Volume XXIX No. 9, May 2012 Grand Master’s Message: On the Spiritual Journey, we are all men of Faith s an Oregon Mason, you prob- were — the distinction being that ate what that means to all of us as Aably know there are two sub- they did not bring their politics or Freemasons. jects that are never discussed in political campaigns into the Lodge. As a Mason, you’re not told you Lodge: politics and religion. And Additionally, many Freemasons have to completely divest yourself yet Masons have also been leaders in their re- of your politics or your religion; you have been spective religious groups. I suspect are simply told they are not topics involved in that just about every religion you of discussion in your Lodge. politics and can think of has been represented What that has done for our Frater- religion for in Freemasonry. And yet, these men nity has been amazing: We always many years, did not bring their specific religious meet in Lodge in brotherly and har- dating back viewpoints into the Lodge. monious action. Also, we prohibit to the orga- When I first became a Mason, I no man from entering our fraternity nization of was told about eliminating politics based on his religious or political the Oregon and religion from our discussions, beliefs. This has allowed good men, Territory. and I simply accepted that fact. I no matter their beliefs, to become The first have since come to truly appreci- Continued on page 2 territorial M.W.B. Richard A. Martin, governor, Grand Master Joseph Lane, 1848 A Message of Gratitude — Thank You to All to 1850, was a Freemason. Twenty- by Janet Martin, Grand Lady two of the 43 Oregon governors have served the Fraternity, slightly hen I started this journey with Concordant Bod- more than half of all the governors WRich five years ago, I never ies, the wives and in the past. And many of you know dreamed it would turn out to be so friends who have there were 14 U.S. Presidents who rewarding. What a wonderful and made “Val’s Project” were also Masons. Were they not exciting time we have had. so successful. Thank involved in politics? Of course they Thank you for making the journey you! to Rich’s Grand Master year — and You have given the year itself — so memorable, your time, thoughtfulness and mon- IN THIS filled with friendship and hospitality ey to Val’s Project. I have received Issue that will stay within our hearts. letters, notes and telephone calls The meetings, district dinners, the on how appreciative the domestic 1 Grand Master’s Message get-togethers with other Concor- violence shelters and the staff are 1 Message from Janet Martin dant Bodies throughout the Frater- for what you ALL have done this 3 Grand Master’s Calendar nity; the support, laughter and con- year. You made a huge difference 3 Chaplain’s Corner versations are such special gifts you in each and every community and 3 Oakridge History, 2nd installment have given us. We will both cherish made it possible for women and 5 Contributions them for many years to come. children to get the everyday neces- 6 Annual Communication Signup I also want to thank all the Lodg- sities they need, and they can re- 7 MSAP Golf Tournament es, the Masons, the members of our Continued on page 2 Thank you to all, Grand Master’s Message, continued from page 1 Continued from page 1 Freemasons. or any subordinate Lodge,” allowing ceive them at the shelters. You gave Does that mean as Masons we his intentions for a Masonic Office books, clothing, toys, art supplies, never disagree? Not at all. As to be known. Also allowed are the cell phones and monetary dona- human beings we will obviously “qualifications or lack of qualifica- tions and this has helped change disagree on some things. How- tions for such office.” the lives of those who visit, and ever, when it comes to politics and In retrospect, it might seem like even stay at, the shelters. religion there is often no common a simple notion to exclude politics They know we are in the commu- ground; arguments on these top- and religion from conversation in nities and that we care and share ics are often never reconciled. Our Lodge. However, it is my opinion what we can. Please remember that heads are not in the sand about that it was a truly brilliant policy. If you ALL made a difference. I thank this, but these topics are best left you think about conversations in you for helping me give encourage- outside the Lodge. the past that have made your blood ment and hope to those coura- The Oregon Masonic Code ad- boil, they were most likely dealing geous women looking for a new life dresses the relationship between with one of those topics. for themselves and their children. religion and Freemasonry in its Additionally, how many men I also have to convey my gratitude Resolu- would have been excluded from our to all of you in support of Parents tions. The Gentle Craft if we only had one re- of Murdered Children. I have had “Resolu- ligion that we espoused? Although the privilege of sharing information tion on the various forms of Christianity about this very supportive organiza- State- are the primary religions in the U.S., tion that helps all of us who have ment on they are not the largest in the world. had to live with the tragedy of los- Freema- So if we chose one religion, no mat- ing a child or children. sonry and ter which one it was, we could not This nonprofit organization was Religion” meet on level ground. formed in 1978 in Ohio. Our Oregon adopts How many wars have been fought chapter, formed in 1979 by a group the in the name of religion? It seems of 10 families, now has over 3,000 position that’s what many wars were based members. The Grand Master and recom- on. In addition, if we were a “right- I are — unfortunately — members mended wing” or “left-wing” society, we of this great organization, as many by the would be excluding about half of of you know. We have been since Masonic the men that are currently mem- 1997 when our daughter Valerie was Information Center: It generally bers. Of the governors that served murdered by her boyfriend. states: “Freemasonry is not a Re- Oregon, there were both Republi- The Oregon chapter of POMC has ligion.” However it supports the cans and Democrats. been trying to raise funds for the concept “there is one God” and I do not know just when these last four years to build a memorial that “God is personal, private, and policies came into effect. I would garden at Mt. View Cemetery, in sacred” to each Brother. surmise it was a gradual decision. Oregon City, where our loved ones’ There is also a Resolution on However it came about, I believe lives will be publicly remembered. It “Electioneering or Campaigning” it is one that makes us distinctive will be the eighth memorial con- that speaks to the practice as it among other Fraternities. And it structed in the United States. The regards public office. It states that gives us the flexibility we need to al- others are located in Arizona, Cali- “partisan politicking in the Lodges low all good men to become a part fornia, Florida, Kansas, New York, for candidates for governmental of our beloved Craft. Oklahoma and Pennsylvania. office” is prohibited. Excluded As we progress through the The memorial will also display the from the definition is “information degrees of Freemasonry, we might names of fire and police personnel concerning a Brother’s desire for consider ourselves to be on a elective office in this Grand Lodge Continued on page 4 Continued on page 4 Page 2 GRAND MASTER’S TENTATIVE ITINERARY The Chaplain’s Corner May 2012 - by R.W.B. William C. Phillips Jr. 2 — Evergreen Lodge No. 137, Scholarship presentations, 7 p.m. 5 — Bethel Reception - U, L ow that my time serving as 6-10 — Grand Lodge of New York, Manhattan - U, T, S, L Nyour Grand Chaplain is coming 12 — MESH Meeting, Forest Grove, 7:30 a.m. - S to an end, I am reflecting on how 14 — Cornerstone No. 157, Official Visit; dinner, 6:30 p.m.; Lodge, 7:30 p.m. - U, L serving in this position — and es- 16 — Jennings No. 9, Dallas, Official Visit; dinner, 6:30 p.m.; Lodge, 7:30 p.m. pecially writing these articles — will - U, L soon be just a memory. I am asking 19 — District Deputy Training, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., Forest Grove myself “Why did the Great Archi- 20 — Grand Lodge Officer Training, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., Forest Grove tect of the Universe choose me to 31 — Grand Lodge of Arizona - U, T, S, L be here? And why was I chosen to serve at this time?” June 2012 In reflection, one of the greatest 1-2 — Grand Lodge of Arizona - U, T, S, L miracles of my life happened this 7-8 — Grand Lodge of Oregon, Seaside - U, T, S, L year: When my lifelong friend Chris 9 — MESH, Seaside, 8 a.m. - C, L Kuppler’s father passed on — Past U = Uniform; L = Ladies; T = Tuxedo; S = Suit, C = Casual; O.V. = Official Visit Grand Master of Oregon, Herman Kuppler — I was chosen to do the eulogy at Herman’s Lodge.
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