Page Six DAILY WORKER, NEW YORK. FRIDAY. JANUARY 19, 1934 Daily Mr. Qreen On Fascism Chicago Workers to “You'se Guys Don’t Know When You Got It Soft” —By Burch Foreign Policy -IkTUI «UI 5.4. (StCTION Os COMMUNIST EDHEN WILLIAM GREEN, president Os the American COMMUNIST MNTT U INTI«N»nOMI> " j Federation of Labor, raises his hands in a gesture “America's Only Working Class Daily Newspaper'' Sees U. S. of horror against Hitler’s labor code, we cannot fail Greet Delegates on Body FOUNDED 1924 but to observe that this gentleman's own hands have ! EXCEPT BY THE ” PUBLISHED DAILY. SUNDAY. fascist stains on them. Way to RS.U. Meet 7; WarWithJapan COMPROD AILY PUBLISHING CO., TNC., 50 East 13th On the publication of the German Fascist labor Street, New York. N. Y". laws, decreeing formally the end of all trade unions j 30 from Middle We*t Tokyo Policy Telephone: ALgonquin 4-7954 and the absolute submission of the workers to the j Threatens Nazi conditions of wages and Mr Cable Address: "Daiv.orfc," New York, N. Y. conditions, Green j WillLeave Soon; Chicago U.S. Hegemony in China, V«-*shin*»n Bureau: Room 054, National Press Building. issued a strongly worded statement. 14th and p. St.. Washington, D. C. Send-Off Jan. 19 Pacific, It Reports He declared that Hitler’s labor signified ! Subscription Rates: code the “enslavement and autocratic control” for the German | NEW YORK.—A bus-load currying B; Mail: (except Manhattan Bronx', t rear, and *6.00: delegates Chicago organiza- WASHINGTON, Jan. 6 months, $3.50; 3 months, $2.00; 1 month. 0.75 cents. workers. It was “servitude,” opined Mr. Green. He \ 30 from 18.—War be- with a S. and Japan in Manhattan, Bronx. Foreign and Canada: l year, $9.00, said it returned the workers to the most "primitive \ tions, and reinforced number tween the U. th# from Milwaukee, Gary and other struggle for hegomony of the Pacific 6 months, $5.00; 3 months. $3 00 relationship between master and servant.” By Carrier: Weekly, 18 cents; monthly, 75 cents. nearby cities, will make the trip to and control over China is envisaged Mr. Green even borrowed from the N.R.A. to state ( the first national convention of the in a report issued today by the For- FRIDAY. JANUARY 19. 1934 that the German workers cannot belong to “unions j Friends of the Soviet Union, the na- eign Policy Association, an append- of their own choosing.” tional office of the F. S. U. announced age of U. S. imperialism. today. The convention will be held But we remember that the chief Nazi butcher Hit- | The report declares that the U. 8. in New York, Jan. 26. 27 and 28. of the Door” ler himself declared that the N.R.A. codes followed the delegates policy "Open in China i A send-off for these is U. S. interests labor fascism. arranged by the workers of and imperialist are Step By Step policies of being threatened Japan’s for Friday evening, Jan. 19, by “far-reachin; What Mr. Green is trying to accomplish by raising i Chicago bid for complete Japanese hegemon’, PTEP BY STEP, day by day, the Roosevelt govem- in the People’s Auditorium. U a cry about—and at the same time trying to crush a of the in the Far East.” The report make-; inent is leading the American masses toward I From various other parts the significant statement: struggle against—Fascism in Germany is to make the | Including California, dele- v the slaughter of imperialist war. country. wholesale American workers overlook the seven league boot ad- i gates are being elected, according to “Given the hesitancy of the Eu- Hardly a day passes now without bringing to light vances of Fascism under Roosevelt, ! reports received here. ropean powers to venture on vigor- ‘open * * * Emma Redell, described by Sen- ous support of the door’, the some evidence of persistent, deliberate organization for I ator William E. Borah as "America’s chief onus of its defense is likely war by the Roosevelt government. IT THE SAME TIME, Mr. Green, sensing the grow- culture ambassador to Russia,” Jus- to fall on the United States.” ** ing, bitter hatred against Fascism being aroused ! tine Wise Tulin, daughter of Rabbi Japan's policy, the report declares, The report of the Daily Worker Washington cor- ! S. Wise and Margaret among the workers, under the leadership of the Com- Stephen contemplates the realization of tha respondent professor New York printed in yesterday's issue revealing that munist Party, wants to deflect struggle away from | Schlauch, at this University, have just endorsed the program of the Twenty-one Demands top administration machinery of N.R.A. is i the the a real, militant campaign, which will strike at the roots I convention. of 1915. These demands, designed to quickly establishing the closest possible hook-up with of Fascism. Emma Redell declares that “the establish Japanese control over North years has at last China, especially the Shantung Pen- Department through the of an- He does not want the American workers to develop battle of sixteen The War appointment the American friends insula, were met with fierce resist- other a united front to help their German brothers over- been won by military’ expert, is certainly significant of the of Soviet Union—a battle of truth ance by the U. S., and Japan was throw Fascism a the war preparations of the Roosevelt government. and >tablish workers’ and farmers’ against lies, of information against i forced to withdraw them and to re- government. misinformation, against dark- | call its troops from Shantung. General Johnson has appointed as head of the of light Mr. Green finds it convenient to talk about ness.” I Japan’s present drive to realize strategic Planning Division of the N.R.A. a man ex- upon "slavery” in Germany, because he can Justine Tulin Wise, calls all ( these demands is sharply attacked pert in the rapid organization of industry for war pro- thinks he effec- professionals, workers in tively block action on the part of the intellectuals, | the report as a challenge to "the duction. This man. Colonel R. H. Montgomery, has American work- groups, farmers, to support the ers to overthrow this slavery, and the whole and | effective maintenance of the open been part of the Hoover War Department, and has system F. S. U. convention. “The Friends in China on which It rests. doorj policy and threatens served American imperialism as a member of the War of the Soviet Union courageously Writings Lenin Brought to to drag China along against its will Yet in this fought apathy bitter opposition of Nanking in Drive on Policies Commission. country we can see how every action and jin the van of Japanese imperialism.” Mr. in their effort to show Americans * * fc of Green on the National Labor Board, his sup- The report sharply ques- what was being built in Russia day raises the port of the war program of the Roosevelt regime, his Masses by U. S. S. R. Institute j tion of the U. S. fighting Japan as IT IS necessary to remember that the whole Roose- by day. It is good to know they Foochow Workers strikebreaking attack on strikes, lead to rapid be- j against the alternative, with which it * the are not resting on arms, velt N.R.A. program is directed toward gearing up their speculates, development of Fascism. cause the first skirmish has been won. By VERN SMITH pean languages. In addition, the mu- as follows: the entire American economy to war efficiency and Cantonese Troops Push Every time the workers resist the slavery of the Russia may bear a large part of the U.S.S.R., Jan. (By seum has published 25 volumes of al- “Withdrawal from the Philippines, centralization. MOSCOW, 18 N.R.A. codes through strike, every time the workers burden of the spreading plague of radio).—The vital significance of the manacs, posthumous works of Lenin, On Into Fukien after negotiation of a pact with imperialist Let us not forget that Roosevelt has in his posses- develop militant action for unemployment insurance fascism and ambitions. work of the Marx-Engels-Lenin In- including his philosophical note (Japan neutralizing the islands, could But effective organization to help her books, the be completed; American sion a secret memorandum delivered to him several that may disturb the war plans and budget of Roose- stitute was pointed out to your corre- with notes on imperialism, HONKONG, Jan. 18—Martial law extraterri- meet that burden is essential now.” Bierman, agrarian question, letters and docu- was established in Foochow, Fukien torial privileges in China relin- days ago by his advisers Prof. Tugwell and Peek re- velt, this gentleman is the first to offer his lackey spondent today by scientific Margaret Schlauch likewise calls and organizational secretary of the ments of the “Iskra” period, the years seaport today as Nanking troops linquished; American marines with- garding the immediate survey of every fac- services to the bosses. Mr. Green is an upon support American more than of the F. S. U. conven- Institution. of the formation of the Party, etc. opened a campaign to crush the anti- drawn from Shanghai, Peiping and tory, with the of ascertaining In embryo Ley, German of tion. “In present critical posture Tientsin, American objective its place Dr. Fascist Minister Labor. the In preparation for Lenin Day, Bierman, the Lenin Institute sec- imperialist, anti-Kuomintang upsurge and gunboats re- Fundamentally, of world affairs, it Is extraordinarily Yangtze relation to war needs.
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