Li8t of Members and .Associates. 317 VI. LIST OF MEMBERS AND ASSOCIATES. (December, 1884.) PRESIDENT. PROFESSOR HENRY !:!IDGWICK, Trinity College, Cambridge. VICE-PRESIDENTS. ARTHUR J. BALFOUR, Esq., M.P., 4, Carlton-gardens, S. W. PROFESSOR W. F. BARRETT, F.R.S. E., Royal College of Science, Dublin. THE RIGHT REV. THE BISHOP OF CARLISLE, Rose Castle, Carlisle. JOHN R. HOLLOND, Esq., M.P., 57, Lancaster-gate, London, W. RICHARD H. HUTTON, Esq., M.A., Englefield Green, Staines. REV. W. STAINTON MOSES, M.A., 21, Birchington-road, London, N. W. HON. RODEN NOEL, M.A., 57, Anerley Park, London, S.E. LoRD RAYLEIGH, F.R.S., Terling Place, Witham, Essex. PROFESSOR BALFOUR STEWART, M.A., F.R.S., The Owens College, Manchester. W. H. STONE, Esq., M.A., M.B., 14, Dean's-yard, Westminster, S.W. HENSLEIGH WEDGWOOD, Esq., 31, Queen Anne-street, London, W. HONORARY MEMBERS. PROFESSOR J. C. ADAMS, LL.D., F.R.S., The Observatory, Cambridge. WILLIAM CROOKES, F.R.S., 7, Kensington Park-gardens, London, W. PROFESSOR RUSKIN, LL.D., D.C.L., Brantwood, Coniston, Lancashire. LORD TENNYSON, Farringford, Freshwater, Isle of Wight. ALFRED RUSSEL WALLACE, F.R.G.S., Nutwood Cottage, Frith Hill, Godalming. G. F. WATTS, R.A., Little Holland House, London, W. CORRESPONDING MEMBERS. PROFESSOR H. P. BOWDITCH, M.D., Harvard Medical School, Boston, U.S.A. THEODORE BRUHNS, Simferopol, Russia. NICHOLAS MURRAY BUTLER, Columbia College, New York, U.S.A. THE CHEVALIER SEBASTIANO FENZI, Florence. PROFESSOR G. S. FULLERTON, Pennsylvania University, Philadelphia, U.S.A. .. PROFESSOR STANLEY HALL, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, U.S.A. Digitized by Coogle 318 Li8t of Member8 and Associates. PROFESSOR W. JAMES, Harvard University, Cambridge, U.S.A. PROFESSOR E. C. PICKERING, The Observatory, Cambridge, U.S.A. REV. R. WHITTINGILUI, Pikesville, Maryland. U.s.A. MEMBERS. AnDy-WILLIAMS, E. M., 8, Caledonian-place, Clifton, Bristol. ARoLES, MISS EDITH M., Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford. ARUNDALE, MISS FRANCESCA, 77, Elgin-crescent, N otting Hill, London, W. BAILLIE, EDMUND J., F.L.S., Woodbine, Eaton-road, Chester. BALFOUR, ARTHUR J., M.P., 4, Carlton-gardens, London, S. W. BALFOUR, G. W.o M.A., Florence. BALFOUR, MISS, 4, Carlton-gardens, London, S. W. BALLISTON, W. H. T., 5, Sutherland Avenue, Maida Hill, London, W. BARBER, MRS. J. W., Ferndene, Abbeyda.le, near Sheffield. BARRETT, PROFESSOR W. F., F.RS.E., &c., 6, De Vesci-terrace, Kings- town, Co. Dublin. BARRETT, MRS., 30, Courtfield-gardens, South Kensington, London, S.W. BARRINGTON, HON. ERIC, 62, Cadogan-place, London, S.W. BAYNES, ROBERT EDWARD, M.A., Christ Church, Oxford. BEATTY, OCTAVIUS, Exeter College, Oxford. BENHAM, ROBERT FITZROY, M.RC.S., Abercorn House, Baron's Court, London, S. W. BENNETT, EDWARD T., 27, Church-road, Richmond, near London. BEVERIDGE, ERSKINE, St. Leonard's Hill, Dunfermline. BIDDER, G. P., Q.C., Ravensbury Park, Mitcham, Surrey. BIDDER, MRS. G., Ravensbury Park, Mitcham, Surrey. BIDDELL, SIDNEY, 32, The Grove, Boltons, London, S. W. BLAQUIERE, MRS. CHARLP.8 DE, 1, Hyde Park Mansions, London. W. BODMER, J. J., 44, Aberdeen Park Road, London, N. BRETT, GEORGE, The College, Weston-super.Mare. BRIDSON, JOSEPH RIDGWAY, Belle Isle, Windermere. BROWNING, OSCAR, M.A., King's College, Cambridge. BRYCE, J. P., J.P., Bystock, near Exmouth, Devon. BUSHBY, HENRY NORTH GRANT, Trinity College, Cambridge. BUSHELL, REV. W. D., M.A., Harrow-on-the-Hill, near London. BUTLER, REV. CANON, M.A., Worcester. BUTLER, .EDWARD, 2, Hatherley-road, Kew Gardens, S. W. CAITHNESS, THE COUNTESS OF, DUCHESSE DE POMAR, 51, Rue de l'Universite, Paris. CALDER, ALEXANDER, I, Hereford-square, South KensingtOn, London. S.W. CARPENTER, MAJOR GEO. W. WALLACE, 28, Ashley-place. Victoria­ street, London, S.W. CASTLE, ROBERT, 9. Canterbury-road, Oxford. Digitized by Coogle List qf Members and Associates. 319 CLOSE, CHARLES ARTHUR, M.A., B.C.L., 30, St. James'-square, London, S.W. CLOSE, REV. MAXWELL H., M.A., University Club, Dublin. COFFIN, WALTER H., F.L.S., 94, Cornwall-gardens, London, S.W. (JOLCHESTER, W. P., Ellershouse, Nova Scotia. CORBET, REV. R. W., M.A, Stoke Rectory, Hodnet, Shropshire. CUWSHAY, ROBERT, 16, Berkeley-square, London, W. CUFFE, HON. O. FREDERICK SEYMOUR, 2, Tedworth-square, Chelsea, S.W. DAKYNS, HENRY GRAHAM, M.A., 3, 'Upper . Belgrave·road, Clifton, Bristol. DAWE, N, FABYAN, Old Grove House, Hampstead Heath, London, N. W. DELMAR, F., 17, St. Petersburgh-place, Bayswater, London, W. DODGSON, REV. CHARLES LUTWIDGE, M.A, Christ Ohurch, Oxford. DOWNING, CHARLES, 3, Hollybush Hill, Hampstead, London, N.W. DRAYSON, MAJOR-GENERAL, R.A, Royal Albert Yacht Club, Southsea. ELDER, ALEXANDER LANG, Campden House, Kensington, London, W. ELVEY, MISS MARY M., Finborough-road,West Brompton,London,S.W. ENO, J. C., Wood Hall, Dulwich, London, S.E. FINCH,GERARD BROWN, M.A., 24,Old-square,Lincoln's Inn, London, W.C. FLORENCE, ERNEST B.,14, Emperor's-gate, South Kensington,London,S. W. FLOWER, MRS. CYRIL, Aston Clinton, Tring. FORD, MRS. LAWSON, Adel Grange, Leeds. FOUNTAIN, ALFRED, Highfield, Hillingdon, Uxbridge, Middlesex. Fox, ST. GEORGE LANE, Garden Mansions, Queen Anne's-gate, London, S.W. FRY, LEWIS GEORGE, Goldney House, Clifton, Bristol. GARDNER, HERBERT, 46, Dover-street, Piccadilly, London, W. GARRETT, MISS AGNES, 2, Gower-street, London, W.C. GARY, BARON RAYMOND DE, 17, Rue d'Anjou St. Honore, Paris. GATTY, ALFRED SCOTT, 71, Warwick-road, London, S.W. GEBHARD, MRS., 12, Platzhoff Strasse, Elberfeld. GELL, PHILIP LYTTELTON, M.A., 2, Tanfield-court, Temple, London,E.C. GLINKA, MADEMOISELLE DE, 1, Rue Lincoln, Champs Elysees, Paris. GORDON, ROBERT, M. Inst. C.E., 4, Elgin-crescent, N otting Hill, London, W. GRAHAM, ALEXANDER, 9, Gray's Inn-square, London, W.C. GRANT, THOMAS, Shirley House, Maidstone. GRIFFIN, FRANCIS CHARLES, 1, Kensington Palace-gardens, London, W. GRUBBE, HUBERT H., 29, Holland-park, London, W. GURNEY, EDMUND, M.A., 26, Montpelier-square, London, S. W. GURNEY, REV. ALFRED, M.A., St. Barnabas Parsonage, Pimlico, London, S.W. GURNEY, MRS. RUSSE:LL, 3, Orme-square, London, W. Digitized by Coogle 320 List oj Members and Associates. GUTHRIE, MALCOLM, J.P., 2, Parkfield-road, LbTerpooL HAMILTON, MAJOR qAWIN ROWAN, The Castle, Killyleagh, Co. Down. HAMILTON, MISS, Lansdowne, Farquhar-road, Upper Norwood, London. S.E. HARGREAVES, T. SIDNEY, 218,Golborne-road,NorthKensington,London, W. HARTLEY, LIEUT.-COL. J., LL.D., D.L., The Old Downs, Hartley, near Fawkham, via Dartford. HAUGHTON, REV. G. D., 13, Cecil-street, Strand, London, W.C. HENNIKER-MAJOR, THE HON. MARY, 6, Grafton-street, London, W. HENNINGS, MRS. MARY, Sunninghill, 78, Thicket-road, Anerley, S.E. HERRINGHAM, MRS., 22, Bedford-square, London, W.C. HODGSON, RICHARD, B.A., St. John's College, Cambridge. HOGG, MISS A. M. M., Berry Head House, Brixham. HOGG, H., M.A., New University Club, St. James'. London, S.W. HOGG, JONATHAN, Stratford, Rathgar, Co. Dublin. HOLLAND, SYDNEY G., 21, Queen-street, Mayfair, London, W. HOLLOND, JOHN R., M.P., 57, Lancaster-gate, London, W. HOLT, H. SHERWIN, Ogbeare Hall, Holsworthy, Devon. HOOD, H. J., M.A., 115, St. George's-road, London, S.W. HOPKINSON, PROFESSOR ALFRED, M.A., B.C.L., The Owens College. Manchester. I HORSFALL, CHARLES EDWARD, Grassendale Priory, Liverpool. HOUGHTON, LORD, D.C.L., F.R.S., &c., Fryst,one Hall, Pontefract, Yorkshire. HUGHES, FRANK SEPTIMUS, 11, Staples Inn, London, E.O. HUGHES, CAPTAIN HENRY MORGAN, F.R.G.S., Brooklyn, Wilbury-r08d, Hove, Sussex. JAMESON, F., 6, Westbourne Park-villas, London, W. JAMESON, MISS, Glencormac, Bray, Ireland. JEBB, J. GLADWYN, 11, Chester-place, Hyde Park-square, London, W. JEUNE, MRS., 37, Wimpole-street, London, W. JOYC~ SAMUEL, JUNR., European Telegraph Works, Pownall-road. Dalston, London, E. KAY, H. A., 371, Welltgate-road, Newcastle-on-Tyne. KEIGHTLEY, BERTRAM, B.A., 20, Stanley-gardens, London, W. KELSO, COlIM_<L.~DER, R.N., 96, Hyde Park-square, London, W. KIMBER, MRS., 3, Roland-gardens, South Kensington, London, S. W. KIRWAN, J. J., Reform Club, London, W. LAFONE, ALFRED WILLIAM, Hatton, Bedfont, Middlesex. LAFONE, HAROLD, B.A., Hanworth Park, Feltham, Middlesex. LAMPLUGH, REV. DAVID, M.A, Yalding Vicarage, Maidstone. LATHAM, MRS. P. W., 17, Trumpington-street, Cambridge. LAURIE, REGINALD NORTHALL, 4, Queen Anne's-gate, Westminster, S.W. LEAF, WALTER, M.A., Old Change, London, E.C. Digitized by Coogle Li8t of Xember8 and A880ciate8. 321 LEIGHTON, SIR BALDWYN, BART., M.P., 49, Upper Brook-street, Gros- venor-square, London, W. LEONARD, ARTHUR G., M.A., 44, Highbury-hill, London, N. LEYCESTER, MRS., 6, Cheyne-walk, Chelsea, London, S. W. LEYSON, MISS KATE, Penscynnor, Neath, South Walel!. LONGSTAFF, GEORGE BLUNDELL, M.A., M.B. (Oxon.), Southfield Grangt'~ W oodhill-road, Wandsworth, S. W. LoNSDALE, GLADYS, COUNTESS OF, 12, Bruton-street, London, W. MACALtSTER, JOHN Y. W., Leeds Library, Leeds. MACCOLL, REV. CANON MALCOLM, M.A., 1, New Bur1ington-street~ London, W. MANDERS, H., F.R.C.S., Agincourt HouRe, Yorktown, Farnborough Station, Hants. MARSHALL, MRS. EDGAR, 3, Rupert-road, Bedford Park, Chiswick. MARSHALL, JOHN WILLIAM, M.A., The Holt, Godalming. MASSEY, CHARLES C., I,Albert Mansions, Victoria-street, London, S.''''. MILES, FRANK, Tite-street, Chelsea, London, S:W. MONTEFIORE, F., 4, Great Stanhope-street, London, W. MONEy-COUTTS, FRANCIS BURDETT, Ancote, Weybridge. MORELL, J. D., LL.D., Clevelands, Fitzjohn's-avenue, London, N.W. MOSES, REV. W. STAINTON, M.A., 21, Birchington-road, London, N.'Y. MOUNT-TEMPLE, THE LADY, Broadlands, Romsey, Hants. MURRAY-AYNSLEY, MRS., Great Brampton, near Hereford. MYERS, FREDERIC W. H., M.A., Leckhampton House, Cambridge. MYERS, A. T., M.D., 24, Clarges-street, Piccadilly, London, W. NEVILL, E. A., 13, Rryanston-street, Portman-square, London, W. NEWNHAM, REV. P. H., Maker Vicarage, Devonport. PAGAN, MISS C., MarstonLodge, Harrow-on-the-Hill, near London. PAGE, A. C., M.D., Truro, Nova Scotia.
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