3386 THE LONDON GAZETTE, SEPTEMBER 14, I860. CONTRACT FOR COALS FOR Alliance British and Foreign Life and Fire HAULBOWLINE. Assurance Company. Department of the Storekeeper- l^TOTICE is hereby given, that the transfer General of the Navy, Somerset- JL\ books of the Company will be and continue Place, September 6, 1860. closed from Wednesday the 26th instant to Friday Commissioners for executing the office of the 5th day of October next, both days inclusive, j_ Lord High Admiral of the United Kingdom pursuant to the Act of Parliament.—Dated this of Great Britain and Ireland, do hereby give notice, 13th day of September, 1860. that on Tuesday the 18tk instant, at two o'clock, F. A. Engelbach, Actuary and Secretary. they will be ready to treat with such persons as may be willing to contract for supplying and In the Matter of the Joint Stock Companies Acts delivering into Store, at Her Majesty's Naval 1856, 1857 ; and the voluntary Winding-up Yard at Haulbowline, of the Lambeth Association for Providing 1,500 tons of SOUTH WALES COALS, Improved Dwellings for the Labouring Classes fit for the service of Her Majesty's Steam Vessels. (Limited). A form of the tender may be seen at the said No. 3, Adelaide Place, London Bridge, E.C. office. A T an Extraordinary General Meeting of the No tender will be received after two o'clock on _LJL Shareholders of the Lambeth Association for the day of treaty, nor will any be noticed unless the Providing Improved Dwellings for the. Labouring party attends, or an agent for him duly authorized Classes (Limited), held at the Old Vestry Hall, in writing. Church-street, Lambeth, in the county of Surrey, Every tender must be addressed to the Secretary on the 23rd day of July, 1860, the following of the Admiralty, and bear in the left-hand corner resolutions were passed: the words " Tender for Coals for Haulbowline" 1st. "That this Company be wound up volun- arid must also be delivered at Somerset-place, accom- tarily." panied by a letter, signed by a responsible person, 2nd. " That Mr. Samuel Shaen, of Kennington- engaging to become bound with the person tendering, cross, Solicitor, and Mr. Robert Parris, of in the sum of £300 for the due performance of Wolsingham-place, Architect, (who have the contract. kindly consented to act without remunera- tion) be appointed liquidators." Bank of England, September 13, 1860. 3rd. •• That Mr. Eastwood of Belvidere-road, fTJHE Governor and Company of the Bank oj Lambeth, and Mr. Burnett, of Vauxhall, be _j_ England give notice, appointed to inspect the accounts of the That the General Court held at the Bank this liquidators, in accordance with the 10th clause day is adjourned till Tuesday next, the 18th in- of the 104th section of the Joint Stock stant, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon, for the Companies Acts, 1856, 1857." purpose of taking the determination, by note in print or writing, of the question on the following At a second Extraordinary General Meeting resolution proposed at the Court for a dividend; of the Shareholders of the said Company, held viz.: on the 27th day of August, I860, at the same That a half year's Dividend of interest and place, the following resolution was passed: profits be made, on the 10th October next, of " That the resolutions passed at the Meeting £5 per cent, without deduction on account of the Company, held on the 23rd day of of income tax. July last, are hereby confirmed." The voting will commence at eleven o'clock, Geo. A. Cape, Junr., Secretary. and terminate at four. J. Stewart, Secretary. No. 36, Great George-street, Westminster. Clist Yale Manure Company (Limited). Tan Extraordinary General Meeting of the Shareholders of the Santander Mining "A TO TIGE is hereby given, that a General Company (Limited), held at Ao. 25, Clements- Ji\ Meeting of the Shareholders of the Clist lane, City, on Monday the 3rd September, 1860, Vale Manure Company {Limited}, will be held at and convened for the purpose, it was moved and my office, Queen-street, in the city of Exeter, on resolved unanimously that the concerns of this Friday, the 19th day of October, I860, at 12 Company be voluntarily wound up, and that o'clock at noon precisely, to consider. the Accounts Mr. John Crawley be appointed liquidator, in his shewing the winding up of the said Company, and to confirm by a resolution that the affairs of the capacity of Secretary to the Company. said Company have been fairly wound up.—Dated George Furness, Chairman. the 12th day of September, 1860. Market Harborough Mill Company (Limited). Kingsland Snelgrove, Liquidator appointed by the said Company in the Matter afore- TVTOT/CjE is hereby given, that at a Special said. _/. V General Meeting of the Shareholders of this Company, held on the 19th day of July last, Chartered Bank of India, Australia, and China. a special resolution was passed, and at a similar 20, Threadneedle-Street, London. General Meeting, held on the 30th day of August September 5, 1860. last, was confirmed: "T^TOTICE is hereby given, that an Extraor- " That this Company be wound up voluntarily." _L_ V dinary General Meeting will be held at the Joseph Nunneley, Chairman. London Tavern, on Tuesday the 25th day of September instant, at twelve o'clock precisely, for 14, Great George-Street, the purpose of declaring an ad interim dividend for Westminster, S.W., September 13, 1860. the half year ended on 30th day of June last. ~ftTOTICEis hereby given to Captain G. A. The Transfer Books will be closed from Tues- J_V Seymour, the Officers, and Company of day the I8tk instant, until Wednesday the 26th Her Majesty's sloop Lily, that their respective instant. proportions arising from dividends received from By order of the Court, the estate of the late Mr. John Hinxman, in respect ' J. C. Stewa'rt, Secretary. of tonnage bounties received by him for the Maria.
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