^ x O N A U f r ^ utteha^ ^*.1934 <VS VOLUME 22 NUMBER 89 < ^A/ITED ^ Washington, Wednesday, May 8, 1957 TITLE 3— THE PRESIDENT EXECUTIVE ORDER 10707 CONTENTS PROCLAMATION 3181 Establishing a S eal for the U nited S tates Coast Guard THE PRESIDENT Mother’s D ay, 1957 WHEREAS the Commandant of the Executive Orders Pas® BY THE PRESIDENT OP THE UNITED STATES United States Coast Guard with approval Establishing a Seal for the United OF AMERICA of the Secretary of the Treasury has States Coast Guard__________ 3211 caused to be made, and has reeom- Further providing for the admin- A PROCLAMATION mended that I approve, a seal for the istration of the Agricultural WHEREAS the American mother has United States Coast Guardi the design of Trade Development and Assist­ ever given her strength to the homes which accompanies and is hereby made a ance Act of 1954, as amended__ 3213 which are at the foundation of our part of this order, and which is de­ national community; and scribed in heraldic terms as follows: Proclamation WHEREAS it has become our happy On a white disk the shield of the Coat Mother’s Day, 1957_______ ______ 3211 custom to unite on one day each year of Arms of the United States (paly of in giving public «acknowledgment to our thirteen pieces argent and gules a chief EXECUTIVE AGENCIES common bond of gratitude for the love azure) between the motto “SEMPER Agricultural Marketing Service and discipline of motherhood; and PARATUS” in red; circumscribed by a Rules and regulations: WHEREAS the Congress, by a joint white annulet edged and inscribed Milk; in marketing areas; deter­ resolution approved May 8,1914 (38 Stat. “UNITED STATES COAST GUARD mination of equivalent price 770), has recognized the fitness of this 1790’’ in blue all in front of two crossed for butter: custom by designating the second Sun­ anchors with stock, arms, and flukes in Inland Empire__________ ___ 3224 day in May of each year as Mother’s slight perspective in gold; superimposed Puget Sound, Washington 3224 Day, and has requested the President to upon a light blue disk with gold rope issue a proclamation calling for the ob­ rim. The central device of the seal is Agriculture Department servance of that day: the emblem of the United States Coast See also Agricultural Marketing NOW, THEREFORE, I, DWIGHT D. Guard.______ Service ; Commodity Credit Cor­ EISENHOWER, President of the United AND WHEREAS it appears that such poration ; Commodity Stabiliza­ States of America, do hereby request that seal is of suitable design and appropriate tion Service; Farmers Home Sunday, May 12, 1957, be observed as for establishment as the official seal of Administration. Mother’s Day. I also direct the appro­ the United States Coast Guard: Rules and regulations: priate officials of the Government to NOW, THEREFORE, by virtue of the Agricultural Stabilization and arrange for the display of the flag of authority vested in me as President of Conservation County and the United States on all Government the United States, I hereby approve such Community Committees; se­ buildings, and I urge upon the people of seal as the official seal of the United lection, eligibility require­ the Nation to display the flag at their States Coast Guard. ments; political activity, and homes or other suitable places, on that D wight D. Eisenhower removal from office or em- day. T he W hite House, ployment________________ _ 3222 Let all the sons and daughters of this May 6. 1957. country pay tribute to their mothers on Army Department the appointed day and renew their Rules and regulations : devotion to the high principles of National Guard regulations; humanity which mothers exemplify, separation_______________ _ 3226 n* WITNESS WHEREOF, I have here- Atomic Energy Commission set nay hand and caused the Seal °i the United States of America to be Notices: affixed. North Carolina State College; . ^P^E at the City of Washington amendment of facility license sixth day of May in the year of authorizing operation of re­ Lord nineteen hundred search reactor_________ ___ 3236 ISEAL] fifty-seven, and of the Ir Commerce Department , pendence of the United St: See Federal Maritime Board; ^America the one hundred and eigl Maritime Administration. D wight D. Eisenhower Commodity Credit Corporation By the President: Rules and regulations: Barley; 1956 crop; reseal loan Christian a . Herter, program; correction________ 3222 Acting Secretary of State. Grain sorghums; 1957-crop loan lp' R. Doc. 57-3836; Filed, May 7, 1957; [F. R. Doc. 57-3809; Filed, May 6, 1957; and purchase agreement pro­ 11:47 a. m.] 2:25 p. m.} gram _____________________ 3216 3211 3212 THE PRESIDENT CONTENTS— Continued CONTENTS— Continued Commodity Stabilization Service Page General Services Administration Pase FEDERALMREGISTER Notices: Notices: ™ Z/Mircn«»34 ¿¡fi» Soil bank; acreage reserve^pro­ Secretary of the Interior; dele­ gram; participation in 1958 gation of authority to and 1959 prograras by pro­ negotiate contract for meas­ Published daily, except Sundays, Mondays, ducers who have placed all urement of stream velocities and days following official Federal holidays, eligible land in soil bank----- 3232 bÿ ultrasonic techniques____ 3236 by the Federal Register Division, National Rules and regulations: Housing and Home Finance Archives and Records Service, General Serv­ Corn; farm acreage allocations ices Administration, pursuant to the au­ Agency thority contained in the Federal Register Act, for 1957 crops; definition of See Federal National Mortgage approved July 26, 1935 (49 Stat. 500, as com acreage__;____ :______ 3223 Association. amended; 44 U. S. C., ch. 8B), under regula­ Wheat: Interior Department tions prescribed by the Administrative Com­ Cover crop; Oklahoma-------- 3224 mittee of the Federal Register, approved by Farm acreage allotments, See Land Management Bureau. the President. Distribution is made only by 1958 crop; closing dates for Interstate Commerce Commis­ the Superintendent of Documents, Govern­ accepting applications for sion ment Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. new farms_________ ______ 3223 T he F ederal Register will be furnished by Notices: mall to subscribers, free of postage, for $1.50 Diversion a n d rerouting of per month or $15.00 per year, payable in Customs Bureau traffic: advance. The charge for individual copies Rules and regulations: Duluth, Winnipeg and Pacific (minimum 15 cents) varies in proportion to Vessels in foreign and domestic Railway Co______________ 3248 the size of the issue. Remit check or money trade; special tonnage tax Graysonia, Nashville & Ash­ order, made payable to the Superintendent and light money; exemptions - 3225 of Documents, directly to the Government down Railroad Co_____ __ 3248 Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. Defense Department Motor carrier applications------ 3239 The regulatory material appearing herein See Army Department. Labor Department is keyed to the Code of F ederal R egulations, See also Wage and Hour Division. which is published, under 50 titles, pursuant to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as Farmers Home Administration Notices: amended August 5, 1953. The Code of F ed­ Rules and regulations: Administrative Officer, Division eral R egulations is sold by the Superin­ Farm ownership loans; average of Budget and Fiscal Control, tendent of Documents. Prices of books and et al. ; delegation of authority pocket supplements vary. value of farms: to sign certain papers and There are no restrictions on the re­ Connecticut and Massachu­ documents_______ *------------ 3233 publication of material appearing in the setts____________________ 3215 Providing for decentralization of F ederal Register, or th e Code of F ederal South Carolina------------------- 3216 administrative management R egulations. Supervised bank accounts.-— - 3214 functions in event of national Federal Communications Com­ emergency________________ 3233 Land Management Bureau CFR SUPPLEMENTS mission Notices: Notices: (As of January 1f 1957) California; proposed withdrawal Bosque Radio; application for and reservation of land (2 The following Supplements are now construction p erm it; order documents)----- ----------- 3230,3231 available: designating application for Oregon; restoration order-------- 3231 hearing on stated issues____ 3234 Rules and regulations: Title 25 ($1.25) Proposed rule making: Oklahoma; public land order— 3228 Title 32, Parts 800-1099 ($0.55) Table of assignments; television Maritime Administration broadcast stations: Title 33 ($1.50) Notices: Carbondale-Harrisburg, 111— 3230 U. S. Gulf/East Coast South Titles 40, 41, and 42 ($1.00) Cartter, 111_______________ - 3229 America; tentative conclu­ Rules and regulations: Title 43 ($0.60) sions and determinations re­ Processing FM and noncommer­ garding essentiality and Titles 47 and 48 ($2.75) cial educational FM broadcast United States flag service applications______________ - 3229 Previously announced: Title 3, 1956 Supp. requirements of trade route No. 20__________________— 3233 ($0.40); Titles 4 and 5 ($1.00); Title 7, Federal Maritime Board Parts 1-209 ($1.75), Parts 900-959 Notices: Post Office Department ($0.50), Part 960 to end ($1.25); Title 8 American President Lines, Ltd.; Rules and regulations: ($0.55); Title 9 ($0.70); Titles 10-13 Postal union mails; miscellane­ and Alcoa Steamship Co. Inc.; ous amendments___________ 3227 ($ 1.00); Title 16 ($1.50); Title 17 agreement filed for approval— 3232 ($0.60); Title 18 ($0.50); Title 20 Securities and Exchange Com­ ($1.00); Title 21 ($0.50); Titles 22 and
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