3/15/2018 Print Subject: Fwd: RE :No Confidence vote From: Peter Simpson (ETU) ([email protected]) To: [email protected],uk; Date: Wednesday, 1 July 2015, 7:44 It's building Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: From: "BLOOM Greg (NQ)" <gre(J bloom(ti)ergon com au> Date: I July 2015 7:42:03 am AEST To: "RIX Ian (MK)" <inn rix@ergon-com au>, Stuart Traill <stuart!tjlctu org rm>, "CONWAY Jason (CA)" <jason conway@ergon corn au>, "McGAW Chris (SW)" <chris mcgaw@crgoo com au>, "HILL Robert (FN)" <rohert hill(o)cr<'on com au>, "SOLOGINKIN Scott (WB)" <scott so)oginkin@er 0 on com au>, "SHIELDS Brad (WB)" <brad shicldsr'flk;rgoo emu au> Cc: "Peter Simpson (ETU) <simmoinlctu org nu> (simmo@etu org au)" <simmo@ctu org au>, "BALLARD Chris (MK)" <chris bn))nrd@cr 0 011 cnm nu> Subject: RE :No Confidence vote All North Queensland Ergon energy depots have voted unanimously in support of both resolutions Details will be forwarded as required GREG BLOOM ETU SENIOR DELEGATE Deputy State Senior Delegate Ergo11 Energy ETU STATE COUNCILLOR QLD&NT N/R From: RIX Ian (MK) Sent: Wednesday, I July 20!5 7:37 AM To: Stuart Traill; BLOOM Greg (NQ); CONWAY Jason (CA); MeGAW Chri5 (SW); HILL Robert (FN); SOLOGINKIN Scott (WB); SHIELDS Brad (WB) Cc: Peter Simpson (ETU)<simmofrilcht om au> (snumofii1e111 orp m1t BALLARD Chris (MK) Subject: Select Solutions Sch 4 CTPI Vote of No Confidence in We the ETU Members of Sarina Depot Ergon Energy, in response to the handling of the Select Solutions situation, express our lack of confidence in Sch 4 CTPI and call upon the Government to stand him aside, pending a review of his dealing with employees and key industry stakeholders. Sch 4 CTPI We have absolutely NO confidence in in his current role in Ergon Energy Moved Released under RTI - DTMR I Rix Seconded about:blank 1/2 135-05863 - release - July.pdf - Page Number: 1 of 182 3/15/2018 Print S Gutschlag For 8 against O Carried Also, The ETU members of Sarina voted in the Toowoomba resolution 8 for, 0 against, Carried Ian Rix LiveLinesman Ergon Sarina N/R *'*••····························································································· This e-mail (including any attachments} may contain confidential or privileged information and is intended for the sole use of tl Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ABN 50 087 64 6 062 Attachments • imagc002.jpg (1.40 KB) Released under RTI - DTMR about:blank 212 135-05863 - release - July.pdf - Page Number: 2 of 182 3/15/2018 Print Subject: Fwd: Select So[utlons From: Peter Simpson (ETU) ([email protected]) To: [email protected]; Date: Wednesday, 1 July 2015, 7:44 Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: From: "RIX Ian (MK)" <ian-rix@ergon-com au> Date: I July 2015 7:36:55 am AEST To: Stuart Traill <stuart@e!ttmg.au>, "BLOOM Greg (NQ)" <greg bloom@crgon-com riy>, "CONWAY Jason (CA)" <iason conwayltj)ergon-com ap>, "McGAW Chris (SW)" <chris mcgaw@crgon com au>, "HILL Robert (FN)" <roberl hiHlmcrgon com au>, "SOLOGINKIN Scott (WB)" <scott solo 0 inkin@ergon com ou>, "SHIELDS Brad (WB)" <brad sbields@ergon emu au> Cc: "Peter Simpson (ETU) <sirnmo@ct11 org au> (simmo@ctu org au)" <simmo@c111 nrg nu>, "BALLARD Chris (MK)" <chris hallordfmergon com ott> Subject: Select Solutions Sch 4 CTPI Vote of No Confidence in We the ETU Members of Sarina Depot Ergon Energy, in response to the handling of the Select Solutions situation, express our lack of confidence in Sch 4 CTPI nd call upon the Government to stand him aside, pending a review of his dealing with employees and key industry stakeholders. Sch 4 CTPI We have absolutely NO confidence in in his current role in Ergon Energy Moved I Rix Seconded S Gutschlag For 8 against O Carried Also, The ETU members of Sarina voted in the Toowoomba resolution 8 for, 0 against, Carried Ian Rix LiveLinesman Ergon Sarina N/R This e-mail {including any attachments} may contain confidential or privileged information and is intended for the sole use of ti Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ABN 50 087 646 062 Released under RTI - DTMR about:blank 1/1 135-05863 - release - July.pdf - Page Number: 3 of 182 Subject RE: Translink Issue Fram: Mark. Bellaver@mi n isteria 1.q Id.gov.au To: [email protected] Date: Wednesday, 1 July 2015 08:43:05 AM AEST Will do Mark Bellaver P: 371 97077 () Released under RTI - DTMR 135-05863 - release - July.pdf - Page Number: 4 of 182 Subject: Re: Translink Issue From: [email protected] To: [email protected] Date: Wednesday, 1 July 2015 11 :32:57 AM AEST Thx! M () Released under RTI - DTMR 135-05863 - release - July.pdf - Page Number: 5 of 182 311512018 Print Sch 4 CTPI Subject: Re: Student evicted from train at From: Mark Bailey ([email protected]) To: [email protected]; Date: Wednesday, 1 July 2015, 19:19 Thx Mark! M Sent from my iPhone On I Jul 2015, at 2:58 pm, Mark Bellaver <[email protected]> wrote: Hi Mark. See below and attached. Shortly after the email was sent to you the person was contacted. I understand it has been resolved to everyone's satisfaction and verity Batton has been made aware. Thanks Mark Bcllaver P: 371 97077 From: Emily Brogan Sent: Wednesday, I July 20 I 5 2:53 PM To: Mark Bellaver Sch 4 CTPI Subject: FW: Student evicted from train at All resolved about 20 minutes after she sent the email to Min Bailey. From: Jessica Hill Sent: Wednesday, l July 20 I 5 2:52 PM To: Emily Brogan Sch 4 CTPI Subject: FW: Student evicted from train a Released under RTI - DTMR From: Kirstine Y O'Donnell [mailto:Kirstine.O'[email protected]] Sent: Tuesday, 30 June 2015 2: 17 PM about:blank 114 135-05863 - release - July.pdf - Page Number: 6 of 182 3/15/2018 Print To: Jessica Hill; Susan McGrady; Elly Desmarchelier Cc: Neil Z Scales; Jennifer M Grace; Natalie Z Gauld; Media; Peter L Milward; Simon G Cook; Wietske Smith; Gordon J Buchanan; Nick R Montague; Sophie Z McGuirk; External - Jasmine Green; Kirby L Orr; Media; External Affairs Subject: RE: Student evicted from train at Sch 4 CTPI UPDATE: This complaint is now closed. TransLink made contact with the parent this morning, and the conversation ended positively. The parent did not give the impression that she would contact the media. Details of the conversation with the parent are included in the attached and updated HIB, as well as actions for TransLink that have come out of this incident. No further information to be provided, unless media enquiry is received. Let me know if you need any further information. Kind regards, Kirstine O'Donnell A/Manager (Media) TransLink Division I Depa1tment ofTranspo1t and Main Roads 61 Mary Street Brisbane Qld 4000 I GPO Box 50 Brisbane Qld 400 I t 01 3338 40231 r 33384600 Im N/R c [email protected] w www.translink,com.au w www.tmr.qld.gov,au <imageOO l .png> /TransLinkOLD <image002.png> /TransLinkSEO <image003.gif.> ~ Please consider the environment before printing this email. From: Kirstine Y O'Donnell Sent: Tuesday,Released 30 June 2015 10:00 AM under RTI - DTMR To: 'Jessica Hill'; Susan McGrady; Elly Desmarchelier Cc: Neil Z Scales; Jennifer M Grace; Natalie Z Gauld; Media; Peter L Milward; Simon G Cook; Wietske Smith; Gordon J Buchanan; Nick R Montague; Sophie Z McGuirk; Jasmine G Green; Kirby L Orr; Media; External Affairs Sch 4 CTPI Subject: HIB: Student evicted from train at about blank 2/4 135-05863 - release - July.pdf - Page Number: 7 of 182 311512018 Print Morning, Jess Sch 4 The attached HIB details the outcome of the investigation into the weekend's reports that aCTPI Sch 4 CTPI being asked to leave a train, having not been in possession of a valid ticket. In this circumstance, we are advised that the SNO involved did not follow the correct process. TransLink's Customer Service team is contacting the parent this morning to provide an explanation and offer an apology. We will update you with the parent's response. Following this, we will provide a response to the local member for Broadwater, who has also fielded an enquiry from the parent. We will advise ifwe receive any media enquiry, or ifwe learn that she is going to report to the media. Kind regards, Kirstine O'Donnell A/Manager (Media) TransLink Division I Department ofTranspo1t and Main Roads 61 Mary Street Brisbane Qld 4000 I GPO Box 50 Brisbane Qld 400 I t 07 3338 40231 f 33384600 Im N/R c [email protected] ,v www.translink.com.au w www.tmr.qld.gov.au <image00 l .png> /TransLinkQLD <image002.png> /TransLinkSEQ <image003.gif.> ~ Please consider the environment before printing this email. Released under RTI - DTMR *********************************************************************** WARNING: This email (including any attachments) may contain legally privileged, confidential or private information and may be protected by copyright. You may only use it if you are the person(s) it was intended to be sent to and if you use it in an authorised way. No one about:blank 314 135-05863 - release - July.pdf - Page Number: 8 of 182 3/15/2018 Print is allowed to use, review, alter, transmit, disclose, distribute, print or copy this email without appropriate authority. If this email was not intended for you and was sent to you by mistake, please telephone or email me immediately, destroy any hardcopies of this email and delete it and any copies of it from your computer system.
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