ESA Unclassified – For official use only ESA/IPC(2010)119 Att.: Annexes Paris, 29 September 2010 (English only) EUROPEAN SPACE AGENCY INDUSTRIAL POLICY COMMITTEE BASIC TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH PROGRAMME Preliminary Selection of Activities for the TRP 2011-2013 SUMMARY The present document aims at: Presenting the preliminary selection of TRP 2011-2013 activities in compliance with programmatic needs Supporting bilateral meetings with Delegations Summarising the process and logic which have led to this selection REQUIRED ACTION Delegations are invited to take note of the attached document. NEXT STEPS Following the presentation of this preliminary selection at the October 2010 IPC, bilateral contacts will be established with Delegations. The procurement plan for the activities to be initiated in 2011 will be presented to the November 2010 IPC. eCPB-2010-1255 ESA/IPC(2010)119 Page 2 Page intentionally left blank ESA/IPC(2010)119 Page 3 Basic Technology Research Programme 2011-2013 Preliminary Selection of Activities Table of Contents Scope of the document The E2E Process - The Need for Technology Development - The Technology Programmes Landscape - The E2E Process The TRP 2011-2013 Work Plan - Budgetary Perspectives of the TRP 2011-2013 - TRP 2011-2013 Preliminary Selection Overview - Main Results of the TRP Work Plan Preparation per SD - Conclusions and Issues Activities for 2011-2013 - Key to Tables - Activity Template - ANNEX I: Detailed TRP Plan 2011-2013 - ANNEX II: Descriptions of the activities ESA/IPC(2010)119 Page 4 Scope of the Document This document introduces the preliminary selection of activities for implementation in the Work Plan of the Basic Technology Research Programme (TRP) for 2011-2013. The plan attached in Annexes I and II has been established as part of the Agency’s end-to-end process for the management of technology development defined in ESA/IPC(2008)61, rev. 1, refined with the lessons learned in the previous exercise and under the supervision of the Directors’ Subcommittee for Technology. 1 The E2E Process 1.1 The Need for Technology Development The need for timely development of enabling technology is undisputed. Failure to assure the availability of technology at the right Technology Readiness Level (TRL), commensurate with the project phase, is one of the most frequent causes for cost overruns and projects delays (ESA/C(2010)20). Figure 1 schematically shows the risk associated with initiating a project phase (as in ECSS-M-ST-30) with the relevant technologies being at a given TRL: at the beginning of each project phase, the higher the achieved TRL, the lower the risk associated to the phase (ranging from red to green). Pacing the developments of technology to the needs of user projects is an Agency objective. Technology development is one of ESA’s enabling activities that deserve attention at the highest corporate level as shown by the establishment of a dedicated Directors’ Subcommittee for Technology (see section 2.3). System Test, Launch & Operations TRL 9 System/Subsystem TRL 8 Development TRL 7 Lower risk Technology Demonstration TRL 6 TRL 5 Technology Development Risks TRL 4 Research to Prove Feasibility TRL 3 Basic Technology TRL 2 Research TRL 1 Higher risk 0ABCD Project Phases Figure 1: Technology Readiness Levels, project phases and risks ESA/IPC(2010)119 Page 5 1.2 The Technology Programmes Landscape Technology is developed in ESA under several general (TRP, GSTP) and domain specific programmes (EOEP, CTP, etc). Some are mandatory (TRP, CTP) whereas the rest are optional. The TRP is the sole programme that addresses all applications and technology domains. The GSTP addresses all applications except telecommunications. Each programme has its own rules and applicability along the scale of Technology Readiness Levels, as illustrated in Figure 2. It is therefore of the utmost importance to coordinate the definition and implementation of the Agency’s technology programmes. TRL Technology Readiness Levels 123456789 Basic principles Concept and/or Analytical / Component or Component or System / System Actua l syste m Actual system observed and application experimental breadboard breadboard subsyste m prototype completed and flight proven reported formulated critical function Validation in validation in model or demonstration "flight qualified" trhough / characteristic laboratory relevant prototype in a space through test and succe ssful k proof of concept environment environment demonstrated in environment demonstration mission relevant (ground or operations Programmes Programmes environment spa ce ) Applications TRP All CTP Science EOEP EO ARTES, 345 Telecom GNSS Evolution Navigation FLPP Launchers Aurora - MREP Robotic Expl ETHE European Transportation and Human Exploration Hum. Expl. Transp GSTP All but Telecom Figure 2: ESA Technology Programmes Landscape 1.3 The E2E Process 1.3.1 General The ESA end-to-end process for the management of technology development was presented in 2005, consolidated in the following years (ESA/IPC(2008)61, rev. 1), and successfully adopted e.g. during the preparation and implementation of the TRP plan 2008-2010. The main goal of the process is to drive ESA technology programmes by requirements for technology, which are set up together with users, along four main objectives: - Preparing and maturing technologies for future projects - Stimulating technology innovation - Supporting industry’s competitiveness in the global markets - Ensuring European non-dependence on critical technologies. ESAESA LongLong TermTerm PlanPlan EuropeanEuropean andand ESAESA TechnologyTechnology StrategyStrategy andand LongLong Worldwide TechnologyTechnology ESAESA ProgrammeProgramme TermTerm PlanPlan AssessmentAssessment NeedsNeeds PrioritizedPrioritized technologytechnology TechnologyTechnology PushPush requirementsrequirements andand roadmapsroadmaps EuropeanEuropean National Missions National Missions ESTER HarmonisationHarmonisation (THAG) (THAG) Prioritized ESA Technology Work Plans IndustryIndustry ConsultationConsultation ESA Technology Work Plans TechnologyTechnology ImplementationImplementation TechnologyTechnology Monitoring/ EvaluationEvaluation IndustrialIndustrial productsproducts Figure 3: E2E process ESA/IPC(2010)119 Page 6 The process consists in a top-down approach complemented by a bottom-up approach (see Figure 3). The top-down goes from the users needs, expressed in terms of requirements, to the plans of activities, whereas the bottom-up lies in the development activities proposed by the experts. The process was improved thanks to the lessons learned in previous exercises. In particular: - The process friendliness is continuously increased by improving the ESTER (European Space Technology Requirements) database and facilitating the process of inputs and outputs. - Missions are provided by ESA Programmes; however, National entities and industry needs (especially through EUROSPACE) might also be flagged, mainly in support to competitiveness and innovation, and where necessary added. - Mission and Technology Requirements were derived by the TECNET Service Domain groups. - A standard form was used to formulate activity proposals (implemented via a dedicated proposal collection tool, called STAT). This approach ensures that all proposals are presented with the same contents. This facilitates analysis and evaluation of such proposals. In parallel to the preparation of this 3-year plan, the update of the Technology Strategy and long-term Plan (TSLTP) and the review of the Technology Harmonization Process have synergically taken place. 1.3.2 Organization The process is schematically shown in Figure 4. It is organized by Service Domains (SDs): - seven application oriented SDs (SD1, SD2, SD3, SD4, SD5, SD6, SD9) - one generic technology SD (SD7), targeting the development of multiple application technologies, innovative technologies, cross-sectorial technologies - one inter-directorate working group (SD8) transversally earmarking potential dual- use technologies identified within the other SD’s. TECNET A working group has been set up for each SD, all working groups together forming the so called TECNET Technology Network. Applications (hence Programmes) driven SDs are chaired by a representative of the Programme Directorate concerned and include experts from the relevant programmes and from the D/TEC and D/OPS Directorates. SD7 is chaired by TEC and includes representatives of Programme Directorates, D/TEC and D/OPS. A secretary from D/TEC assures for each SD the homogeneity of the process and supports the technology assessment process, in particular by bridging with transversal initiatives (e.g. harmonisation, ad hoc WG’s, etc.) and across programmes. Each SD addresses the relevant domain specific technology programmes, e.g. EOEP, ARTES, etc as well as the corresponding part of the TRP and GSTP corporate programmes. The chairmanship by a programme representative guarantees that user requirements are fully taken into account within the available means. SD7 on the other hand guarantees progress in basic technologies. The focused composition, namely Programmes + D/TEC + D/OPS, facilitates the work of TECNET. TECNET is in charge of defining the domain perimeter, identifying the missions, deriving and prioritizing the requirements. TECNET is also calling for technology development activities that met the requirements, evaluates the proposals and allocates the selected proposals to the programmes. ESA/IPC(2010)119 Page 7 SD Domain Chair Members Programmes TRP, GSTP, 1 Earth
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