G) .:ilQN6,t!R8 TheArtal EI~ . CD/COY LD PLAYER . ' ";. ~.'. - ···D CL" . .... " . , .. CPiOIIEER ~. ::"';""~C~O="IOO . : i'~~ .•~ ... ... '. .... '~,.' . .... 1'. ".-.. ",,," -,' ._/ ~ 0·-- -- ~.~ I., ~ o . ' "..... - ---~-----"l ': ··t;:::l'~ ......, .. ~!- ...................... 1 :: "*" ......•.. ~..... .___ .__ 11 'O·:":®J~t. "".", . -- ------ -- - -- - - -- ~ -- - - - -~- - -- - - -- t:t4c -K 1 PANEL FACILITIES ~ PACK RELEASE BUTTON CD STOP OPEN/CLOSE BUTTON ( : ) LD STOP OPEN/CLOSE BUTTON ( .. ) Press to release the Control Pack. Stops disc plfYback and open/closes the CO disc table Stops disc playback and open/closes the LD disc table POWER SWITCH '. \: ," '0 I f Pre •• to _Itch !he power su.pPly ON/OFF, When instal, .iI!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!~I!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!"!!!!!!"!!!!!!"!!!!!!"!!!!!!"!!!!!!!!!!!"!!!'!~!!!!!"!~!!'!'!!!'!'!!!!!!"!~~~F-!!!!!ijI-;=:~' ling/detRhing the Control Pack, ensure that the power ,...- Dlo.TAL MEMORY buUonl1NDICATOR supply" OFF GD PIONEER , '" ",',' \ .. ,:'.. i' cb t cb When playing 8 CAV or ClV disc, turning the digital memory PlAY/ST1lLPresa to .....orm BUTTON playback 01 the disc. Press d.uring per: . Il-I~~==F~:f~l=~==~=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"~~\~=====~' i"', suchfunction as stillramaON Blows end you multi,speed to enjoy special playback playback with nofuncIionI ~ forming p!8ybeck of an LO or COV dim.. and the picture', I ..'';'' \ .rdjstqtll'anc;e, If the digital memory function is OFF, It wi! becom81 .tIII· '--__+--=-=-=-=-+--=.:::-=-t4~.' -., ,.J . IU .~ autoinatically It.m ON when you fast·forward, fast'fOll_ 01 STAND8Y/ON INDICAtOR' ,,' '~. activate a Special playback lunction (except with CAY discs), ___ ithe~IIWItch,WhenthepowersupplyiSSwitc;hedOFf'by'l~~~the~~is_~ON~.I l~~~~~;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,,, . '/ ./ ..... ~ " ;',; :"~~memoryis~~~~~momentarily when an operation such as fast,forward i._' the remote control Unit, the ;ic::orlights ~-,ed:", ~' ~_. _____ <-- t~~!., -a:r E~ _:-ol._f-.-----, =~f~:'o~rizontal resolution is bener than when DISC TABLE--..,-.----..,--_..l·,.:!;:i'_________ ~ ~r=::-j • When """'" a speciB/ flllCtion oblainBd by co""e,"...,. comrrw· Reset.~~B~N------------~l~~.~-~i-~~!~·~~~~~~~~~~~~~.~ the game,software when playing gam~~ ~pftware I •••••••••• I::~:P •• , ~~~~~.6~tion~~~_~~IhtI diJitalliWmclry function OFF. The /Jdaplor wil not functionptD, utilized by the ..parataly sold Control Pack.' " '. ./ . perIy if ilitihBl. memory is Ie" ON. Control PIICk InltaIIatIon alot ..,. " ./" / • Sa-. ~ mtly occur momenlarily when ., ---. Control PIck InIteDatlon llot covar-....:.:.:!..------·,-·---.../ CD DISC TABLE----....J HEADPHONES TERMINAL (PHONES)' ~ -=:=:':=;O~:=:S:"= Attach when the Con~' Pack is not insta!lef." . Exclusive use CD disc table Insert standard type headphones. or disc defect. :REMOTE CONTROL SENSOR- • Thisplsrermemorize.IhtIONIOFFcondirionoflhedlr1hrJI.--r HEADPHONES VOLUME ADJUSTMENT KNOB 'function _ if IhtI pow", is lumed off. Tum IhtI digit• .--r INSTALLlNClTH~.CONTROL PACK<'~ . 1 (LEVEL) . function oNrxOFF so required IhtI"".lIimeyoup/By.dIIc, JIIe. 1. Switch OFf the power' supply to the main unh: 3 OIGITAL MEMORY· indieslor lighls whtrn digMI momory is ON, 2. R~ve the Control Pack Inetallatlon alot .~-- ,. cov.,. ,- '.~""".- WhIle lifting up the center 01 the cover. with a li'nge; nad. pull f_ard and detach. ' 3. In ... the Control Pack Into the Intarlor of the .~~ rMIn appllnce. S . ..... To inetd accurately. lightly hold the main appliance ~, ~.: ~ by the top IUrface and carefully insert the Control'·'2...... ;. ( Pick untU the front panel is flush with the front panel 's 'J, of the player. NOTES: • Carefully put ,he detached Control P.cIc installarion CO~8' SOfIMwItere tOl safelcfllJping. as it wi" be lequired when rhe ContrrJll'IICIt ,. temOved from lhe rrnJin spp/iBnce. ~ . • ~!he IJ/sdI hI_ plolrude. in Ihe top c""ter of Ihe Can, I1OII'ac1r "-tIon 0101 end lhe Control Pact cannol be inserl' ed, pi'" In the RELEASE bUllon. DETACHING THE CONTROL PACK '1 .• >' 3 1. Switch OfF the pow., supply to the main unit. ;.\" 2. To ..... the Control Paell aCCllrlltely. Dghtly ~" hold .... main appliance by the top surfece and ~;;-, room OOIFIF pr_ .... RELEASE button. The Control PacIl II panlaUy ejected forward, 3. Detach tt., ~oIPac., 4. AI .... Control PacIllnHnlon IIot ClIver, Fht. InInlCluce the top edge of the cover into Ihe ' cover .nlChment elo~s on the main appliance, then ~ fit the bottom edge into place. 2 . -;: _-- . 1!~. SERVICE INFORMATION No. : SX-V48056 Date: Oct.1S,1993 MODBL NO. • SU. NO. MODEL NO. • SU. NO. MODIIL NO. • SER. NO. CLD-A100/KU IA 3603101- DZTAXL OP CHANGZ S RZASON POR CHANGES 1 Addition of se.~8 to the flexible cable 1 To protect the cable from burr. on ita cable MODIIL I CL!)-Al0 0 SIK NO. I AlUJ27 57 13 MODZLa SIH NO.1 PMBa MODBLa SIH NO.1 PAQBa MODZLa Please stick the seal on the cable connecting INTF Assy and Front SIH NO.1 Panel near the core holder PAGBI C1JlUUIH'1' PARTS CO __________~~~TA ____________~ L DZSCRIPTION PAR DB PART HtIIIBBlt SYMBOL/DBSCRr.PT%OH Added DBC1363 Seal PXONBBB. ELBC'l'RONXC CO~ORATXON (SItC48-442,TB-16585 SPC:-BIt 6) B.ABB~~~£ TechDica1 Service Xnformation & Coordination Service Administration & TechDica1 Xnformation Dep. SERVICE INFORMATION ( 1 I 1 NO. : SI-V48073 Date: Oct.S.1993 MOOBL NO. * SO. NO. MODZL NO. * so. NO. MOOBL NO. * SD. NO. CLD-A100/m A.NG3603101- DETAIL OP CHANGE(S} RZASON POR CHAHGBS - r- - - ~ Change of a resistor in PTSB Assy .!.. To improve playability r- - ~--------------------------------~~--------------------r------------4 FTSBAssy MOOBL : CLD-Al00 SIM HO. :ARJI2757 PAGB : 31 McmBL: SIM NO.: PAGB. MODBL: SIM NO.: IFOCS Sl.Mi PAGB: .LEVEL i 0838: RESET MODKL: MUTE ! ·'OK SIM NO.: - I ... Q81.rI PAGB: ~R~f~.~~~~~~~~~~~P~AR~~&IS __________~CO ____. __ ......NBW ~.'A&':JL------_f * # SYMBOL/DESCRIPTION PART NUHBBR DB PART NUHBBR SYHBOL/OBlIC:R%Pnmr A 1 a991 (22kO) aSl/10S223J 2 RSl/10S1S3J a991 (lSkO) - PIONED. ELECTRONIC CORPORATION (SI48631.SPC48-344.TB-16262 S~-ltI 6) H.Jr.-~;L Technical Service Information • Coordination Service Administration & Technical Information·Dep. SERVICE INFORMATION ( 1 / 2 ) No. : SI-V48117-G Date: Dec. 21, 1993 MODEL NO. * sn. NO. MODBL NO. * SEll. NO. HODBL NO. * SEll. NO. ICLD-A100/KO A tm3606101- ICLD-A100/KO ,B NI3614001- t DETAIL OF CHANGE(S) f- 1 I-- r- Change of the shape of Chassis ~ To prevent mechanical noise from being audible when an LD f- I-- ~ Change of Rear panel and Front disc is played stay, and deletion of spacers - ~ r- snv'[CE HAHtJAL <PROBLEM> Mechanical noise is audible when an LD MODEL : CLI)-~'"-4 disc is played. S/H NO. :ARP27S7 PAGE : 11 13 14 <CAUSE> When an LD disc is clamped, the motor center axis is slanted due to: - The height of the mech mounting portions on the Chassis is lower by O.Smm. - The mounting position of the mechanism is deviated toward the rear side. Therefore, the clamper rubs against the clamper arm at the rear side. Clamper arm Front ~ =:~, -+-Rear ~ f' The "l_er rubs = against the clamper. C1amper Iff - I [Fig. 1] - Please turn over. - Ref. C'01UlBH'l' PUTS NBW PUTS ;- -j- ------smoi.-iDBscRIP-TIOH ---pAR;--------------- ~ODB PUT mnmn SYMBOL/DESCRIPTIOH B 2 Rear panel (NSP) - DNAl13S Rear ~anel B 2 Front stay DNE1207- (Unchanged~ Front stay B 2 Spacer DEC1743- Deleted CORPORATION (PA39055. TLD48-046. TB-16769 MK 120) H. ABE, MANAGBR Technical Service Information « Coordination « Technical Information Dep. ( 2 / 2 ) <sunCE REMEDY> When you encounter the above problem: 1. Stick 1 or 2 spacers (DBC1743) to the mech mounted portions of the chassis. (See Fig. 2) (One spacer has already been stuck there from the 1st production.) 2. If mechanical noise remains after the spacers are stuck. replace the rear panel and the front stay with the new parts (DHAl135 & DRE1207). * As to the rear panel and the front stay, only the new parts are available. Chassis [Fig. 21 Stick on. or two spacers (DBC1743) to thes. portions. <COUNTBRACTION IN FACTORY> 1) Improved the shape of the chasais. 2) Changed Rear panel and Front stay, and deleted spacers from the chaaais. Rear pan.l: N.S.P. ---> DHAll35 Front stay: DNB1207 ---> DRE1207* Spacers (x4): DBC1743 ---> Deleted * Although the part number for the front stay has not b.en changed. only the new part is available. SI-V48169 (3/4) MODEL PAGE INCORRECT [ SfM NO.1 CORRECT CLD-A100 80 [ARP275i) FCS SERVO LOOP GAIN ADJUSTMENT X: 200mvtdlv X-V mode Y: 20mv/div DC mode 8 ~ ............... i CN807 (10:1) x y ! FCSIN c FCS ERR Adjust until the lissaJOus' figure IS SiYmlNII_ 1.7kHZ 6Vpep TRKG SERVO LOOP GAIN ADJUSTMENT X: 200mv/div X-Y mode Y: 10mv/div Demode 8 ~ CN807 ,. ............... X y 47k (10:1) I TRKIN I @ : '\M 0- \0 0 , ~.- .......... GkHZ 10VP;::' e I I /probe ?7 I I c:::: ~ TRK ERR 9 '" " ~ (10:1) Adjust until the lissajous' figure IS symmetncal 3.0kHZ 6Vp·p SERVICE INFORMATIORhr.'CGI~e:-'.IICeS( 1/ 2) (.1J.) PIONEER- No. : SI-V48194-G The Art at En'" ,.a.iIMt Date: MAR.25,1994 MODEL NO. ,. SER. NO. MODEL NO. ,. SER. NO. MODEL NO. ,. I SER. NO. CLD-A100/KU A 3620701 I i # DETAIL OF CHANGE(S) REASON FOR CHANGES ~ - 1 X TO PREVENT THE 12 INCH DISC I- ADDITION OF SPACER PADS ON VIDEO - ASS'Y FROM BEING SCRATCHED I-- r-- - r- 1 i SERVICE MANU~_ <PROBLEM> THE 12 INCH DISC GETS SCRATCHED WITH A CIRCULAR MARK. I MODEL :CLD-A100 <CAUSE> DUE TO CLOSE DISTANCE BETWEEN THE DISC AND VIDEO ASS'Y IN THE DISC CLAMPED STATUS, PARTS (CAPACITORS,ETC.) SIM NO. :ARP2757 MOUNTED ON VIDEO ASS'Y CONTACT WITH THE DISC WHEN A SHOCK IS APPLIED TO THE UNIT DURING PLAYBACK, CAUSING A PAGE : 40 CIRCULAR SCRATCH ON THE DISC. PARTS (CAPACITORS) MODEL: " FIG.1 -.~ FIG.2 '.... .... UI DEO Ilea', ;;1:. I .. '. CIRCULAR SCRATCH I .. , I to.! EJ"':':"';;';".. " -'"... SIM NO.: \ ....... _ .....1 PAGE: 12 INCH DISC MODEL: <SERVICE REMEDY> PLEASE ADD FOUR SPACER PADS ON THE PARTS SIM NO.: MOUNTED SIDE OF VIDEO ASS'Y TO PREVENT A SIGNAL RECORDED AREA OF THE DISC FROM BEING PAGE: SCRATCHED WITH A PROTECTIVE CONTACT OF THE DISC EDGE WITH THE SPACER PADS.
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