SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1946 HERALD SPORTS PAGE ELEVEN Blairmore Edges Alberta, Toba Curling Draws Servo Vfins Title, In This Room and Board''^^'""'^'"'''' And Results Columbus Club HERE'S A KEG OP FROZEN FISH, BY THE Tl/AE I GET THRU Win Hoop Titles SUNDAY Kayoes Cochrane Corner... SER.V1HC3 ALL THAT FISH Wright Shield piNnv'---YUM CAN cootcrrup TO TllEilMMATES WF.RE, 1:00 P.M. NFW YORK, Feb. i—f/^- FER. n»> BORDERS IN CMCWDER3 WINOTPBO. Feb. 2.-W—Western By HARRY PAINTING —Seventy-Sevens Crush Taber THEY'LL HAVE GILLS Canada Interrolkvlntp bnskelbnll D. Gnlbralth v.s. C. t>awson Marty Servo, a baby-faced hull AM' PISH PIES.'—l GIVE MUH AND WILL WANT THEIR. P. Duffv vs. P. Pattcr-son. In a boxing ring, won the tforId'« . PET PENGUIN TUH DA 700 laurrls were dlvtrlrd by Unlver.slfy (Sports Editor) By HARRY PAINTING MEALS UMOER WATER., of Alberta and University nf Mani­ M Trimble vs. Morris A Bftrrett. welterweight championship last (Herald Sports Editor) V/HERE IT'LL BE HAPPY WIT' FROiV\ THEN OH ' T R. Armstrong v.s. A. Clanfldd. night hy knocldng out Freddie WILD, WOOLLY GAME DA CfTHER PENGUINS.'-I HAD toba hfrc Friday night with Alljorta LAIRMORE Columbus Club In the first game of thelp Pnndns winning tho women's (Tn\>ni E. Hunter vs. D KIrkham. (The Red) Cochrane in the Lethbrldgc Scventy-Scvcas made earned a two-goal lead In DIS KEG OP FISH LEFT :S:00 P.M. fourth rotmd of a scheduled a mockorv of their Junior plnyoff Rcrlci, I/CthbridKc Sevcnly-Sev- OVER. AT CA MARKET/ nnd Cecil Riicr 'rrnphy whllr Mnnl- 1 B their Alberta Junior hockey ons walloped Taber Clippers 1!» toba ni.son.i took the rugby Mom- i T. Graham v.=. C. Gardiner. IS-ronnd hout In Madison gnmc with Tnbnr Inst night, crush­ playoff aerlca with Lethbrldgc Col­ to .'5 In a wild and woolly game R Roypr vs. n, Wnddlngton. Square Garden. Servo weighed ing the CHpppra 10-5 In their own orlal Trophy and mrn'.s champion­ umbus Club by handing the locals at Taber last night. Sevcnly- ship. ir Feltfcr vs. N. ClarW. 143; Cochrane 14.5. backyard, while Columbus Club of an 8-6 beating last night at the Scven.s scored at will against f. H. (hitler vs X. E. Blsxnll. Carrying the fight to the defend­ Ijcthbrldgc was golno; down 8 to 6 TliP Alberts glil.s nnlntot won ' arena before close to l.OOO fans. Taber, but an nhvays-danger- their .second game of thr day. a 22-17 n. An'ler.son v; J Halmes. ing chnmpion from start to flnLsh, to a surprisingly strong Blnlrmoro It was a fast, exciting game, re­ oiis nipper forward line broke the 26-year-old .sliitjger from Schen­ team. victory over Mnnltolin Hlsnnoftc; n:nn P.M. plete with spills and thrills. Blair­ IhrnuRb for five goals against after defeating So-skatrhrwan Hus- ectady, N.Y., Anally caught up with <• • more enjoyed a wide edge in terri­ Rodv Rodzinyak. O. MrKav vs. r)r. A. A. Halg. Cochrane for keeps late In the kiettes In an afternoon contest V Brlforri v.s. L. Cnvne. Amon^ the spectators at Inst torial play for two periods and en­ Taber defaulted the second fourth round and beat him to the height's game were some of the A nifty pas.slng attack and a dis­ W. Bl^rkrtt vs. F. Bond floor In Servo's corner with a bla.st- tered the final spasm on the long game of the scries. play of eagle-eye shooting gayi-' west's noted cowboys, now In the end of a 7-1 count. But In the niial B. Merrhant vs T. R. Hi^l?. Ing borrage of blows. There. Ref­ city Btt«ndln(? a cowboys' conven­ Manitoba Bl.son.s a 44-20 victory J. \forrLson vs .r Taylor. eree Eddie Jo.sephs counted the full 20 minutes, Lethbrldge stiigcd a over Altx-rta Golden B^ars ns Mikp tion. Floyd Peters, the little wnddy smashing rally to ouUscore the Pa.ss MONnXY 10 over the fallen Freddie at 2 min­ AndrcB,schuk scored Lelhbrldgc's ilpark nnd Bunky TemplUi led thf with the blK .smtic from Browning, club 5 to 1. However, Blnirmorrs 7:00 PM. utes. 54 .seconds of the round. first goal 29 .seconds Inter. Catonlo team with 12 .scoring ixiints each. Mont., took In the Enme. eiifly lead stood up to the resound­ G. Gliissor vs Dr .Swnncesky. Up to then, it was all .Servo, n« and Vejprava added Blairmore V. W.ilkcr vs H. A. MrKean. ing Lethbrldge rushes and the Pn.ss he charged after Freddie from bell goals, and the Pass sextet left the Dr. Stewarr. vs. H Hicks. It was the first game Mrs. George champions tightened up to hold the to bell. Ice up 7-1 at the Intermission. 9:00 P.M. Panibrun. whose husband is one of local boys to six goal*!. Results of Barohs He staggered Cochrane with a lelft Montana's leading cowpunchers, Scmaasen and Sumner were oft C. O. NImmons vs, B Axelson. hook In the flrst round, connected Bill Blnnlnfts played a scma- had ever seen—and was she thrilled. for htghstlcklng as the third opened W A. Rfa vs Rev .\fut<-hmor. with a .series of Sunday .shots In the llonal game for LcthbrldBC. al­ Bonspiel Listed "Lsn't It exciting!" was all she At 2.40 Kelly broke down the right R .Shppniird vs. P Ciilder. .second and had blood dripping from though he was swamped with could say In description of the game. boards alone, oulraced Habdas and , J. Wilton vs O. WUllnms. Reds no.se in the third before final­ rubber for the flrst two periods. BARONS — I HNS) — Raymond i Gulmnnri v.s D. I.. Anderson. .^—.J scored a beautiful goal. Thirty-nine ly putting the llghu out for Fred­ In fact, Bill performed In won- Crow, Loyal Turner. Robert Wobick. r.AniES' rt'RI.INO DRAWS George and Mrs. Pambrun arrived seconds later Aitken grabbed a loose die. rous fashion in the first 20 Z. Owsely. ,Tr., A. F. .Jacobson and jfOND.W, FEB. \ Friday for the convention from puck and fired it honic to make For Cochrane It marked the flrst minutes to hold Blairmore to a It 7-3. A fluke goal by Lucentl Z. Ow.sley, Sr. were Calgary vl.sltor.5 " ' 7 P.M. and last defence of the 147-poun(l their home in Montana. The cow­ recently, participating In the bon- \TLS.S Clsrke vs Mrs Mrly>nnnn. boys are winding up their meeting one-goal edRC, and at that the which rodt> In off Yanaslk's stick championship he won from Prltzie goal was rather fluky. nulllflcd thLs counter, but Spur- spiel there. Mrs Pelger v.s Mrs. Wilson. Zlvlc bark In July. 1941. -Shortly tonight with a banquet at the Mar­ Winners of the Hotel event In the THUR.SDAY. FEB. 7 quis. Gordon Kelly played brilliantly lock was placed in durance vile for Capt. Sellar after springing that upest, the Eliz­ for the locals, scoring a goal and Barons bonsplel were: 1. Jr. Owslev.j 7 P.M. abeth. N.J,, battler put the title on • •> tripping Kelly, and Lethbrldge Mrs McAULster vs MKs Alrd. setting up the plays for four more. 2. N. E. Harris: 3, Zan Cw.sley: 4. R. the shelf and went Into the UnlVed That m-."! count smclN a bit scored twice In 26 seconds, Sumner Sports Officer Crow. Ping Andreaachuk collected two Mrs. Howell vs. Ml.ss Jack. States navy, from which he waa dis­ like basketball—or cricket. and Andreaschuk counting on pass­ In the Beaver Lumber event. Gen. goals and an assist. Yanoslk and charged a year ,igo. Tonight's slug­ ing plays. Wobick placed flrst: H. Mumby. sec­ Aitken also scored one each, and For M.D. 13 LADIES' CLTILINO RESI'LTS ging match marked the flr.st "de- ALBERTA DEFEATS At 14.25, Yanoslk made it 8-8, ond; W. J. Sherwood, third, and A. Sumner added a goal and an assist. Mrs. Howell 8. Mrs. McLennan 3 frastlng" of the ring champlon- SASK. GIRLS' TEAM Kelly laid a neat pass on his stick Capt. Gordon H. Sellar. Calgary D. Lyon, fourth. "Spider" Crombie and Mel Brooks Mr.v Felger 16. Mrs. .McAllister 4. shlixs froT'/'n during the war. WINNIPEG. Feb. 2—tP;—Univer­ and Yanoslk slammed home a screen ha.s been appointed dl.stricl sports In the Airway event, first plnro sity of Alberta Pandas scored a played aggressive games, and Logan shot from near the blue line. In oflicer. succeeding Capt. J. A Mr- went to the team .skipped by Jr. For Servo, the climb to the wel­ was strong on defence. Fred Kut- terweight throne cUinaxps a career 34-27 victory over the University the flrst Ave minutes, Blairmore Mullen who i.s on leave pending Owslry. R. Hood placed .second. Y. « •> of Saskatchewan Huskies In the cheran. Bud Boulton and Hal Os­ held the Columbus Club at bay to retirement. Headquarter.s M.D. 13 Ledbe'tter third, and J. A. Oow that began back In 1978 and was In- mond put up good displays. •> SPORTS ACTIVITIES « ternipted during a hitch of three women's western Canada inter­ chalk up their triumph. Last Night's Results announced todny. fourth. i collegiate basketball round-robin AT THE LOCAL LEGION •:• years .ind nine month.s in the United For Blairmore, Ploy Vejprava, The return game will be played Kiwanls League: Capt.
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