PORT ~lerrp COriztmaz ’\ and a Golden New Year From Your Houston Friends HOUSTON NEW YORK CiTY KANSAS CITY CHICAGO GEORGE W. ALTVATER JOHN A. LALA CHARLES A. BARROWS HUME HENDERSON General Sales Manager District Sales Manager District Sales Manager District Sales Manager Board of Trade Building Board of Trade Building FRANK WARE) JOHN R. WEILER Telephone Victor 2-5732 Telephone WEbster 9-622C District Sales Manager Assistant Sales Manager 1519 Capitol Ave, 25 Broadway "telephone CA 5-0671 Telephone BOwling Green 9-7747 we oFFeR you: Q . ° ¯ Always Spem]y, wa ¯ Six Trunk-lineRailroads ¯ ..... =__~ ~= m= ~,memm~mm ¯ 58 Comm0nCarrier Truck/ines : TMIE OiiDT ill; IJlilllMTlli ~..~11 ¯ 120Steamship Services ¯ gilt rlllll Ill iilniilllllll ¯ HeavyLift Equipment : /lib IVIll lfl mlivvmvm= ¯ ~.1, ¯ MarginalTracks at Shipside Execut=ve" Offices." 1 51 9 Capitol" Ave. 28 BargeLines 90 TankerLines At The Port of Houston MANCHESTEROFFERS CompleteWarehousing- Berthing Facilities Manchester’s modern plant features: Manchester Terminal pro- ¯ rides complete water-rail- Wharfside storage facilities ¯ Large outdoor storage area truck handling of cotton and ¯ High-density cotton compresses all types of general cargo. ¯ Automatic sprinkler system ¯ Rapid truck loading-unloading facilities ¯ Modern handling methods and equipment For comp/ete cargo-handling service, use Mancnester l erminal Manchester Terminal Corporation Houston 1, Texas P. O. Box 2576 General Office CA 7-3296 Terminal WA 6-9631 DECEMBER,1961 3 ATYOUR SERVICE from HOUSTON AND OTHERGULF PORTS ... regularly to FAR EAST ¯ INDIA ¯ MEDITERRANEAN NORTH EUROPE ¯ UNITED KINGDOM also PACIFIC COAST--HAVANASERVICE BERTH AGENTS Baltimore Fresno Norfolk Intercoastal Services Beaumont Galveston Philadelphia Brownsville Houston Portland, Ore. BetweenGulf and Pacific Ports Buffalo Long Beach San Francisco Calexico Los Angeles Seattle Chicago Memphis St. Louis FromPacific LumberPorts Cleveland Mobile Tampa to Atlantic Ports Dallas New Orleans Washington, D. Co Detroit New York Cotton Exchange Bldg., Houston SHIP SUPPLIES ANYWHERE IN TEXAS From Texas" Largest Complete Marine Supplier All of your shipboard Special DepartmentsFor: requiremenlsare immedi- ately available from one Deck & Engine; Provisions; Steward source at Texas Marine & Industrial Supply Co. Sundries; Electrical; Fire Protection. New York Representative Wesley A. Valfer 11 Broadway Telephone WH 4-0669 New York 4, N. Y. Galveston, Texas SOuthfield 3 2406 Cable: TEXMAR 4 PORT OF HOUSTON MAGAZINE NEW WHEN HARBOR TIME TOWING IS IMPORTANT CALL HOUSTON~~~m~one of the U. S. GULFPORTS brbuht closerto worldmarkets by.. ilg Lykes6 WorldTrade Routes with regularly :~i scheduledsailings betweenU. S. GULFPORTS andthe world-- U. K. Line Africa Line Continent Line Caribbean Line LykesBros. Steamship Co., Inc. Mediterranean Line Orient Line Offices at: NEWORLEANS, HOUSTON, GALVESTON, NEW YORK, Beaumont, Brownsville, Chicago,Corpus Christi, Dallas, KansasCity, LakeCharles, Memphis,Mobile, Port Arthur, St. Lo-is, Tampa,Washington, D. C. OFFICES AND AGENTSIN PRINCIPAL WORLDPORTS. DECEMBER,1961 5 ~iiiiiiii~i~i~i~ii~!~!iii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiii~iiiiiiii~i~i~i~iii~iiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiii~iiii~i~iiiiii~i~i~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iii~i[i~iiiiiiii~#~]iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~i~i~i~iii~iiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iii~YOUR iiiiiiilii MARCHESSIN!LINES WORLD- WIDE BANKING ~iiiil !iiiiii! iiiiiiil CONNECTION !i!i!ii! IndependentFreight Services !iiiiii!iiiiiill ii!iiii! FromU.S. Gulf Ports iiiiiii! On Regular Schedules liiii~i Direct Via PanamaCanal To ~ ,~,,,~Japan iii!iiii iiiiiii Formosa Korea ~ i Philippines Hong Kong iiiiiill !ililill !iiii!ii iii~i ~:~:: iiiiiill i!iiiiii !iiiiii~ !iiiiiii i t~ !~_C~3-- -- ~;. ArcfideTriompfie !iiiiii! iliiiiii of2orr~spond~nt~h,nfev:~ DIRECT SAILINGS FROM HOUSTON TO i~i~i~ii ~_~ ~L--~I I ~ major market in e e ::i::iiiii ~ world. You are provided I -~J~:~’~ ~-,,’~-~i I ~ YOKOHAMA, KOBE, PUSAN il;~i~!~ ]L-~VI~ -.~#--aJ I ~ direct service plus fast, iii~iiii ~-~ ~’~.- --f~ t~ efficient handling of every KEELUNG, HONG KONG ~:~ .~/ ,C~1’ ~ type of foreign bank iiiiiii:~,’,~ \~"\[/ ~/~.;!~-~k’~" transaction through our AND MANILA ::~i ~’~’~x3-~//~J’ "~’~*~___~.. international facilities. It will i!~iiiii .... \~/~-.. ~" .... ~ . be a pleasure to serve you. iiiiiii~ FromMo~,o From.ew o" .... FromOe~.’.ou.o° Eurymedon ...... Dec. 20 Dec. 23 Dec. 28 iiii!iiiiiiiiiiiEurytan ............... Jan. 13 Jan. 16 Jan. 20 Gisna........... Jan. 23 Jan. 25 Jan. 29 i iiiii! Merle R. Crockard,Vice President& Manager, iii!ii!i i International BankingDepartment iiiiiii!P.D. M~IlCliES$|~|E C0., IN[:. iiiiiiii liiii! Steamship Agents & Brokers i~;i~i~ ......., Iiiiiii NEW YORK NEW ORLEANS HOUSTON iiiii !iiiii 26 Broadway Intl. Trade Mart 326 Shell Bldg¯ ii~~:~ iiiiiiii WH3-7550 524-6101 CA2-2381 i~ ............................................~:~,~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~!~!~!~!!!;!~!~i!i~i~i~i~i~i~i!iiiii~iiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiii~!~!i!~!~i~!~i~ii~i~ii~i~iiiiiiiii~iiiii~iiiii!ii~!~!~!M!~i~!!~!~!~!i!~!~ii!i!~ii!i!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~gii~i~:~iiiii~i~!~N~‘ 6 PORT OF HOUSTON MAGAZINE ¯ o. ¯ ¯ Official Publication of the Harris County Houston Ship Channel Navigation District Volume 3 December, 1961 Number 12 Directory OfOfficials FOR THE Port of Houston PORTCOMMISSIONERS Visitors Throng Houston’s Hospitality Room ............................ 8 HOWARDTELLEPSEN, Chairman W. N. BLANTON,Vice Chairman JOHN G. TURNEY Houston Named Space Research Center ............................... 13 J. P. HAMBLEN W. M. HATTEN EXECUTIVEDEPARTMENT On Board The Sam Houston ................................... 15 J. P. TURNER,General Manager VERNONBAILEY, Assistant General Manager J. L. LOCIqETT,JR., Counsel Consular Corps Entertained on Sam Houston ................... SAMUELB. BRUCE,Auditor 16 TRAVlSSMITH, Engineer and Planning Manager RICHARDLEACtt, Chic] Engineer RORERTW. ROmNSON,Accounts Manager Delta’s Modern Ships Carry Cargoes on Fast Schedules .............. 18 KENNETtlW. STEPHENS, Personnel Manager W. E. GOYEN,Purchasing Manager T. E. WtIATLEY,Administrative Assistant VINCENTD. WILLIAMS,Administrative Assistant Port of Houston Shipping Directory ..................... 3l PUBLICRELATIONS DEPARTMENT LLOYDGREGORY, Director o/In/urination TEDSUMERLIN, Editor oJ Magazine Sailing Schedule For General Cargo Ships ......................... 32 VAUGIIN M. BRYANT, Director o] International Relations SALES DEPARTMENT GEORCEW. ALTVATER,General Sales Manager Jont~ A. LAEA,District Sales Manager FRANK WARD, Assistant 25 Broadway, NewYork, N. Y. THE COVER HUME A. HENDERSON, District Sales Manager Board of Trade Building, Chicago, Ill. CHARLESA. BARROWS,District Sales Manager The Delta Line’s new ship the Del Rio is turning around in the Port of Houston’s Board of Trade Building, Kansas City, Mo. JOHN R. WEILER, District Sales Manager world-famous Turning Basin to start a trip to South America. For more about this 1519 Capitol, Houston OPERATIONSDEPARTMENT progressive company see Page 18. C. E. BULLOCK,Operations Manager W. F. LAND, Terminal Manager T. H. SHERWOOD,Manager o] Grain Elevator D.M. FHAZIOR,Marine & Plant Protection Mgr. D. 1°o WALSII, Maintenance Superintendent WORLD TRADE CENTER The PORT OF HOUSTONMagazine is pub- mission is given for the reproduction or use lished monthly and distributed free to mari- of any material, provided credit is given to the EDWARD J. FAY, Director time, industrial and transportation interests in the United States and foreign countries. Its Port of Houston. EXECUTIVE OFFICES purpose is to inform shippers and others inter- Additional information or extra copies of 1519 Capitol Avenue at Crawford Street ested in the Port of Houston of its develop- this magazine may be obtained by writing The Telephone CApitol 5-0671 ment, facilities, plans and accomplishments. Port of Houston Magazine, 3005 Louisiana P. O. Box 2562, Houston 1, Texas This publication is not copyrighted and per- Street, Houston 6, Texas. DECEMBER, 1961 7 VISIIOIISIHRONG HOUSIOArS HOSPIIALIIY ROOM MORE THAN 1500 shippers, importers and other The Port of Houston’s receptions were in the nearby friends of the Port of Houston engaged in foreign trade vis- Sheraton-East Hotel. ited with Port officials and executives in the Port of Hous- Others from Houston present in the Navigation District’s ton’s hospitality suite at the 48th National Foreign Trade hospitality room to help greet the hundreds of guests daily Convention in New York October 30-November 1. were Alfred Bessell, Jr., chairman of the board; Burke Baker, The Harris County Houston Navigation District played Jr., president, and James H. Branard, Jr., executive vice host to their customers and other friends both noon and president, all of the Gulf Atlantic Warehouse Co. (Long evening during the three-day convention, with a delegation Reach Docks); George 7{7. Ebanks, vice president, National headed by Port Commission Chairman Howard Tellepsen and Bank of Commerce; Harold C. Hix, president, Manchester including Commissioners J. P. Hamblen and W. M. Hatten, Terminal Corporation; Sydnor Oden, executive vice presi- and Port General Manager J. P. Turner. dent, and Norman T. Ness, secretary, Anderson Clayton & Co. Also on hand from the Navigation District as hosts, were and Charles Celaya, vice president of First City National Bank. General Sales Manager George W. Altvater and his assistant, Also, Greg B. Perry, general manager, Houston Port Bu- Thomas E. Davies; District Sales Representative John A. reau; Felix
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