Lehrer, Tom, 562 Levittown, 562 Lewis, Jerry. See Martin and Lewis Lewis, Jerry Lee, 564 Lewis, John L., 565 Liberalism in U.S. politics, 565 Life, 567 Linkletter, Art, 568 Literature in Canada, 570 Literature in the United States, 572 Little Richard, 580 Little Rock school desegregation crisis, 581 Lodge, Henry Cabot, 583 Lolita, 584 The Lone Ranger, 585 The Lonely Crowd, 586 Long Day's Journey into Night, 586 Long-playing records, 587 Look, 588 Look Back in Anger, 589 "Louie Louie", 589 Loyalty oaths, 590 M MacArthur, Douglas, 592 McCarthy, Joseph, 594 McCarthy, Mary, 596 McClellan Committee, 597 McDonald's restaurants, 598 Mackinac Bridge, 599 Maclean's, 600 McLuhan, Marshall, 601 MAD, 602 Man in the Gray Flannel Suit, The, 603 Man with the Golden Arm, The, 604 Mantle, Mickey, 605 Marciano, Rocky, 606 Marshall, George C., 608 Martin and Lewis, 608 Marx, Groucho, 609 Mathias, Bob, 610 Maverick, 611 Mays, Willie, 612 Meany, George, 613 Medicine, 614 Mercury space program, 618 Mexico, 620 Michener, James, 624 Mickey Mouse Club, 625 Military conscription, 625 Military-industrial complex, 627 Miller, Arthur, 628 Mills, C. Wright, 629 Mindszenty, Cardinal József, 630 Minorities in Canada, 631 Miss America pageants, 634 Monroe, Marilyn, 636 Montgomery bus boycott, 638 Morse, Wayne, 639 Motels, 640 Motherwell, Robert, 642 Motorcycle gangs, 642 Mr. Potato Head, 643 Murrow, Edward R., 644 Music, 645 Mutual Broadcasting System scandal, 652 My Fair Lady, 653 N Naked Lunch, 655 National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 655 National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, 658 National Association for the Advancement of Colored People v.
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