E464 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks April 1, 2008 history as well as its 50 years of international ‘‘Peace Through Strength’’ for which he al- father. As Don Thompson’s son, Blaze fellowship. The college and its graduates have ways worked. Bill Dickinson’s legacy is still felt Thompson has inherited his Dad’s talent and not only made a positive impact within the on many fronts, but today he is often credited skill for winning. In his first year as head greater Kalamazoo community and the State with having laid the political foundation that coach of the Blue Devils, the team played the of Michigan, but throughout the entire Nation kept the Second Congressional District in Re- toughest opponents in its division and went and the world at large. publican hands for so long. I add my voice to undefeated, winning its 5th state champion- f those who mourn his passing and remember ship. Blaze has already earned the love and the dedication of this exemplary congressman. respect of his players, fellow coaches, TRIBUTE TO FORMER CONGRESS- f Pahokee’s citizens and everyone who enjoys MAN WILLIAM L. DICKINSON high school football. PERSONAL EXPLANATION Many of the boys Don and Blaze have HON. TERRY EVERETT coached have gone on to successful careers OF ALABAMA HON. HOWARD COBLE in professional football. As the first father and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF NORTH CAROLINA son to win Florida state championships with Tuesday, April 1, 2008 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the same football team, it is fitting that Don was inducted into the Palm Beach County Tuesday, April 1, 2008 Mr. EVERETT. Madam Speaker, I rise today Sports Hall of Fame and Blaze named Coach to honor the memory of former Alabama Re- Mr. COBLE. Madam Speaker, on rollcall of the Year on the same night. I have no publican Congressman Bill Dickinson who Nos. 147, 148 and 149, I missed votes be- doubt that Blaze will one day follow his Dad passed away last night at the age of 82 after cause my flight was delayed. into the Hall. I am pleased that both of these an extended illness. As many of my col- Had I been present, I would have voted fine gentlemen and the team they coach call leagues will remember, Bill Dickinson rep- ‘‘nay’’ on 147; ‘‘yea’’ on 148; and ‘‘yea’’ on the 23rd District of Florida their home. I am resented Alabama’s Second Congressional 149. very proud of them. On behalf of the Members District for 28 years. Barbara and I send our f of the U.S. House of Representatives, I ap- heartfelt condolences to Bill’s wife, Barbara, plaud coaches Thompson and Thompson for HONORING JOSHUA DANIEL PIATT their children, Christopher, Michael, Tara and their service and commitment to the people of Bill, Jr. and the entire Dickinson family at this my district and throughout South Florida. We time of personal loss. HON. SAM GRAVES are all very proud of them. A native of Opelika, Alabama, and a former OF MISSOURI f city, county and state judge before coming to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Congress, Bill Dickinson was a Republican in HONORING THE CONTRIBUTIONS the Deep South when being a Republican was Tuesday, April 1, 2008 OF MARY TAVERNA ON HER RE- not popular. Bill Dickinson came to Wash- Mr. GRAVES. Madam Speaker, I proudly TIREMENT ington in 1964 as part of the Goldwater sweep pause to recognize Joshua Daniel Piatt of of the Deep South and gained a reputation as Lee’s Summit, Missouri. Joshua is a very spe- HON. LYNN C. WOOLSEY a formidable legislator and a strong conserv- cial young man who has exemplified the finest OF CALIFORNIA ative voice for southeast Alabama. He served qualities of citizenship and leadership by tak- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES during a time of momentous change in this ing an active part in the Boy Scouts of Amer- House, from civil rights movements and polit- ica, Troop 1220, and earning the most pres- Tuesday, April 1, 2008 ical upheavals of the 1960s, through Vietnam, tigious award of Eagle Scout. Ms. WOOLSEY. Madam Speaker, I rise with Watergate, and the Reagan Revolution. Joshua has been very active with his troop, great pleasure today to honor a leader in my A Navy veteran, Bill Dickinson was a stal- participating in many scout activities. Over the district who has done so much to help the ter- wart in national defense and was Ronald Rea- many years Joshua has been involved with minally ill and their families face end-of-life gan’s point man on the House Armed Services scouting, he has not only earned numerous issues. Mary Taverna is retiring after more Committee where he was ranking member for merit badges, but also the respect of his fam- than 30 years with the organization now over a decade. As the committee’s leading ily, peers, and community. known as Hospice By the Bay. She leaves be- Republican he gave his support to President Madam Speaker, I proudly ask you to join hind an enduring legacy of hope and compas- Reagan’s defense build-up of the 1980s which me in commending Joshua Daniel Piatt for his sion to the people of Marin County, the San made America more secure. Upon his retire- accomplishments with the Boy Scouts of Francisco Bay area, and across the United ment after 14 terms on the Hill, Congressman America and for his efforts put forth in achiev- States. Dickinson listed his greatest accomplishments. ing the highest distinction of Eagle Scout. When she first began working as a nurse, After nearly three decades in office you can f Mary was concerned about the terminally ill be sure the list is long, but here are some of and the lack of adequate care, so it was a nat- the things he was proudest of. He saw avia- HONORING COACHES DON AND ural step in 1976 for her to join what was then tion become a permanent full-fledged branch BLAZE THOMPSON OF PAHOKEE, Hospice of Marin, which had been founded the of the Army and Fort Rucker become the per- FLORIDA previous year. At that time Hospice of Marin manent home of Army Aviation. Furthermore, was only the second hospice in the United he secured Federal funding to help construct HON. ALCEE L. HASTINGS States, the first on the West Coast, and most the U.S. Army Aviation Museum at Fort OF FLORIDA Americans were unaware of what the hospice Rucker which bears his name. He was cred- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES mission was. In fact, even the health care in- ited with getting Pentagon approval for the use dustry resisted it. of the Apache attack helicopter in the first gulf Tuesday, April 1, 2008 Mary was instrumental in changing all that, war. The Apache fired the first shot in the war. Mr. HASTINGS of Florida. Madam Speaker, teaching that hospice was a specially de- He oversaw the transformation of Gunter Air I rise today to honor Coaches Don and Blaze signed program to address the comprehensive Force Station in Montgomery to an Air Force Thompson, father and son, who are true living needs of the whole family system at the end base before merging it with Maxwell to legends in the city of Pahokee, Florida and of life, and that it was part of—not instead of— strengthen it. He also saw Maxwell restored to throughout Palm Beach County. the health care support team. Two years after a major 3 star command and the establish- Don Thompson has been a part of the coming to Hospice of Mann, Mary became ment of the Air Force School of Law and the Pahokee Middle/Senior High School Blue Dev- president of the organization. Under her lead- Senior NCO Academy for the entire Air Force ils football team since 1984. As head coach, ership, Hospice nurtured community relation- at Maxwell-Gunter. he led the team to its first state championship ships as well as they did the families they Bill Dickinson also took pride in securing the in 1989. In all the years since, he has been a served, including building a partnership with initial funding for the ongoing Outer Loop mentor, friend and very important role model management of both county hospitals. Hos- Interstate Connector south of Montgomery for the young men of Pahokee. Still an assist- pice of Marin is such a model that health care linking I–65 to I–85. This project is still under- ant coach of the team, Don Thompson is rec- providers come here for training from all parts way. With the collapse of the Berlin Wall, the ognized and respected around the state of of the United States. Warsaw Pact and the entire Soviet Union, he Florida as an expert at the sport of football. ‘‘I feel a great sense of pride in our organi- witnessed the validation of the concept of He is also a loving husband, father and grand- zation’s leadership and participation in hospice VerDate Aug 31 2005 04:58 Apr 02, 2008 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A01AP8.013 E01APPT1 smartinez on PRODPC60 with REMARKS April 1, 2008 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E465 history,’’ Mary once said. ‘‘Twenty-five years goods, Di Lauro Bakery is a place the commu- consin, Competitive Wisconsin, Inc., the State ago, we never imagined the number of Ameri- nity will be able to enjoy for many more years of Wisconsin Unemployment Compensation cans who would be touched by our efforts.’’ to come.
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