Funded by European Union Humanitarian Aid Conditional Cash Transfer for Education (CCTE) Programme for Syrians and Other Refugees - June 2021 - The Syrian refugee crisis is in its 10th year, with no end in sight. since 2003 and was extended to Syrian and other refugee Millions have been forced to flee their homes to neighbouring families in mid-2017. This extension is being implement- countries, their futures uncertain. Children continue to pay the ed through a close partnership between the Ministry of highest price and bear the heaviest burden of the crisis: their Family and Social Services, the Ministry of National Educa- education, their hopes and dreams, and even their lives, all tion, the Turkish Red Crescent and UNICEF, and has been continue to be at risk. Turkey is home to the largest number of made possible by the generous support of the European refugees, migrants and asylum seekers, standing at over 4 Union, as well as the Governments of Norway and the million. More than 3.6 million are Syrian including 1.7 million United States of America. After a very successful imple- children. More than 770,000 refugee children have enrolled in mentation during 2017-18, 2018-19 and 2019-20 school years, schools. Despite significant achivements and the commitment CCTE continues to reach refugee families in the new school of the Government of Turkey, hosting the highest number of year. Furthermore, as of September 2018, CCTE for Refugees refugees in the world is putting enormous strain on the is also reaching children enrolled in the Accelerated Learning country’s basic services and infrastructure, particularly when it Programme (ALP) which is intended for out-of-school children comes to education and child protection. The Conditional Cash as a transition pathway into formal education. And as of Septem- Transfer for Education (CCTE) programme aims to encourage ber 2019, increased ‘beginning of term’ payments have been enrolment and improve school attendance of children. It is a introduced for secondary school and ALP students to further national social assistance programme which has been encourage their schooling. implemented by the Ministry of Family and Social Services Cash Transfer Component Pre-primary Primary Lower-secondary Upper-secondary Total number of Kindergarten Grades 1st to 4th Grades 5th to 8th Grades 9th to 12th Beneficiary Students 695,556 22,446 324,173 262,357 76,691 4,672 11,110 11,336 157,661 166,512 129,406 132,951 42,385 34,306 2,178 2,494 The cash transfer component of the CCTE for Refugees Students in high school (from 9th to 12th grades) receive programme applies the same rules and regulations as monthly amounts of 55 TL for boys and 75 TL for girls. applied for Turkish families under the national CCTE Students in ALP receive a monthly amount of 75 TL programme. The families receive cash support every two regardless of gender. Furthermore, additional support is months through Kızılaykarts on the condition that the child provided to families at the beginning of each school term in has attended school regularly (at least 80%) in the relevant the form of 100 TL per beneficiary child in primary school preceding school months. Families of students enrolled in (including Kindergarten), 200 TL per beneficiary child in lower Turkish public schools and Accelerated Learning Programme secondary school and 250 TL per beneficiary child in upper are eligible to benefit from the programme. The cash secondary school or ALP. In November 2020, an additional component of the programme is nationwide. one-time top-up payment was provided to support families facing increased challenges due to the socio-economic eects of the The amounts paid depend on the gender and the grades of COVID-19 pandemic, benefitting 518,794 children. About 78% the school-going children. Kindergarten and primary school of CCTE beneficiaries also benefit from the Emergency children (from kindergarten to 8th grades) are entitled to Social Safety Net (ESSN) programme which provides month- monthly amounts of 45 TL for boys and 50 TL for girls. ly cash transfers of 155 TL per family member. The extension of the CCTE program to Syrians and other refugees is made possible through nancial support from EU Humanitarian Aid the Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (PRM) of the US State Department and the Government of Norway. Despite the closure of schools as part of the confinement measures imposed to curb the spread of COVID-19 pandemic, the cash assistance continued as scheduled for all eligible children, in line with the national programme. Funded by European Union Humanitarian Aid 91,366 7,830 The CCTE Programme includes a strategic child protection labor, child marriage, physical and emotional violence and component to ensure the continued school enrolment and family separation. The cash transfer component of the attendance of the most vulnerable refugee children, as well programme is nationwide. The child protection component as their referral to child protection services, when needed. is focusing on 15 provinces, Adıyaman and the Black Sea This component is implemented by outreach teams consist- Region. Due to movement restrictions put in place due to ing of social workers and translators working in the field. the unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic, TRC Child Protec- tion teams were not able to carry out household visits from The outreach teams visit families whose children are not mid-March 2020 through June 2020. During the aforemen- meeting, or are at risk of not meeting, the attendance tioned period, the teams focused on following up at risk condition of the CCTE programme. These teams assess cases that had previously been identified. Starting from and identify the children’s and families’ needs in order to July 2020, in view of the limitations in the outreach adress them in a personalized and systematic manner. activities linked to the evolution of the pandemic situation Through this component, the CCTE programme is expected in Turkey, the modality of the fieldwork has temporarily to mitigate child protection risks and violations, which are changed and the TRC CP teams have been conducting closely intertwined with economic vulnerabilities and remote assessments to identify, assess and follow up CP contribute to non-attendance at school as well as child cases. Social Cohesion in Education The CCTE programme now includes a pilot project, implement- As of end June 2021, 1,581 children participated in activities ed in partnership with Maya Foundation in Istanbul and Şanlıur- that built their social and emotional skills, promoted social fa, which aims to address some of the non-financial barriers to cohesion, and raised awareness of the importance of anti-bully- refugee childrens’ education through promotion of “Social ing. 313 school sta were provided with online training Cohesion through Education.” The pilot will also contribute to focusing on detection and prevention of bullying and cyberbul- the development of national guidelines and tools to tackle lying, as well as classroom management skills to tackle issues issues related to social tension (such as bullying), including of social tension between groups of students. 339 parents school personnel capacity building, in classroom activity were engaged in online sessions to build their capacity in guides for children, and awareness raising materials for prevention and detection of bullying. parents. The extension of the CCTE program to Syrians and other refugees is made possible through nancial support from EU Humanitarian Aid the Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (PRM) of the US State Department and the Government of Norway. Funded by European Union Humanitarian Aid Beneficiaries Geographical Breakdown 94,973 *The cash transfer component of the programme is nationwide.The İSTANBUL map shows the 15 provinces, and the mobile teams based in 1,164 Adıyaman and the Black Sea Region, where the cash transfer and 14,403 ZONGULDAK child protection components are both available. 364 10,148 * Location of Osmaniye CP oce has been shifted to KOCAELİ Kocaeli based on emerging needs. 31,037 1,115 BURSA Kastamonu 6,981 Samsun 38,353 ANKARA Trabzon 6,967 Çorum 22,891 17,860 İZMİR KAYSERİ 7,153 24,027 3,007 19,924 KONYA K.MARAŞ 7,710 2,937 9,971 7,830 64,289 MARDİN OSMANİYE ŞANLIURFA 4,222 29,486 2,836 Malatya 7,788 MERSİN 5,032 Diyarbakır Adıyaman 87,698 34,010 GAZİANTEP ADANA 4,304 5,418 As of January 2021, the CP component has been expanded to include 16,985 Mobile teams Adıyaman (Adıyaman, Malatya and Diyarbakır) and the Black Sea Region KİLİS (Samsun, Corum, Kastamonu and Trabzon) in order to address the 71,850 6,395 limitation of services for the refugee population in these provinces. HATAY 4,734 The extension of the CCTE program to Syrians and other refugees is made possible through nancial support from EU Humanitarian Aid the Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (PRM) of the US State Department and the Government of Norway..
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