Murray State's Digital Commons The Ledger & Times Newspapers 6-25-1953 The Ledger and Times, June 25, 1953 The Ledger and Times Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tlt Recommended Citation The Ledger and Times, "The Ledger and Times, June 25, 1953" (1953). The Ledger & Times. 1331. https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tlt/1331 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Murray State's Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Ledger & Times by an authorized administrator of Murray State's Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. , eat J11 , JUNE 24, 1953 Selected As Best All Round Kentucky Community Newspaper for 1947 We Are Weather Helping To KENTUCKY: Warm and humid with scattered thun- Build Murray dershowers likely tonight and Friday. Lowest in the 70,s Each Day tonight. WOWNEMMININI/ YOUR PROGRESSIVE HOME NEWSPAPER rifted Press IN ITS 74th YEAR Murray, Ky., Thursday Afternoon, June 25, 1953 MURRAY POPULATION - - - 8,000 VOL XXIV; No. 151 EA !I,,... RS NAMED FOR NEXT SCHOOL YEAR ,_...-')--5-7-1 TollTolley's Year As Lion --‘/-ca imeti fie &ad/"AI VACATIONLAND Three First And Second Grade een & Heard 't:Pc CRYSTAL CLEAR and sweetly cool Big Spring bubbles into view near • Pre, 9;nt Reflects Gains - Van Syron, Mo. At maximum, it pours forth 846 million gallons doily Around "" • Teachers Will Be Required The yeai at serve of Lion Unit one day for county school President Bryan Tolley ...ill 'end children. The Murray Board of Education Jr. High English; Miss Lorene at a regular meeting MURRAY at the next meeting of the Murray Distributed poinsettias to aged elected fac-I Swann, Knitlish and Latir, Lion's Club Tuesday week. and and •shut-in at Christmas. ulty and staff members for the Substitute teachers: Mrs. Opal school Charles Oakley will be installed as Annual Christmas party at Wo- year beginning July 1. Hale, Mrs. Marybel: Overbey, e- Joe Pat Ward was elected trea- DOUGLAS HIGH SCHOOL Mrs. Thomas Crider called in to the next president. man's Club House. rec- Inter surer. He succeeds Luther Dunn Leon P. Miller, Principal and 11 us why she thinks a monkey The club made an envir.ble -club visitations to Paris, who requested to be reliev ed Coach; William P. Ratliffe. Science; rench called a monkey wrench. ord during Mr. Tolley's presi- Benton, and Hardin. is after serving dency. and was rated third in the Contributed to March of Dimes. 'in that capacity Elizabeth Williams 6th, 7th, 8th tight-en • years. Grades; Fannie B. Willis, 1st and Mrs.. Crider says that It is be' 'thirty-three clubs of Lion District Ladies night and party at Ken- The following were elected: 2nd Grades; Roberta 0. Smith, 3rd, use it holds on and never turns 43-K contest. lake Hotel. MURRAY HIGH SCHOOL 4th and 5th Grades; Bobbia HolMes ise because a monkey is noted At a board of directors meeting Co-sponsored Louis J. Alber, for- W. B. Moser. Principal and Bio- Horne Ee. r this ability. recently, the retiring board voted eign news correspondent. logy: Mrs. Lucille Austin, A I on the disposition of $70000 of Sponsored one school boy patrol English; Miss Ruth Lassiter was reeelected training Miss Lala Cain. Commerce; Wil- school secreta•ry, Mrs. Ruby Me- • She also said that she clso an-1 the present cash balance in the at camp. burn Cavan, Mathematias; Mrs. lugin. supervisor ofaaathe lunch ared the reasons for the names club treasury. Conducted bicycle safety pro- Dew Drop Howlett. physical Ed: program at Murray High cad Mr. the other tools mentioned, but it was voted to donate $200 to gram. Irvin Gilson. Band and Music; Buchanan, Mrs. Robertson, and at the monkey wrench stumped the Calloway County Health Cen- Donated medal to one ROTC Mrs. Loc:hie Hart, Library' Pres- Mrs. Rose were reelected cafe r. ter. It was also agreed to purchase college student. - ton Holland Athletic Director; , a $500 bond in the name of the Made donations to Boy Scouts, teria employees. Mrs. Modest Jeffrey, History; Miss Sam Wilson, Toy MeCuiston, We are inclined to agree with ' Murray Lion's Club, the eroceeds Girl Scouts, County Health De- Mary G. Lassiter. Mathematics: Gene Watson. Clarence Heath and rs. Crider on the monkey wrench to be spent at maturity. or at the partment, and Girls State. Mrs. Mary Jane .Littleton, Histocy planation. discretion of the member:hip of Cooperated 'in entertaining Burnett Outland were employed Mid Science: the club, on some permanent civic North-South basketball players. • Mra. Martha •Ryan as janitors and maintenance men Thirty-three Home Economics: for the white schools. e—Yrould give her answer a improvement. members chalked up Fred Schultz, Science; Haron Leon Grogan was elected at- ight twist however, and bring out The balance of the $700 will be perfect attendance records during West. History and Visual FA'; tendance officer. e point that monkeys with the given to the Murray Hospital and International Attendance Contest. W. P., Russell. Ass't Coach apd Powell Kiniey and Mattie Bell bility to hang from limb with . the board of directors will decide Three Lions received membership Commerce: Mrs. Maryleona Frost. Dixon were reelected jaeitor and elm' prehensile appendage wrap' when and how the fund is to be buttons for securing two new mem- English: Dennie Taylor. 6th Grade cook respectively at Douglas. around a lamb and hang on A spent fu rthe inatitutidh. bers during the year and Acting' Principal Grads: Mrs. All positions are now filled ac- onkey wrench could be campared The active membership of the Donated $200 to Health Center. Kay Lou Lassiter. 1st Grade; Mies cording to W. Z. Carter. Superip- n some respects to a-- monkeys club rose from 58 on July 1, 1952 Set aside .5125 for Murray Hos- Kathleen Patterson; 1st Grade; tenderiC of City •Schools. il p it is wrapped around what- to 72 at the present time. pital. Mrs. Georgia Wear. 1st Eirade: Mrs. ver you are wrapping it around. Lion members lauded the leader- Ranked third place among the . Emma Darnell. '2nd Grade; Mrs and it hands on. ship of Tolley and voiced apprecia- 33 clubs in District 43-K Contest. Gels Ellis, 2nd tion for the work he has done Donated $100 to Little League. Grade; Mis, Bon nie Crouch. and Grade; Ms Mare.-1 8•8001 Reds We were caught napping this this year New officers are: president. Rex Mason Fails To Recover Syngman Mee Skinner, 3rd Grade; -morning and massed the wooing of Fallowing are the major activities Charles Oakley: secretary. Vernon Mrs. Celia Ann superior of the club during Mr. Tolley's Anderson; trebsurer Maurice Ryan: Crawford. 3rd H the house next to the Grads:: Airs. Modell Outland, Cleaners. presidency: first vice-president, Neal Brooks; As Rescue 4th , it Front_ Squad Is Called Backs Down Grade: Mrs. Hild.a4areet. 4th Grade; Erected scoreboard for Little second vace-president, C It Ford; Miss Laurin.. Tarry. 5th Grade; Ralph McCuiston was cuperin- League ball park third vice-president, Robert Moyer; Ago, Rata Mae Doherty. 5th By ROBERT MICR Sponsored "Cubs" in Little Lea- lion tamer, J. L Musick; tall tending the job of raising the *sent- Dolt Mom died Yesterday abult by the time their arrived! o (Pattie: Mrs. Anne McRe resold,. hJtad Press Staff correspondent house and backing a trailcr under gue. ter. John Parker: dIrectora W. D. 2:45 p.m.. as he suffered ,a heart on the scene. It was thought at . n Demand 6th Grade: Miss Rebecca Tarn-, Korea. June 25 (UP)— it, and carting it off, Furnished Lion Zone Chairman. Aeschbacher. Will H. Whitnell, attack while driving to illr home first ,that he had been gassed at The Chinese Communists hurled • Conducted successful broom sale. Guthrie Churchill.. Richard Tuck. East of Alm°. Mr. Mason. a well the bottom of a wen.. By EARNEST HOSERECIFIT 8.800 troops against South Korean We normally like to stand around' Entertained Little League cham- digger, was returning from a job Oxygen was administered tin- United Press Staff Correspondent Eisenhower Amends positions on the western end cen- and mentally supervise such jobs. pions. he • was undertaking about ten mediately to Mr. Mason .ind was SEOUL Korea June 25 f alai-- tral fronts last night in a violent but duties elsewhere prevanted our Staged annual Minstrel ShoW. miles East of Murray with a com- Civil Service continued fur abu"t- tv;•-litY - South Korea's stubborn -President Rules beginning of the fourth yea- of 101 being there. Ralph must have done Sponsored colored boy's entering panion. Dayton Thweatt of May- twenty-five nanutea it was thought Two Injured Symarnan Rhes. backed ddawn today Korean war, alright without , our aid however, Kentucky School for the Wind. field Route S at times that he was reaovering, WASHINGTON June 25 (UPI— from has earlier demand (Cr %eel- Six - thousand Reds broke 3 as 'the house was gone when we Donated two white canes for Thweatt said that is they ap- but Dr. Kenneth Ross, who was . President Eisenhower today amen- drawal of all Red Chinese troops week long calm on the western passed by. the blind. proached McCuiston's Grocery Mat called to the 'scene. pronounced ded civil service rules to strip from Korea before he would agree front with heavy, attacks at four ----- Furnished glasses for three needy As Automobile him dead shortly after his thousands of , North of Murray. Mason put his aerival. - to a trim, policy-level federal points east of the Imjin River.
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