The Miraculous Medal and About St. Maximilian Kolbe the Miraculous Medal A few days after atheist Alphonse Ratisbonne agreed "All those who wear it, will receive great graces to wear the Miraculous Medal, he converted to the especially if they wear it around the neck. Those Catholic Faith. His story inspired St. Maximilian to who repeat this prayer with devotion will be in make wearing the Miraculous Medal a condition of a special way under the protection of the Mother membership in the Militia Immaculatae. of God. Graces will be abundantly bestowed upon "Distribute Her Miraculous Medal, wherever possi- those who have confidence." ble. To children, so they always wear it around their Our Lady during Second Apparition necks, to elderly, and to young people in particular, so to St. Catherine Labouré (November 27, 1830) that under Her care they have enough strength to resist so many temptations and pitfalls lying in wait for them in our times. And to those who do not visit the church, are afraid to come to the confession, sneer at religious practices, laugh at the truths of faith, are stuck in moral mud or stay apart from the Church in heresy — it is absolutely necessary to offer the Miraculous Medal to them and ask them to wear it, and beg the Immaculate for their conversion in the meanwhile. Many find the way, even when someone absolutely does not want to accept the Miraculous Medal. Simply sew it in secret into their clothes and pray, and Immac- ulate Mary sooner or later shows what is She able to. So, the Miraculous Medal is a bullet of the Knights of Prayer in English: the Immaculata". (Hrodna, before May 1926) O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us, who have recourse to Thee. Prayer in Latin: O Maria, sine labe concepta, ora pro nobis, qui ad Te recurrimus. The MILITIA IMMACULATAE Miraculous www.militia-immaculatae.asia [email protected] Medal Symbolism of the Miraculous Medal Twelve stars refer to John's vision in revelation, "and A prayer to honour the Immaculate Conception of Our on her head a crown of twelve stars" (Rev. 12:1). The Lady: "O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us, stars symbolize the Church, founded by Jesus on the who have recourse to Thee." Twelve Apostles. The Cross stands for ays coming forth R Jesus and His sacrifi- from the hands of ce for us. Mary, falling on all over the world. The- se are the graces She The Capital M be- has begged from Her low the Cross stands Most Holy Son Jesus, for Holy Mary, our Apparition of to help us overcome Mother, who sto- the Miraculous Medal Satan and endure his od by the Cross on Calvary, as Her Son th temptations. Mary On 27 of November 1830 Blessed Virgin Mary suffered for our sins. appeared to Catherine Labouré, who at that time was is a Mediatrix of all graces. The Capital M may a novice from the Daughters of Charity of Saint Vin- also be a reference cent de Paul. Sister Labouré had three apparitions of to the Holy Mass, Our Lady at Rue de Bac 140 in Paris. The two hearts burning with because when we During the second apparition Immaculata in- Mary stands on an orb, which is love for humanity. assist at Mass, we structed Catherine to mint and distribute the Mira- a symbol of the earth. Under Her On the left is The Most Sacred stand like Mary at culous Medal after the pattern revealed. feet is a serpent, representing Sa- Heart of Our Lord Jesus Christ, the foot of the Cross. tan. Mary is crushing head of the crowned with thorns — our sins. serpent. (Gen. 3:15) On the right side is The Imma- conversions culate Heart of Mary — pierced Many by a sword. Only 3 examples Conversion of Monseigneur de Pradt Conversion of Alfons Ratisbonne Conversion of Claude Newman Monseigneur de Pradt was an unlawful Archbishop Alphonse Ratisbonne was a Jew who did not even In 1942, Claude Newman killed a man and was sentenced of Mechlin because he had received his office from the believe in God. In 1842, he visited Rome and met a to death. When he was in prison, he picked up a Miraculo- emperor rather than from the Pope. He refused to ad- friend of his brother's, who gave him a Miraculous Me- us Medal that another man threw on the ground and put it mit his error even when he lay dying (in 1830), until the dal. Alphonse mockingly allowed the Miraculous Medal around his own neck. That night, Claude was awakened from sleep by a beautiful lady, who told him, "If you want me to Bishop of Paris visited him, bringing him a Miraculous to be hung around his neck. His brother's friend and a be your Mother, and yourself to be my son, call for a Catholic Medal and calling on the help of the Immaculata. Mon- lot of other people prayed for him. A few days later, Our priest." The next day, a priest came to Claude's cell and began seigneur de Pradt accepted the medal, renounced his mi- Lady revealed herself to him in the church of St. An- to instruct him and four other prisoners on the Catholic faith. stake, and was reconciled with the Church. This was the drea in Rome, and he was converted. Later he became a Claude was able to confess his sin and to receive the sacra- first great triumph of the Miraculous Medal. priest and founded the order for the conversion of Jews. ments before he died. .
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