BAY OF PLENTY INTER-MIDDLE SCHOOLS CROSS COUNTRY CHAMPIONSHIPS 2014 - RESULTS Placing Time Year 4 Girls School Region 1 6.17.48 Moana Manukau Kawerau South EBOP 2 6.19.83 Kaia Skipps Awakeri EBOP 3 6.27.25 Nivaloh Elliott Kawerau South EBOP 4 3.31.15 Anna Issac Rangitaiki Ind EBOP 5 6.32.14 Chevana Larsen James street EBOP 6 6.37.50 Ruby Valentine Greenpark WBOP 7 6.37.92 Cerys Adkins Golden Sands WBOP 8 6.39.92 Marissa Light Westbrook CBOP 9 6.41.20 Angela Rowson Otonga CBOP 10 6.42.64 Maya Stone Omokoroa No. 1 WBOP 11 Lulu Johnson Omokoroa No. 1 WBOP 12 Jenna Hodgson Welcome Bay WBOP 13 Lystelle Lepper Allandale EBOP 15 Kiara Dudson Westbrook CBOP 16 Evie Gibney Fairhaven WBOP 17 Tayla Brady St Josephs, Whk EBOP 18 Eima Seru Otonga CBOP 19 Sarah Edwards St Thomas More WBOP 20 Sophie Kirk Ohope EBOP 21 Lily Aitken-Keogh Tauranga Primary WBOP 22 Eden Beasley St Josephs, Whk EBOP 23 Sofia Vosse Kaharoa CBOP 24 Lucy Lloyd Matua WBOP 25 Breeze Franklin Ashbrook EBOP 26 Amelia Foley Selwyn CBOP 27 Ivy Mitchell Omanu WBOP 28 Caitlyn Esterhuizen Ohope EBOP 29 Hannah Shilton Lynmore CBOP 30 Te Aroha Healey-Forde Malfroy CBOP 31 Milla Pipps Rotokawa CBOP 32 Ella Mcsweeney Omanu WBOP 33 Mikaela Blackett Westbrook CBOP 34 Bonnie- Marie Wetting Awakeri EBOP 35 Jessica Cleghorn Allandale EBOP 36 Tyla Pope Westbrook CBOP 37 Jasmine Donaldson Lynmore CBOP BAY OF PLENTY INTER-MIDDLE SCHOOLS CROSS COUNTRY CHAMPIONSHIPS 2014 - RESULTS 38 Hine Lankshear Omokoroa No. 1 WBOP 39 April Durbin Lynmore CBOP 40 Megan Pinder Lake Rerewhakaaitu CBOP 41 Maio Rongomai CBOP dnf Sharnya Drake Mihi CBOP BAY OF PLENTY INTER-MIDDLE SCHOOLS CROSS COUNTRY CHAMPIONSHIPS 2014 - RESULTS Placing Time Year 4 Boys School Region 1 5.53.29 Brayden Stowers St Thomas More WBOP 2 5.55.41 Quinn Boyle Otamarakau WBOP 3 5.55.76 Lucas Finigan Matua WBOP 4 5.56.58 Mitchell Taylor Omokoroa No. 1 WBOP 5 5.59.95 Elliott Pugh Selwyn Ridge WBOP 6 6.03.98 Oliver Weaver Kaharoa CBOP 7 6.04.35 Jai Tamati Otakiri EBOP 8 6.06.03 Isaac Holland Allandale EBOP 9 6.06.92 Dane Conn Selwyn Ridge WBOP 10 6.07.62 Carson Edwards Otamarakau WBOP 11 Daniel Beck St Josephs, Whk EBOP 12 Luca Fuller Omanu WBOP 13 Oliver Young Awakeri EBOP 14 Jack Quilty St Mary’s WBOP 15 Jackson Jones Greenpark WBOP 16 Ethan Chamberlain Omanu WBOP 17 John Clemance Maungatapu WBOP 18 Azrael Cabuaso Papamoa Primary WBOP 19 Tony Stubbs Waikite Valley School CBOP 20 Rylan Whitley Edgecumbe EBOP 21 Zion Wipaki-Mclarin Allandale EBOP 22 Herewini Insley Lymmore CBOP 23 Lucian Bain Kawerau Putauaki EBOP 24 Mitchell Du Toit Awakeri EBOP 25 Makarini Savage Te Whatatau o Putauaki EBOP 26 Rayshaun Ashworth Maaka Western Heights CBOP 27 Raphael Wang Lynmore CBOP 28 Ned Steane Ohope EBOP 29 Callum Lawson Lynmore CBOP 30 Deighton Collier St Josephs, Opo EBOP 31 Jack Gallon Otonga CBOP 32 Boyd Williams Glenholme CBOP 33 Blake Robinson St Josephs, Opo EBOP 34 Harry Killer-Schultz Westbrook CBOP 35 Sean Gapes Lynmore CBOP 36 Christian Mansley Lynmore CBOP BAY OF PLENTY INTER-MIDDLE SCHOOLS CROSS COUNTRY CHAMPIONSHIPS 2014 - RESULTS 37 Blake Moore Otonga CBOP 38 Rupert Lewis Rotokawa CBOP 39 Reed Hinton Broadlands CBOP 40 Yoshi van Riessen Otonga CBOP 41 Byron van der Maat Otonga CBOP BAY OF PLENTY INTER-MIDDLE SCHOOLS CROSS COUNTRY CHAMPIONSHIPS 2014 - RESULTS Placing Time Year 5 Girls School Region 1 10.13.54 Millie Quin St Mary’s WBOP 2 10.21.09 Stevie Emery Ashbrook EBOP 3 10.22.80 Charlise Byrne Mount Primary WBOP 4 10.36.96 Charlize Turner Fairhaven WBOP 5 10.46.34 Jessica hohua Allandale EBOP 6 10.49.02 Tegan Sloane Omanu WBOP 7 10.52.60 Ella Ryan Omokoroa Point WBOP 8 10.23.60 Maya Carr-Manoit Papamoa Primary WBOP 9 10.58.22 Maya Reynal-O'Connor Golden Sands WBOP 10 10.58.65 Mikayla Price Omokoroa No. 1 WBOP 11 Hannie Mastney Golden Sands WBOP 12 Daisy Boon Ohope EBOP 13 Kate Harvey Matahui Road WBOP 14 Sapphire Dudley Matua WBOP 15 Izzy Steane Ohope EBOP 16 Eva Sexton Ohope EBOP 17 Alexandra Kay Ohope EBOP 18 Gisele Howard Lynmore CBOP 19 Brooke Kendall Western Heights CBOP 20 Katie Tapsell Lynmore CBOP 21 Mikayla Salmon Waihi Beach WBOP 22 Emma Eruini-Bennett Kaharoa CBOP 23 Zoey Hill Greenpark WBOP 24 Trixie Hulme Otonga CBOP 25 Jenna Hastings Otonga CBOP 26 Ella Rose Bain Kawerau Putauaki EBOP 27 Mataatua Fox-Kaipara Kawerau Putauaki EBOP 28 Brianna Wilson Woodlands EBOP 29 Lauren Crowe Lynmore CBOP 30 Neva Clyde Ohope EBOP 31 Shadae Harris Malfroy CBOP 32 Sharna Samson-Wickliffe Selwyn CBOP 33 Allie Clarke Lynmore CBOP 34 Madison McKay Waikite Valley School CBOP 35 Maia-Rose Bennett Otakiri EBOP 36 Hannah Knight Mamaku CBOP BAY OF PLENTY INTER-MIDDLE SCHOOLS CROSS COUNTRY CHAMPIONSHIPS 2014 - RESULTS 37 Mia Field Broadlands CBOP 38 Toni-Lee Kauta Woodlands EBOP 39 Ciara Griffiths Otonga CBOP 40 Caisley Edwards Edgecumbe EBOP 41 India Bennett Malfroy CBOP 42 Lara Longney Awakeri EBOP 43 Corey James-Davidson Otonga CBOP 44 Karly Ohia Broadlands CBOP dnf Lily Richards St Mary’s WBOP BAY OF PLENTY INTER-MIDDLE SCHOOLS CROSS COUNTRY CHAMPIONSHIPS 2014 - RESULTS Placing Time Year 5 Boys School Region 1 9.24.60 Daniel Nicholson Katikati Primary WBOP 2 9.31.27 Korben Knight Otamarakau WBOP 3 9.32.50 Sean Nicholson Katikati Primary WBOP 4 9.34.83 Micah Pugh Te Ranga WBOP 5 9.39.89 Ian Pugh Selwyn Ridge WBOP 6 9.54.62 Ashton Blair Matua WBOP 7 9.56.77 Cory Warneford Apanui EBOP 8 10.00.43 Luke Spurr Katikati Primary WBOP 9 10.02.28 Bradley Rothwell Apanui EBOP 10 10.02.80 Gus Shivnan Omanu WBOP 11 George Harvey Lynmore CBOP 12 Cody Hutchings Awakeri EBOP 13 Vili Potter Omanu WBOP 14 Campbell France Kaharoa CBOP 15 Ryan Schwass Ohope EBOP 16 Leo Schweizer Kaharoa CBOP 17 Carter Davies Apanui EBOP 18 Regan Henderson Awakeri EBOP 19 Tom Flowerday Ohope EBOP 20 Joshua Tarendale St Mary’s CBOP 21 Te Ua Hoskin Te Whatatau o Putauaki EBOP 22 Daniel Bates Kaharoa CBOP 23 Levi Van Gullick Kawerau South EBOP 24 Sean Curragh St Mary’s WBOP 25 Ethan Millington Papamoa Primary WBOP 26 Sam Dyer Tauriko WBOP 27 luiss Crawford Ohope EBOP 28 Tristan Pourau Greenpark WBOP 29 Tyson Yates Edgecumbe EBOP 30 Trisden Williams Glenholme CBOP 31 Nelson Howe Otonga CBOP 32 Drae Nelson Otonga CBOP 33 Kaleb Robinson St Josephs, Opo EBOP 34 Luke Hanna Kaharoa CBOP 35 Alex Searle Bethlehem School WBOP 36 Rohm Dixon Kaharoa CBOP BAY OF PLENTY INTER-MIDDLE SCHOOLS CROSS COUNTRY CHAMPIONSHIPS 2014 - RESULTS 37 Gert van der Merwe St Marys CBOP 38 Cailyn Trask St Marys CBOP 39 Finn Callaghan Glenholme CBOP 40 Raven Natana Kawerau South EBOP 41 Brooklyn Thompson St Josephs, Opo EBOP 42 Keaton Hine Broadlands CBOP 43 Riley Brady Westbrook CBOP 44 Maddox Peyroux Otonga CBOP 45 Tutanekai Stanley Reporoa Primary CBOP 46 Heath Potton Bellevue WBOP BAY OF PLENTY INTER-MIDDLE SCHOOLS CROSS COUNTRY CHAMPIONSHIPS 2014 - RESULTS Placing Time Year 6 Girls School Region 1 9.42.17 Jaimee Eades Maungatapu WBOP 2 10.01.35 Anaya Smith Selwyn Ridge WBOP 3 10.08.60 Hannah Power Omokoroa No. 1 WBOP 4 10.10.43 Hannah Gapes Lynmore CBOP 5 10.20.36 Lucia Cook Mount Primary WBOP 6 10.22.69 Lily McSweeney Omanu WBOP 7 10.26.79 Ella Shankshear Omokoroa No. 1 WBOP 8 10.33.34 Kayleigh Belt Papamoa Primary WBOP 9 10.42.02 Amelia Farrar Matua WBOP 10 10.42.02 Bethan Adkins Golden Sands WBOP 11 Millie Tisch Matua WBOP 12 Emily Pilbrow Selwyn Ridge WBOP 13 Paige Green Broadlands CBOP 14 Shakira McDonald Ohope EBOP 15 Amelia Hishon Omanu WBOP 16 Maddie Dewar Ohope EBOP 17 Alex Bently-Dalgity Otakiri EBOP 18 Willow Hutchinson Ohope EBOP 19 Tia Powell St Mary’s WBOP 20 Lucy Turner Omokoroa Point WBOP 21 Kalani McCormack Thornton EBOP 22 Amy Humpherson Ohope EBOP 23 Cassandra Kiff Westbrook CBOP 24 Kahleigha Aitchison Western Heights CBOP 25 Ella Jullian Rangitaiki Ind EBOP 26 Jessie Rose Taylor Lynmore CBOP 27 Grace Marchant Kaharoa CBOP 28 Jaye Sleep Allandale EBOP 29 Elise Allen Otonga CBOP 30 Tayla Jones Awakeri EBOP 31 Olina Bjarnadottir Malfroy CBOP 32 Georgia Crowe Lynmore CBOP 33 Paige West St Josephs, Whk EBOP 34 Mapuna Rio Te Koutu CBOP 35 Stella Win Lynmore CBOP 36 Emily Hammond Lynmore CBOP BAY OF PLENTY INTER-MIDDLE SCHOOLS CROSS COUNTRY CHAMPIONSHIPS 2014 - RESULTS 37 Scarlett McAdams Apanui EBOP 38 Shivon Hanham Reporoa Primary CBOP 39 Abigail Donald Lynmore CBOP 40 Ella Fenwick Otakiri EBOP 41 Danika Berge Rotokawa CBOP 42 Kate Wynyard Broadlands CBOP 43 Maya Wharepapa Ashbrook EBOP 44 Ngatuire Rongomai CBOP 45 Shaylee Wera Allandale EBOP BAY OF PLENTY INTER-MIDDLE SCHOOLS CROSS COUNTRY CHAMPIONSHIPS 2014 - RESULTS Placing Time Year 6 Boys School Region 1 8.47.84 Callum Jeffries St Mary’s WBOP 2 9.09.13 Corban Crowther Tauranga Primary WBOP 3 9.26.56 Zephyr Thompson St Josephs, Opo EBOP 4 9.29.96 Reece McCarthy St Thomas More WBOP 5 9.34.21 Tommy Gadsbey Bellevue WBOP 6 9.37.86 Jeremiah Tuararii Pongakawa WBOP 7 9.40.96 Callum Toft Mount Primary WBOP 8 9.43.70 Liam Knight St Mary’s WBOP 9 9.48.25 Ben Voss Mihi CBOP 10 9.50.27 Alex McLean Woodlands EBOP 11 Will Florence St Marys CBOP 12 Lewis Minogue Broadlands CBOP 13 Matthew Veitch St Marys CBOP 14 Cade Booth Te Puke Primary WBOP 15 Cory Stafford Matua WBOP 16 Caden laurent Awakeri EBOP 17 Leon Fuller Apanui EBOP 18 Toby Carr Lynmore CBOP 19 Brayden Dew St Mary’s WBOP 20 Max Voss Mihi CBOP 21 Didier Lawson Lynmore CBOP 22 Cameron Huxford Galatea CBOP 23 Toby Nikau James Street EBOP 24 Codi Laurent Awakeri EBOP 25 Brayden le Comte Glenholme CBOP 26 Ryan Kaeding Selwyn Ridge WBOP 27 Joseph Mortimer Bethlehem School WBOP 28 Emerson Billings Ohope EBOP 29 Oliver Larcombe Kaharoa CBOP 30 Sean Galdeman Tauriko WBOP 31 Jayden Mills Westbrook
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