24 - EVENING HERALD. F ri, Dec 12, I960 Regio r t _ ___________________________ ■ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Town attorney disputes cable TV proposal iilaurbpatpr SOI TH WINDSOR - Manchester cable firm's Hartford County and has said his firm is supporting Atlanta, Ga., now serves Manchester, Glastonbury, W ethersfield, Newington snd Hocky Hill. Town Attorney John Wood­ fra'nchise. The petition few other common ties to the annexation of South cock I I I is disputing a drive, started during other towns in the Windsor because of its Cold proposal by the state con­ Woodcock's successful franchise areas proposed proximity to Manchester Cold, partially sunny sumer counsel that South campaign in the 14th by the consumer counsel," and the close community LIVE GUdSniUS TREES T H O U S A N D S TO C H O O S E FR O M e. today. Continued cold, Windsor be included in a Assembly District, is con­ Woodcock said. He said it ties. W tA I rlCn clearing Sunday. Details on Tolland County franchise tinuing. would be easy for Greater Listro noted that Greater Cut or Dig Page 2. area for cable television Woodcock's letter to the Hartford CATV to extend Hartford CATV had also ART GALLERY ^ Finn Sehrtion of Origirtal Art service DPUC rebuts a brief filed cable to South Windsor sought to provide cable TV for ChrUtmoB Giving • Since 1881 e 20i. In a letter to the state by Barry Zitser, state con­ because 75 percent of its service in Vernon, but it WABON SHED I Vol. C, No. 63 — Manchester, Conn., Saturday, December 13, 1980 \ Ol K HOMETOW y NEWSEAPEK CUSTOM PICTURE FRAMING SPECIALISTS Department of Utilities sumer counsel, who wants appeared unlikely state population is within three HOURS NURSERY Control, Woodcock con­ South Windsor included In miles of the Manchester regulators would approve Mon-Prl 1720 FLLINOTON Rl) 155 Qrlffin Rd. tinued his effort to include a new franchise area made border that plan. T h m 'til B Sat M SO WINDSOR. CT South Windsor South Windsor in the up of several towns in Sebastian Listro, general Greater Hartford CATV, ~9vn 10-S CUI Ckrlstnuai TF.l. 644-H7S0 Mofth on m. I lo SoWron A«o. (St 1M|, For 1981-82 budget franchise area served by Tolland County. manager of Greater Hart­ owned and operated by Cox Ryo SI. to QtMn M . • ItS -rtM Greater Hartford CATV of "South Windsor is in ford CATV, agrees. Listro Cable Communications of Manchester. The DPUC has con­ ducted public hearings and is awaiting a consultant's report on how cable TV can Guidelines given be brought to 48 Connec- manager and the budget analyst. licut towns without M A N U IIE S TK K - Robert Weiss, the adopted budget iigures ot last franchises A decision is general manager, gave his depart­ year, not the appropriated figure Weiss said in the directive "This expected in January. ment heads Friday specific instruc­ which reflects additional transfers practice of taking deadline lightly Woodcock has gathered tions for preparing budget requests within the fiscal year. Last year's can no longer be tolerated Weiss nearly 3,700 signatures on for the 1981-82 fiscal year. budget increase of no more than B also strcs.sed the budgets arc noi to petitions asking the DPUC Weiss, working wilh Janet Chayes, percent, mandatesd by Weiss, was be suhiiiitted in portions but in its en to add South Windsor to the budget analyst, prepared a short computed using the appropriated tirety CHRISTMAS TREE SAVINGS! schedule of the department s adopted figure for the Public Works Depart­ The three deadlines for depart­ budget of 1979-80. Listed along side ment. The other departments used ment heads are .Ian 5 the Board o) Special See our wide selection of Bavarian, Scotch Pine the adopted budget figure is the the adopted figure. The adopted Directors, general manager, per and Balsam artificial, flame-retardant Trees amount of maximum increa.se. figure is usually lower than the ap­ sonnel, planning. town clerk concert Each department is given a propriated figure. treasurer, town attorney elections, at special pre-holiday prices. maximum increase figure exactly of Ms. Chayes noted there is some probate court, recreation, library, planned 8 percent, the amount the Board of question whether the Planning and civil preparedness, and date Directors mandated for budget in­ Zoning Department's increase should processing departments should have \ KKNON — The Vernon creases. include a recent allocation of $8,000 budgets submitted Arts Commission has The allocation funded Comprehen­ By Jan 13 the police, lire and planned a unique addition In the memorandum to his depart­ sive Planning aide to update the special taxing district budgets are to the town's annual Christ­ Save Over 3 0 % / ment and division heads. Weiss notes town's Comprehensive Plan of due mas carol sing scheduled the 8 percent increase should not be Development. As the money was not By Jan 26 the finance, public for Dec 19 from 6 30 to DIGITAL QUARTZ exceeded, but "you should not works, and human services budgets 7 30 p m in front of the in the adopted budget, it was not in­ WATCHES by ‘UIT’ assume it is a final figure; it obvious­ are due. Memorial Building on Park cluded in the department's 8 percent (Entire Stock) •20-Pack CtMtetmM Canle •rmVMiMaiyTInMlQiiM ly is subject to adjustment both by increase. Ms. Chayes said, however, For the first year the department Place co Valley Inn in Windsor, Friday fternoon. It Firefighters are helped from the smokey the. general manager and the Board head do not have to compute salaries Immediately following O erH ealJI...................... 1 « 3 3 O e r R iU J I.............................8 8 * it could be included in future basement of the building housing the meeting is the second fire at a Connecticut Sheraton of Directors ' budgeting processes. This w ill be done by computer the outdoor caroling the 19.90.0 39.90 hotel in the last three days. (UPI photo) Also the for the first time Weiss Arts Commission will Our Rog. 20.97 to 59.97 • a r Jw i« o 4-itoNCMt • r Floated QIrrb C andlaa rooms and restaurants of the Sheraton Tobac­ Ms. Chayes explained the figures Along with the specific increase CtYoose ultra thin dress styles, requested the department head.s sponsor a free orchestra O w H i|.4 J i.,........... Oar am. M l . .................I a l . 4 4 may be lowered during the figures is a timetable for the budget- aisrms. chronographs, more In carefully calculate line itemsbased and choir concert and carol manager's numerous budget process and several new directives gold or silver tone cases with on the actual expenditure, rathci sing in the Sykes School leather straps or metal bracelets • a r Jumbo 3-RollQiNWc workshops with department heads Weiss cautions the department heads •Beg ol ie Jumbo SdekOn Bowa than recopying the original or Auditorium on Park Street (Store utodi only, no rektchecka.) Smokey cellar fire before presenting his budget. She not to be tard y in subm itting o « ra i« .u e .......................4 .4 OuRm1.YI............................1 .3 1 adjusted expenditure figure Carolers are invited to at­ noted the manager was directed to requests. Last year the requests After the department heads submit tend the indoor concert on submit to the Board of Directors a were received a month after the their requests Weiss reviews them a first-come basis budget increase of no more than 8 orginal deadline, due to an extension. He then submits a budget to the The orchestra, which is percent overall, but that departmen­ KJELDSEN'S Board of Directors Many budget made up of 30 local OLD SPICE Gift Sets ousts hotel guests tal increases may be higher or lower, "A few departments have musicians, w ill play two Electronic ‘EINSTEIN’ Imported Danish historically required extension after hearings, reviewing the re(|uests arc WINDSOR (U P I) - A stubborn, The fire was discovered just before the Connecticut (General Insurance averaging to be an 8 percent in­ traditional pieces, "Carol • Alter Shave, 4V4 oz. Butter Cookies extension in submitting their com­ held before the directors make thou by Castle smokey fire chased about 100 persons noon, when several luncheons were Co., said everything was so low key crease. of the Bells ■ and a French & Shave Cream, 6 oz. Our pleted budget requests to the general final budget decisions in Ma> from a the Sheraton Tobacco Valley scheduled some guests brought their drinks out­ All of the increases are based on carol. Entre le Boeuf et R*«. 3.77 2.97 18.76 Inn's restaurant, meeting rooms, and Officials said fire alarms were doors with them r.Anigris " EACH Match wits with the ail-time brain* offices Friday afternoon. No injuries sounded and there was an orderly The 17-voice choir, which SET Here's your chance to prove that com­ Robbins was attending a meeting 3.88 were reported. evacuation of the facility as heavy includes members of the Our Rtg. 4.aS 4 S.OS puters can be beaten sometimes 40-Pack Miniature with four other people when they (Requirea 4 C batteriet, not irtcHMled.) It was the second fire in three days smoke poured through the two and a Vernon Chorale, will per­ Striped Candy Canes smelled smoke. He said he came out Arguments presented at a Sheraton facility in Connecticut. half story brick colonial dwelling. form. Christ Child. Christ to see what was wrong and "a • Alter Shave, 4V4 oz. Our .1 4 .1 About 350 guests were evacuated Windsor Fire Marshal Raymond Child, to the accompani­ R»g.
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