E1560 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks December 9, 2019 KATY AMERICAN LEGION POST 164 following World War I, as smaller communities for Children of Military Members and Civil REMEMBERS OUR FALLEN WAR- like Stillwater returned to normal, they sought Servants Act. RIORS to refocus to improve their communities. I applaud Judiciary Chairman JERROLD NAD- Stillwater’s club charter was sponsored by the LER (D–NY) and House Judiciary Ranking HON. PETE OLSON St. Paul and Minneapolis clubs, and was for- Member DOUG COLLINS (R–GA) for introducing mally presented to the Stillwater club on Sep- this bipartisan legislation aimed to fix a prob- OF TEXAS tember 26, 1919. Today the club has over 60 lem in current citizenship laws. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES members from diverse personal and profes- The current citizenship law implemented by Monday, December 9, 2019 sional backgrounds and are a part of the larg- this Administration in October, serves as a dis- er community of 1.2 million Rotarians world- advantage to certain children who are born Mr. OLSON. Madam Speaker, I rise today wide. abroad and reside with a parent serving over- to recognize American Legion Post 164 in Throughout their 100 years, the Stillwater seas in the military or as a federal government Katy, Texas for their efforts to honor our fallen Rotary Club has become a prominent commu- employee. service members this holiday season. nity organization as it has chartered new clubs Under current law, such children are re- As Americans, we know that some of our in the area, supported numerous local and quired to establish U.S. residency in order to military service members make the ultimate international charities, and completed many obtain citizenship, which can be difficult when sacrifice to protect and preserve our way of community service projects. From its earliest a parent is stationed overseas. life. The Wreaths Across America program is years, the club made great contributions to the a solemn way to honor and remember our fall- This small but important change is the nec- community, demonstrating the Rotary motto of essary fix for U.S. armed forces and in federal en heroes by distributing a token of our appre- ‘‘Service Above Self’’. The Stillwater Club ciation and remembrance at this time of year. government positions overseas. sponsored the creation of a bathhouse at Lily I am glad we could work together to intro- American Legion Post 164 worked incredibly Lake Beach, a barge terminal in Stillwater, a hard gathering sponsors to fund their goal of duce this bipartisan legislation that provides tourist camp on the Saint Croix River, and a greater flexibility and support to those who placing 450 wreaths this year. They surpassed Scout cabin on Big Marine Lake. In 1927 their this goal in their gracious efforts to remember have dedicated their careers to serving our seven-year project of lighting Main Street in nation. our fallen warriors, securing enough sponsors Stillwater came to fruition; a major accomplish- American citizens who are deployed mem- to fund over 500 wreaths for the Magnolia ment for the club. They also sponsored the bers of our military or government officials Cemetery. founding of the Washington County Historical working abroad should have confidence their On behalf of the Twenty-Second Congres- Society in 1934, a non-profit educational insti- children will receive U.S. citizenship. sional District of Texas, I thank Post 164 for tution that remains active today with the mis- their valiant work to ensure our fallen service sion to collect, preserve, and disseminate the Military families are already making tremen- members are never forgotten during the holi- vibrant history of Washington County and the dous sacrifices to serve our country abroad days and throughout the year. greater State of Minnesota. and the children should not have to be penal- ized. f Today, Kathleen Elbert leads the Stillwater Rotary Club and the organization continues to I urge my colleagues to join me in sup- PERSONAL EXPLANATION be a leader in service. Their annual Taste of porting H.R. 4803 because our military fami- the Valley event raises funds for non-profit or- lies should not have to deal with the bureauc- HON. ADAM KINZINGER ganizations like the American Cancer Society racy of this Administration for their children to and the Boy Scouts of America, as well as be United States citizens. OF ILLINOIS local groups including Stillwater Area High IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES School and the St. Croix Valley Learning Cen- f ter. The club also takes on international serv- Monday, December 9, 2019 RECOGNIZING THE HEROISM OF ice endeavors through their sponsorship of a CANYON GATE VOLUNTEER Mr. KINZINGER. Madam Speaker, I was not hospital in Tanzania, construction of roads in FIREFIGHTERS present to cast votes on Friday, December 6. Guatemala, and support of Rotary Inter- Had I been present, I would have voted national’s efforts to eradicate polio worldwide NAY on Roll Call No. 652, YEA on Roll Call among other initiatives. HON. PETE OLSON No. 653, and NAY on Roll Call No. 654. Rotarians worldwide utilize an ethical guide OF TEXAS f called the Four-Way Test which asks the fol- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES lowing questions: Is it the truth? Is it fair to all COMMEMORATING THE 100TH ANNI- concerned? Will it build goodwill and better Monday, December 9, 2019 VERSARY OF THE STILLWATER, friendships? Will it be beneficial to all con- MINNESOTA ROTARY CLUB Mr. OLSON. Madam Speaker, I rise today cerned? These questions are especially pre- to recognize the Community Volunteer Fire scient today. Stillwater Rotarians have served Department in Canyon Gate for their heroic HON. BETTY McCOLLUM their community for a century in agreement actions saving the lives of three pets from a OF MINNESOTA with these principles, setting an example for burning home. all of us to remember to be truthful, to be fair, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES For many, pets can be a part of our families to build goodwill and grow in our friendships, nearly as much as our brothers, sisters, moth- Monday, December 9, 2019 and to live our lives in service for others. ers and fathers are. Losing a pet is hard for Ms. MCCOLLUM. Madam Speaker, I rise Madam Speaker, please join me in recog- everyone, especially in times of tragedy. today to honor the centennial anniversary of nizing the members of the Stillwater Rotary The Community Volunteer Fire Department the Stillwater, Minnesota Rotary Club. Since Club on its 100 years of serving the commu- went above and beyond in their duties to its founding in 1919, Stillwater Rotary Club nity. make sure a family did not have to go through has actively advanced the mission of Rotary f that pain. While a TX–22 family was away, International by providing service to others, their house unfortunately caught fire with their CITIZENSHIP FOR CHILDREN OF promoting integrity, and fostering world under- three pets—a cat, a dog and a kitten—trapped MILITARY MEMBERS AND CIVIL standing, goodwill, and peace through fellow- on the first floor. These heroes risked their SERVANTS ACT ship of business, professional, and community lives to ensure that these pets were reunited leaders. with their families in the face of disaster. SPEECH OF Stillwater Rotary Club was begun just 14 We send our heartfelt appreciation to the years after Rotary International was founded HON. SHEILA JACKSON LEE Community Volunteer Fire Department and all by Chicago attorney Paul Harris in 1905. OF TEXAS our firefighters in TX–22 who put their lives on Community leaders in Stillwater shared a de- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the line each and every day to rescue those sire to serve their community in fellowship with in danger—be they people or pets. On behalf one another, and so joined together to begin Tuesday, December 3, 2019 of the Twenty-Second Congressional District the Stillwater Rotary Club. At the time, most Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Speaker, I rise in of Texas, they make our community very Rotary Clubs were located in larger cities, but strong support of H.R. 4803, the Citizenship proud. VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:18 Dec 10, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A09DE8.009 E09DEPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with REMARKS.
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