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Glimmingehus is No. 7 of a series entitled Svenska kulturminnen (“Cultural Monuments in Sweden”), a set of guides to some of the most interesting historic monuments in Sweden. A current list can be ordered from the National Heritage Board (Riksantikvarieämbetet) , Box 5405, SE- 114 84 Stockholm. Tel. 08-5191 8000. Author: Anders Ödman, curator of Lund University Historical Museum Translator: Alan Crozier Photographer: Rolf Salomonsson (colour), unless otherwise stated Drawings: Agneta Hildebrand, National Heritage Board, unless otherwise stated Editing and layout: Agneta Modig © Riksantikvarieämbetet 2000 1:1 ISBN 91-7209-183-5 Printer: Åbergs Tryckeri AB, Tomelilla 2000 View of the plain. Fortresses in Skåne In Skåne, or Scania as it is sometimes called circular ramparts which could hold large in English, there are roughly 150 sites with numbers of warriors, to protect the then a standing fortress or where legends and united Denmark against external enemies written sources say that there once was a and internal division. An example of this fortress. The oldest known fortresses in kind of fortress can be found in Trelleborg Skåne are a couple of hillforts from the on the south coast of Skåne and has even Migration Period (c. 500 A.D.), one of them given the town its name. at Stenshuvud and one called Hälleberga The first period of medieval castle-build ­ Backe in the parish of Gumlösa in north­ ing came in the twelfth century, when the ern Skåne. king, the archbishop, and men close to them The next period of fortress-building came built fortresses of all kinds. Keeps, castles during the reign of Harald Bluetooth (c. with curtain walls, and magnificent pal­ 935-c. 985), when the Trælleborg forts aces grew up in restless corners of the Dan­ were built. These are big enclosures within ish kingdom, adjacent to places for trade 4 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ KB/AÖ 97 In Skåne there are over ISO sites where castles stand or once stood. In most cases only insignifi­ cant remains are visible, and sometimes the site has been ploughed up completely. Computer processing: Kenneth Behrman/Anders Ödman. 5 and production, or in beautiful sites offer­ It was in this period that nobles and ing good hunting. burghers began to build big houses of stone Most of the castles in Skåne were built or brick instead of wood or half-timber ­ during the Danish Civil War (1250-1360). ing. Some could afford to build huge stone In this period the greater part of Denmark houses, known as fortified houses, on their was in pawn, and Skåne, then a Danish rural manors. Priority was given to the province, was held by the counts of residential function in most fortified houses, Holstein until 1332, when the Swedish king such as Bollerup, while Glimmingehus is Magnus Eriksson invaded and bought the in this respect unique with all its death province. There were battles between all traps, from the drawbridge to the loft. conceivable groups in society, and all those The last private castles were erected in who were drawn into the conflict tried to the sixteenth century. After this the nobil­ build their own fortresses. Large royal cas­ ity were no longer able to build such strong tles such as Kärnan in Helsingborg and defences that they could protect their houses Lindholmen near Svedala were built of against artillery, which by this time had brick and stone, which the upper nobility developed into an indomitable threat. Dur­ could also afford, as at Gladsaxehus or ing the Civil War known as “The Count’s Turestorps Ö near Lindholmen. The Leud” (1533-1536) the fortified houses squires of the lesser nobility had to make proved difficult to defend. Lillö, for exam­ do with cheaper solutions. Examples may ple, was given two additional corner tow­ be found at Vittsjöborg or Härlövsborg, ers placed diagonally. Only one private where wood and earth were the main build ­ castle in Skåne, Stjärneholm near Skurup, ing materials. was built at the start of the sixteenth cen­ In 1360 Valdemar Atterdag, king of tury to withstand artillery fire. Outside the Denmark, crossed the Sound with a large moats, high earthen ramparts were thrown army and liberated Skåne, which once up to protect the houses. Otherwise, at this againbecame Danish. Many of the castles time it was the king who built fortifica­ were burnt down on this occasion, and tions in and around towns. In Malmö and when Valdemar Atterdag’s daughter Kristianstad one can still see the remains Margrethe I became queen of the united of these gigantic defences, protecting the Nordic countries, she prohibited castle­ town and the garrison with low cannon building in 1396. This ban was in force towers, thick brick walls and ramparts, and until King Hans’s coronation charter of broad moats in several lines. 1483, when the nobility had once again become strong enough to pressure the king to repeal the prohibition. 6 If one belonged to the Bröder upper nobility one Jens Holgersen Olof Holgersen ideally had to live in a Ulvstand Ulvstand fortified house. Aris­ tocratic families con­ tracted marriages with each other, so the for­ tified houses ended up having family rela­ Örup tionships. The figure shows a small selec­ Niels Nielsen tionof related houses. Brahe Computer processing: Anders Ödman. Vanås Ivar Axelsen Thott .71 f h. >_•_ Viks hus Lillö Fortified houses Stone houses were built in Skåne as early on their manors in the countryside. It is as the twelfth century, but it was not until reckoned that over 160 fortified stone the fifteenth century that it became com­ houses were built in Denmark and Sweden mon for wealthier families to build their between 1400 and 1550, but both the dwellings of stone. Most of them were built number and the dates are uncertain. The in towns, housing not only the burgher’s original fortified houses are often concealed residence but also workshops, stores, and by later rebuilding and extensions, as at shops. Burghers tended to live on the first Västra Tommarp and Vanås, making them floor, leaving the ground floor and any inaccessible for measurement and dating. upper storeys for the business run by the For the last century scholars have puzz­ owner. In the fifteenth century nobles and led over why the fortified houses began to bishops also began to build stone houses be built in the fifteenth century. When an 7 Glimmingehus is famous for all the cunning death traps with which attack­ ers could be repelled. Drawing: Jan Antreski. explanation was sought at the start of the fifteenth century, and fortified houses gave twentieth century, it was thought likely that poor protection against artillery fire. At this the fortified houses were built as “camou­ time castle-builders on the continent adopted flaged” castles at a time when castle-build ­ a large number of measures against cannon ing was forbidden. The reason, however, fire, but Scandinavia followed a different was rather that the economy had devel ­ course. With their moats and thick walls, oped in such a way as to allow the con­ the fortified houses gave protection against struction of stone houses and that there peasant riots but not against the king’s men. were entrepreneurs who could build them. In the Nordic countries, fortified houses Some people could afford to abandon the became the homes of the upper nobility. Ivar older practice of building of wood and half­ Axelsson Thott built one of the first fortified timbering for a more stable stone struc­ houses, Lillö, on an island in the River ture. In most cases considerations of de ­ Helgeån near Kristianstad, and his cousin fence were subordinate to the need for com­ Claus Nielsen Sparre built Viks Hus in fort, but in the choice between these two Uppland at the same time as Ivar Axelsson’s factors Glimmingehus is an exception with son-in-law was erecting Bergkvara near all its death traps. If one visits the nearby Växjö. Arvid Trolle was the father-in-law castle of Bollerup one finds that the walls of Jens Holgersen Ulfstand, who built are of moderate thickness, the windows are Glimmingehus and whose brother Olov large, and the room have fine vaults. Holgersen built the stone house of Orup. Bollerup is a residential palace, like most They were all related, all belonged to the other fortified houses. Cannons had been aristocracy, and they all wanted a residence introduced in Scandinavian armies in the worthy of their rank. 8 Glimmingehus - an eternal object of research It has always been believed that Glim­ mingehus was built in 1499, since the large stone plaque above the entrancestates that Jens Holgersen Ulfstand, the day after Saint Valborg’s Day (i.e., 2 May) that year, laid the foundation stone of the house. This has been taken for granted ever since the sev ­ enteenth century, and only occasional scholars have thought that the house is re­ markably archaic to have been built at this time.
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