JANUARYMEETING January21",7:30 PM CentralLibrary MeetingRoom Planningmeeting for 2003 EVERYONE WELCOME COME SHAREIDEAS! OLD PENDLETONDISTRICT NEWSLETTER VOLTJME17 NO. I January.2003 Published:.lanLrary.Irebruary, March, April, May, June,September, October, Novembcr. And December 2002OITFICtTRS PRESIDENT:CIIARLES IIEAD: E-MAIL: choochoo(@innova.net......864-639-3940 VICE-PRES:JAMES GRANGER: E-Mail: grangeribh)ao|.com.........864-306-8337 SECIRITT'ARY:LaMARR BROOKS-E-MAIl. :ltbrooks(a)inmrva.net. ... fl64-63 9- 1 60 1 TREAS: MA RCARIlT-f E SWAN K- E-MAI L-MarSwank(4ao l.co m. ..864-83 4-37 09 PLIBLICA'l'IONS:LaMARR BROOKS-E-MAIt.-ltbrooks(a)innova.net.tt64-639-I6U1 SOCIAL:EI-AINE GRANGER- E-MAIL-Fergus5OfrD,aol.com. ....864-306-11337 PUBI.ICITY:KEITII MtrRCK :E-MAIt,:Kmerckl/Djuno.com .....864-271-1353 S1'ATE RIr P RtrS EN'f A1'I V E- ANN E SHERI F F : E- MAt t. :S heriff.(4inno va. net NE W S L E ]' TE R- ED I T'O R- MA RG A RE T T E SW AN K rUUO;-UI]41'T]' 203McELHANEY ROAD. APT.25, TRAVELERS RES'[" S.C. 29690-1944 PLTIASIISEND DUES.MEMBERSHIP, ADDRESS CI'IANGF], ARTICLES TO: MARGAREI-TE SWANK. 203 McELHANEY RD" TRAVELERS REST.SC 29690 OLD PENDLETON DISTRICT CHAPTERHOME PAGE ON THE WEB http:i/o ldpend leton. home stead. com Correctionsor additionsto Old PendletonData Base: [email protected] SouthCarolina Genealogical Society on the Web: http://scgen.org NEW IvIEI\,IBERSHIPFOR THE YEAR 2003 Plansand ideaschzurge with useand it has beensuggested that we add E-mails,telephones, addresses and family researchto eachmember name. Sincefhis was donewhen the initial membershipcame out in the newsletter,I assumed,but incorrectlyto somethinking, that you would not needit again . There will be a DIRECTORYof MEMBERS availablein August.2003. for a costof $5.00. This will entail a lot of extra work on the Editor's part. plus cost to the Chapter. If you DO NOT want your informationin this directory,please E-Mail the Editor. Someof our membersrequested that we DO NOT put this into the newsletterabout them and otherssimply OMITTED the informationin their application. I have tried to comply with your wishes. Your wishesare to be respectedas you are our membership. Let us know 'fhank by an E-Mail. or a note to the Editor. you for your compliancein advance. In talking with our printer,he was the one who suggesteda CLEAR listing of membershipso that those who havetrouble seeing due to sight.age, or eye-problems.could view the COMPLETEADDRESS without any hindranceof telephone.E-mail or other information. I took his advise. I ran this ideaby a few of the local membersand they liked what they heardand saw. We are opento suggestiursso let's hearthem, O.K.? The Editor ON LINE SITES FORTHE I88O UNITEDSTATESCENSUS BY COMPLIER The Church of JesusChrist of l.atlcrdar Saints.usually rcfcrred to as thc LDSs Church.has addcd threenerv databases to its on-linc site The\ arc frcc and'rrcll uorth looking into. First. tlpe in rrrrrv.fantil.r'scarch.org and add it to rour falontes. On thc lcft hand sideof thc home pagewill bc a sectionon the 1880Unitcd StatcsCcnsus" I tt8I C':nadranCcnsus. and the l88l Bntish Census. Click on that and a "CensusRccords" pagc u ill come up. The hrst box is rvhich census]'ou ivant. HigNight the 1880 US Census. Thcn tvpc in thc First and Last Name of the person)'ou're searching for. If vou know where thev wcre born. add that info. I tend to leave the Hcad of Household and Birth info blank. Click on "Search" in the lorver right hand corner. If there is more tlnt one person *'ith that name. thev will atl be listed. If vou find vours.highlighl and doubleclick. An Individual Recordwill appcar. The information includes Name. Birth Year- Birthplace. Age. Occupation. Marital Status.Race. Head of Household.Relation. Father's Birthplacc. and Mother's Birthplace. It will also tell vou the Census Place and what Family History Library Film the informatron appears. Now come the "fun" part. Go to the upper right corner of the Indir,'idu:rlRecord pagc and click on "Household If r ou're luckr. you will get a chart that gil'es 1'ouall the above information for even.person u'ho lives in that Household. About the only thing missing is the date the censuswas takerL which would help,vou pinpoint a birth date more accuxately. As the Censusis considereda primarv document in genealogvresearch .this is a wonderfirl treasuretrove of informatron that is eaw to use. You'll be amazedat who you will find. The above information rvas used with permission of Barbara Franklin. of Walterboro. S. C.. Il is the clearestand most concise informatron regarding the subject I have found and it worksl We owe to Barbara our heartfelt thanks for her generosin'. OPD Editor. 1880LDS OnlineCensus By CharlesMurphree Ifyou are not akeaqv aware of Luke and Eliza had a son, PoseyBerry SC, fatherborn in VA and mother bom it. the Church of Jesus Christ of Later Rice,born in September1867, so I in SC. BeryP. Rice.son, at home,age Day Sarnts (LDS) now has the estimatedher deathas between 1867 I 5, born I 865 in SC, both parentsborn complete 1880 US c€nsus irtdex posted and 1870. I recentlyleamed that she in SC. BenjamineH. Campbe,stepson, on-line on their Family Search Websrte. died on 7 Jarnnry1868 in Greenville, farm laborer,age 17.born 1863in SC, To access the databas€go to: SouthCarolina. If her son was born in both fatherand mother born in SC. http://wlrv. familvsearch.ore and click September1867. then childbirth at age on the US 1880 Censuslink To go 45, the cold Januaryweather and the Obviouslythere is a lot to be directly to the census search page type: harshconditions most southernerslived leamedilom just a few minutesof http://wr*v'. familvsearch.ordEnp/ Searc under during the reconstructionperiod searchingon this free database.From Vframeset search.asp'.)PAGE=ccnsuVsall probablycontributed to her death. this entry I learnedthat Luke had earch census.asp remaried,something that no living I had beenunable to locate family memberhad ever suggested.I Regardlessofall the negative Luke aller Eliza'sdeatn but the family now know where"Sand Mountain" is. infbrmationavailable there. the Internet storywas that he died in Alabarnain I have searchedJackson County hasbecome a goldmineof data for | 888.on thc way to Tcxas A txroklet ccmctericson the lnternetbut haven't genealogyresearchers. A lot ofcensus, lrom a familyreunion in thc i960's fbunda burialrecord yet. I have courthouse,cemetery and otherrecords statedthat there was an "e-v-cwitness to ordereda JacksonCounty map from the are postedwith more being addedevery a tombstoneon SandMountain i have AlabamaDO'I. With a map of all the day but it seemsthat the bestrecords beenunable to locatea SandMountain back roads.and known cemeteryplots areending up on "subscriptiononly" in Alabama."There is a Sand in JacksonCounty, I'll be preparedto sites. lt didn'ttake ertrepreneurs long Mountainbordering Murphrce's Vallcy beginmy searchwhen I makea to figureout how to makemoney by in BlountCounty, Alabama. I spenta wcckendtrip to JacksonCounty from chargingus for datathat we can find lot of time tryingto find a burialplace Atlanta. free. in a lot ofcases,at the library. in BlountCounty with no success. There is a lot to be said in defenseof lf PoseyBerry Rice was born the subscriptionsites. The info is Backto the 1880on-line in 1865instead of the September1867 availablein the comfortof our own census:m1' first scarch canrc up with i0 dateI had.then his mother'sdeath may homes,rvhen u'e choose to pursueit, Luke Ricesbut noneappearcd to bremv nothave been a directresult ofhis and it's easierto searchthe databases. gg-grandfather.I thensearched for "l-. birth. But a lot of genealogistsare on a Rice." The searchturned up 144"t-. Iimitedbudget, especially considering Rices"and although my l.ukervas By Luke havinga stepson, the currenteconomic conditions. So, amongthem I fbundout laterthat I I3enjaminH. Campbe(Campbell?),his 'l'he r.vhcnI learnedthat the LDS had posted overlookedhirn on thissearch. on- ivifi:.Cathern A.. wasapparently this "fiee access"database I thoueht I linerecords include all individualsin marricdprcviously to a "Campbeor would checkit out. thehousehold, not iustthe llead of Campbell."Considering the timeframe, Household.Since l-uke's son, Posey thereis a goodpossibility that her first For a trial run I thoughtI Berry Rice, ll'ould havc beenold husbanddied during the War. would try to locatemy great-great enoughto be enumeratedI searchedfbr grandfbther,l,uke C. Rice,whom I had PoseyRice with no luck. I cntered We knewthat Luke'sson notpreviously fbund in the 1880census "Berry"'Rice and, lkxtru.l', up popsthc I)oseyBerry Ricemigrated to Houston, 'l'exas records. For somebackgrou.nd recordof BeryP. Rice"in thehousehold at somepoint in time. But if informationon Luke Rice,family of L.C. Rice,in Township4, Jackson Luke died in 1888"on the way to legendwas that he servedwith the County,Alabama. I lookedup a map J'exas"it seemshe hadquite a lengthy Confbderateartillery during the War ofJacksonCounty on the Internetand layover in Alabama. The lengthof his Betweenthe States.His eardrumwas there,very prominently' displaled on residencein Alabamaalso explains how rupturedby a cannonburst at Ft. the map. is Sand ,llountuitt! someonewho supposedly"died on the Sumpterand he wasdischarged early. I trail" would havea tombstoneat his later confirmedmost of this through Eachperson in thehousehold buriallocation. recordsliom the National Archivesbut hasa link to individualinformation in I also learnedthat 6 monthsafter being additionto beingshown as menrbersof Although you may not be dischargedhe reenlistedand served thehousehold. The link to t..C.Rice. relatedto this family,this example throughoutthc restof the war in shorm as Bery P.
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