HAMILTON -LANDIS 43.1 Kw Aur; Ant 3,850T/120G

HAMILTON -LANDIS 43.1 Kw Aur; Ant 3,850T/120G

LOUISIANA -MAINE Box 2906. Dickens 8-1491. TWX 504-926-3530. vp opns; Allen Jones, vp copy & sis svce; Mac 100 kw vis, 60 kw aur; ant 1,1401/1,151g. (CP Licensee: La. TV Bcstg Corp. Own: Baton Rouge Ward, vp, news dir; Robert Powell, vp,. sis. Wash 1,7800,800.5g.) Bcstg Co. (WJB0), 96 %; Charles P. Manship Jr., atty. Cohn & Marks. KNOE affil. 312 E. Kingshighway. 868.3644. TWX SH 92. Licensee: KTBS Inc. Own: E. Newton Wray, 1 %; Douglas L. Manship, less than 1% and KTVE (see El Dorado, Ark.) others. The Manships own WJBO -AM -FM Baton 331/2%; Geo. D. Wray Sr., 33'/1 %; .Geo. D. -Wray 16% Charles W. Wray, 161/2%. Rouge and Baton Rouge Advocate and State - NEW ORLEANS (504) Orleans parish Jr., %; Times. See Nwspr. Net: ABC -W. Rep: Katz. Rate: $600. Color: WDSU -TV ch Dec. 18, 1948. 100 kw vis, Net: NBC -TV, ABC -TV. Rep: Hollingbery. Rate: 6. Net. Video tape: RCA (1). $600. Color: Net. Video tape: Ampex (3). 50 kw aur; ant 930t/975g. Newton Wray, pres & gen mgr; Deane R. Flett, 520 Royal St., zone 16. 524 -4371. TWX 504- Douglas L. Manship, pres & gen mgr; Aubrey stn mgr & film buyer; Don Moore, prog dir; Ray -6166. Licensee: Royal Corp. Own: See .L. Moore, stn mgr; Jules L. Mayeux, sis mgr; 822 Street Spruell, prom mgr; Maurie Wayne, news dir; Royal Corp Stns. John E. Ferguson, prog mgr & film buyer; John T. Street Claude Scott, chief engr. Wash atty: Spearman & Rate: Color: Crowe, prod mgr; Bob Welch, prom mgr; Brooks Net: NBC -TV. Rep: Blair. $1,300. Roberson. Net, slides. Video tape: Ampex (3). Read, news dir; J. Patrick Weathersby, chief film, live, A. Read, exec engr. Wash atty: Cohn & Marks. WJBO -AM -FM Edgar B. Stern Jr., pres; Louis WEST MONROE (318) Ouachita parish vp & gen mgr; Dwight W. Martin, vp & treas; affil. KNOE -TV (see Monroe, La.; El Dorado, Ark.) Robert S. Schultis, sis mgr; Stan Cohen, prog HOUMA (504) Terrebonne parish planning & prom dir; Jerry Romig, prod dir; John KHMA ch 11 (not on air, target date unknown). Corporon, news dir; Lindsey Riddle, chief engr. vis, kw aur; ant 700t/765g. Wash atty: Pierson, Ball & Dowd. WDSU -AM -FM 316 kw 165 MAINE Licensee: St. Anthony N Corp. Own: Frank affil. Conwell, 29.5 %; E. W. Jemison, 14% (both own WVUE ch 12. Feb. 1, 1959. 66 kw vis, 33 kw WLIQ Mobile, Ala.), and others. aur; ant 330t/277g. (CP 132 kw vis, 66 kw aur; 'Noncommercial. Wash atty: Steadman, Leonard & Hennessey. ant 1,010t/1,046g.) AUGUSTA (207) Kennebec county 1418 Cleveland Ave., zone 12. JAckson 5-9011. LAFAYETTE (318) Lafayette parish TWX 504-822.6364. Licensee: New Orleans TV *WCBB ch 10. Nov. 13, 1961. 310 kw vis, 150 KATC ch 3. Sept. 1, 1962. 100 kw vis, 50 kw Coro. Own: WSW Inc., 40 %; 10 others with kw aur; ant 720t/369g. aur; ant 991.64t/1,039g. 6.67% each. See Rust Craft Bcstg Stns. Bates College, Lewiston, Me. 783 -3542. Li- Box 3347. 232 -6111. Licensee: Arcadian N Net: ABC -N. Rep: Petry. Rate: $800. Color: censee: Colby- Bates -Bowdoin Educational Tele- Corp. Net. Video tape: Ampex (1). casting Corp. Own: Colby College, Waterville, Net: ABC -TV. Rep: Venard, Torbet & McConnell. Joseph A. Paretti, pres & gen mgr; Ben Byrd 331/2%; Bates College, Lewiston, 331/2%; Bow- Video Ampex Rate: $350. Color: Net. tape: (1). Baylor Jr., coml mgr; DeAlton G. Neher, prog dir; doin College, Brunswick, 331/2%. Dr. Paul H. Kurzweg, pres; William Patton, W. Perry Brown Jr., prom mgr; Richard H. Wright, Net: NET. Video tape: Ampex (1). gen mgr; Roy K. Rhodes, coml mgr; Paul Brown, news dir; Fred D. Edwards, chief engr. Wash Dr. James S. Coles, pres; E. B. (Buck) Lyford, prog dir; Bill Spiller, chief engr & opns mgr. atty: Welch, Mott & Morgan. dir; Richard W. Russell, prog mgr; Roland A. Desjardins, chief engr. Wash atty: McKenna & KLFY -N ch 10. June 3, 1955. 316 kw vis, 158 WWL-TV ch 4. Sept. 7, 1957. 100 kw vis, 50 Wilkinson. kw aur; ant 1,240t/1,269g. (CP 301 kw vis, kw aur; ant 1,000t/1,049g. kw 151 aur). 1024 N. Rampart St., zone 16. 529 .4444. TWX BANGOR (207) Penobscot county Box 3687. CEnter 5-9494. TWX 318-232-5036. 538. Licensee: Loyola U. of the South. Net: CBS - Licensee: Camellia Bcstg Co. Own: Paul H. De- TV. Rep: Katz. Rate: $1,000. Color: Net, film, WABI -N ch 5. Jan. 25, 1953. 29.5 kw vis, 17.8 Clouet, 18.75 %; Thomas A. DeClouet, 18.75 %; slide. Video tape: Ampex (2), RCA (1). - kw aur; ant 670t/120g. Harold J. Delhommer, 18.75 %; John W. Mitchell, Very Reverend Andrew C. Smith, S.1., pres; 35 Hildreth St. 947.8321. TWX 207-989-4550. 18.75 %; Roland Fink, 11 %; and others. The J. Michael Early, gen mgr; Maurice Guillerman, Licensee: Community Telecasting Service. Own: DeClouets own 50% of KEUN Eunice, 50% of gen sis mgr; Rupert Copponex, prog dir; Phil See Horace Hildreth Stns. KVPI Ville Platte, both Louisiana. Johnson, prom mgr; Bill Reed, news dir; J. D. Net: CBS-N, ABC -W. Rep: Hollingbery; Ket- Net: CBS-TV. Rep: Avery- Knodel. Rate: $350. Bloom, chief engr. Wash atty: Marmet & tell- Carter. Rate: $425. Color: Net. Color: Net. Video tape: Ampex (1). Schneider. WWI_ affil. Horace Hildreth, chmn of bd; Walter L. Dick- Paul H. DeClouet, pres; Thomas A. DeClouet, *WYESTV ch 8. April 1, 1957. 50 kw vis, son, pres & gen mgr; Richard B. Bronson, mgr exec vp; Guy Corley, gen mgr; Jim Allen, asst 28.8 kw aur; ant 400t/422g. & film buyer; Paul Quigg, sis mgr; George Gonr gen mgr; Thomas G. Pears, coml mgr; Jim Allen, 916 Navarre Ave., zone 24. HUnter 6 -5412. yar, dir TV opns; George Redpath, news dir; Ed- prog dir; Dud Lastrapes, news dir; Bob Beurket, Licensee: Greater New Orleans Educational TV ward Winchester, chief engr. Wash atty: Fly, chief engr. Wash atty: Cohn & Marks. Foundation. Shuebruk, Blume & Gaguine. WABI -AM-FM affil. LAKE CHARLES (318) Calcasieu parish Net: NET. Video tape: Ampex (1). WLBZ-TV ch 2. Sept. 12, 1954. 51.3 kw vis, Dr. Homer L. Hitt, pres, Bd of Trustees; Ar- KPLC -TV ch 7. September 1954. 316 kw vis, 25.7 kw aur; ant 630t/95.5g. thur D. Cloud Jr., gen mgr; Vernon Cook, prog 158 kw aur; ant 440t/474g. Mt. Hope Ave. 942-4822. TWX 207-989 -4658, dir; Walter Ryan, opns mgr; W. S. Hart, chief Box 1488. HEmlock 6-3631. TWX 318-477-7545. Licensee: WLBZ TV Inc. Own: See Rines Stns. Licensee: engr. Wash atty: Krieger & Jorgensen. Calcasieu Bcstg Co. Own: See T. B. Net: NBC -N, ABC -N. Rep: Katz. Rate: $425. Lanford Stns. Color: Net. Net: NBC -TV, ABC SHREVEPORT (318) Caddo parish -N. Rep: Advertising Time Wm. H. Rines, pres; Jack Atwood, exec vp & Sales. Rate: $300. Color: Net. KSLA -TV (Texarkana, Tex.) ch 12. Jan. 1, 1954. gen mgr; Rudolph Marcoux, stn mgr. Wash atty: T. B. Lanford, pres; Pelham E. Mills Jr., gen 316 kw vis, 158 kw aur; ant 1,210t/1,195g. Steadman, Leonard & Hennessey. WLBZ affil. mgr; Art Reuben, nati sis mgr; A. B. Craft, prog Box 92. 424-8101. TWX 318 -746-4072. Licen- dir; Donald Johnson, film buyer; Jeb Swanson, see: KSLA -TV Inc. Own: Journal Publishing Co. ORONO (207) Penobscot county prom mgr; Gary Tyler, news dir; George Guidry, (Shreveport Journal), and others. See Nwspr. Wash *WMEB -N ch 12. Sept. 23, 1963. 299 kw vis; chief engr. atty: Robert M. Booth Jr. KPLC Net: CBS -TV. Rep: Harrington, Righter & Par- ant 990t/ 369g. affil. sons. Rate: $700. Color: Net, film, slides. Video U. of Maine. 866-4441. Licensee: U. of Maine. MONROE (318) tape: RCA (2). Ouachita parish Net: NET, EEN. Color: Net, tape. Video tape: D. F. Attaway Jr., pres; Winston B. Linam, vp *KLSE ch 13. March 9, 1957.30 kw vis, 15 kw Ampex (1). & gen mgr; Ben B. McLaughlin, sis mgr; John C. aur; ant 320t/337g. Dr. Lloyd H. Elliott, pres, Univ. of Maine; Renshaw, prog dir; Robert Weimar, prom m ?r; 2101 Forsythe Ave. FAirfax 2-8200. Licensee: John W. Dunlop, gen mgr; Robert X. MacLauchlin, Don Owen, news dir; Morris C. Barton Jr., chief State Dept. of Education. prog dir; Margaret Thompson, prom mgr; Roger engr. Wash atty: Dow, Lohnes & Albertson. Gordon Canterbury, stn & prog mgr. Hodgkins, chief engr. Wash atty: Dow, Lohnes & KTAL -TV (see Texarkana, Tex.) KNOE -TV (West Monroe, La.; El Dorado, Ark.) Albertson. WMEB -FM affil. ch 8. Sept. 27, 1953. 316 kw vis, 158 kw aur; KTBS-TV (Texarkana, Tex.) ch 3. Sept. 3, 1955. ant 750t/777g. POLAND SPRING (207) Androscoggin county Box 4067. FAirfax 2 -8155. TWX 318-325-2240. WMTW-TV ch 8. Aug. 31, 1954. 87.1 kw vis, Licensee: Noe Enterprises Inc. Own: James A. HAMILTON -LANDIS 43.1 kw aur; ant 3,850t/120g. Noe, 100 %. Mr. Noe also owns WNOE New Congress Bldg., Portland, Me. 773-5664. TWX Orleans. & ASSOCIATES, Inc. NATIONWIDE MEDIA BROKERS 207.781 -5539. Licensee: Mt. Washington TV, Inc. Net: CBS -TV, ABC -W. Rep: H -R. Rate: $450. WASHINGTON, D. C., CHICAGO, DALLAS, Own: Horace A. Hildreth & family, John W. Gui- Color: Net. Video tape: (2). RCA SAN FRANCISCO der, Peter Anderson, each 24 %; Oliver, Tyrone James A. Noe, chmn of bd; James A. Noe Jr., SELL Corp., 12 %. See Horace Hildreth Stns.

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