11111 i-l 11111I j1111 M 111111 mi 11 II 111111iI 11iI 11II1111 I I I 11 II I I I II I I II II I I i II Trackmen Romp page 18 April 28, 1981 Danes Sweep Colgate as Esposito Gets Record by Bob Bellaflore sixth when Rhodes (2-3) doubled to to bunt him over, but Masseroni's As a rule, Division III teams are the right field corner. Designated throw pulled Rowlands off the bag not supposed to beat Division I runner Steve Shucker went to third and both men were on. Kratley Cocks' New Contract is Recommended teams. on Colgate hurlcr Joe Spofford's struck out on three pitches, but Staats singled to right and Nuti by Belli Sexer So much for rules. wild pitch, and came in on Lynch's portant llial he be shown .support. scored. positive recommendation he looks The Albany State varsity baseball line single to center. Faeully and students afire over Marlin said lhai on a personal all accounts one of Ihe besl teachers team won its eighth game in a row Colgate's runs were all unearned. Colgate went up 2-1 in the next Vice President for Academic Af­ for "a balance of leaching and in ihc university should be sum­ level he had "mixed emotions" and scholarship and university service." and increased their already im­ They got one in the fifth when John inning. Tortorello went deep in the fairs David Martin's recommenda­ "severe reservations" about his marily canned" for not publishing pressive record to 10-1 by sweeping Kratley reached on a force play, hole at shortstop to field Dave tion thai Political Science Professor Martin's firs! recommendation enough, he said. latest recommendation ihni Cocks was submitted to O'Lcary despite a double-header over Division I went to second on a perfect bunt Wolf's hard grounder, but his Peter Cocks' contract not be renew­ Studenls also responded in pro­ he retained on stall'. the department's 12 lo 2 vole In Colgate, taking the first game 4-2 single by Jim March, and came in throw was in the dirt, skipped by ed, can relax. After reconsidering les! of Martin's original recommen­ Cocks would not coiumeni of­ favor of retaining Cocks, and a and coming from behind in the when Rivera's throw to first to first Rowlands and Wolf look second. his position, Martin sent a recom­ dation. One group of students peli- Trunfio followed with an RBI mendation thai Cocks be rehired lo ficially on the issue before Marlin's strong recommendation by Magid. night-cap, 3-2, Saturday afternoon. trying to complete what would have reversal, and was unavailable for linncd Marlin lo reverse his deci­ single up Ihc middle. 5UNYA President Vinceni O'l.cary Dean of ihe Gradtialc School of Ace righthander Mike Esposito been an inning-ending double play comment afterwards. sion, said student Jim Ticrncy. got a complete game victory in the was too high for Bruce Rowlands to "When we got behind 2-1, it yesterday. Public Affairs Orvlllc Poland seal a Several faeully members and They had also marked Monday as opener for his third win of the spr­ handle. woke us up," said Albany baseball weak recommendation lo Manin O'Lcury said Ihc vice president students believed the reason for "Save Peter Cocks Day." Studenls ing (his eighth overall) and the all- coach Rick Skeel. suggesting llial Cock's contract be Their second tally came in the top for academic affairs is responsible Martin's original decision nol lo would have been encouraged lo call time Albany win mark. Ron renewed for one year only. of the seventh inning. Kratley led The awakening became unplea­ for issuing recommendations regar­ renew Cocks' contract was dial or visit Martin lo ask him lo renew Masseroni also went the distance in Magid confirmed the depart­ off with a single to right and went sant for Colgate, and Albany got ding llic appointment and reap­ Cocks did noi publish enough. Cocks' iwo year contract. the night-cap and grabbed his to third when Antalek could not gel two runs in the fifth. Designated ment's vole of support for Cocks, pointment of faculty, and although Mailin would nol specify why he The Political Science Association fourth win in five decisions. Ihc handle on March's ensuing hitter Jerry Rosen walked, went to bin would noi comment on Mar- O'Lcary has final approval, ihe vice did nol Initially give Cocks a was also planning a protest before single. A walk to Dan Trunfio load­ second on an errant pickoff at­ lin's original recommendation, The Danes wasted no time in get­ president's recommendations arc, favorable recommendation. He did Martin's decision reversal, said ed the bases, and Kratley scored tempt, moved to third on Verde's Assistant Professor Raymond ting on the scoreboard in the first as a rule, accepted. say, however, lhan when Cocks' association vice president Lisa Professor Peter Cocks when Slaals grounded out to se­ single, and was awarded home on Seidclnian of ihe Department of game and did it with classic baseball Martin said his decision reversal new iwo year contract expires in Thomas, Members distributed a cond. Mann's balk. Political Science expressed anger His department supported him. strategy. Leadoff hitter Bob Tor- was an "outcome of a discussion" September 1982, he will be eligible petition, spoke before political over Ihc university's emphasis on SUNYA for ten years, during which torello walked and stole second. But Ihe Danes got out of the jam Lynch brought Verde across the with Department of Political for lenurc consideration, and thai science classes, and were planning Center fielder Matt Antalek follow­ when Arcario snared Joe Murphy's plate with the winning run with his Science Chair Alvin Magid, who publishing, which was believed lo lo gather in front of the Graduate lime he taught part lime and full "a two year term would allow him lime at ihc university, and as an In­ ed with a sacrifice bunt, moving soft liner at third and stepped on Ihird RBI hit of the day. Masscroni recommended llial Cocks' contract be Ihe reason Cocks' contract was School of Public Affairs building (Cocks) lo coinptele scholarly pro- structor at Ihe Allen Center. Cocks Tortorellb to third. After top Dane Ihe bag for the game-ending double retired Ihc last six Colgate batters in originally nol renewed. "The issue Monday while several students con­ be renewed. Since Magid is a new jecls." also received Ihc Chancellor's hitter Bob Arcario (.432, 16-37) was play. order and completed Ihc sweep on a llial should and ought lo he raised is ferred willi Marlin. department chair, Marlin felt it Im­ Marlin also said llial in giving a Award for Excellence in Teaching walked, number five hitter Frankie day not exactly made for baseball. whether or nol a person who is by Cocks has been affiliated wilh In the night-cap, Albany wenl in 1979. Rivera singled Tortorello home. out to an early lead again — this The freezing cold and riddling winds made il lough for the hitters In the second, Albany had time in the second inning. Red all day. Since the regular field was another run before Colgate could Raider starter Carter Mann walked in bad condition, Ihe Danes played get an out. Right fielder Tom Verde Rowlands on four pitches to lead on the J.V. field and had lo face the (2-5 for the day) doubled off the off. Rivera followed with a high fly wind. Few Women Employed at SUNYA bag at third base. Then designated to right thai got caught in the swirl­ ing wind. Trunfio twisted and fell hitter Bobby Rhodes singled over "If we had played on our field," , by Sue Smith but nol llic criteria when hiring." assistant professor or sociology, bui while chasing it, and the ball drop­ shortstop Ken Slaats' head, and the Skeel said with confidence, "il The percentage of full-time Bose explained that SUNYA docs she wenl lo Nortli Carolina in­ ped behind him. By the lime he got Danes led, 2-0. wouldn't have been close." female professors employed al nol provide strong support systems stead." Ihc ball lo the infield, Rowland This afternoon, Ihe Danes face a Left fielder Jim Lynch's first SUNYA has dropped from seven for wombn. "A lot of women are Affirmative Action Director scored, and Rivera was parked on quality RPI team at 3:00 behind In­ percent in 1977 lo five perccnl in home run of the season in llic socially Isolated in Iheir department Gloria DeSolc explained why it ap­ Ihird with a stand-up triple. dian Quad, and Skeel is taking litis 1981. fourth inning gave Albany all llic and don't gel Ihe support they pears thai many women are going Colgate Med ii up in the Ihird. Se­ one like he has laken every game so runs they needed to clinch the win need. There is social isolation also lo "belter schools." cond baseman Dave Nuli singled far. "We've got lo lake one game at Albany ace Mike Esposito lakes the sign en route to selling Ihc all-lime for Esposito. ^ NEWS ANAlysis — they're noi on Ihc basketball "They talk of a style and if Ihey past ihird lo lead off. March tried continued on page nineteen Great Dane win mark Saturday. (I'holo: Dave Asher) The Danes got one more in the courts wilh the group." can'l gel her — forget il.
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