DOCUMENT RESUME D 074 007 SO 005 5' uTHCR Odle, Sue ITLE The First AmericansYesterdayand Today, NSTITUTION Minneapolis Public Schools,Minn, UB DATE 70 DTE 54p,; Report ofa Special Task Force on Minority Cultures, 'US PRICE MF-$0.65 BC-$3,29 ESCPIPTORS *American. Indian Culture; *AmericanIndians; Cultural Education; Ethnology; ReadingMaterials; *Social Studies Units; Teaching Guides;Tribes STPACT This unit is designed witha basic goal of instilling otter understanding of, andempathy for, the AmericanIndian. The first section outlinesunderstandings and attitudes alongwith iggestions forcorresponding activities andresources. This is Mowed bya Resource Manual that includes the followingstudent n.dings:. (1) Migrationand Division of the Sioux;(2) The Beginnings the Sioux; (3) Land of the Daco4hs;(4) These liere the Sioux; (5). )e Ending Went. On and On;(6) Attitudes and Valuesof American Idians;(7) Background of Sioux--U.S.Government Conflict in 1800Is; i) The Indian Hasa Problem-The White Man;(9) Cultural Cleavage tween the Teton Sioux and WesternCivilization; and,(10) The .ight of the American Indian,A brief glossary is includedas well several pages of study questions.Other documents in thisseries :e SO 005 53 4 through 50 005 551.(OPH) U.S. DEPARTMENT OFHEALTH, ED 0 JA7 -,DHCEDTHETHIS PERSON DOCUMENTEDUCATIONOFFICE EXACTLY OR OF ORGANIZATION ASIEID HAS & ,HECEIVED WELFARENCE:EIE.N ATI ON REPRO.FROM CATIONREPRESENTIONSINATING STATED POSITION 117 POINTSOFFICIAL DO OR, NOT OFPOLICY OFFICE VIEWNECESSARILYOROF ORIG-OPIN-EDU- THEPIRZ 'r Sue Odle G.Spring,Special.Minneapolis Skjervold, 1970Task Public ForceProject Schoolson MinorityAdministrator Cultures, INTRODUCTION This unit is de i d with a basic goal of today's dominant whitesociety perpetuatespoverty forin tillingthe American better IndianunderstandingTais willof, andbe.done,by empathy andFrom helplessness this approach formany it isAmerican expected Indians. that classexposing ame the to students duringthe first week's udents will, be: understand. the problethe Plains Sioux duringa background the150 ofyears the culturethat theirs of thewas toof atr. cultureition, dominated froma wayby DarIflife peon which has vanishedand ily life.is warriorlead society.and federal-tribalFrom astudy, conflicts,of fam- social custos and in uence. study Should proceedto a. second weeks work unitA necessityis the reading for teacherof The Sioux)preparation Life forand Cuustothis s involvingd.re.ocntionproble currentvalu e conflicts,d assessmentreservation of how of a Warrior Society,by Royal B. Haasrick. THE FIRST' AMERICANS - AY TODAY I. BackgroundUnderstands of location, migration.11. and economic Attiudespatterns. Activitie environment.outgrouthNomadic plains of adaptation' life was naturalto new opmentAsuited desire ofto toathe tribalunderstand needs culture of the welldevel-entire beNotes kept taken in aby Sioux students..which notebook. will society. DivisionTeacherUse overhead Resource of thetransparencies Sioux,"#11 "Migration showing and and Economic basi Distributedivisionslocation of ofcopies Siouxthe Sioux territoryof Student nation. and Reading the buffalo, #1,PresentationSioux "The Indian Beginning of slideYesterday." of seriesthe Sioux." "TheA group possiblyslides,ofthen students present practice pre-identify may the preview readingslides items, thesewiththe script, oneand12 DiscussionholdstudentSioux tasks, culture; reading of warfare, these fori.e., partsthe games,usic, entire of shouldthehouse- class. allLand wasnot usedowned for by cindividuals.on good, of #2,Distributefollow. "Land, ofcopies the Dacotahs".of Student Reading TEE :FAT 2 =DAY .10M, 'TODAY The conceptofUnderst cooperationdin within, A ude /Teacher Resourceivities #2, basicinthe storing group to the asup Sioux wellof material associety. disinterestgoods, was Classcussionsshouldand Values discussion be at understood ofthis American timeshould toin "Attitudes Indians," aidcenterunit. dis- notnaturalTi ehourly orientation phenomena. divisionwas of Seasonal,based ti e.on andmeaningideas ourhow of presentinthese cooperation context words day of society.have andIndian sharingdifferentcultureon II. Background All1111MOIVof Sioux family lifeand spiritual nature. spirittionedThe family ofas cooperation,it of did the because Siouxandfunc-of per- a practices.whiteAppreciation and Indian of thechild contrast rearingin #3,Distribute "These copiesWere the of Sioux".Student,Reading andsonal others. responsibility forself Students, answer questionson reading inSpirit game ofplaying. competitionmanifested Recognitiontitionlife was did not havethat cooperative a allplace. of Sioux- compe- Discussion.should.to be included follow. of readingin notebook. and questions materialwithShow: group sound. in discussionthe filmstrip, filmstrip. covering 2E2timathe 3 IHEPI T rim C 3S - YESTERDAY AND TODAY' 01111111111111/11. BndeM di Attitudes Activities life.elementalSpiritual tonature all facetsof the ofSioux their was Awarenessthese people of. forthe thedeep world, feeling. of of ClassShow sound discussion filmstrip should ?eligion. followammirmaMil. Great,nature,in their Powers. anddaily- deep living. faith expressedwith the . religiousandstudents differencesideals maypractices. shown discuss between and similaritiestheir the ownpractices III.inevitableConflictOverview with because of white Sioux of men conflictmutual was ith whiteRecognitionsatisfy.basic men - government. of econo manls ic need wants, to WhiteIntroductory. control lectureof plains on Indian vs. need of basic land resources. whitesand reasons and Indians.for. conflict between, ATeacherinofnotes Sioux.18001s included. Resource - U.S. in .Ori3Government notebook."Background. student.Conflict government.the,Importance Sioux inof dealingscertain headmenwith the of Bull,Divideofeach a biographicalstudentRed class Cloud, intoin theor sketchthree Crazygroup groups ofHorsea Sittingcopy giving group.eachsummarizetaken studiedfrom achievementsl'oous and discussIndians. of for the Groupsentire leader Adiscuss.Distribute, "The Ehding this copies in Went class. of On Student, and Ohl" Reading and TDE FIRST CANS -if YESTERDAY AND TODAY 4111M11111.11 Understandings Attitudes Activities system,continualThe Sioux loss erodingwere of defeatedeconomic of their bypower, afamily resultingAwarenessfulfillment froof andlimitsforced. group of advancementconfinementpersonal andShowthe the lifefilm dependence ofTahtonka the Indians ofwhich theseondeals the withplains and harassment by the government. to reservations.. viewofforon the theirof Trailbuffalothe entire conflicts which whicheconomy, gives wasof anthe or overall peoplebasisThe End expansion.theandencountered timevalues of whichAmerica'swith the white PlainswestwardeconomicsmanIndians at IV.non-indiansSa.e Understandingbasic valuesare Indianfor Indians Values.and Recognition of validity of another Distribute, copies of StudentReading. very different. wayspoint of of living. view when dealing with HaveAmerican#51 "Attitudes students Indian:' defineand to Values. beon. read paperof in fromclass. InAttitudesoftheir theclass own.underlined. discussion andpoints Values of words students viewreading. withinthemeaningsthe partbackgroundlistgive ofwhichexamples the presentedcoincidesunit. of values durinsw4th fromhistoricalearlier willthis 'T RST AMERI AS-5 TES' Y iQ DAY There is Understandingsa definite cultural Awareness of thetitudes differences which Distribute copiesi cities of. Student Reading Thereandcleavage, white. are between basicway of similarities thelife. Sioux: in Considerationtothe adapt Sioux to encountered the that new ourwhite inpresent tryingway. #61StudentsTeton "Cultural Sioux write and Cleavage in Western class BetweenCivilization".a comparison the the needs and goals of all men. tionsociety of somecould of profit the Indian from adapta-values. includedCollectdifferencesof one European picturesin groupand valuesimilarities todecoupage illustrate- Indianto thesevalue. be Discussinindividual the whole'group.these poster comparisons form. of orvalues uponReservation.V. Problema people ofsystem without the wasReservation consider- forced- Urban mistakes.AcknowledgementRelocation.Massive of publicadministrative disin- Presentationof maps showing of overhead"Reduction transparency of Currentspiritualation of problemstheir needs. economic, of health, social, Willingnessterest for theto examineIndian. current Great Sioux Reservation". the paternalism.onhousing,fbotered, reservation employment, by trap are of in governmentaleducation. part - sent.seekconditions workable,problems. with solutions a desire, to topre- Indian,"#7,Distribute "The toPlight copiesbe read of of thein Student class.American Reading - THEFIRST AMERICANS6YESTERDAY IITODAY IIMINNIMMIROMMOM~=1,Understandings Attitudes reading,Students may"OurActivities want Shameful tp useFailure second TheWithcondensation1970, Indian America's Reader's in ofWhiteDigest.Indians,"0+211IersturBrceeerE__: America,.This Aprilwill Discussionconditions.be helpful inof theseunderstanding: current Showthewhat Indian sound.theycommunity,can to theproblems theindividual, nation, and settingProblems from of adjustmentlife to urban DiscussIndian.: inADispossessedclass.fil strip The People.American tionany individuals.arecooTlexr-staggeringon the reserva- to neighborhoods.adjustmentnewStudents environment. discuss to newListadaptationsProblems.schoolspossible and of to comanagelentiproblemsseekingunity, skills;on church, board;socialhoUsingl- school.acceptancei.e., homejob in emphasis.andShow
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