25,975 Low tonight in Us. High tooor- Red Bank Area f W «»u«l «. Weftmety, coo- Ccpyright-TT** Red Bank Master, Inc., 1966. •Mwable dwdijieM, teuonabh/ eoW. MONMOUTH COUNTY'S HOME NEWSPAPER FOR 87 YEARS DIAL 741-0010 VOL. 88. NO 160 PHI aiM B»3 «£|IU AMiUOMJ Iblllaf Otto*. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1966 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE Hughes Introduces $906 Million Budget; Asks Income Tax Okay TRENTON (AP)-Gov. Richard based tax will be enacted this this Legislature manifestly will towns more time to figure out ing 18 months of tax income for isued specific lists of projects J. Hughes presented his long- year. have much to explain to the the benefits they might reap the first time only. > be financed by the tax. awaited income tax budget to- "Then we can say goodbye to people of New Jersey in the elec- from a broad based tax. Most of the income tax money He said skyrocketing school day. It totaled $906.1 million, our hopes for colleges, for tax- tions of 1967." This year's Legis- Gov, Hughes may be able to would be given to counties and x>sts since World War II have 40 per cent higher than any pre- payer assistance, for better lature is the first controlled by push back the March 20 dead- municipalities in the form of 'alien almost entirely on the lo- vious budget in New Jersey schools, for improved institu- Hughes' own Democratic party line by 10 days without asking added state aid for schools ({90 :al property taxpayer, because history. The current budget is tions, for needed highways and in hall a century. for legislation. million), roads ($15 million), and New Jersey has no Income or $648 million. for so many other attributes oj GOT. Hughes may also ask^the The income tax was counted health ($9 million). There would sales tax. There are only two He made a strong pitch for a progressive state," he said in Legislature for an emergency on for $236 million in revenue also be $5<l million for college other such states in the nation. ' enactment of his $1SO million-a- a 28-page message prepared for vote to postpone the March 20 in the budget. The extra large construction, $12 million for in- The school aid program he pro- year income tax. He warned delivery to a joint session of the deadline for trie final adoption return results from the fact that stitutions construction, and $15 posed should ease the pressure those who favor a sales tax that Legislature. of municipal budgets throughout the tax year starts Jan. 1, 1966, million for state highway con- >n property taxes, lie said, and it they defeat the income tax And he added pointedly that the state. while the budget year does not struction. •elease some municipal revenue there it a real chance no broad1 if there Is no tax enacted, "then The delay would give the end until June-30, 1967, produc- In recent weeks, Hughes has or other services that have been leglected. ', • Aid to Increase AFTER THE VOTING — Harry Larrison, Jr., second Allies Count 150 Enemy Dead State aid to education would Increase from $122 million this from right, is congratulated by Freeholder Director year to $226 .million under Hughes' new budget. The entire Joseph C. Irwin after he was. named the new freeholder state, aid section of the budget by Mpnmouth County Republican Steering Committee. would pise from $274 million to CongMines Kill 54 Viet Farmers$410 million, becoming the larg- At left is Monmouth County GOP Chairman J. Russell est portion of the budget by far, SAIGON (AP)—The Viet Cong namese troops have been scour- second three-wheel bus drove on- hideouts today, including aban- Hoi and Tiger Island, a radar for. the first time. Woolley. Larrison is a Neptune Township, commifteeman. ing ' the countryside for several to the scene and set off a third doned tunnels and fortifications. site in the Gulf of Tonkin. The : mined three buses today, killing State operating expenses would 54 Vietnamese civilians and weeks while the rice was being mine. This time seven. persons A battalion^sized pamp was dis- overcast obscured results of the rise from $302 jnfflion to $339 were reported killed. covered, near where the farmers attacks, however.' wounding 18 in retaliation for an harvested. million) capital construction, bol- were blasted, A spokesman said Allied operation that is rescuing An American spokesman said The mining evidently was in U." S. Air Force, Marine. and stered by the Income-tax funds, it contained about 40,000 rounds a huge rice harvest. the first blast was touched off retaliation for the rice harvest Navy pilots hit Viet Cc-ng areas would increase from; the current Neptune Aide 1 of small arms ammunitions and Allied ground forces reported about 7:30 a.m., catching a bus- ing which has been highly sue- fee VIET "NAM, Page 3)' $72 million to $157 million. had been deserted for about a killing 150 Viet Cong in scattered load of farmers and Wiling 27 cessful In an area that urvtil re-. week when the paratroopers con- In <spite of the )big rise In clashes elsewhere in .Sou* Viet and wounding 11, cently had to import 600 tons a verged on that district; . spending, .which'was jlarger than i Nam in the past 24 hours, while The explosion left a crater nine month because the Viet Corig the-entire state budget ol a ; Succeeds Smith U. S. planes hammered Com- feet deep in the road, hurled the controlled a major portion of the Some 50; miles southwest of decad« ago, Hughes said he j WEST LONG BRANCH-Nep- This was done. The meeting was munist targets in North and South bus into a canal and scattered crop, Saigon, t!he Viet Cong early to- 'proposes no unneeded luxii- Viet Nam. Guerrillas overran an bodies along the roadside. day attacked an outpost in Dinh tune Township Committeeman held in Borough Hall here. The airborne brigade, which •les." He said the budget is in- ! Tuong Province manned by about tended to keep New Jersey's Mr. Larrison will serve until outpost in the Mekong Delta, at About an hour and a half later, with Allied troops has killed 1?7 Harry Larrison, Jr., Will be sworn 240 government militiamen. reputation as the most econom- Deo. 31 but in the meantime will Dinh Mon, and killed or cap- the , spokesmap n continued, a Viet Cong and captured 75 weap- in tomorrow as the newest mem- Planes and artillery finally drove ically operated state government have to. seek .election tMs year tured all 11 defenders. three-wheel vehicle used as a ons in Operation Van Buren, ber of the Monmouth County The death-dealing Viet Cong bus and jammed with passengers reported that 51 per cent of the the guerrillas back, killing five, in the nation. for a full term to the $9,000 a a Vietnamese military spokes Board of Freeholders.. w,ll mines were set off on a road^ve along the same stretch of harvest Is in, a total of 27,100 As further assurance of econ- year post. His running mate man said. Government losses be Freeholder Marcus Daly, Lin- 0 miles southwest of Tuy Hoa, road and touched off a second tons of rice now in government Is Given omy, he recommended recreat- Mr. Larrison, .40, • a Nep- were described as light. ing an efficiency study commis- tune committeeman six years, croft. on the central coast where the mine. Another 20 Vietnamese warehouses. By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS sion with a $60,000 appropriation was chosen Friday by flhe Re- U. S. 101st Airborne, South Ko- w«e killed and seven wounded. Cong Hideouts Found Fighter-tanber pilots reported As much of (he state began The steering committee mem- and earmarking 550,000 for njan- publican Steering Cortanittee to rean Marines and South Viet- An hour and a half later a Patrols found new Viet Cong attacked bridges around Dong drying out from . a drenching bers who coyld not attend the Sunday, flood warnings contin- agement watchdog work by the succeed Charles r. Smith, Allen- meeting were Mrs. Katherine K. budget division. : town, who resigned a few days ued today for the North Jersey Neiiberger, Middletown, state and Body Found Abandoned In Colts Neck counties. Hughes said the state stands ago. , , national, comimtteewoman; Jo- . A storm which had moved up at a pinnacle of prosperity and He was the choice of county seph Azzolina, Middletown, state from the Gulf of Mexico dropped its people are no longer con- GOP Chairman J. Russell-Wool- assemblyman; Albert V. McCor- up to 2^ inches on New Jersey tent to be among the most lag- ley and was, supported since his nxick, Freehold Township may- Sunday.. The 24-hour total at gard In providing state services entry into the race for the free- or; John J. Haley, representing Probe Slaying of Perth Amboy GirlNewark was inches. The and while relying on a property holder seat by Neptune Town- flie Keyport GOP, and E. Don- rains.moved northeastward ea: tax that stems from colonial ; ship GOP Chairman Richard W. ald Sterner, Colts Neck, chair- FREEHOLD — For the second Like Mary Ann Klinsky, ,A8, She was described as..a pretty with her mother and three sis- ly today, and Sie weather, bu- days. _..,. '. \ • " • • (Wes) Stout and itU son. State man of the county Planning Prosperity produced; unexpect '/ v time in six months Monmouth Ratitad Township High Scf$6i bnmette of-medium • fieight and ters.
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