COMPUTER-AIDED DESIGN & APPLICATIONS, 2016 VOL. 13, NO. 4, 471–483 http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/16864360.2015.1131540 Multi-CAD approach for knowledge-based design methods Markus Salchner1 , Severin Stadler1 ,MarioHirz1 , Johannes Mayr2 and Jonathan Ameye2 1Graz University of Technology, Austria; 2MAGNA STEYR Engineering AG & Co KG, Austria ABSTRACT KEYWORDS The CAD-based design phase is characterized by a cooperation of manufacturer and supplier, which Knowledge-Based Design; often use CAD software with different versions or even different vendors. In this context, the paper Design Automation; focusses on the development and application of knowledge-based engineering (KBE) within multi- Multi-CAD CAD environment. Usually, knowledge-based design (KBD) methods are developed within and for specific CAD systems, respectively specific software configurations or releases. Engineering and com- ponent supplier companies are faced with the problem that car manufacturers (OEM) work with different CAD software solutions. A multi-CAD strategy is able to support the handling and orga- nization of different CAD-related project environments, especially in view of knowledge-based and automated design applications, as well as data management. The presented approach provides a platform for the efficient development of KBD applications for multi-CAD environments. 1. Introduction Usually, KBD methods are developed within and for specific CAD systems, respectively specific software During the past decades, the development period of a configurations or releases [3], [12]. Especially in case newcarhasbeenreducedfromfiveyearsandmoreto of problem-oriented knowledge-based applications, the about two years. These considerable time savings can be compatibility to a variety of CAD software is restricted attributed to a continuous optimization and improve- duetoahighlevelofprogrammedcustomizedfea- mentofdevelopmentprocesses.Inthiscontext,vir- tures. Engineering and component supplier companies tual development methods play a prominent role. Prod- are faced with the problem that car manufacturers (OEM) uct Lifecycle Management (PLM) solutions are used for apply different design methods based on different CAD data organization, distribution and storage within dif- software solutions as can be seen in Figure 1.Inthis ferent computer-aided design and simulation applica- example, an automotive supplier has to support dif- tions. This comprises computer-aided design (CAD), ferent CAD systems, including numerous OEM-related styling (CAS), manufacturing (CAM), as well as com- methodical requirements. This results in a need of high putational toolkits, e.g. multi-body simulation (MBS), sophisticated levels of knowledge in different CAD- computational fluid dynamics (CFD) or finite element systems including a complex application of knowledge- method simulation (FEM). Furthermore, lifecycle anal- based design tools. A multi-CAD strategy, as introduced yses (LCA) can also be implemented in modern PLM in the present paper, is able to support the handling and systems. The broad field of computational design and organization of different CAD-related project environ- engineering disciplines within automotive development ments, especially in view of knowledge-based and auto- requires a strong interaction in view of efficient software mated design applications, as well as data management. applications. Especially the CAD-based design phase is characterized by a cooperation of manufacturer and sup- plier, which often operate on various CAD systems with 2. Knowledge-based design methods different versions or even different vendors. In this con- text, the paper focusses on the development and appli- ThefirstparagraphsgiveanoutlineontheKBEresearch cation of knowledge-based engineering (KBE) within area and the state of the art methodology. KBD meth- multi-CAD environment. KBE deals with the storage and ods are a specialization of KBE with focus on the design reuse of knowledge in product development processes process. An overview on of KBE evolution, approaches, [16]. A design-oriented specialization of KBE is known methodologies and future trends including the notion as knowledge-based design (KBD) [6], [8]. of KBE is treated in Reddy et al. [16], who presented CONTACT Markus Salchner [email protected] © 2016 CAD Solutions, LLC, http://www.cadanda.com 472 M. SALCHNER ET AL. rule-based functionalities, which requires the application of another language; the Semantic Web Rule Language (SWRL). Further mentioned languages and interfaces are Common Logic Interchange Format (CLIF), Opera- tional Conceptual Modelling Language (OCML) and Java Expert System Shell (JESS). Tocouple this knowledge sys- tem with suitable user interfaces and visualization tools, further APIs are required. In that approach, the transfer to an IDE Platform – Eclipse [5]–iscarriedoutbythe Jena API and OWL-API. Finally, the geometrical visual- ization is performed by a standardized 3D API, which is based on Java. The implementation of CAD related func- tionalitiesisnotexplicitmentioninthiswork.Further- more, the mix of different programming and modeling languages is quite challenging. Nevertheless, this paper presents a full platform independent approach [17]. A new, different approach, presented in this paper, uses a single programming – and modeling language and supports various IT solutions including CAD systems by different satellites (Figure 5). In contrast to Sanya and Shehaba [17]thisproposedsystemislimitedtoMicrosoft Figure 1. Automotive supplier challenge: OEMs with different Windows platform [13], which does not constitute a sig- CAD environments. nificant disadvantage in the automotive sector. Figure 2 illustratesaprinciplechartofthediffer- ent KBD levels. The implementation and development anapproach“tocarryingouttheresearchtodevelopa of design methods can only be efficient and successful, web-oriented function based parametric modeling sys- if group-wide directives are clearly defined. This com- tem using KBE” and pointed the high future potential of prises a project independent overall process, design and Case-based KBE application [9]. automation directive. The workflow process including There is no specific definition of KBE, in general, the release, change and quality management is in com- knowledge-based methods are used to capture and mon regulated and handled by a product data manage- reuse engineering knowledge. The slightly more detailed ment system, like Teamcenter [18]. The definition of part, notion from Stokes “use of advanced software technolo- respectively assembly design within a CAD system is dif- gies to capture and reuse product and process knowl- ferent due to numerous design possibilities and working edge in an integrated way” is often cited [20]. The enor- methods of the engineers. In addition, the inescapable mous potential of KBD regarding cost and time reduction verification is quite challenging. The definition and han- and the simultaneous quality and efficiency improvement dling of required global directives for one single CAD leads to a continuous development and research in this system is state of the art and mostly supported by dif- area [16], [10], [11], [23]. ferent integrated design-related checkers, like Q-Checker Some shortcomings because of considerable effort for [22] for CATIA [4]orCheckMateinNX[18]. A list maintenance and management of several KBD appli- of necessary automation guidelines for the management cations within CAD environment or platform inde- of KBD is mentioned in Figure 2.Thisincludesfor pendent has been also been treaded in several litera- example the definition of the development environment, ture. Sanya and Shehaba [17] identified the need “to programming language, structure, rollout method and standardize the internal knowledge representation of further framework conditions. KBE applications and interfaces with product develop- The nethermost KBD methods, shown on the left side ment solutions (i.e. PLM, CAx)”. Therefore, an ontology in Figure 2, are non-parametric models. This implies, that framework for the aerospace sector was presented. The the engineer creates for example a specific CAD model main idea was to decouple the knowledge model from with given dimensions, whereby a geometrical variation the operating CAD system using standardized interfaces is not possible afterwards. In such a case, the complete like Extensible Markup Language (XML), Unified Mod- model has to be built up all over again. elling Language (UML) and Ontology Web Language The next level is based on parametric-associative (OWL). The OWL does not allow the implementation of design methods, which correspond to the current state of COMPUTER-AIDED DESIGN & APPLICATIONS 473 Figure 2. Knowledge-based design levels, according to [8]. the art in automotive engineering processes. In this case, • development of programming library based on the the exemplary CAD model is designed with variable val- object oriented programming (OOP) principle, ues. These values can either be directly integrated in the • CAD independent scripting language, geometry definition, like a length constraint in a sketch, • consistent development environment and ortheycanbestoredinafeaturedefinitionitself.Another • simultaneous application development. possibility is the definition of separate parameters, decou- pled from the geometry, which are stored in the desired Furthermore, development-related know-how is no CAD component. This allows an efficient design adap- longer stored in the CAD
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