y f i t j r giii ■ 'I'.w AX V " " V , . J*- \ J'-'K ,^^7C8&A?C^f H f \ > Averksre Dsily (Jircalation IkGE T W E L T B - ^ - % Mdnciii^stef Evening Herald The Weather A, For the Month of |dni«h, 1844 Forecast ol l>. h. Weather Bmmsu lard School of Music In New' -York & ■a BalM ending eqrly' tonight; i»- Mrs. Mary Crbas. daughter n f George A. OaeUg, son of - Mr. and City; ahd with Susan S. Bolce, and 8,706 ^ Mrs. Angelo Osetia of 14 Village Loral Singe izo. Seraflno. operatic coach, Thuradny fntr and warmer; fresh Mr. and Mis. Joseph^racy Of SS2 Member of thn 'Audit Ivinds. rut'To; East Center atreet, left this street who has been with the ith of New York City. She hM /WEDNESDAY bw for her basic, toalmto-■> . the Army Medical -^orps In the 8outh i f ^ i e B o o k had wide experience, in orefieftn Bureau of Clroolnttona Pacific, haa been promoted from T o T a ^ P a r t and concert Work throughout the WAOk ^ - staff sergeant to the rank bf te'ch- Mahehetter— A CUy of < “ “ ■ , Ttfhlght A 'country aiiu has appeasM/ In n *^ly*tori Ven*«lo, ehWrr^ nlcal sergeant number of local church and organ- MORNING SPECIALS > iwC the d o m m ltle ^ eh»p»e of the Austin'Turklngton, son of>|fr. pirate Wbist, Center Church aarWKahnlvtrfsMV -celebration f and Mrs. John 'Turklngton t4 M r a . E m ilfto ixaUnp progranria. She Is an ac­ VOL,.Y x n L NO.I64 tOanaifind Adveranli^-ni l » ) '^^^ANCHESTBR, CONN„ WEDNISDAY, i^ R ^ 12, /- (ElGHTEElil PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS. -1 , The Manchwil^ Girl Scout H ^se, Auspices Group Ej^sf^ tive litember of the kkml Cjbaihln- the *^'**®“ Trotter street, who Is an sviatlori 'Lraclera’ Asaosdkt'lon will hold-nts ■, Tomorrow Bq HeArd iA l^ c e r l itt radio man, third class, has left fot ade Cliib. '( ' v •H mcmbei<wiU» ttcheU to ro^e monthly roeTeting tomorrow evg^ Surgical dressings for Red Mm. Yerbuty )S the wife of Dr. V- : s return /{anio^wiw night et the Oakland. Cal.,, where he has bem ning at elifht o’clock at the Yy4t. CayAegie Hall. X ^X~^: ^ ^ ^ , XX' assl^ed to a patrol bomber. He Cross. American Legion Hall, 10 Charles Terbury and mother of a !'S S^F SERVE chib ro<rfnn on Bralnard P»ce. C. A jX \ a. m. to 4:30 p. m. son, Charles and three small '^Task Force Hits Japs^at Paklu M fo itm haying Uclte^ for the recently tvas graduated from the / iCtrs. Emily ^fephenaon Ttrbury acbooi at Memphis, Tfnn., and has Sunday. AprM 16 daughters. ThVy have lived , In and X . « n t ^ on a'^faa War hbnd at the Center church women .Mrlll omit o f Baldwin Rhad, will be hekrt ih Manchester for two yeara and ex­ ^eraary Sunday to ,***W *" taken special couraea at two "Mnd Anniversary eelebrationof X sehoola In Florida. the all-day sewing session for the Miantonomah Tribe of Red Msjl ^ a concert >x)gram tomorrow ’eve­ pect’ to make It their permanent I Sports Center on Welle otreeti Red Cross tomorrow, home. I alao aaked to inalte a report, Sports Center at d-p. m. ning at/<:30 in Csrrnegli\ Music lEALTH m a r k e t X K The Sisterhood of Temple Beth Thursday, April 20 Hall. New York Oty. Sholom will meet this evening st 'The'^ Emblem clUb will hold Its MtS..Yerbury, who Is a soptano, "T Son Po North A monthly meeting of the newr- monthly meeting at the Elks Supper and apron sale, ■>ly formed Itallan-Amerlcan AuX- 8 o’clock in the Temple. The guest Metb^st w. s. c. s; , wiU^sing Songs by Schubert, N\’:plf speaker will be Rev. Philip Rose home in Rockville tomorrow eve­ add Charles Browning; also : PLOWING AND Blue Bonnet, Elgin,. %ai*y will be^at'the Itallan-Amer- ning. Preceding the business ses­ , Friday, April 21 ftimA Club, Eldrldge atreet tomor- of the Buckingham Congrega­ -llaydn's "Gia la notte:” Un organ- Parkay, Nucoa orGlreihp'-- tional church. A social time with sion a pot luck supper will bs en­ Blood Bank Day, St. Mary's etto suona pqr la via ” by %belius; HARROWING DONE R o ] roar^ght 'at 8 o’clock. Refreah- joyed. The only Manchester mem­ Parish Hall. / menta'WlU be served and all mem­ refreshments will follow the busl-, Vittorin! Vittoria.” /Carlslm, ness ^sewioi^ ber on the committee of arrange-' Sunday, April 28 ' Poem ds Mair’ by Dubois, ”Ob No Job too large or too small bers are^ged to attend. Oleomarg^ine lb. Aas ments U Mrs. Peter Fagan. Plans Hadassah Basaar, Temple/Beth quafid je dors,” Llsxt; ” Le Papi- Vittorio Enianitele Pro- v^dU be completed for the Installa­ Mrs. Harry J. Doering oif 72 Sholom< lion,” by Fourdralp, “The Sleep . PHONE 6501 tion of offlcera which take* place Social Ills Members of^the cast for the Fairfield atreet has left for Olive. Monday, April 8^ That Flits on Ba?iy's Eyes,” Car­ claim sjlo Peoplib; ahd oomlng Manchester Grange rorti- SanU -Ana, Calif., to visit her par­ on Wednesday evening, April 26. penter; ’’The Whistle,” an ar­ ■ X Annual concert of the Beeth^ W orld He W ill. Retfre atrel show will irleet for a full re- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Ubert, ven Glee Club at High School h«ll- rangement by Kennedy-Fraser \ A t Lorn Germany Crash Through bearsal oh Thursday ev-ehlng at formerly of Village street this The Asbury Gioup will meet April 26, <o so ^ ■ and ’Take Joy Home” by Baaaett. Smoked ShotAiqrs Lb. 2 8 c iVoin Public Affa^^ 8 o’clock In the Masohic Temple. town.'Mrs. Ubert has been serious­ Thursday afternoon at two o’clock Mrs. Yerbury, a graduate of th \ RiRI Cordon Around ly ill for the past m o n th . ’Tmrty-second Annual/' conven­ X Bom be Attack in the South Methodist church. University of Oklahoma, recelvgi /// EiH^ely on Day Alfiefl * ^ate ow o f ^ . Anne Mrs. '-b oe r l n g ’ s cousin, Mrs. Mrs. Rachel McCormick will/ be tion, I^ w Rngland ,,^onferenqe, her musical training at-the JXiil- Reiilnants of 15 Divi­ The Mothers filrcle Augustana Lutheran Churches, at will meet tomorrow________ evening'^____ .. - at 8 John Maxwell of Toronto. Ontario, the ho8les.s. C risco 6 8 c Troohs EnteY Qlpital. sions Trapped Near at the home of Mrs. Fr^n- will care for the Doering children the Em an^l Lutheran church. o’clock at the home of Mrs. 1 during their, ifnother’a absence. 1943 Vetiereal Disease CIS J, Murphy, 427 Winter atreet. Mary Bushnell Oien^ Auxil­ April 27 to 2^ . Naples, April/12.—(/Py— lants Skala; Soviets Re­ iary, U.S.W.V., wlliymeet tomor­ Annukl Convention of the Wom­ RecoM in Army at AR : \ The Ina.smuch Class of the row night at elghyb’clock in ths en’s Missionary \3ociety at the Gar Hard Sti^ng? Tired and berej^ of empire port Coneerted Drives Cf^rch of the NaXarene will meet Tomato Soup Annv And NAvy^clubhouse. Thie Neve England Conference Augus- See Me For ProiMt, Expert King Vittorio/Ktnanuele III Time Bpttom; Pen­ ThuhSday evening at the home of will 'be an inipm-tant meeting and taha Lutheran churches.. Sessions Special! ^ ' In Crimea from East, R o o f i n g —A s b e s t o s ' Mrs. Albert Piatt of 43 McKinley Auto Repaii^ervice proclaimed to his pfeqple and rea all memberj/are urged to attend. i t Concor^ih Lutherkn qhurch. -Cans icillin ils e Praised. the w o r ^ today tl^t he North; Take Kerch. street. A b EL’S SERVICE STA. Siding and tlock ^ ---------X --------- would turn over the pow^* of / --------\ . of the Dowd ' of Maple Rear — 2d/Cooper Street Boston, April 12.— The 19^ Fly from Italy to Car­ Thg Women’s League the tl^n e to his six-foot S<m London, April VZ.-r{/P)— W oof Insulation Secohd Congregational"kingre church street who has been confined to A LIC E CXJFRAN , venereal dlMaae rate wat the^Idiv- Allies Relieve b ec o m e the past, week by Illness. (Hbown Aa Queen Alk<e)/ \ vUml^to, 39, the Princh w ry fpfo Fifth Day The German communique to­ will meet ’Tbur^ay afternoon of HEALTH MARKET St in the history of th e ^ fm y — ■bepert workmanship. All work this week tnstead^f Wednesday, jt» Improving and hopes to be out ^I^ITU A L MEDIUM/^ Pioumont, on the c|ay that Ign to Cripple day told bf fresh retreats in. guaranteed. Rennonable PH^ea. the regular day, witlv Mrs. Nelsoi again soon. Sevieiith Daughter of a Seveutb Son V RUPTURED troops enter Rome. The 74- 26;^casea per thou8an^''-men-^\ac- Jap Pressu^ the eastern and northern Cri­ No obUgnOon for esttni%MI. S. Smith. 55 East Mkjme Ti Bom With a VeU/ Fresh Ground ^ year-(Hd monarch declared he hording to Lieut. ( ^ . ’^om as R, ■ Air Force. mea, where “ German and Ilo- Chief Roy Griswold requests ^ iga Dally, bieluding Sunday, SE6D V Wrtte. Plhe- ' / ___ \ X ' X Tmsa fitting cannot be done by 'would *il»|TOint his son "lleutehant- Sternbetg. mAhiaq • troops disengaj^^d the -firemen to report this evening A. M- to 8 P. M. Or By Appolnt- mail or by bearsny. SAFETY general oYsthe realm.” would re­ XN V -_ ■ at 6:30 at the hose house.
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