(No Model.) 4. Sheets-Sheet 1. A. M. COYLE. METHOD OF AND APPARATUS FOR DISTILLING WATER. No. 364,199, Patented May 31, 1887. N. Peters, Photo-Lithographer, washington, D. c. (No Model.) 4. Sheets-Sheet 2. A. M. COYLE. METHOD OF AND APPARATUS FOR DISTILLING WATER, No. 364,199. Patented May 31, 1887. t g 4. I A. W T N E S S E S T NVENTO O6. a stattorn 44.7 6. N. PETERs, Photo-Lithographer, Washington, D.C. (No Model.) 4. Sheets-Sheet 3. A., M. COYLE. METHOD OF AND APPARATUS FOR DISTILLING WATER, No. 364,199, Patented May 31, 1887, 7374 928) it losses -4. 2/ 62" ZZ %. 27. 44-4- 33 4a &letotic - M. PETERS. Photo-linographer. Washington, D.C. (No Model.) 4. Sheets-Sheet 4. A. M. COYLE, METHOD OF AND APPARATUS FOR DISTILLING WATER, No. 364,199, Patented May 31, 1887. o W------ tri------------ ...i.4.--------- --W 928i-tv coco 3-1-uovkov Z4.7%M S3 a &lt-totic(ázar ace), N. PETERS, Photo-Lithographer, Washington, d. c. UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. ANDREW M. COY LE, OF WASHINGTON, DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. METHOD OF AN APPARATUS FOR DISTING WATER. SPECIFICATION forming part of letters Patelet No. 354,199, dated May 31, 1887. 8 Application fied Decemb, r 7, 1 SSG. Serial No. 220,941. (No model.) To aid twil O7, it inct? concert. discharge pie is connected with the jacket Beit known that I, ANDREW M. Coy LE, of and carried up outside of the condenser and Washington, in the District of Columbia, have retort to the proper height to maintain the 55 invented certain new and useful Improvements desired water-level in the jacket, and also in in the Method of and Apparatus for Distilling the letort or distilling-drum, as is presently Water and other Fluids, of which the follow described. A retort, C, preferably circular, ing is a specification. is arranged alongside the upper portion of the The object of my invention is to provide a jacket A and is supplied with water by a pipe, still which will be perfectly self-regulating c, connecting the jacket with the retort near IC and effect distillation by an improved eco its bottom. With the conditions and connec nomical method of operation. tions described the water-level will be the While the apparatus is intended especially same in the retort, jacket, and overflow-pipe, to distill water for laboratory and domestic and with a Small constant Water-supply at a use, it may be used for all sorts of distillation. there will be a small constant overflow at a. 15 In many cities the water-supply has of late The dotted lines XY in Figs. 1 and 2 indicate years been most dangerously contaminated, the water-level. - and the need of Some simple apparatus by There is communication, by means of the which each household may, with the utmost pipe or opening D', between the upper part or facility and minimum of expense, obtain an steam-space of the retort C and a compart abundance of practically chemically pure ment, D, in the upper end of the jacket A. water has been seriously felt. A leading ob This compartment opens into the top of the ject of this invention is to supply that want. condensing-tube B through lips d, which enter I will now describe a specific, practical, and the tube sufficiently to produce slight aspira. desirable form of the invention, without, how tion should steam be blown through them. ever, in any manner limiting myself to the If heat be applied to the retort C by means 25 special details of construction. of the ordinary Bunsen gas-burner, E, (which In the accompanying drawings, Figure 1 is is illustrated as supported by arms or brack a front view, the drip-pipe h' and jacket G of ets projecting from the condenser-jacket,) or the retort being cut away on the line l l of Fig. otherwise, steam generated therein will pass 2. The interior construction is illustrated by into the compartment D and blow down the o dotted lines. Fig. 2 is a vertical transverse sec condensing-tube B. The steam in condensing tion; Fig. 3, a detail view illustrating the ap gives up its heat to the ascending water in the plication of the apparatus to an ordinary do condenser, which is thereby highly heated and 8 5 mestic range; Fig. 4, a perspective view of a enters the retort at cat about the boiling-point. still with the jacket of the retort partly broken The automatic operation and the organiza 35 away, and Fig. 5 a detail view illustrating a tion thus far described are, so far as I am modified construction by Which the still is aware, new. If, therefore, there were no com adapted either for alcoholic or water distilla munication from the Surface of the water in tion. the jacket A to the open top of the condens. The condenser A is shown as rectanular in ing-tube, the construction and operation cross-section. It is of the Liebig type, and would be within the scope of my invention. consists of a jacket or casing within which In order, however, to improve the economical one or more flat condensing tubes Ol' passages, operation and obtain better results, I make B, are arranged, one tube only being shown in the still by preference according to the prin the drawings. Its upper end is open and ex ciple involved in the construction illustrated 45 tends nearly to the top of the jacket of the for the following reason: The aspirating action condenser, and the lower end is also shown as of the steam blowing into the top of the con open for the discharge of the condensed dis densing-tube reduces the pressure on the IOO tillate. Water is supplied from any suitable column of highly-heated water in the con so source of constant supply to the condensing denser-jacket and the water bursts into vapor, jacket through a pipe, a, connected at the bot which is carried by the aspiration down the tom of the condenser. At a? an overflow or condensing-tube. The vapor from the water 364, 199 in the jacket A in condensing gives up less The supply of water at a may be so increased heat than that from the retort C, and, as the that the overflow will be cold. latter is amply sufficient to heat the water to Any suitable construction for fully utilizing 7o the desired point, proportionally less con the heat of the burner may be adopted-as, for 5 densing-surface is necessary. instance, such expedients as are resorted to in So far as I am aware I am the first to hoat steam-boilers, &c. the Supply-water by the steam from the re The material of which the still is made may tort and utilize the steam to decrease the be copper, tin, or any other suitable metal, and, pressure on the surface of the supply-water if desired, may be porcelain-lined. 75 O thus heated, and thereby convertit into vapor. An apparatus having a capacity of one-half Of course the operation is not dependent on gallon of distilled water per hour, when burn the special apparatus shown. ing about six feet of gas, would be of about the If desired, the jacket at the water-level may following dimensions: The retort, five inches be enlarged to afford a greater surface for va in height and diameter. The outside measure porization. ments of the condenser would be sixteen inches The retort is provided with a sediment-tap, long, three inches wide, and about three-fourths F. By opening the tap and supplying an in inch thick; the interior condensing-tube, two creased flow of water any sediment in the re and one-half inches wide by one-fourth inch by tort will be drawn off. fourteen and seven-eighths inches. The aspirat 2 ) To prevent waste of heat by radiation, the ing lips or tubed may be about one-eighth inch sides of the retort may be protected by a by two and three eighths inches. The overflow. jacket, G. Any suitable casing, of asbestus, pipe should be connected with the condenser or any known means for preventing waste by jacket about seven and one-half inches from radiation, may, of course, be employed. the bottom, and the pipe should be about one 90 The water of condensation may fall into a half inch in diameter. Should the drip-box drip-box, H, provided with one or more in be dispensed with and the drip-pipe for the clined shelves, preferably of wire-gauze, and distillate connected directly with the bottom perforated, as shown at h, so that the water of the condensing-tube, that pipe should also will be thoroughly aerated. Charcoal, h, or be about one-half inch in diameter, so as to 95 other material, may, if desired, be placed in the permit access of air to the interior of the con bottom of the box to improve the taste or densing tube. quality of the Water. The above dimensions were those adopted in his the drip-tube or outlet of the box. several specimen stills which had the capac ICO Any suitable form of aerator may be at ity above mentioned. I do not, however, limit tached to the apparatus. That shown is, how myself to any particular dimensions. ever, deemed entirely sufficient whenever an An apparatus constructed as described may aerator is desired.
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