September 17, 1998 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks E1743 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS THE LIQUIDATION OF ASSETS U.S. DEPARTMENT OF STATE, have failed to supply adequate labor for har- FROM THE POLISH-AMERICAN Washington, DC, September 11, 1998. vest. ENTERPRISE FUND Hon. LEE H. HAMILTON, The agricultural labor situation can be allevi- Committee on International Relations, House of Representatives. ated through action by the Federal Govern- HON. LEE H. HAMILTON DEAR MR. HAMILTON: Thank you for your ment. Under a reformed agricultural worker letter of August 10, 1998, to the Secretary, program, substantial opportunities will be OF INDIANA concerning the distribution of funds result- given to foreign workers who can often earn IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ing from any liquidation of assets of the Pol- significantly more in the United States than in ish-American Enterprise Fund (PAEF). The Thursday, September 17, 1998 their own country. Such reform reduces illegal Secretary shares your concerns about this immigration by creating a streamlined process Mr. HAMILTON. Mr. Speaker, 9 years ago important issue, and is aware how any deci- to temporarily legalize individuals who choose President Bush requested, and the Congress sion reached about the PAEF could establish a precedent for the future distribution of as- to work in the agricultural sector of the United authorized, the creation of Enterprise Funds sets from other Enterprise funds. States. for Poland and Hungary, in order to spur eco- As you well know, the fact that the PAEF I am working to include the Agricultural Job nomic reform and the growth of private enter- has been so successful poses some unique Opportunity, Benefits and Security Act, au- prise in these countries. problems when the issue of its dissolution is thored by Senator GORDON SMITH (R±OR), in The Polish-American Enterprise Fund raised. Due to the wide interest in the Fund, the final conference language of the Com- (PAEF) has succeeded in its mission, and is a number of varied proposals have been given merce, Justice, State and Judiciary appropria- to the Administration regarding how reflow now prepared to return the funds it originally funds should be handled. Administration offi- tions measure. The act was approved as an received from the U.S. government. cials have been consulting with key mem- amendment to S. 2260, the Senate Com- Because there are so many views inside bers of the Congress and their staff (includ- merce, Justice, State and Judiciary appropria- and outside the government about what ing those of your own), the PAEF Board of tions bill. It passed by a bipartisan vote of 68± should happen to assets of the PAEF, and be- Directors, the Polish government and the 31 in the Senate. Related House legislation cause the guidance provided by the Congress Polish-American community, to arrive at a did not contain the agricultural worker provi- 9 years ago on the disposition of those assets satisfactory solution. While a formula ac- sion. The Senate measure establishes a na- ceptable to all concerned has not yet been tional registry within the Department of Labor was neither clear nor explicit, I believe the achieved, we have and will continue to con- Congress should authorize, by statute, how sult with members and staff of the House to track agricultural job seekers. Employers the assets of the PAEF are distributed. It is International Relations Committee as part are required to first hire domestic workers important for Congress to make a decision on of this process. from the registry and are able to hire foreign this matter because it will establish a prece- We hope that this information has been workers if domestic workers are not available. dent for the distribution of assets from other helpful to you. Please do not hesitate to con- Housing or a housing allowance must be pro- Enterprise Funds in the future. tact us if we can be of further assistance in vided by growers, and the prevailing wage this or any other matter. rate must be paid. The prevailing wage rate is The text of my August 10, 1998 letter to Sincerely, the mid-point of all wages earned, and it is al- Secretary Albright and the Department of BARBARA LARKIN, State's reply of September 11th follow: Assistant Secretary, Legislative Affairs. ways higher than the minimum wage. On behalf of the farmers in the San Joaquin CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES, f COMMITTEE ON INTERNATIONAL RE- Valley in California, I urge the Commerce, LATIONS, HOUSE OF REPRESENTA- CALIFORNIA AGRICULTURE IS IN Justice, State, and Judiciary conferees to in- TIVES, CRISIS DUE TO LABOR SHORTAGE clude the Agricultural Job Opportunity, Bene- Washington, DC, August 10, 1998. fits, and Security Act in the final bill. I also Hon. MADELEINE K. ALBRIGHT, HON. GEORGE P. RADANOVICH strongly encourage all Members of the House Secretary of State, Department of State, to support its passage. A stable, reliable and Washington, DC. OF CALIFORNIA affordable food supply is dependent upon con- DEAR MADELEINE: I write regarding any de- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES gressional approval of this measure. cision you may reach with respect to the dis- Thursday, September 17, 1998 tribution of assets resulting from the liq- f uidation of assets of the Polish-American Mr. RADANOVICH. Mr. Speaker, as a Mem- Enterprise Fund (PAEF). ber of Congress from the San Joaquin Valley A SPECIAL TRIBUTE TO THE The SEED Act of 1989 does not give clear or of California, I am proud to represent the two BELLEVUE CITY SCHOOL DIS- explicit guidance on how assets from Enter- largest agricultural producing counties in the TRICT ON BEING SELECTED AS prise Funds should be distributed, once these United States. Currently, a severe shortage of ONE OF ``OHIO'S BEST PRAC- Funds are liquidated, and I believe Congress labor is raising concern over the economic fu- TICES'' should be involved in a decision on how as- ture of the agriculture community throughout sets from them are distributed. California. Agricultural production is nearly a HON. PAUL E. GILLMOR In particular, in the case of the Polish- $25 billion industry in the State, and California American Enterprise Fund, valued at over OF OHIO $250 million, I believe Congress should au- has the largest agricultural economy in the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Nation. Right now, farmers are competing for thorize by statute how assets from this Fund Thursday, September 17, 1998 are distributed. I appreciate that the legisla- the same scarce labor force as the raisin, tive process can be slow, but I believe a deci- table and wine grape harvest is entering its Mr. GILLMOR. Mr. Speaker, it is with great sion reached in this way will best represent peak and tree fruit growers are also harvesting pleasure that I rise today to pay special tribute a consensus that reflects the views of the en- in California. Simultaneously, apple farmers to an outstanding educational program from tire U.S. government. are beginning to pick their fruit in the State of Ohio's Fifth Congressional District. Today, the The consensus-building process is espe- Washington and are in need of labor. Califor- Bellevue City School District is receiving rec- cially important because a decision on the nia has not seen a labor shortage of this mag- ognition for its excellence in education by Polish-American Enterprise Fund will estab- lish a precedent for the distribution of assets nitude since World War II. being named as one of ``Ohio's Best Prac- from other Enterprise Funds in the future. The agricultural community has worked with tices.'' I appreciate your attention to this issue. numerous San Joaquin Valley Social Services Mr. Speaker, Ohio's BEST, which stands for With best regards, Departments and Employment Development Building Excellent Schools for Today & the Sincerely, Departments to provide needed labor from in- 21st Century, is an education partnership that LEE H. HAMILTON, dividuals who are unemployed or entering the seeks to identify and celebrate exemplary Ranking Democratic Member. workforce after receiving welfare. Such actions grassroots educational programs that have · This ``bullet'' symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. E1744 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks September 17, 1998 proven to be successful in improving the per- this country. No one quarrels with the need to given annually to a college marching band of formance of Ohio's students. use any and all means to achieve this goal in- particular distinction and excellence. The students, parents, teachers, and admin- cluding seeking out those who would use their Longtime Michigan radio announcer Bob istrators of the Bellevue City School District place of employment to give drug dealers and Ufer declared that ``the four most anticipated and the entire Bellevue, Ohio community have smugglers a free ride into our cities and words on a football Saturday in Ann Arbor'' a great deal to be proud of in receiving this towns. And no one quarrels with the notion were ``Band take the field!'' The spirit and en- prestigious award. Without question, it takes a that if we have a few bad apples working in ergy the Band brings to each football game is special group of people and an enormous our ports, let's stop them from helping those a source of great pride to all Michigan fans. amount of effort and ingenuity to be selected who would poison this country with illegal There is nothing that can equal the experience as one of Ohio's BEST practices.
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