THE KENYA GAZETTE Published under the Authority of His Excellency the Governor of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya (Registered as a Newspaper at the G.P.0.) \ Vol. L~V-NO. 30 NAIROBI, 17th July, 1962 Price: Sh. 1 CONTENTS GAZETTE NOTICES GAZE~NOTICES-(Contd.) PAGF PAGE Appointments, etc. 756 The Native Authority Ordinance-Appointments . 774 The Kenya (Consiitution) Oider in Council- Trade Marks . 775 Appointment of Parliamentary Secretary . 756 Language Exaqinations-Amendesates . 775 Declaration of Resumed Capacity of Member . 756 Bankruptcies . , . 775-779 Declaration of Incapacity of Member . 756 Appointment of Temporary Member . 757 The Companies Ordinance . 779 The Civil Service Commission Ordinance-Appointment The Societies Oqdinance-Registrations, etc. 779, 780 and Revocation . ... .. .. 757 Probate and Adqinistration . 780, 781 The Education Ordinance-Appointments I. 757, 758 The Trout Ordinance-Trout-fishing in the Sagana River . t . 781 Bast African Railways and Harbours-Appointment . 758 Loss of Polices . 781, 782 The Courts Ordinance-Appointments 758 . Loss of Share Certificates .. 782 The Births and .. Deaths Registration Ordinance- City, County and Urban District Counc~fsNotices . 782 Appointment .. .. .. .. .. .. 758 The Fraudulent Transfer of Businesses Ordinance . 782 Registration of Births and Deaths and Issue of Burial Permits in Nairobi . 758 The Methylated Spirits Ordinance-Appointment . 758 SUPPLEMENT No. 50 The Prisons Ordinance-Appointments . 758 Legislative Supplement - I The Regulation of Wages and Conditions of Employ- ment Ordinance-Appointment . 759 LEGALNOTICE NO. PAGE The Weights and Measures Ordinance-Notice to 350-The Transfer and Delegation of Powers Ordin- Traders .. .. .. .. 759 ance-Delegation of Powers under section -. '35~ .. .. .. .. .. .. 693 East Africa High Commission Stock . 719 351,352, 353-The Personal Tax Ordinance-Exten- Notice of Auction Sale . 759 sion of Penalty Dates . 693,694 354-The Electric Power (Overhead Lines) Rules, Vacancies . 759, 760 1962 . 695 H.M. Supreme Court of Kenya at Mombasa-Summer 355-The Exchange Control (Authorized Deposi- Vacation .. .. .. .. .. 760 taries) (Amendment) Order, 1962 . 704 The African District Councils Ordinance-Appointment 760 356-The Wages Regulation (General) Order, 1962 704 357-The Employment (African Labourers Diet) African District Council of Nyeri-Ruringu Market- 8 Bank Plot .. 761 (Revocation) Rules, 1962 . 707 358-The Employment (African Women Workers The Animal Diseases Ordinance-Infected Areas . 761 . Protection) (Revocation) Rules, 1962 - . 707 The Education Ord~nance-Registration of Schools 762, 763 359-The Transport Licensing Ordinance-Delega- The Dairy Industry (Inspectors) Regulations-Appoint- tion of Powers . 708 ments to the Board : .. .. .. 763 360-The Land (Registration of Titles) (No. 4) O~der,1962 . 708 The Crown Landa Ordinance-Rtrol Service Sfation . Plot-Nairobi .. .. .. .. .. .. 764 361-The Fish Protection (Watamu Oyster Bay) Rules, 1962 . 710 The Water ordinance-A'pplications 765 . 362-The Local Industries (Refund of Customs East African Customs and Excise-Customs Tariff ,Inter- Duties) Regulations, 1962 . 71 1 pretation .. .. .. .. 765 363-The Local Industries (Refund of Customs Liquor Licensing . 766, 767 Duties) (No. 1) Order, 1962 . 717 364-The Local Industries (Refund of Customs Tenders . 767 - Duties) (No. 2) Order, 1962 . 718 The Trust Land Ordinance--Setting Apart of 365-The Local Industries (Refund of Customs Land . 767, 768 Duties) Ordinance (Amendment) Order, Notice of Change of Name .. .. .. 768 1962 . 721 366-The Royal National Parks of Kenya Ordin- Transport Licensing . 769-774 ance-Surrender of Control . 722 CORRIGENDUM GAZB'I'TE NolqcE No. 3233 Gazette Notice No. 2829 appeéring cn page 656 of the Kenya LCONSI'. 1/3) MGaezmebtter s dtaot eAd ir1ic9tahn DJtmister,i ctl gC6oz-unAcipl poofi nNtmanednl!. and' Election of THE KENYA (CONSTITUTION) ORDER IN COUN CIL, 1958 In the third line of the second paragraph, 'jor four years read two years. LL .N . 158 o.f 1958) A PPOIG MENT OF PARLIAMENTARY SECRETAFY By His Excellency Sir Patriek Vuir Renison, Knight Com- ï. mander of the M osf' Distinguished œ der of M aint M ichael and Sairït George, Governor and Commander-in-chief of GAZETTE No'rlcE No. 3232 the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya : . IN EXYRCISE of the powers conferred by secticn 22 of the Kenya (Constitution) Order in Council, 1958, as amerded, ANTHONY EDGAR DORMANP, PMO.:IRN.cT.vM.sE., NrTesStuntd due as âssistant I hereby appoint- Director of Veterinary Services with esect from 23rd June, ' JAN M OHAMBD 1962, on return from vacation leave. to 'be# with esect from the 7t1.1 day of July, 1962, a Parliamentary ELIZABETH V ARGARET USHER, M.A. (CANTAB.), resumed duity ûS Secretary. Under-secretary, M inistry of Agriculture and Animal Has- bandry, on return from vacation leavc with esect from 1st July, 1962. Given under nïy hand and the public seal' of Kenya this . 7th day of July, 1962. JOHN HSXRY BAKBR, A.R.I.B.A., to act as Deputy Chief Architect, ' P. M . RENISON, M inistry of W orks and Communications, Nairobi, with tflect Governor. from 4th July, 1962. FRANCIS W II-I-IAM GOODBODY, B.A. (oxoN.), to act as Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Tourispz, Forests and W ild Life, with effect from 5t11 July, 1962. / GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 3234 HAROLD NORMAN ALBONE, M.A. (ox0N.), DIP. BD., to act as (LwC. 4.15) Senior Education Oœcer with eilect from 9th July, 1962, whilst undertaking the duties of Provincial Fzducation Oëcer, THE KENYA (CON STITUTION) ORDER IN Nairobi Reyion. , COUNCTL, 1958 JOHN GwILYM M oou BIJNOREO T. CBRT., to act as Sqnièr (L.N. 158 ol 1958) Education Oë cer, M inistry of Education, with effect from DECLARATION oF REsuMBo CUACITY OF CONSTITUENW MEMBBR 18th Apdl, 1962. oF THE LBGISLATIVE COUNCIL ' ABDUI- KHALIL to act as Registrar of Titles, Department of By His Excellency Sir Patrick M uir Renison,' Knight Com- Lands, with esect from 1st February, 1962. mander of the M ost Distinguished Order of Saint M ichad and Saint George, Governor and Commander-in-cllief of NF-IL CARLISLEX BARBER, B.A., M.B., B.CHIR., to be Medical Oëcer ' the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya : of Hea1th, Elgeyo-Marakwet District, with eflkct from 1 1th Septem ber, 1961- . ' ' W HEREAS by instrumcnt under the publfc seal' dated the 23rd day of M ay, 1962,* Reginald Stàrkley Alexander was OM PAIJKASH NAGN L to be Crown Counsel, M inistry of Legal declared, by reason of absenco to be unable to perform his Adairs, with edect from 9th July, 1962. ' functions as a Constituency M ember .of the Legislative Council : JOHN AusTlx BENYON, A.B.I.c.c., c. & G. CBRT., O.N.C., to act ln pursuance of the provfsions of subsection (3) of section 30A as Principal, Kenya Polytechnic, with effect from 1st July, of the Kenya (Constitution) Order in Council, 1958, as amended, 1962. I do hereby declare that the said- . PROM OTIONS REGINALO STANLEY ALEXANOER Josepl.l CLAYDEN, F.c.A., to ' be sta; Adviser, Treasury, with is again able to perform his said functions. elect from 16th M ay, 1962. ' ' The aypointment of Richard D'onald Croft Wilcockt to be Boxllucs SAKA to be Industrial. Relations Assistant, Lsbour jemporarl l y a Member of the said Cbuncil is accordingly Department, with cffect from 16th May, 1967,. terminated with effect from the 3rd day of July, 1962. Asost- KHAI-IL to be Registrar of Titles, Depare ent of Lands, with esect from 1st June, 1962. Given under my hand ahd the public seal of Kenya this 6th day of July, 1962. REVERSIONS P. M . RENISON, Governor. RICHARD LEs'roco W OOLDRIDGE, o.F.c., M.R.C.V.S., ceased to *G .N r 2490./ 62. I-G.N. 2491 / 62. act as- Assistani Director of Veterinary Services with effect from 23rd June, 1962. CHARLES Ax'rHoxv SIJLLIVAN ceased ' act as Under-secretary, M infstry of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry, with esect GAzsrrs No'mcE &o. 3235 from 1st July, 1962. KSNNETH GRESHAM BAI,I- ceased to act 'as Chief Accountant, KENYA (CONSTITUTION) ORDER IN Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry, with tlleçt COUNCIL 1958 from 1st July, 1962. ' '' (L.N. 158 o.f 1958) ARTHIJR ' F'REDBRICK CYRIL BARNW BLL, P.C.A.S ceased to act DECLARATjON or INCAI>AeITY op CONSTITUENCY MBMBER oF THB as Permanenj ' Secretary, M inistry of T'ourism, Borests and LEGISLATIVE' COIJNCIL ' Wild Life, wlth efect from 5th July, 1962. By His Excellency Sir Patrick M uir Renison, Knight Com - Mlss BARBARA JOAN SMITHSON ctased to act as Senior Assistant mander of the Most Distinguixshed O'rder of Saint Michael Secretary, Ministry of Tourism, Forests and W ild Life, with and Saint George, Governor and CommO der-in-chief in elect from 5th July, 1962. arid over K enya : . ' GBRALO PAtrl- NAZARETH, Crown Counsel, ceased to act as IN EXERCISE. of the powers conferred by subsection (1) df Doputy Legai Draftsman, Ministry of Legal Affairs, with effect section 30 .of the Kenya (Constitution) Order in Council, 1958, from 10th July, 1962. as am ended, .1 do hereby declare that- .DAVID RAYMOND BOY, Crown Counsel, ceased to act as Deputy AJIJMA OGINGA ODINGA Legal Draftsman, M inistry of Legal Asairs with ellect from 11th June, 1962. a Constituency Member of the Legislative Council, is unable by reasj?n of absence to perform hfs functions as such Member. By Command of the Governor. Given under my hand and the public seal of Kenya this 10th day of July, 1962. P . M . R :7N1 S ON. , G overnor. 17th July, 1962 THE K EN YA G AZEW E 757 GAZ'BTTB No'rxcœ No. 3236 GAN 'I'I'E Normcs No. 3240 THE KBNYA (CONSTITUTION) ORDER IN (P. 38 /33) COUNCIL, 1958 ' THE EDUCATION ORDINANCR 1952 . (L.N. 158 oj 1958) (No. 58 oj 1952) APPOINTMENT OF W MPORARY M EMBBR OF LEGISLATIVE A . COUNCIL .
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