Office of the Governor Annual Report 2010 - 2011 To obtain information about the content of this report, please contact: Air Commodore Mark Gower OAM (Retd) Official Secretary Office of the Governor, Queensland GPO Box 434 Brisbane Qld 4001 Telephone: (07) 3858 5700 Facsimile: (07) 3858 5701 Email: [email protected] Information about the activities of the Queensland Governor and the operations of the Office of the Governor is available at the following internet address: www.govhouse.qld.gov.au Internet annual report: www.govhouse.qld.gov.au/news_media/annual_reports.aspx Copyright and ISSN © The State of Queensland (Office of the Governor) 2011. Copyright protects this publication except for purposes permitted by the Copyright Act. Reproduction by whatever means is prohibited without the prior written permission of the accountable officer. ISSN 1837 – 2775 Aim of Report The Office of the Governor Annual Report 2010–2011 is an integral part of the Office of the Governor’s corporate governance framework and describes the achievements, performance, outlook and financial position of the Office for the financial year. The Annual Report is a key accountability document and the principal way in which the Office reports on activities and provides a full and complete picture of its performance to Parliament and the wider community. The Report covers the objectives, activities and performance of the Office during the period 1 July 2010 to 30 June 2011 and includes information and images that illustrate the many activities which the Office undertakes to provide personal, administrative and logistic support to the Governor and manage the Government House Estate. The Office of the Governor advises Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people that this Annual Report may contain images of people who are deceased. The Office does not wish to cause distress to any Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community members. Feedback Readers are encouraged to comment on this report by completing the enclosed feedback form which can be photocopied and faxed or scanned and emailed as an attachment to the Office of the Governor. The Honourable John Mickel MP Speaker of the Legislative Assembly Parliament House George Street BRISBANE QLD 4000 Dear Mr Speaker I am pleased to present to you the Office of the Governor Annual Report 2010–2011. I certify that this Annual Report: • complies with the prescribed requirements of the Financial Accountability Act 2009 and the Financial and Performance Management Standard 2009; and • reflects the achievements of the Office in providing an effective and accountable agency which supports the Governor of Queensland. Yours sincerely Mark Gower OAM Official Secretary 30 September 2011 iv Office of the Governor, Queensland Annual Report 2010 - 2011 Table of Contents Official Secretary’s Summary. .2 Year in Review. .2 Outlook for 2011-2012 . 3 Office Overview . 5 Corporate Objectives . .5 Corporate Governance . 7 Management Processes . 7 Management Structure . 7 Decision Making and Advisory Structures. .8 Measuring Corporate Governance . 9 Report on Performance . 11 Constitutional and Legal. 11 Ceremonial . 12 Community Engagement . 13 Promoting Queensland . 20 Preserving Government House . 21 Effective Management . .22 Financial Overview . 25 Expenditure 2010–2011 . 25 Consultancies . 25 Public Liability . 25 Waste Management . 25 Environmental Management . 25 2010–2011 Statement of Assurance . 25 Financial Statements . 27 Feedback on the Office of the Governor Annual Report 2010–2011 . 50 Office of the Governor, Queensland Annual Report 2010 - 2011 1 Official Secretary’s Summary Year in Review The Office employs a small, committed and dedicated team of staff that administers and The Office continued coordinates the Governor’s constitutional to provide a range responsibilities, ceremonial activities, and of services to the program of community engagement, and manages Governor, Her the Government House Estate. Staff levels have Excellency Ms Penelope remained constant over the reporting period. Wensley AC, to support her constitutional The year’s Office activities include the following role and to further highlights: her work in assisting • supporting an active program of engagement communities and with major institutions and community individuals in this Mark Gower OAM, organisations, notably those of which the reporting period. This Official Secretary Governor is Patron, involving visits, advocacy, period marked Her official calls and meetings, and the hosting of Excellency’s third functions to celebrate significant anniversaries, year in office as the Queen’s representative in recognise particular achievements, and other Queensland. The Office also supported official activities to support and promote these programs for the Honourable Chief Justice Paul institutions and organisations in serving the de Jersey AC, as Acting Governor and Deputy Queensland community; Governor and the Honourable Justice Margaret McMurdo AC, as Acting Governor, during Her • arranging investiture ceremonies at Excellency’s absences during the year. Government House and in Far North Queensland for residents of Queensland to The Office commits significant effort to organising receive awards within the Australian honours the Governor’s program of visits throughout system; Queensland and a significant feature of the Governor’s travel program in 2010–2011 was • supporting an extensive visits program, directed to visiting communities affected by including through the provision of detailed natural disasters. briefings on locations visited and, in 2011, organising a comprehensive program of travel This period also saw the continued introduction to rain-, flood- and cyclone-affected areas; of many new and revised systems, processes and efficiencies resulting from a series of • providing timely administrative support to organisational reviews designed to modernise the Governor in the management of weekly and improve productivity of the Office. Corporate Executive Council meetings, the signing of governance policies and procedures were bills for assent, the handling of petitions, particularly targeted this year and as a result and the processing of heavy volumes of major upgrades of the Office’s outdated computer correspondence; systems and equipment were introduced. • coordinating an extensive program of visits by The introduction of new technologies will community groups and schools and the hosting enable the Office to function more efficiently in of two public Open Days to mark Australia support of the Governor’s program and enhance Day and Queensland Week, the latter with a communication with Government and the community fair component; Queensland community. 2 Office of the Governor, Queensland Annual Report 2010 - 2011 • successful implementation of an Information Our key focus will be to: and Communications Technology (ICT) • ensure responsive service to the Governor modernisation program to update the Office’s in carrying out the Constitutional and out-dated finance, database and records Ceremonial requirements associated with management systems. These projects, expertly representing the Head of State in Queensland; co-managed by the Department of the Premier and Cabinet, are nearing finalisation; • provide accessibility to the Governor for all Queenslanders through an extensive and • refinement of corporate governance relevant program of regional travel and requirements and review of administrative community engagement; policies, guidelines and work practices to support best practice accountability in the • build opportunities for the Governor to management of public resources; promote Queensland’s attributes to visitors, particularly during a time of disaster • development of a Bushland Management Plan reconstruction, recognising the need to attract in partnership with the Department of Public foreign investment and tourism; Works to guide the preservation, enhancement and management of the bushland zone on the • continue to preserve and conserve the heritage Government House Estate; and horticultural assets of the Government House Estate for future community enjoyment; • restoration of significant artworks on loan and from the Queen’s Royal Collection Trust and from the Government House Collection; • maintain best practice delivery of our Corporate Governance Framework. • compulsory whole-of-Office training program in health, safety, code of conduct, ethics As a small Office, the finalisation of the and performance management to meet our ICT modernisation project will be critical in corporate and social responsibilities; and increasing efficiencies in a time of limited public budget and spending. New systems to support • a full safety management review and the financial management and customer relationship introduction of a revised Safety Management management were finalised and implemented in System, Fire and Evacuation Plan and 2011 while an efficient records management system Emergency Procedures to support staff and is planned for completion during 2011-2012. public safety in accordance with current legislative requirements. The Office will continue to work in conjunction with the Department of Public Works to prioritise Outlook for 2011-2012 the preservation and conservation of Government House and the Estate and to identify an ongoing In the year ahead, the Office will continue to work program of capital works and maintenance. In to provide quality support to the Governor, with particular, the development of plans to
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