Protein Vibrational Spectrum Calculations Using Dielectric Coupling in Carbonyls Jacki Werner (Dated: October 31, 2010) The infrared spectrum of a protein depends upon its secondary structure. A simulation was created to calculate absorption spectra of proteins in the Amide I band due to dielectric in carbonyls using candidate protein configurations. Spectra from the simulation can be compared to actual spectroscopic data to help verify proposed protein configurations. Background Proteins chains of amino acids. The backbone struc- ture of a protein consists of a repeating pattern of two carbon atoms followed by one nitrogen atom. This three atom group makes up a single amino acid, as seen in Fig- ure 1. The nitrogen is single-bonded to a hydrogen, and one carbon is double-bonded to an oxygen, forming what is known as a carbonyl, seen in Figure 2. FIG. 3. Carbonyl Dipole Moment range of wavenumbers which make up the Amide I band (1600 - 1700 cm−1) [4], up to 80% of vibrations in a protein can come from only carbonyls [4]. Thus an ap- proximate infrared spectrum of a molecule in the range FIG. 1. Protein Backbone with Amino Acid of the Amide I band can be theoretically calculated from only the carbonyl positions and orientations. The carbon designated by Cα (\C-alpha" or \alpha carbon") is bonded to a side group (indicated by the R in Figure 1) which determines the amino acid's identity Method [3]. The coupling strength of two carbonyls depends upon the carbonyl's dipole orientation and also the distance between the two carbonyls. The distance between car- bonyls was taken to be the distance between their cen- ters of mass. In this calculation, the carbonyls modeled as classical simple harmonic oscillators rather than quan- tum mechanical harmonic oscillators. As coupling quan- FIG. 2. A Single Carbonyl tum mechanical oscillators is significantly more complex, we decided to first create a simpler version of the pro- A carbonyl vibrates with a natural frequency which can gram to test for viability of this method. Two carbonyls be modeled by a simple harmonic oscillator. Carbonyls m and n are coupled by the equation are electric dipoles due to uneven sharing of electrons 2 2 in the covalent bond. The oxygen is more electroneg- κ e µ^m · µ^n − 3(^rmn · µ^m)(^rmn · µ^n) dmn = 3 ative than the carbon and thus attracts electrons more 4π0 rmn strongly, and so it gains a net negative charge while the carbon gains a net positive charge (Figure 3). where µm and µn are the unit vectors indicating direction The carbonyl dipoles are strong enough to cause the of the dipole moments (oriented towards the positively- carbonyl vibrations to couple across the protein. Thus charged carbon.) rcm is the distance between the centers total vibrations in a protein due to carbonyls can be of mass pointing from carbonyl m to carbonyl n although modeled as a system of coupled harmonic oscillators. either direction would give the same results as the two Carbonyls have two infrared spectrum absorption bands, dot productsr ^mn · µ^m andr ^mn · µ^n when multiplied by known as the Amide I and Amide II bands [4]. In the each other would cancel out any sign given tor ^cm. The 1 electric field of an electric dipole is proportional to r3 , 2 1 unlike electric monopoles, which go by r2 . The coupling strength is determined also by the charges of the dipole " # k d^ and the electric permittivity of the medium the proteins D^ = I^+ mn are in. e is the charge of a single electron, and κ is the M M partial charge constant for the carbonyls. For this simu- lation, we used κ ≈ :4, using the carbonyl dipole moment 2 2 3 calculated by Hiroyuki Aoki and Tsutomu Suzuki [1], by !0M d12 d13 ··· d1n 2 the equation 6 d21 !0M d23 ··· d2n 7 1 6 2 7 D^ = 6 d31 d32 !0M ··· d3n 7 Bohr radius 6 7 M 6 . .. 7 dipole moment ∗ 4 . 5 average carbonyl length 2 dn1 dn2 dn3 ··· !0M . For simplicity, we used 1 , the permittivity of free 4π0 space, but to get more accurate results the permittivity Eigenvalues of the dynamical matrix are used to cal- culate the allowed vibrational frequencies for the system, of the medium holding the proteins could easily be sub- 2 stituted if it is known. We created a matrix to couple as each allowed ! is an eigenvalue. each carbonyl with all other carbonyls: D~v^ = λ~v 2 2 p κ e 1 X µ^m · µ^n − 3(^rmn · µ^m)(^rmn · µ^n) d^ = p λn mn 3 ! = λ = k c ) k = 4π0 2 r n n n n m6=n mn c The factor of 1 accounts for the fact that each unique Once we had calculated the allowed vibrations, we 2 needed to account for coupling to a light source, the in- pair appears twice in the matrix (dmn = dnm). Thus the coupling matrix appears: frared light used for spectroscopy. The absorption inten- sity of each frequency was calculated as a proportion. 2 3 N N N 0 d12 d13 ··· d1n X NB(!α) + 1 X X −1 −1 I(!) / (^µj · µ^k) vαj vαk 6 d21 0 d23 ··· d2n 7 !α 6 7 α=1 j=1 k=1 ^ 6 d31 d32 0 ··· d3n 7 dmn = 6 7 6 . .. 7 4 . 5 NB(α) is the Bose-Einstein distribution value for that frequency. dn1 dn2 dn3 ··· 0 1 We also took into account the vibrations of the indi- NB(!α) = vidual carbonyls. exp(¯h!α=kBT ) − 1 2 2 3 v−1 and v−1 are vectors from the inverted eigenvector !0 0 0 ··· 0 i j 2 matrix. 6 0 !0 0 ··· 0 7 k 6 2 7 While the intensity depends upon the orientations of I^ = 6 0 0 !0 ··· 0 7 6 7 the dipoles for each carbonyl in relation to all other car- M 6 . .. 7 4 . 5 bonyls in the protein, we also needed to average over all 2 0 0 0 ··· !0 possible orientations for the molecules. The intensity was calculated for each allowed frequency ! . The simulation was set up to take only one value for α the frequency for all carbonyls. We would like to pos- sibly improve the simulation by using different natural Protein Forms frequency values for each carbonyl depending on the car- bonyl's orientation and location, and also the medium the protein is in, possibly taking these values from the We explored the infrared spectra of three protein sec- program AMBER. The frequency is calculated from a ondary structures, alpha helices, beta helices, and beta v sheets. These were used as a way of checking the pro- given vibrational wavenumber by f = λ where v is the velocity of light in a medium. We used v = c here for gram's output, as they each vibrate in different wavenum- simplicity, converting the wavenumber from cm−1 into ber ranges and proteins are often have sections in these m−1. configurations. An alpha helix (Figure 4) is a tight spi- Adding the vibrational matrix to the coupling matrix ral that is right-handed, meaning that when pointing the gave us a dynamical matrix for the system, which de- thumb of your right hand along the helix axis, it spirals scribed all of the protein's carbonyl vibrations. up in the direction your fingers curl [3]. In an alpha helix all carbonyls have the same orientation (Figure 5). 3 FIG. 6. Protein Backbone in a Beta Helix FIG. 4. Protein Backbone in an Alpha Helix FIG. 7. Carbonyl Orientations in a Beta Helix FIG. 5. Carbonyl Orientations in an Alpha Helix Future Work A beta helix (Figure 6) is a triangular spiral, larger Since so many approximations were made to make the than an alpha helix, where half of the carbonyls are anti- basic version of this program, an important next step parallel to the other half along the same axis (Figure 7). is to calibrate the results using the spectra of proteins The carbonyls along the protein's backbone alternate with well-known structures. Things to change include up/down directions. A beta sheet has the same carbonyl the permittivity of the medium containing the protein as orientations as a beta helix, but not the spiral form (Fig- well as the speed of light in that medium, among other ures 8 and 9). It is formed from long parallel rows of things. Also, using AMBER to obtain initial vibrational protein backbone, not necessarily from the same protein. frequencies for carbonyls might greatly improve the pro- gram's results. Results Acknowledgments We obtained preliminary spectra for alpha helix, beta helix, beta sheet, and beta hairpin structures using k = I would like to thank my advisor, Dr. Daniel Cox, for 1674 as the wavenumber to calculate !0. The intensities his help this summer as well as Dr. Rena Zieve for all were divided by the number of carbonyls in each protein of her work making this program possible. Also, I would structure for better comparison. The results shown in like to thank the National Science Foundation for funding Figures 10 - 13 include points for the intensity of each this research program. allowed wavenumber, as well as a total spectrum obtained by adding a gaussian spread to each point. 4 Bibliography [1] Aoki, Hiroyuki and Suzek, Tsutomu. 1987. Dielectric Properties of Thennooxidized Poly( Vinyl Formal) Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics; 25 (2): 369-378. [2] Ashcroft, N.
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