_......'.-r INDEX (a. : anchorite, anchorage; h. : hermit, hermitage)' t-:lg' Annors,enclose anchorites, 9r-4r,4r-3. - Ancren'Riwle,73, 7-1,^85,-?9-8-' I t2o-4t r3o-r' 136-8, Ae;*,;. of Gloucest"i, to3.- | rog' rro' rr4t r42, r77' - h. of Pontefract, 69-7o. I ^ -r4o, - z. Cressevill. I AnderseY,-h',16' (Glos), h', z8' earian IV, Pope, 23. i eriland 64,88' rrz' 165' Aelred of Rievaulx, St. 372., 97, r34; I Armyq Armitdge, 48, Rule of, 8o, 85, 96-7,- :.o3, tog, tzz,l - 184--6,.rgo-l' iii, tz6, .q;g:' a', 8t' ^ lArthu,r,.Bdmund,r44' e"rti"l1 df W6isinghaffi,24, n8-g. I Arundel, /'t - n. bf Farne,r33.- I .- ':.Ye"tbourne' z!-Jt ch' rx' a"fwi", tt. of Far"tli, 5, r29. I Asceticism,2, 4'7r 39t 4o' habergeon' rr8---zr A.tfr.it"fa, Oedituati, h.'3, +, :'67'8. I th, x-'16o, r78; ; Sh;p-h"'d,V"'t-;:"i"t-*^--- r18'r2o-r' 1eni,.,i. [ ]T"]:*'ll:16o, 1?ti;ll'z' Food' ei'i?uy,- ;::-{;;-;h,-' 176,a. Margaret1 . '?n, ^163, of (i.t 6y. AshPrington,89' I (B^ridgnotjh)1,1:: '^'-'Cfii"ft.*,Aldrin$;--(Susse*),Aldrington (Sussex), -s;. rector of,oI, a. atal Ilrrf,nera,fsslurr etnitatatton tD_rru6rrur\rrrt,.-.t 36' " IAttendants,z' companig?thi,p' efa*i"l n. of Malvern,zo. I erratey,Katherine, b. of LedbutY,74-5, tql' Alfred, King, 16, r48, 168. | . gil*i"", Fia"isiead,zr, I Augustine,St', 146-7' Alice, a. of".6r Hereford, TT:-!3-7. 64' --7 i"tn"rd, Buttes,'Wikelyn. I BeNnunv,, Is', r, Aline, a, of Wigan, rrr. -^ I Ptt.d.""y 7' a', r44' ef-*,-- bequestsl27,37,39, '{q - 58, 6^z-4,68,I Parking' St',:o' 7'3, io-7, bx,' sq- 183-8, z. I Parroc' G-iants.' I BarrYIs', to' F"l":t S-!''- 85' Alnoth, St., 17. I Bart'holom"* ol a:-f ' Ai;;tk, william,a., r+4, rs4. tl3'-t?ltJ?.6:.t32;3?',r33,r52' I ^ . x66'r87-g' aiirt'i"'""i1,--ta,-- - i4,'37,'2,g,'+L,++-5,54,' - ' - - I Barton, Elizabeth' (Somerset), h., r9r. -^7o,78-tlo, ae-Rn s{,'t1\,'tg6^. ,ri''r"n- . IBatheaston.(!oT"iltt)'h''^r-9r'i Batheaston nrrctio-J"g" 7O-' - j Bawburgh(Norfolk), h., 186. lari[ir-lnt.Jss-house)," erectedby h" ch' 84,95-6, t3", txl'i, iossim. Beatotts]siamarks, i Iv' oratory, altar, 78-8o, 95, r4o. I - Beatrice of Colyford, a" r4r' alor, 6i, 95'6,'r3z,l.ii3, r47. ^ | ;i;d;;,'ii, 7's,62"3,'r{8,r)2, n7'8, l- d".Hodesak,a',93-4' a' Franke' r35-4o,r3;-4o, r47.r47, l; rr3-5. Seauchamp,Th-omas' 77' r54' to#uinb,74,96, )+i s6i 1- A;;h;;'id;'cti 32'3. nicnard,34'6, t5q', 1oi,'6s1, | quoted'r35'--- 166' e""-rioiii" (anker, a"itt6t.it;, 73 s4.,I Becon,Thomas, rrz, rr1, r73, r8o, :r8z,'fiil, rao,I Pede,q"o::9:-ll3 L4'::!' Benedict, h' of Birkla.nd' zg' 69, 76,90 s4., ro3' r4r-3'- I ""[fo#g, Bengeo, supposedcell, 8-3-4' Aop. A. i ro8' ';:;;;i;'sion,- ' 76,' e2,e6,743-4, roo' "' r------ i 19r11'-fAlice,il;l!"lted' a', APP'A. I Bernard, 76' - - rnBertellin, !^rr:- St',c^ r5' .i;[:;L;4,- -r3g,"r4t-4, rtt, tr8-9,r2r,r2+-7, r32, I r.64. I Pgthl"Y',15:.., vIt.- (oxon)'-h',7r' women,"-ii. r4-5, 17,' zr3, z8-g,ch. I Pi:g.lqi phttii.' ' Billfrith, a',3, x67-8' 265 -, I' ., _............-r -mr^lhrryor L,.l,..rrr^,t/gt:U J d.1^4 I |I 266 HtrRMITS Al{D ANCHORITtsSOF- L,NGLAND I INDEX 267 Bilney, Thomas, r84. Chester,a., 75-6182, 13r; h., 62. Dedicationsof cellsand chapels t.l- EanrrH (Hunts), h., 6r. Bishop- lcort [ Chesterfield,h., 165. Augustine, St., 6o, r87. Edmund, St., rr, r8. guardianofrecluses, g3, r03, rrr, r4r. Chester-le-Street, I a., 83,- r85. Bartholomew, Ap., St., 14. Edward the Confessor, St., zo, deputies enclose, gt-4, I 38, 78, d., 69176, 96, Chetwode, chapel, 28. Brandan, Brendan, St., gt-2, rgt,l, r49. r4r-3, rg3. 7o, Cheyny, Thomas, fi4-5. Chad, St., r3r. Edwin, h. of Higney, zr. licencesh., 6o1691 ji 50, 7z,85-6. Chichester,a., 8o. Cuthbert, St., r9o. Edwold, St., rg, zo. inhibits h., 66, 89, r59, 163. 5, Cbildlove, a. of Faringdon, rro. Edmund, St., 68-9, Ela, a. of Massingham, r3o. Bluebeard the hermit," 164-5. 5o, 93. I " Chippenham(Wilts), h., 64. Edward,_St.,78. Elgar, St., Bolle, William, a. of Chichester, 8o. i 7. Chipping Ongar, supposedcell. gt-a. Edwin, St., zg. Elizabethof York, rro, r83, r87. Books, manuscripts, r13, ch. I Queen, 76, 96-9, Christina of Markyate, St., ^.i )r-2, Eustace,St., i Elneva, a. of Polden, zg. XIII. 78. TI9'2O,r3r, I5o. German, St., r44. Ely, 15, 6o bishops of, 6r, 86. Boston, a., r7z. ; 44,6o, Christopher, St., representations of, Giles, St., Emma, a. near Shrewsbury, rr8, r4o. Bradley, Thomas, a. Scrope. 57_ 4r-2. 8. ro6. Helen, St., 6o, - a. Rawghton, Scherman, Spreng- BrankseaIs., h., 78. 53. Churches,cells adjoining,ch. vrr., q2-1. Herebert, St., tz. hose, Stapilton. Bredon (? Breedon, Leics.), 3z-3. rro,. r4o-3, r7g, r8o, t'assitn, i'. Hilda, St.,27, Ernald, h., rz9. Brian de Lisle, r53. 4o. 4r, Anchorage. Holy Cross, Eskdaleside,Whitby, h., 24,27, Bridges, h., keepersof, ch. v. za2. 42-3,77, 30. 7r, !!irt91 (Ghyston C,liff),h., 44-5. uoty r'inityi ,61 r87. Ethelbald, King of Mercia, r48. Bridget of Sweden, St., r44, r6r. ii, 48, Clothing, of -h. and a.r 39, 63,-78,g6_7, St., zg, 66, Etheldreda,St., r5, 6o. Bridgnorth (Athelardston),h., James, 5x,621 72r 76. 36. - ro5-7, t65, tg5, rgg, 2oo,2o2. Baptist, St., 20, r34, t4o-t, 16z, Evesham (Worc.), a.,37, rz6. Bridlington, h., r09, z. St. John John, Clyute, Margery, a,, 96. r90-r. Ewelme (Oxon),h., rog. Brill, forest of,h., z7-8. Coke, Thomas,a., r12. St., r85. Exeter, a.,76, r85 bishops Bristol- John, ; of, 49r76-7, Colchester,a., rrr. Kalixtus, St., r4r. r4r; Pontifical. St. Michael's, gr. 93, a. a., Colnbrook (Bucks), h., r87. Katherine, St., 68. Castle,a,r 5z-3, 59,62, 78. Colyford (Devon),a., r+r. Kenedr, St., 16. FenrNcnoN(Berks), a., rro. BrandonHill, h., a,,7o-r, gr-2, rgr. Companionship,attendants, 8, ro, rr, Kenelm, St., h., r-6, Redcliffe,h,,7r. 37. Farne, 24, rr7, r2g, r33, o. 13,20,27, 33-4,4o, 66172,74,79, Kenyth, St., g. Cuthbert, Aethelwald, Bartholo- Britain, reclusesin, t46, t67, 94t ro4, rz4, ch. xr. Laurence, St., mew. Brougham, caves near, 77. 48. Compton, supposedcell, 84. Leonard, St., 28, rgo. Faversham,a., 8r, rr5, r83. Buckland (Somerset),^.t 3r, 93. Confessoltoa.,76, 136-7,r4r, r55, 164. Mary B.V., Our Lady, rr, 13, 27, Felgeld, h. of Farne, Burchrvene,a. at Finchale, r34. 39, 4. Cooke, Thomas, h., 50. 67, 8o,8r n., r34, r7r, Fens, h., r4-5, zo-r, 6o-r. Burgeys, Lawrence, h., 68. t'Copmanhurst, 44, 50, 53, Clerk of," 3o. 187-8,r9r Our Lady of Grace,r84. Finchale (Durham), z3-6, u. Godric, St. Burial, 23, ro6, rr3-5 ; 3, 38, 72, 74,77, ; Coquet Is., 6, 7, 49, 56, r5r. Mary Magdalene,St,, Flamstead(Herts), a., 2r. in cell, 8, 35. 5, 34, 42-3, 96, rr3-4, Corbridge(Northumb.), h., 62. Nicholas,St., 67. Flat Holme, Ronech, ro. r90. Cotes,Simon, h., 63, rog. Pega, St., 15. Flower, Robert, a. Robert of Knares- Burry Holmes, 8-9. Court at Street (Kent), h., t87-9. Peter, St., boro', St. Bury St. Edmunds,a.,92, 5r. ro7. Coventry, preachersin, 163-4. Robert, St., Food, r, 8, tr, 17,23 s7.r Buttes,Alice, a., r85. 44. 40,47,62179, Crakynthorpe, Thomas, a., r83. Romanus, St., zg. roI-5, tzo-t, t6z. Cratcliff (Derbs), h., 32. Sepulchre,St., Fordham, a., r3o. Ceooc, St., ro, 78. Crediton (Devon), a., 77. Thomas, St,, zg, 63. Forest, h. in., ch. II. 6o. CamberIs., h., 4o, 59, 53. Cressvill, Adam, h., 88. Tiriac, St., rr, rz. Franke, Beatrice, a., t4z. Cambridge, county of, h., 6o-r. 92,96, Crewkerne (Somerset),a,, 82, 93, r83; Vincent, St., Fraunces, Richard, a., t73. Canterbury, anchorite of, r65-6. 44. h.,69, r83. White, St., rgr. Fremund, St., ro, lr. Archbishops of, 16, 2r, 23, 88, 9o, Cromwell, Thomas, 54, 90, 165-6,r83-4. z. Appendix C. French language, t7t, t77. ro3, r43, r58, 163, r68-9. 76, Crowland (Lincs), 14, 32 t,., 37,77, r49. Deptford, h., 186. Friars, enclosed, ro7, rrz, r4r, Caradoc, h., g. 77-8,93, Crucifix in cell, 6, 32, 45,8o, rz7. Derby, a.,79i h., 88; baker of, r4+, t. Orders. Carlisle, rz, 2{t ro8, r7o. 38-9. Cungar, St., r7. Derwentwater, h., 12. Frrytte of Redentpcyot.,ro7, t8o-2. Castles, a, in, 24' 78. Cuthbert of Farne, St., r-6, 12, r3r Devizes (Wilts), hospital near, Fyschbourn, Thomas, a., r44. Celestine,St., 87-8, 7r. r45. 8o, tr7, r33, r45, r'48, t67-8, Dissolution of monasteries, 64-5, Celestria,a. of Kingesham, gr. 55, ch. xIv. GeleuAn, Sir, r47-8. Cell, a. Anchorage, Hermitage. Der,n (Derbs),h,, 39, 4o. Doncaster,a. near, 79, g3-4; h., 58. Garden, court, 63, 64, Cerne,2o. Danes,' a. in England, a.
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