revival UPDATE 2019International newsletter of the Revival Fellowship ISSUE NO. 29 again we are pleased to bring you plenty News, photos and testimonies from Revival of uplifting news of what God is graciously Fellowship assemblies around the world Oncedoing throughout the Revival Fellowship. We start with a roundup from the amazing Papua New Guinea National Rally held in Vanimo, Septem- Holyber 2018. Spirit. Almost Countless 5000 miracles saints attended took place. plus We many have unsavedincluded avisitors. selection So of many notable people testimonies. filled with Further the- region, which is forging ahead. Fiji recently hosted a rallymore, too. there Other is plenty region of reports news about from Solomonthe South Islands, Pacific Kiribati, Samoa, Tonga, Tuvalu and Vanuatu are also included. Later in this edition we cover the planned Pacific 2019 Youth Outreach. Africa has been busy too. We have news from the- recent Pan African Rally in Masii, Kenya and from Nepal.other AfricanTo conclude, countries. we present Furthermore, news of end-of-yearwe have re portscamps on around what isthe happening world. We in pray China, God Asia, blesses India us and all in the fellowship and of course those who will soon join us. God is continuing to do wonderful things. Our beliefs 2 Camps 15 PNG 3 Council 18 Pacific 6 Mission 18 China 10 Contacts 20 Inside Africa 11 Asia 13 Indonesia 14 This church began on the We believe in the infallibility of the Bible. We believe Jesus Christ is the son of God. day of Pentecost We believe the gospel of His death, The Revival Fellowship is a church which resurrection, and directive to repent, be continues the work of the early apostles, as baptised and receive the Holy Spirit. recorded in the Bible in the book of Acts. On the day of Pentecost, 120 people, We believe we are baptised into the Body including the 12 apostles and Jesus’ mother, of Christ (the Church) through the Holy brothers and sisters, were all filled with the Spirit, with the Bible evidence of speaking Holy Spirit and spoke in new (unlearned) languages (Acts 1:13–15; Acts 2:4). This event in tongues. marked the start of the New Testament Chris- We believe in the miraculous gifts of the tian Church, to which The Revival Fellowship Holy Spirit in the Church. belongs. What we believe In this modern day, thousands of people We believe in prayer for the sick and around the globe have had this same mi- healing by the power of God. raculous experience throughout the Revival Fellowship as they have followed Jesus’ com- We believe the Bible identifies modern mandment to be born again “of water and of nations and gives signs of the imminent the Spirit” (John 3:5). Without this evidence of return of Jesus Christ. speaking in tongues to prove that Jesus has 2 come to dwell within us, we cannot be a part of God’s family, nor will we be invited into his kingdom. The material in this As you turn the pages of this magazine, publication is copyright. you will read about ordinary people from around the globe who have found forgive- Enquiries and contributions ness from sin, healing of mind and body, and of material should be sent to: freedom from life’s bondages through the [email protected] infilling of the Holy Spirit. This is the promise of the Holy Spirit for which Jesus died. Group photo at the Winter Camp in Europe Pr Godfrey Wippon PNG Rally 2018 - Vanimo which is located in the northwest of Papua New TheGuinea, 2018 not PNG far Nationalfrom the IndonesianRally was held border. in Vanimo, The theme of the rally was “World Signs of the Last Days”,The basedclear, simple,on Bible powerful passages Bible in Matthew Gospel message24, Luke 21of andsalvation II Peter and 3. miracles drew several thousand lo- calspeaking visitors in into tongues. the rally meetings and 1012 men and womenInterestingly, were baptised the baptism and filled records with the indicate Holy Spirit, that came from denominational “Christian” church back- Man, healed, walks from wheelchair around 88% of those baptised and Spirit-filled Revival Fellowship because of the clarity of the gos- pelgrounds. preached Many and churchgoers the power in and PNG miracles are drawn evident to the amongst the brethren. The rally followed the usual daily format, with a program of preaching from the Bible, personal tes- timonies of deliverance, musical items, prayer and rally by the saints who evangelised in the town and baptisms.surrounding Many areas. locals were invited to attend the PNG Rally PNG a team of PNG brothers travelled to a Vanimo prop- ertyPreparations owned by a forbrother the rally in the began fellowship. in March, They when bull- Marching to the rally 3 tarp tunnel tents that would accommodate close to dozed the site, clearing trees, and built 135 temporary the rally in September. 5000The adults saints, and who several had travelled thousand to children the rally during from around PNG and even some from Indonesia, were provided morning and evening meals of sago, rice, buffalo meat, tinned food and bananas. The unex- pectedly high numbers of saints staying at the camp meant that they ran out of food, but praise the Lord, extra supplies! theThe Mission campsite Fund was came located to the nearrescue, a beautiful funding someriver with lush green trees growing along its banks. Here, Overseas visitors to the rally the saints could cool off from the hot, dry, dusty con- ditions and the children could swim and play. The overseas visitors from other Revival Fellow- - tion that was just a short walk from all the action atships the rally(such site, as andAustralia) also from stayed the beach, in accommoda where the baptisms were held, and from the Vanimo Hospital, where many sick patients were prayed for and mi- PNG Rally PNG raculously delivered from their conditions by God. Sister Nadiel – PNG Indonesia. To cross the Indonesian border and en- terTwo-hundred-and-fifty PNG, individuals are required saints came to carry from personalWamena, 4 “gotNadiel sore is knees”a 17-year-old (and most young likely lady an who undiagnosed attended - the Vanimo Rally. When she was five years old she- identification,sian church groups passports have andapplied a significant for permission monetary for ing. She attended a school for students with dis- payment.members ofA PNGtheir sister organisations explained to thatcross other into PNGIndone for abilities.medical condition) Prior to the that rally, prevented her grandfather her from walk took various events, but they have always been refused. her out of the school, telling the teachers that he Our members of the Revival Fellowship in Wamena “had a plan”. He wanted to take Nadiel to the rally simply prayed and requested permission to cross the to test out the miracle healing he had heard about. border, trusting in God to make a way. They were given totally free border access for the duration of the rally and give all glory to God for that blessing! After receiving the Holy Spirit in the prayer line at the rally, Nadiel walked for the first time since she Bali and West Timor, accompanied by three South was five years old. She was subsequently baptised. A further group of five Indonesian brothers from veryHer newlyexcited baptised about the and healing Spirit-filled that his granddaughgrandfather,- part of their expedition they drove across the border terBr Francis, had received. (standing behind her in the photo) was Australianto Vanimo, saintsPNG, to flew be involved to Jayapura, in the West rally. Papua. As Nadiel couldn’t stop walking after she arrived The rally was a wonderful experience for all who home, rejoicing in the healing. Now that Nadiel can attended; a time of great blessing. walk, Br Francis has pulled her out of the school permanently saying, “She’s not disabled anymore!” Baptisms at the beach Saints and visitors at the rally Many more healed at the hospital Hospital: Brother“One nightJames during recounts the more rally healings I went to at the the hospital Vanimo emergencywith a group ward. of brothers from PNG, Australia and Indonesia.Brother DavidThere enteredwere about the ward 20 or and 30 peoplesimply inasked the PNG Rally PNG stuck their hands up. Sister Emma’s healing theWe patients, started “Who praying wants for thesesome prayer”?people and And I remem they all- “I was on the beach in Vanimo with another broth- Lord and her little daughter. They both had severe 5 Brother James recounts an amazing healing: malariaber the firstand personI said I’d I prayedlay hands for onwas them. a sister I showed in the people. Only one man responded, and his name was er, and we started preaching to a crowd of about 20 He said, “I want to get baptised but can you come prayedthem the and healing they scriptureswere healed from instantly. the book I ofwas James, just andJulian”. pray for my wife? She’s very sick and she’s in amazed.Mark 16 andThey Luke got up4:18. and We they laid went hands home! on them and hospital.” prayer. The last person I prayed for was a woman wife; whose name was Emma. She said she had a lot whoAfter had this a little the daughter sick people with starteda severe lining rash and up hotfor of Wepain went in her into side Vanimo and a “bellyHospital full andof blood”. saw Julian’s Emma skin. I laid hands on her daughter and prayed. When couldn’t walk and could barely move; she was in so I opened my eyes the rash and hot skin were com- much pain.
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