CENSOS OF INDIA, 1 93 1 . VOLUME I. BIKANER STATE. Part II TABLES CENSOS OF INDIA, 1931. VOLUME I BIKANER ST ATE. Part II TABLES COMPILED BY Ral Babadup D. M. Nanavati, B .. A., LL.B., Superintendent, Census Operations, B"kaner State. PRINTED BY K. D. SETH AT THE NEWUL KISHOHE PRESS, LUCKNOW. 1932. TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAaE. INTRODUCTORY NOTE. 1 Statelftent 0" Co.... e.ponding Table. i.. 't 951 't and ... 98 ... 3 IMPERIAL TABLES. 1i--8O Table I.-Area. HOUBe8 and POpulabOD 1i-6 'rable 1:1:.-Variation in Popula.b.on &inco 1881 '1--9 orable X:lJ:.-ToWllB and VIllages cla.asi:b.ed by Populat1.oD 11-1. Table IV.-ToWDll classIfied by Populatl.on WIth VanatJ.On since 1881 18-14- 'rable V. -Towns arranged by Distncts with Population by Religion lli-16 Table VJ:.-Birth-pla.ce 1'1-18 ~ble Vl::I. -Ago. Sex and Civil Condition l.9-", Table VIII.-CivU Condition by Age for Selected Canes iI&-_ Table IX.-Inftnnitios 81-U Table X.-Occu.pation or Means of Livelihood 33-440 Table XX.-Occu.patloDS by Selocted. Caste. Tribe 01' Raoo 406-4-" Table XIZZ.-BducatioD by ReligioD and Age In the State 4.9-6. "rable XIV.-Educatl.on by Seleoted Castes. Tribe. 01' Races .58-&8 Table XV.--La.ugua.ge 1i'1-09 Table XVX.-RebgJ.OD 61-64- Table XVII.-B.a.co. Tnbe or Caste 6Ji-'18 Table XV1:II.-Variatlon of Population of Selected Tnbes 77-'18 Table XIX -Europeans aDd Allied a.ces and Anglo-IncUau8 By Raco '19-80 PROVINCIAL TABLES. 81-940 Table I.-Area, Houses and PopulatIon of '\.dm.lnISU&~IVe UnIts 81-&' • Table :t:t.-POPUlatiOD of Adrnimsud.tlve UnIts by Religion o.nd Education 83-86 Table I:tI.-Dlstn"butlon of SeI6Cted Ca.stos in Admimlltratlvo Units 8'1-9' Table IV.-Oist.rlbutton of PopulatIon l.D the Adm1.DIstra.t.ive Unlts of the St.at.e by Languages collUDouly spokeD in RaJPutana and o\.Jmer-"'\ferwaJ'B.. 98-90& STATE TABLES. CJ6-l.0S 'rable :t.-Education In the Urb&n Area 96-98 7 able "II.-Industnal Statistics 99-103 INTRODUCTORY NOTE. The Census, the statIstics of 'Which are embodied in this VoluDle.. was taken on 26th February, 1931. A few of the TabJes prescr:ij:>ed this time by the Government of India,. were omitted by t.he Provincial Census Office for the Province of Rajputana and Ajmer-Merwara and later on SOIne more Tables were cancelled by the Government of India itself u.s a =neasure of economy. All the Tables so omitted are mentioned below :- (1) lnfirlnities by Selected Castes, Tribes or Races. (2) Subsidiary Occupations of Agriculturists. (3) Table shOWIng for certain mixed occupat.ions the number of persons, who returned each occupation as their (a) principal and (b) subSIdIary Ineans of In.7 elihood. (4) Organized Industry. (5) Distribution by Re-ligion in different occupatIons. (6) SUlnmary .FIgures for Districts. Economy was also effected by curtailing Statistical output In SOIDt:: Tables. Thus in the case of TlLble VI instructions were received not to prepare Statistics of internal Inigration between one District 01." State and another District or State but only of external nligration by Provinces. Particulars regurding Sects and Race of Christian population were also required to be given in the form of additional details to Table XVI instead of in a separate Table. Regarding rrable XI, only Part A was required to be prepared nnd that also :for Europeans and Anglo-Indians only. Table XII regarding u; Educated Unemployment" has also not been prepared as instructions were to collect statistics of unemployment only in respect of such persons as may have at least tuatriculated and as only .one solitary instance of unemployment in the iight of this standard came under notice in the Town of Rajnluesal'. In adOltJon to the Imperial Ta.bles prescribed by the Government of India, four ProvinCIal Tables have been compiled instead of two as usual .. the two addl.lional Tables prepared, namely Nos. III and IV, relating to the DistributIon ot Selected Caste'i in the Administrat.ive Units of the State, and the Distribution of population t.herein by Languages commonly spoken in Rajputana and Ajmer-.l\lerwara. Over and above the Imperial and Provincial Tables, two special State Tables have been compiled this time. Table I shows Literacy in the Urban area. The compilation of this Table was necessitated by the fact that towns as separate Administr:.t.tive Units were this time required by the Provincial census office to be omitted from the Provincial "rabIes. Table II shows Industrial Statistics for the State. This Table was com.piled as a. result of the special Economic Census undertaken this time • ... NOTE.-The statistics~ are however available regarding this in Imperial Table XVI and Provincia.l Table I. statement of Corresponding Ta.bles in 1921 a.nd ~9a1. The Il1~per,al and Provincial Tables of Census, 2931 correspond with those of 10B1 Census as follows:- 1931.. 1921. Imperial. I to V I to V. VI XI. VII ... ... VII. VIII ... ... XIV. IX ... ... XII . X ••• ... XVII. Xl XXI. XII (not prepared) ... ... Nil. XIII to XV ... ... ~ .. VIII to x . XVI VI XVII ••• ... XIII. XVIII ... ... Nil. XIX ... XVI. Pro vi ncial. I I. II II. III ••• Nil. IV ... Nil. TABLE I. Area, Houses and Population. Explanatory Note. An increase of!! square miles over the area of the State in 1921 is explained by the transfer of a. portion of the village Gttmjal from the Punjab during the last decade. It may be noted here that the area of the State mentioned in the Provincial Census Report, 1881 (22,840 square miles) Bnd in the Provincial Census Report, 1891 (!!8,178 square miles) is incorrect and the error was rectified in 1901 after recalcula­ tion in the Surveyor-General's Office by planimeter from the Standard Topographical Sheets. The correct area entered in 1901 Provincial Census Report is 23,811 square miles. In the Report for 1911, the area of the State mentioned is 28,815 square miles, the increase being due to the transfer of the 2 villages of Ratakke'ra Rnd BabalwQs from the Punjab. The areas of the Bikaner and Surpura Tehsils have been adjusted to changes made in their boundaries since 1921 and the areas of the Bikaner Nizamat and Tehsil have been rectified also in the light of the actual area included in the Bikaner City and its Suburbs. The area of the Slll.'atgarh Nizamat has been l-educed to the extent of the area of a new Nizamat formed out of it, namely, Sri Ganganagar Nizamat. TABLB J:. 6 ABliIIA. B.OVSEB AXD POPVLATJ:O:M. .....• Q """- \ ----~----------~---7-----------------------------------------------------... I CX) z ~. o I I-------------~----+----------------- -- -- -- -_------------ - I I ~ ! ... _____l_ ----------------------------------------------------1 ----- -- -------- I--------------------~----~-------------------------------------------~-----------------------1 -o I -- ------------------------------------------------ § .s "" I I ------------~---------~I----~I--...--~------------~--~-~--~------·-~--~-~---~--~- -----~------------~-------------- 2.,; - ! ~j l ~ , ... : . -.- - -. -------------- ---------~+~...-- ------:::..".;;::------ -_ +- - - ..... ~~~~ ~~g~~ ~8~~~~ =8~~ ~=~~~ MOl') ~~~_ ~ooo~~ ~O=~~~ ~w~~ ~~~~~ gf ~~~~ M~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ _ ; . .... TAB L Ell. Variation in population since 1881. Explanatory Note. lntheSt.a.te Report for 19:!U, the figures of population for Nizama:ls and TebaHafor the three Censuses of 1881. 1891 and 1901 have not been mentioned 8S being not avail­ able. These figures were~ however, very kindly supplied by the Provincial Census Superintendent.. The figures obtained from him were further verified from the State Census records and the Report of 1891. Even then these figures could not be of much use for comparjson~ as the boundaries of Nizamats and Tebsile at the time of the three Censuses in question were found to be different from what they are now.. Accordingly 'the population of the Nizamai5 and Tehsils for 1891 and 1901 was adjusted to their present boundaries aiter ascertaining the old boundaries from the past Records of the State. The popUlation of the Nizftlllats and Tehails for 1881 could Dot be adjusted Dot only because no inforroati()D is available of the boundaries of the Nizamats BDd Tehsils at the time, but also becallse as stated in tbe State Census Report for 189], and as also intimated by the Provinoial Census Superin1:endent~ the figures of population of the various Nizamats ana Tebsils in ] 88], when added up" do DO\ tally with the total population returned for the whole State in ] 88J. .As mentioned in the State Census Report for 1891~ this is due to the popuJation of 5 Chiroll (as they were then called) being unaeeoun ted for. The popula.tion of 1921 has also been adjusted to chs.nges effected in t.he bO·.lndaries of the Nizam&ts and Tehsi1s between 19!el-Sl; and the figures of population for the newly-formed Ganganagpr Nizamat and its Teh.ils, a8 they would have been in 1921 in case they then existed as separate uDits~ have also been worked out to show the increase of population in the Canal area. It may just be mentioned that the total populati()D of the State for 1881, 1891, and 1901 as mentioned in the Provincial Census Reports for those years do not tally with the "tota.l populaHon fo)." those Censuses &s mentioned in the Provincia.l Census Reports for 1911 and 19~1 owing to the population of tile past Censuses having been adjusted in consequence of the transfer of the villa.ges of Ratakhera and Babalwaa from the Punjab between 1901 and ] 91]. No such adjustment was necessary owing to the transfer of a portion of t.he village Gum;al from the Punja.b between 19!t1 and 19S1.
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