GREATER JOHNSTOWN REGIONAL PARTNERSHIP 11:30 A.M. January 17, 2014 Holiday Inn, Johnstown GJRP members in aJendance: John Boderocco, Dan Fieirtag, Bob Eyer, Dr. Tom Foley, Adam Henger, Frank Janakovic, Mike Kane, Elmer Laslo, Mark Pasquerilla, Bill Polacek, Sco Roberts, Kevin Volk, Glenn Wilson, Greg Winger, Dr. Gerald Zahorchak. Guests and staff in aJendance: Jack Babich, District AJorney Kelly Callihan, Commissioner Tom Chernisky, Lou Crocco, Liz Fishback, Seth McKinley, Tom Seitz, Commissioner Mark Wissinger and Cindy Saylor. Approval of Minutes The minutes of the November 15, 2013 GJRP meeng were unanimously approved following a moon by Mike Kane and seconded by Dr. Tom Foley. Review of Financial Statement It was reported that the GJRP currently has $203,508 on its balance sheet. 2014 member dues are currently being remied to GJRP. Crime Commission Report o K-9 Community Fund Aer reading the crime report and going on patrol with a Johnstown officer, Jack Babich offered to purchase a dog for the police department. They declined his offer because the city does not have the funding to support a canine program. Jack spoke with city officials regarding making this an iniave that the cizens of Cambria County could be involved with. A program has been iniated through the Community Foundaon which will enable the Johnstown Police Department to purchase two drug sniffing dogs and the vehicles necessary to transport them. One transport vehicle has been purchased, is being retrofied and is expected to be delivered the first week of April. The second vehicle will be delivered in June prior to Thunder in the Valley. Total cost of the vehicles will be $68,000. Jack discussed the success of the iniave; within the first three weeks, $20,000 of the $68,000 goal was raised. The dog and vehicle funds will be merged and grant applicaons submied which will allow for long-term sustainability of this program. The City had to commit that they would respond to all needs and they will support Somerset County as much as possible. Jack discussed the various ways he intends to market this iniave. Greater Johnstown Regional Partnership January 17, 2014 Page 2 Mark added that what Jack has done shows that one person can make a difference. Mark also discussed the Our Town program in Blair County. Glenn Wilson proposed that the Greater Johnstown Regional Partnership support the K-9 Community Fund with a $3,000 contribuon. All in aJendance agreed to this request. o Crime Commission Report District AJorney Kelly Callihan presented a PowerPoint detailing Cambria County crime stascs. She noted that much of the crime involves drugs. Heroine is the number one problem. A lot of drug dealers come to the region because they feel it is safer for them here, there is less compeon and they can make more money. If they get arrested, their families move to the area. She discussed the Johnstown Correcon Center which is a benefit, but oen compounds the problem. The presence of guns has increased dramacally over the past five years. The Drug and Crime Commission was created by Johnstown City Council and is led by Bryan Barbin. There are four subcommiees. She provided a copy of the Crime Commission report to those in aJendance. Johnstown is ranked third in the state for violent crime. Kelly discussed the Blair County program. Roundtable groups have been established for housing, gangs, law enforcement, etc. They have adjusted their program to meet their needs. Our Town does not want to apply for grants, which could impose regulaons on their program. If a law enforcement roundtable were established in Johnstown, Kelly would be happy to parcipate with that group. Addional police officers have been requested and the AJorney General’s office is assisng as well. Johnstown is on the waing list for a mobile crime unit which is a unit of agents that will work with local police departments. The wait period could be one to one and a half years. Jack added that criminals do not like the canines. He feels that allowing the community to be part of the soluon will be important. Kelly added that she does drug fairs over the summer and takes the dogs along. The canines search the schools. It is a good message to the kids that schools need to be drug free. Kelly discussed the benefits and disadvantages of the step down and DOC Centers. The step down center does work with her office and there have been good results, but the drug treatment center is not allowed to release any informaon. She feels that these facilies can be beneficial as long as they work with us. Greater Johnstown Regional Partnership January 17, 2014 Page 3 Law enforcement, educaon and rehabilitaon all needs to work together. Educaon has to start at a young age. Lobbyist Update Lou reported that he has been working on the YMCA’s RACP request. He expects to see privazaon of liquor stores. The biggest problem for the state is drugs. The Marcellus industry will not locate in an area where the workforce is not drug free. City of Johnstown Frank Janakovic reported that the City was able to hire two addional police officers and a codes enforcement officer as a result of the extension of the commuter tax. He asked those in aJendance for their support regarding contacng judges about a neutral person being appointed to City Council. Glenn stated that the business leaders need to be advised what to do when approaching a judge and given the names of applicants. Frank explained that applicaons will be accepted through next Tuesday for City Council posions. Interviews will be held on Wednesday and Thursday. He asked those in aJendance to talk to those they feel may be good candidates for one of the posions and encourage them to submit their applicaons. Johnstown residents have been given a two year reprieve for financing with the sewage projects and Frank is speaking with the banks regarding the possibility of establishing low interest loans for cizens. Mark feels it is important for the business community to communicate to the judges that we hope they will take the business community into consideraon. We have had a governance problem in the city in the past. Project Updates - Sustainable Strategies Ma Ward joined the meeng via conference call. Ma reported that he and Andy Seth have met with Johnstown’s key leaders and are producing the strategy for the projects that can make a difference. Ma and Andy have analyzed the new budget closely and are preparing a PowerPoint coordinang the budget with the grants available. Key conclusions are: Greater Johnstown Regional Partnership January 17, 2014 Page 4 There is much promise and opportunity and good things that can be done. Opportunies are greater than you sense. There are projects that could work and Ma and Andy believe they are fundable. Congress has just agreed on a budget that includes funding for the types of projects Sustainable Strategies is recommending for Johnstown. There will be recommendaons about state resources and some of the new and the old programs. Ma will send a detailed briefing sheet on, at least, the federal budget. The projects Sustainable Strategies thinks Johnstown should focus on that will make a difference in the community and they believe are fundable include: 1) Drug problems 2) Brown fields revitalizaon 3) Riverfront revitalizaon – Li Johnstown and others have some good ideas. 4) Renewing the downtown 5) Manufacturing - the package of bills in the Senate includes resources for manufacturing. Advanced and high tech manufacturing is an opportunity. 6) Community Development through arts and culture – there is opportunity in Cambria City and other parts of the city 7) Infrastructure – there are funding opportunies especially for roads and sewer/water 8) Trails, parks and recreaon, green corridors S2’s report will include a step by step series of processes the community should be taking. One fundamental step is for the city and its partners to develop new relaonships with federal officials and S2 will recommend ways to do that. There is the need to find an approach to reduce the vulcanizaon and lack of collaboraon that is holding the city back. Ma and Andy believe the mayor and city manager need to be in a leadership posion with every group here. They need to start owning the soluons and efforts. The new mayor will be a good spokesman in Washington. The city manager is effecve and knows how to get things done. They need to be empowered to own some of these projects and make use of available resources. Ma and Andy saw effecve work at JARI and the Community Foundaon. They should play a strong role in leading things. The Johnstown Redevelopment Authority needs to take a step back from being in leadership and some of the things they do. They have a clear and effecve role but they have given money back to the government that they could not use. There is a taint on them from the recent news. The city manager and mayor should be in the lead in some way. Greater Johnstown Regional Partnership January 17, 2014 Page 5 S2 is working on a brown field grant from the USEPA that is being led by Rick Truscello. They have met with Tom Stoll at the EPA and will be meeng with other officials regarding this. The funding will be used for reuse planning for these empty buildings. Ss’s recommendaon is that the JRA not be the lead on this applicaon. Their recommendaon that it should be the city was not accepted.
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