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I'r\u Points of view or opinions stated in this document are those of the author(s) and do not represent the official ~.'.. ' <S position or policies of the U. S .. Department.of Justice. G~"-J r-,," .:-- ~"" :."H" ,--.... ~:~-.. '-'.~-~.-~-.. -.-:.-~~~.?1.~~~.~-----,~~:~~=~_~~:!' L----~~lli~~'t;Stit~te'.~{GuStiCe~·· '~1'<:-,J'Q" __ "~'.,~~--.~,,~·:,-·'l United States Department of Justice ~--~-~ ., Washington, D. C. 20531. , " " , . Table of Contents To the Message from ChiefJustice Richardson 1 Honorable Members Restoration of Aliiolani Hale 3 of the Eleventh Courts of Appeal 9 Legislature The Supreme Court 12 Intermediate Court of Appeals 14 and the Public Chief Clerk 15 Land Court 16 Tax Appeal Court 16 Boards, Commissions and--------------------------------------------------- Committees 17 The Trial Courts 23 1~' Circuit Courts 24 The 1979-80 fiscal year was one of many improvements in the Hawaii Judiciary, some the ) Family Courts 26 result of changes from the 1978 Constitutional Convention. District Courts 27 , The Judiciary began the year with 16 vacancies among its 51 authorized judgeships, The Judicial Circuits 31 including two on the Supreme Court. By the end ofthe fiscal year, all but a few vacancies in, ! the District Court~ had been filled-and these vacancies were created by the elevation of First Judicial Circuit 34 ~ . District C~urt judges to the Circuit Courts. Second Judicial Circuit 43 ,", c., " The Judiciary owes much appreciation to the Judicial Selection Commission for its Ii., I r Third Judicial Circuit 46 diligen~ ,;work. ' The new Intermediate Court of Appeals was sworn in on April 18, 1980, and their Fifth Judicial Circuit 50 work has already significantly reduced the backlog 6f appellate cases. Support Services 53 Also, completed was the first phase of the restoration of Ali'iolani Hale, with the ..... ! i Sta,tistical Data 63 second phase to begin when the new State Judicial Complex is completed in 1983. .. Ground was broken in Octobef"1979 for the new Honolulu District Court Building and construction is well underway. " During the present session the Judiciary will be requesting you to review the level of judicial salaries, to provide manpower to implement Act 303 mandating ajuvenile intake U.S. Department of Justice National Institute of justice 76903 center in Family Court and for additional judgeships to meet the ever growing caseload. This doc\lment .has bee~ ~eproduced exactly as received trom the' I~ I would like to thank you for your past s~pport, and ask for your continued kokua pers?n or organIzation or/glOating it. Points of view or opinions stated 10 thIS documery~ ~re tho,s.e"of the authQrs and do not necessarily during the present session. We feel Hawaii has developed one ofthe best judicial systems in repr?sent the olflclal posItIon or poliCies of the National Institute of o Justrce. the United States, and, with your help, we can continue to improve 'the quality in the !) administration ofjustice. Permission to reproduce this copyrighted material has been granted by Administrative Director of the '", With warmest. regards an~~\,ha, Courts, State of Hawaii f 'N·O·J,RS. to the National Criminal Justice Aeferen~e Service (NCJAS). 1 --tUffi,~~~ c' • j i William S. Richardson o /':Urlher reprodu~tion outside of t~e NCJAS system requires permis­ ... sIon of the copyrrght owner. 1 ~PR [13 t!J81 ChiefJustice 'of Hawaii I ., 1 d /. Ij '> f I ., \., .... -" .- , -4 f Court Organizational Chart Administrative Organizational Chart o " . Chiepustice . Supr~me Com:t 'i SupremeCour,~ Courts of Appeal All appeals are filed with the Supreme Court, which may, as provided by statute and its own rules, clt!ct to review the case or assign it to the Intermediate Court of Appeals. The Chief Clerk of the Supreme Court serves both appellate courts. Circuit Courts Tax Appeal, Land Courts District Courts o Office ofthe Adm.inistratiYf! Director Circuit Courts are courts ofgeneral jurisdiction. The Tax Appeal and Land Courts are courts of District Courts arc courts oflimited jurisdic­ oftheCourts* The Family Court is a division of the Circuit limited jurisdiction. tion. Director Courts. The Tax Appeal Court has originaljurisdic­ District Courts have jurisdiction in all crimi­ In criminal cases, Circuit Courts havejuris­ tion in all disputes between the tax assessor and nal misdemeanors, petty misdemeanors and all diction in all felony cases, and in all mis­ taxpayer. traffic cases. Preliminary hearings in felony demeanor cases in which ajury trial is re­ The Land Court administers the Torrens Sys­ cases are held in the District Court in the Judicial quested. tem of Land Registration. It has originaljuris­ Circuit where the offense was committed. In civil cases, Circuit COUrts have unlimited diction in all matters involving legal title to fee In regular civil cases, District Courts have jurisdiction above 51 ,000. simple land and casements. exclusive jurisdiction in actions where the Con­ AUjury trials are held in Circuit Courts. tested amount is not in excess of$I,OOO, and In the First Circuit Court, the Adult Proba­ concurrent jurisdiction with Circuit Courts in tion is a separate division. In the other three cases where the contested anlount is between judicial circuits, adult probation is aSSIgned to $1,000 and $5,000, and Small Claims Courts th~ Family Court staff. hear cases where the contested amount is not in excess of 51 ,000. Appointed Boards and Commissions attached to the Judiciary for administrative purposes. *Offices within the Administrative Director's Office include Budget and Fiscal, Computer Systems, Personnel, Planning and Research, Public Information, the Volunteer Program, and Staff Attorneys. I' .. l'I ____________ ~~~~~--~~--~--~~----------------------------,--------------.n-------------------~.~--~~----_------------------------------- ,.,. ___JI... ~, ____ . ______ _ \1 The Judiciary State General Fund Appropriations by amount and percent of total, Fiscal Year July 1, 1979-June 30, 1980. , , Statewide Operations Courts of Appeal $ 973,683 5.30% Land Court/Tax Court 68,787 .37% Administrative Director Services 1,816,862 9.89% Law Library 362,431 1.97% SAC 201,906 1.10% j " Appropriation for both Circuit Courts and District Courlts Kauai, Niihau Oahu Molokai, Malli, Lanai Hawaii Fifth Circuit First Circuit Second Circuit Third Circuit $566,943 $11,767,916 $1,256,744 $1,361,722 3.08% 64.04% 6.84% 7.41% The Judiciary The Judiciary $18,376,994 1.97% State General Fund Appropriations by amount and percent of total, Fiscal Year 1979-80 , , "ft,j. .. :...~IP~~ " ;S4.~~· \) ti,.~a:tWPR.:YLAN: ~ 'c - --'--"------..,.......,..- r r I r i Ii 11 II I I i ; I :~i I: /\ 1 '- , " , , ,,' / /' - ," .,., ,;;- . ~ , () ''''-. .' -J"; It • 0 "" I . " f " , " .'" / "~'------'. --, ------------~, ~. ~ ~t ~ Ii' t ~ r 1, ~(\ t I ij ", fi ~ It 1 Restoration of Ali'iolani • It has been the home ofthc Hawaii Supreme } \\ Court sincc May 27, 1874. H It was the home of the monarchial govern- H Hale • '1 ment's Legislative Assembly, which in- ? .{.f The first phasc of the restoration of Ali'iolani :1 cluded the House of Nobles and the House of U Hale-the first major governmf:'ntal building con­ Representatives, from 1874 until 1892. structed by the Hawaiian monal'chy and the con­ It was on the steps of Ali'iolani Hale that the 1 .(r tinuous home of the Hawaii Supreme Court for 106 • It f. J~ Committee of Safety proclaimed the over- " f\ years-has bcen completer.!. throw of Queen Liliuokalani and the estab- {~ I} The first phase of the restoration project in­ lishment of the Provisional government. t cluded construction of new offices for the justices } 1\, • It was the first building, in 1893, to fly the I of the Hawaii Supremc Court on the second floor Amcrican Flag. U of the original wing. It was the site of the Constitutional Conven- ~ if • ?~ Phase II, which is schc.duled to begin in 1983, tion of 1894 which wrote the constitution 1\ will include the Supreme Court Courtroom and the which was to govern thc ncw Republic. 1 it first floor of the original wing. • It was the home of thc Territorial Govcrn- ~ H\storically, Ali'iolani Hale is one of the most ment from 1901 until 1926, when the Ter- important buildings in Hawaii. ritorial Office Building was completed. ~q Rotunda Area The rotunda, dominated by the beautiful stained ChiefJustice's Chambers glass ceiling, was installed The showcase of the during the 1911 restoration of Ali'iolani renovation. Note the Hale is the Office of the squared doric columns. ChiefJustice. Nr,lte the 15- The light fixtures are the foot high ceilings, the original electrical fixtures massive windows with installed just prior to the their wooden shutters and beginning of the 20th the warm oak bookshelves. Century. The brass light fixtures were specially-fabricated from photographs of the period. The room is dominated by the Chief Justice's massive koa desk, which was originally presented to King Kalakaua by students at Lahainaluna School. The desks in the offices of the Associate Justices, which were constructed as part of the restoration, follow the style of the period. The round, koa table in the corner of the room was in common use in offices pdor to 1911.
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