UNDER FIRE OFF SICILY—Water and smoke shoot skyward from an enemy bombardment hitting close to Allied landing craftJr,1 drawn beside the Sicilian up shore at Gela. One boat at center is nearly obscured by water and smoke from near misses. 8 of 9 in Navy Plane Die in Attempt to Save Italian the prisoners, captured during opening rounds of the Sicilian invasion, wade through shallow water to an Allied landing RAF in Raft boat. are on Flyers They marching up ramps each side of the bow—the same ramps which shortly before had disgorged their captors. The prisoners will be taken to North Africa. Eight of nine members of the crew of a Navy patrol plane died last month in an attempt to rescue pnpaSjl members of a Royal Air Force Roosevelt-Churchill Text plane crew which had been forced lift down in icy ocean waters, the Navy Allied revealed yesterday. The ninth man Leaders Make Joint Appeal W’as saved after he had been on a To Italian to raft seven days. People Oust Mussolini The airmen were rescued by a Bj the Associated Press. lation of British and Allied sea British plane. Two Americans were Text of a message from Presi- power ever concentrated in ths picked up by a United States mine- Aent Roosevelt and Prime Min- Mediterranean. sweeper. One of the men in the ister Churchill which is being Only Hope la Surrender. boat was dead and the other, L. F. sent today to the people of Italy: to Pellitier. aviation radioman, first The forces now opposed you ,, At this moment the combined class, recovered to tell the story of are pledged to destroy the power of Nazi which has the wrecking of the plane. armed forces of the United States Germany—power .. ruthlessly been used to inflict slav- Craft Sank and Great Britain, under the com- Quickly. ery, destruction and death on all After the craft had mand of Gen. Eisenhower been set down Dwight those who refuse to recognize the on the water, a cross wave hooked and his deputy, Gen. Harold G. Germans as the master race. a wing the boat tip, swung big are war Alexander, carrying the The sole hope for Italy's survival = around and flung it into an ad- into the of coun- lies in honorable capitulation to the joining wave. Her bow was split deep territory your overwhelming power of the military wide open and she quickly went try. forces of the United Nations, If under. Members of the crew work- This is the direct of consequence you continue to tolerate the Fascist ed their way out of the submerged the shameful leadership to which regime which serves the evil w-reckage and manned two rubber power rafts. you have been subjected by Mussolini | of the Nazis, you must suffer the There still is a in mechanized for " place warfare the lowly pack animal. The Yanks took these consequences of your own choice. In the freezing water, the men and his Fascist regime. along when they invaded Sicily's shores. —A. P. Photos via We take no satisfaction in invading paddled in the boats and on the Signal Corps Radiophoto. -- Mussoli carried you into this war -------»____ !• Italian soil and bringing the tragic first evening two died of exposure. as the satellite of a brutal destroyer devastation of war home to the On the second three more I day, of peoples and liberites. Italian died. I I people. Fascist Editor Calls Nazi Error in I Mussolini plunged you into this But we are determined to The remaining men spotted flares Tactics Saved destroy 7 war which he thought Hitler had the false leaders and their doc- on the third day, but were unable i already won. In spite of Italy's trines which have brought Italy to '? to observe the patrolling plane in For in Central ALLIES EXPAND GAINS IN SICILY—The Allied great vulnerability to attack by air her present position. the fog. It was the night of the Party Shake-up Bridgehead command an- Sicily ind sea. Fascist sent American nounced the your leaders Every moment that you resist the third day that the RAF men were < forces in Sicily had maneuver and then the troop* re- today capture ol 12 more towns in Sicily—including i your sons, your ships, your air forces. combined forces of the United Na- picked up, but the Americans were a crisis on Sunday, finally win- turned to their garrisons. Vizzini in the central sector of the front and Canicatti at the to distant battlefields to aid Ger- of blood unobserved. And Shifts ning a 10-hour battle to hold When the tions—every drop that you Military Americans swarmed western end. Arrows indicate Allied in drives. Black line is many her attempt to conquer sacrifice—can serve one their beachhead on the central into the of Gela ap- only pur- Unable to Signal Planes. By the Associated Press. city Saturday one ! England, Russia and the world. f front after the had proximate battlefront. —A. P. Wirephoto. pose, to give the Fascist and Nazi BERN. Switzerland. enemy fought of the first things they did was to On the fourth two more of July 16.— Italian Soldiers leaders a little more time to day, to within 1.000 yards of them. cut telephone wires. This broke Betrayed, escape the Americans Fascist Editor Roberto R. Farinacei, i This from the died, and on the Don Whitehead, Associated Press communications association with fhe designs inevitable consequence! of 7' the first attack on between Com iso sixth the man making open of Nazi-controlled was un- their own day eighth died. ; correspondent, discloses in the and Caltigirone. | Germany cnjnes. The Italian military leadership since the Visits following day the raft was toll. S. Cox worthy of Italy’s ancient triditions Now Is Time to start of the fallowing eyewitness dispatch. One Goering tank battalion at Group Decide. war, a Troops Charged up. demanded of freedom and culture—traditions picked After this close call, the Ameri- Caltigirone was not notified of the All vour interests and all your change in generals and a shake-up to the During the time on the rafts they cans rallied, and. within 4S hours until which peoples of America and traditions have been : in the Fascist last invasion five hours after the betrayed by could hear the party hierarchy His Great Britain owe so much. searching planes, of the had With Nazi and own night, from Rome dis- landing, repulsed troops were ashore. Other units were Purpose Abroad, Plot to Block Germany your false but were unable to them dispatches three Your soldiers have not In signal closed. enemy divisions, including not notified until nine hours.later. fought and corrupt leaders; It is only by the constant | the the interests of but for Nazi through fog. Nazi Hermann Goering Divi- The enemy's tank battalion at Italy, both that a reconstituted in the disavowing; The dead: Lt. (j. g.t S. Writing newspaper Regime sion./ -- .Germany. They have fought Douglas Caltigirone was ordered to move Stimson Tells FCC Side of i Italy can hope to occupy a respected Vieira. O. ; Fascists, the former party secretary Prosf- courageously, but have been be- Myrtle Beach, S. C.; A. By DON WHITEHEAD, against Geia and to penetrate the Fight they place in the family of European demanded that best forces be A—ociM^PreM. ibt and I Chaney, aviation ordnance man, j Italy's 1MBKife .•H&fkpymu JBj trayed abandoned by. the Ger- I nations. Associated Press War Correspondent. American bridgehead. And then the AssocigtMPre*«. third rushed to Sicily along with the most london, jniy A the mans on the Russian front and on class, Tarentum, Pa.; Lt! Germans committed their i6.—jaerearr « charge that House-oemmit- The time has now come for you, able, and WITH THE AMERICAN INVA- greatest <J. g.) Phillip A. Bodinett, Chicago: j prepared resolute leaders, mistake—a War Stimson said at con- iee investigating (he federal Com- every battlefield in Africa from El the Italian SION TROOPS IN mistake which un- a.press people, to consult your Lt. (j. g.) Frank L. Os- “It is impossible that the Italian SICILY, July 12 munications Commission is Alamein to Cape Bon. Kleinbrink, j questionably saved the Americans ference today that his main purpose trying own self-respect and your own in- tego, Mich.; Fred A. avia- Army has only one Messe iGen. (Delayed).—The complete collapse to seize the headlines and Cernek, of Thousands of lives and millions of in to prevent. Today. Germany's hopes for world terest and your own desire for a tion Giovanni he wrote. “It is the Italian coastal defenses gave coming London was to see FCC's side chief machinist's mate. Pali- Messe),” dollars' worth of of the controversy from conquest have been blasted on all ! restoration of national and to the American invasion equipment. dignity, se- sades Park. N. J.; Luther W. Pro- absurd extremely dangerous to impetus American troop* who "are fighting reaching the was made And public yes- fronts. The skies over Italy are curity and peace. The time has measure the choice of men and de- of Sicily, while the breakdown in it was this: When the tanks | vow. aviation machinist's mate, first j and ready to in this terday by FCC Chairman James L. dominated the vas* air come the drove in were not getting fight'' by armadas for you to decide whether ', class. i cisions with the military manual as vaunted German military effi- they followed by I Richlands.
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