US 2010O233301A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2010/0233301 A1 Cheng et al. (43) Pub. Date: Sep. 16, 2010 (54) TOPICAL COMPOSITIONS COMPRISING Publication Classification FERMENTED EXTRACTS OF TRADITIONAL CHINESE MEDICINAL (TCM) (51) Int. Cl. INGREDIENTS, AND METHODS OF MAKING A6IR 36/254 (2006.01) AND USING SAME A636/00 (2006.01) A6IR 36/16 (2006.01) (76) Inventors: Jing Cheng, Shanghai (CN); A636/752 (2006.01) Chia-Wen Chen, Easlehester, NY (US); Sleven Francis Schnittger, Huntington, NY (US); Ming Lu, (52) U.S. Cl. ......... 424/728; 424/725; 424/752; 424/736; Shanghai (CN) 424/777; 424/775; 424/776; 424/773 Correspondence Address: THE ESTEE LAUDER COS, INC 155 PINELAWN ROAD, STE 345S (57) ABSTRACT MELVILLE, NY 11747 (US) The present invention relates to topical compositions contain ing fermented extracts of Traditional Chinese Medicinal (21) Appl. No.: 12/713,959 (TCM) ingredients for improving the appearance and skin (22) Filed: Feb. 26, 2010 condition of the user. The topical compositions of the present invention are tailored for different users of different skin Related U.S. Application Data compositions according to TCM principles. The fermented (60) Provisional application No. 61/159.272, filed on Mar. TCM extracts are characterized by reduced odor and/or color 11, 2009, provisional application No. 61/228,999, in comparison with unfermented TCM extracts and are there filed on Jul. 28, 2009. fore more Suitable for use in cosmetic products. US 2010/0233301 A1 Sep. 16, 2010 TOPCAL COMPOSITIONS COMPRISING the internal physiological balance of Such patient. In other FERMENTED EXTRACTS OF TRADITIONAL words, the TCM practice takes an individualized treatment CHINESE MEDICINAL (TCM) approach, instead of a "one-size-fits-all” treatment approach. INGREDIENTS, AND METHODS OF MAKING 0006 Unfortunately, the currently available skin care AND USING SAME products containing naturally occurring TCM ingredients are mass-marketed to all consumers and fail to implement the CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED individualized treatment approach of TCM. Therefore, it APPLICATIONS would be desirable to provide new cosmetic and skin care products containing TCM ingredients that adopt the individu 0001. This claims priority to U.S. Provisional Patent alized treatment approach of TCM in improving the appear Application No. 61/159.272 filed Mar. 11, 2009 and U.S. ance and skin condition of specific users. Provisional Patent Application No. 61/228,999 filed Jul. 28, 0007 Further, a problem commonly encountered when 2009. formulating TCM ingredients into cosmetic or skin care prod ucts is the distinctive color and undesirable odor associated FIELD OF THE INVENTION with many TCM ingredients, which makes it difficult to form 0002 The present invention relates to topical composi aesthically and olfactorily acceptable cosmetic or skin care tions for improving the appearance and skin condition of a compositions containing Such TCM ingredients. It would also user, while Such topical compositions contain fermented be desirable to process TCM ingredients by reducing the extracts of Traditional Chinese Medicinal (TCM) ingredients color and odor so that they can be readily formulated into with reduced color and odor. The present invention also aesthically and olfactorily acceptable cosmetic or skin care relates to computer-based system and method for determin compositions. ing the skin composition of a specific user and selecting a Suitable topical composition for Such user based on his or her SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION skin composition according to TCM principles. 0008. The present invention provides topical composi tions, each of which contains a unique blend of TCM ingre BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION dients specifically designed to improve the appearance and 0003. There is great interest in the cosmetic industry to skin conditions of a particular sub-population of users char develop products containing natural plant-derived materials acterized by a specific skin composition, according to the that may be applied topically to the skin to provide anti-acne, TCM principles. Specifically, one aspect of the present inven anti-oil, and anti-cellulite benefits. Plant-based cosmetic tion relates to a topical composition containing fermented products that enhance the appearance of skin are increasingly extracts of Cordyceps sinensis mycelia, Ginkgo biloba leaf. in demand. Active ingredients or components with skin care Polygonum cuspidatum rhizome, and Citrus reticulata peel, benefits can be obtained from either the entire plant or various which can be applied to the skin of a user with a balanced skin parts of a plant, Such as seeds, needles, leaves, roots, bark, composition to improve the appearance and skin conditions cones, stems, rhizomes, callus cells, protoplasts, organs and of said user. Another aspect of the present invention relates to organ systems, and meristems, either as dried powders or a topical composition containing fermented extracts of Gano liquid extracts, which can then be incorporated into topical derma lucidum fruiting body, Selaginella tamariscina plant, compositions. Ginkgo biloba leaf, and Calendula officinalis flower, which 0004 Traditional Chinese Medicine (hereinafter “TCM) can be applied to the skin of a user with a Yang-dominant or has been in existence for several thousands of years and is balanced-to-Yang skin composition to nourish Yin and store based largely on accumulated human experience in using the Yin-Yang balance in the skin. A further aspect of the naturally occurring plant and animal extracts to treat various present invention relates to a topical composition containing diseases. In recently years, TCM practices have gained sig fermented extracts of Rhodiola rosea rhizome, Perilla frute nificant recognition by the Western world, especially for Scens fruit, Phellodendron amurense bark, and Foeniculum treatment of chronic pathological conditions. Certain TCM vulgare seed, which can be applied to the skin of a user with ingredients have been known to have skin care benefits for aYin-dominant or balanced-to-Yin skin composition to nour thousands of years, and cosmetic or skin care products con ish Yin and store the Yin-Yang balance in the skin. taining Such TCM ingredients are becoming more popular. 0009. The present invention also provides a method for Because the TCM ingredients are all natural, they are signifi preparing a topical composition by first fermenting a blend of cantly more appealing to customers who are conscious of the extracts from one or more TCM ingredients known to have side effects and adverse environmental impacts of synthetic undesirable odor and/or color in the presence of an aerobi compounds. cally metabolizing microorganism under Suitable aerobic 0005. However, it is important to note that the basic prin conditions for a period of time sufficient to reduce or elimi ciples of TCM are quite different from that of the western nate the undesirable odor and/or color while preserving desir medicinal sciences. For example, TCM believes that an inter able biological activities of said TCM ingredients, and then nal physiological balance has to be maintained for a person to formulating the fermented blend of TCM extracts into a cos be healthy, and all diseases are caused by one or more types of metically or pharmaceutically acceptable carrier to form said imbalances, and each type of imbalances manifests through topical composition. an identifiable pattern of symptom and requires a particular 0010 Further, the present invention provides a method for set of treatments for correction. ATCM practitioner typically selecting a topical composition for a user to improve the uses a compound prescription containing a blend of multiple appearance or skin condition of said user based on his or her herbal ingredients to treat various symptoms of a disease after skin composition, comprising: (a) collecting biological data careful examination of an individual patient, and Such pre from the user; (b) categorizing the skin composition of the Scription is specifically designed for the patient to re-establish user based on the collected biological data, wherein said US 2010/0233301 A1 Sep. 16, 2010 categorization is indicative of the Yin-Yang balance of the yellow tongue fur color, and they typically prefer cold drinks, skin or the lack thereof, and (c) selecting a topical composi become thirsty very easily, have bitter tastes in the mouth, tion for the user, wherein said topical composition contains a often Sweat when sleeping at night, easily irascible, and often blend offermented Chinese herbal extracts for maintaining or suffer from internal heat. The Yin-dominant skin composition restoring the Yin-Yang balance of the skin. Preferably, the is typically characterized by pale skin tone, dry and easily skin composition of the user is categorized by using a statis descuamated skin with low water absorption and water reten tical model that weights the biological data according to TCM tion capacity, and tendency to develop pigmentation and pre principles. mature wrinkles. Patients with the Yin-dominant skin com 0011. Other aspects and objectives of the present invention position may have pale or blue lips, light red or pale tongue will become more apparent from the ensuring description, color with white tongue fur color, and they typically prefer examples, and claims. hot drinks, have relatively cold hands and feet, are sensitive to temperature decrease, and often feel tired or sleepy. Patients DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION, with balanced-to-Yang or balanced-to-Yin skin composition AND PREFERRED EMBODIMENT THEREOF may exhibit similar symptoms as those with Yang-dominant 0012. The present invention provides several topical com or Yin-dominant skin composition but to a lesser degree. positions, each of which contains a unique combination of 0015 Correspondingly, the present invention provides a fermented extracts of TCM ingredients for targeting a sub method for selecting cosmetic or skin care products for users population of users with a specific skin composition accord based on their specific skin compositions, by first collecting ing to the TCM principles.
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